Victoria's Family

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Victoria's Family Page 2

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 3

  “Uncle Rock when is May coming back to work?” asked Victoria as they sat around the kitchen table eating breakfast.

  “She has asked to be off for another two weeks.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

  “That would be a month. Why so long?”

  “She wanted the time. I did not ask why.”

  “Can you hire someone to help with the cleaning?”

  “I would prefer not to. May likes things done a certain way.”

  “But we are cleaning.”

  “Yes, but she does not feel threatened by us cleaning.”

  “Why not? Why does it matter?” Irritation started to show in Victoria's voice.

  “If I hire someone just to clean, she feels that her job is threatened. If we are helping out, she knows she will be welcomed back.”

  “That makes sense. I still could use some help. Your house is bigger than I realized.”

  “Otis would you like me to help?” Joseph asked in an overly pleasant voice.

  “That is up to you. I do not want you to get behind in your other responsibilities.”

  “I can do both. Victoria after breakfast, can you show me what you would like help with?”

  Victoria's cheeks redden at the thought of spending time with Joseph. Why did she even ask Uncle Rock in front of him? It had been two weeks since they arrived, and she still felt the presence of his hands on her waist. It did not matter since she was married. No one would want to have anything to do with her. She would have to endure another sermon at church tomorrow, which was another reminder that she was a sinner. The redness of her cheeks faded, and she scowled deeply at her last thought.

  “It does not have to be after breakfast.”

  “What?” Victoria replied sharply to mask her embarrassment of daydreaming about Joseph.

  “I asked if you could show me what you need help with.” Joseph looked at Victoria puzzled.

  “I do not need your help,” replied Victoria a little less sharp.

  “Then why did you ask me to hire someone Victoria?”

  “I do not know Uncle Rock.”

  “You have been having a little trouble keeping up. I suppose you do not want Joseph's help. It is important that you learn to get along since you will be living in this house together for some time.”

  “What if I do not want to live here?” Victoria dropped her fork into her plate and pushed the plate away.

  “You are free to go whenever you like Victoria. At some point, you need to stop running.”

  “I am not running. I thought I would be more than a cook and a maid.” Victoria trembled as she sat eyeing Uncle Rock.

  “A service job is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “That is easy for you to say. I was top of my class. You have wealth and will build the special needs home for the feeble-minded. Joseph is your business partner. What am I?”

  Victoria crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at both of them. She was tired of feeling less important.

  “Victoria as long as you are living in my house I would prefer no talk like that. I do not appreciate you raising your voice. God has a purpose for each of us. Do not belittle the gifts he has given you.”

  Joseph was surprised at how calm Otis was being. His natural response would be to yell back.

  “What gifts? Anyone can cook.”

  “Everyone cannot. Joseph will be spending time helping with the cleaning until May returns. If you do not approve, I can drop you off in town tomorrow before church.”

  Victoria stubbornly turned her head, staring at the wall. Would it be easier to just leave or make an effort to work alongside Joseph? She did not know what she was feeling these days except that she knew she did not want to be alone. Schooling her features she turned her head back to look at Uncle Rock.

  “You do not need to drop me off in town. I will work with Joseph.”

  Joseph sighed with relief. He did not know why, but he was drawn to her even with her stubbornness and temper and would miss her if she did decide to leave. What could he do to make her feel worthy?

  “Otis, maybe Victoria could help with the home.”

  “I am trying to reduce my workload, Joseph, not add to it.” What on earth was he thinking?

  “You said you wanted to be more than a cook. Spend some time with me and see if you enjoy the business.”

  “Maybe I do not want to spend more time with you.” Victoria lowered her eyes briefly. Did she just say that?

  “Joseph that is a wonderful idea. Victoria will help with the design of the home. I will have a talk with May and see if she can come back sooner.”

  “Uncle Rock do I have to?”

  “Yes Victoria. I do not know what your problem is with Joseph. You two need time together to work it out.”

  “Fine. But, I am not happy about it.”

  “Victoria you are free to leave anytime you like. I suggest you work on your attitude. Do not forget that I am your employer, although we are letting the town folk believe you are my niece. I have to admit you are playing the role beautifully.”

  “I do not know how to take that.”

  What was he thinking suggesting ways they could spend more time together?

  “Victoria you are stubborn, strong willed, and opinionated.”

  “Who asked you Joseph?” Victoria snapped. How did he manage to always get under her skin?

  “Just stating the facts, Victoria. It would make living together in this house easier if you were more considerate of everyone else.” Joseph pushed his own plate away in his frustration.

  “That is enough Joseph.” Otis replied with gruffness to his voice. He removed the napkin from his lap and threw it on his plate.

  “Yes, sir,” replied Joseph softly. What has come over me? He never spoke to anyone like that. Unfortunately, Victoria drew out the worst in him.

  “After breakfast, Victoria, I expect you to go over the morning cleaning routine with Joseph.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now if you will excuse me. I will finish my coffee in the study.”

  Joseph and Victoria sat in silence for the remainder of breakfast neither one ready to make a move. When there was no coffee left, Victoria began to clear the dishes from the table. Joseph followed along to lend a hand. It was not until the dishes were washed, table and counters wiped down, and floors swept that Victoria broke the silence.

  “Thank you Joseph for your help.”

  “You are welcome, but you do not need to thank me. I am supposed to be helping. What other morning chores do we need to do?” His previous anger was now gone.

  “Much as I dislike the idea, I believe it is best that we work together.”

  “Why do you dislike me?” asked Joseph as he moved closer to Victoria infringing on her personal space.

  Victoria blushed. He had her trapped. She was stuck between him and the sink. Chills ran down her spine when he touched her arm lightly. Frustrated with her reaction, she frowned and pushed him out of her way.

  While he had no experience with women, he was not blind. There was an attraction between them. No matter how many talks he gave himself about staying away from her, he kept going back. She was adorable every time she blushed, and she blushed every time he was near.

  “We will do the bedrooms next; make the beds, dust, and sweep the floor. You can take care of your room, and I will take care of mine. Uncle Rock does not wish for us to go in his room.” Joseph followed as Victoria made her way out of the kitchen.

  “How does it get cleaned?”

  “I do not know. I guess he takes care of it himself.”

  “I did not realize you were dusting and sweeping my room. I had not even realized you went in there.” Joseph was thankful he was a neat person. He would have been embarrassed if she had been picking up his drawers.

  “Uncle Rock told me to. I do appreciate that your bed was always made.”

  “That is one of the things Mother a
lways insisted on.”

  “I have never met a man so willing to do woman's work.”

  “Mother always lectured us about being able to take care of ourselves. She made sure we knew how to cook and clean.”

  “Sounds like a very smart woman.”

  “She is. I would like you to come with me when I visit for Easter.”


  “Why not?”

  “I do not have money for travel. Besides, Uncle Rock is not going to want both of us gone at the same time.” She had to think of something to convince him. It was difficult now keeping her distance from him, and it would be impossible if they traveled together, having to rely on him in an unfamiliar place.

  “It was Mr. Rockford's idea that we both go, remember.” Joseph placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She turned and looked into his eyes briefly. If she looked too long, she would start to blush again.

  “He has likely changed his mind,” replied Victoria softly. She had to keep her distance.

  “I doubt it. He is making a lot of effort to make sure we are spending time together.”

  “His efforts at match making are useless.”

  “I agree. You clearly are not ready to move on.”

  “I am glad we agree on something.”

  “You two get back to work. The house is not going to clean itself,” stated Mr. Rockford as he passed them in the hallway on his way to the kitchen with his empty coffee cup.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Joseph and Victoria continued down the hallway to the bedrooms without saying another word. He followed Victoria into her room instead of going into his own. It took a minute before Victoria realized.

  “What are you doing in here?” The last thing Victoria wanted was a man in her bedroom; especially one she was starting to have feelings for. She should not feel this way. She was not available.

  “I thought it would go faster if we worked together. Then, we could spend the rest of the morning going over ideas for the layout of the home.” Joseph was pleading with her. He enjoyed spending time with her, even with her mood swings.

  “I will not have all morning.”

  “Why not?”

  “Someone has to prepare lunch.”

  “We will have a picnic lunch with ham sandwiches and apples. I will help.”

  “Why do you want to spend so much time with me?”

  “It is for the home.”

  “Is that the only reason?” The look Victoria gave Joseph challenged him to confess his feelings first.

  “The only reason I wish to share at this time.” Joseph was not ready to declare his feelings since he was not sure what he felt. He did enjoy being close to her, but he knew he could not build a relationship on attraction.

  “Very well. Help me make my bed. You can dust the high areas.”

  Joseph and Victoria worked in silence as they cleaned their bedrooms. Victoria went into the parlor when they were done and started dusting the low shelves. Without her prompting, he began to dust the high shelves and saw why she needed help. It had to be more time-consuming to dust when you had to keep moving a ladder. With Victoria unaware, Joseph snuck out of the room and went to the kitchen to fix more coffee. While the coffee brewed, he sliced some cheddar cheese and a green apple. When he entered the parlor carrying the tray, he found Victoria lying on the floor sleeping. He was very puzzled since he had not been gone long. She seemed wide-awake when he left the room. Quietly setting the tray down on a nearby table, he went in search of Otis.

  “Otis does Victoria normally fall asleep on the floor while she is cleaning?”

  “Not that I am aware of. Did you try to wake her?”

  “No. I came looking for you. I was not sure what to do.”

  “We should go check on her. I guess I have been working her too hard.”

  When Otis and Joseph entered the parlor, Victoria was sitting on the sofa enjoying a cup of coffee and a slice of cheese.

  “Are you feeling unwell Victoria?”

  “I feel fine Uncle Rock. Why do you ask?”

  “Joseph indicated you were sleeping on the floor when he brought the tray in.”

  “I do not know what he is talking about. I was sitting on the floor dusting the bottom shelf. I was not sleeping on the job.” Why would Joseph tell on me? I could not have been asleep for more than five minutes.

  “Victoria it is all right if you fell asleep. We just want to make sure you are well. Do you want me to call the doctor?”

  “No doctor. I guess I was tired.”

  “We should all take it easy the rest of the day.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Rock.”

  “You are welcome, Victoria.”

  Joseph poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to Victoria with his mind focused on her. She had become very important to him in just the short amount of time they had known each other. No word yet from his family about the death of her husband. It had not been long, but he hoped to know more so he would know how to proceed. His feelings for her were growing deeper, and it greatly concerned him that she had fallen asleep so easily. He said a short prayer for her safety and that she would trust them to seek help if she needed it.

  Otis went back to his study to phone May and the doctor. After Otis made both phone calls, he went back to the parlor to share the news.

  “Victoria, Joseph, do you have a moment to talk?”

  “Of course, Uncle Rock. We were just finishing up.”

  “I spoke with May; she has decided not to return. She wants to try to do something else.”

  “What are we going to do about a maid?” Victoria was alarmed. The last thing she wanted to do was clean a house full time. If it were her own home, it would be different. Her pride would not allow her to be a maid. She was meant to be more than that.

  “Joseph will spend more time helping until I can find a replacement.”

  “I am glad I will not have to do it on my own.”

  “I also called the doctor, Victoria.”

  “Why?” Victoria spilled coffee on her hand as she replied. A doctor would be able to tell she had had a child. She did not want anyone to find out. She wanted to be able to start over.

  “I am concerned for you and pray that you are just not used to the work. You are dealing with many changes in your life with the loss of your husband. I do hope you will allow the doctor to give you a checkup.”

  “How will I pay for it?”

  “I will be paying for his services.”

  “I do not want to be in debt to you.”

  “I am the one that is concerned. This is for my benefit.” His eyes were pleading as he patiently waited for her reply.

  “OK, Uncle Rock.” Victoria did not know what else to say. It would look suspicious if she protested too much and she did not want to disappoint him. She was growing very fond of Uncle Rock.

  “Joseph, if you would like, I can have the doctor give you a checkup as well.”

  “Thank you, Otis. It does not hurt to make sure everything is OK.”

  “Victoria what other housework needs to be done this morning?”

  “I normally sweep the floors. I mop every three days. I mopped yesterday.”

  “Anything else that needs to be done?”

  “The bathrooms. I normally clean them after lunch.”

  “I will take care of sweeping the floors today. I would like to go over the current plans with you before I start if that is all right with you.”

  “Why do you want my help? I am just a woman.”

  “It is because you are a woman that I want your help. The homes need to have a woman's touch.”

  “Do you really think it will make a difference?”

  “Yes, I do.” Joseph looked longingly into Victoria's eyes. What had ever happened to this woman to make her believe she did not matter? Her thoughts were the old way of thinking. Things had been different for years, not that women had all the same advantages as men.

bsp; “Why?” Victoria was still not convinced he would want her opinion about anything.

  “You have a stubbornness that I have never witnessed before.”

  “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “Yes. You are very driven when you set your mind to something.”

  “Fine. Just show me what you want me to look at.”

  Joseph left the parlor to get the plans he had been working on. There were several plans he had drawn up, but none seemed like home. He figured if he did not want to live there than the feeble-minded would not like it either.

  “I see you have been busy,” stated Victoria when Joseph walked in with a stack of papers.

  “I have been, but I do not feel I am making any progress.”

  “Why not?”

  “It needs a woman's touch to feel like home. I want the people to feel welcomed like we do here. Otis has not talked about a wife, but the house does have a woman's touch.”

  “I would be happy to help anyway I can. I believe I know what you are wanting.”

  Joseph sat down on the sofa next to Victoria. Their thighs were touching slightly as Joseph arranged the most current layout on her lap. He felt a sudden urge to move closer and was about to adjust when Victoria moved closer. They both sat there for a moment before Victoria spoke.

  “The layout is a bit confining. It needs to be more open. Is there any issue with removing this wall?”

  “I do not think so. Why do you want to take that wall out?”

  “It makes it more inviting. The kitchen stove can also be used to heat this area of the house. An open area will allow better observation of everyone in case help is needed. Most homes have the kitchen separate from the rest of the house. If I ever needed help, it could be awhile before anyone would notice.”

  “Do you think you can draw something?”

  “I can try. You may need to redo it.”

  “That will be fine. I will have something to work with.”

  / / /

  “How has your day been Victoria? "

  “Very good, Uncle Rock.”

  “Did you enjoy working on the plans?”

  “Yes I did. I do hope you like my ideas.”

  “I am sure we will be able to use some of your ideas.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “If we cannot use your exact ideas, it does not mean your ideas did not help us coming up with something else. It will be a team effort.”

  Uncle Rock gathered up the drawings and brought them to his study. With a fresh cup of coffee, he spent the next hour reviewing Victoria's drawings. Once done, he proceeded to locate Victoria. She was sitting comfortably on the sofa in the parlor enjoying a cup of coffee as she looked at a few blue jays playing in a nearby oak tree.

  “Victoria your ideas are wonderful. I will be meeting with the architect on Monday. He should be able to work with the new design.”

  “I am glad I was able to help. I feel like I have actually accomplished something.”

  “Victoria there is nothing wrong with a service job. It is all part of God's plan. Besides, I thought you enjoyed cooking.”

  “I do enjoy cooking. Others think less of me for being just a cook. I think less of me. I should have been able to do more. I feel like a failure.” Victoria placed her coffee down on the side table. The last thing she wanted to do was spill it. She tended to talk with her hands when she became emotional.

  “I believe it is your pride that makes you feel that way. God will help you accept the path he has chosen for you. Joseph and I are here for you if you ever want to talk. Give it time. It took many years for me to accept my place in this world.”

  “Have you accepted it, Uncle Rock? You seem very sad at times. I would be happy to listen if you want to tell me about your wife.”

  Uncle Rock stood quickly and anguish showed on his face.

  “There was never a wife, Victoria. Please stop asking.”

  “I am sorry, Uncle Rock. Your house has a woman's touch. I just assumed. I am still here if you want to talk about whatever is troubling you.”

  “Only after you share what is burdening you. I did some checking into your past. It may do you some good to talk about what has happened. I will not judge you.”

  “I prefer not to talk about it. Besides, it is between me and God.”

  “Is it?”


  “Then why do you feel so bad? God has forgiven you. You need to forgive yourself. I will leave you to your thoughts, Victoria.” Uncle Rock left the room carrying the new plans. He was caught up in his own thoughts that he nearly walked into the hall room table. Joseph was watching him from the doorway. Uncle Rock had not noticed him when he exited the parlor.

  Joseph said a silent prayer of thanks. His only burden was his family's request to find his own way in life guided by God's will. He truly preferred his burden to Otis's or Victoria's trouble. Maybe Otis would share information about Victoria's husband. There was still no word about him from his parents. He had received a few letters from them. They were very happy that he found a place to live and work. However, they made no comment at all about Victoria or her husband. It was unlike them not to encourage the relationship. Victoria was running away. What was her sin that my parents would not share? Joseph's only hope of finding out would be from Otis.

  Joseph found Mr. Rockford sitting at his desk in his study staring out the window. The plans lay scattered on top of his desk.

  “Otis is there anything I can get for you?”

  Otis failed to answer. This was not a good time it seemed to talk. Joseph decided he would bring coffee to him and Victoria. They both needed someone to cater to them.

  / / /

  “Victoria the evening meal was wonderful. The roast was very tender.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Rock. I was not sure how it was going to turn out since I was busy with the doctor. You certainly got your money's worth. I have never had a doctor ask so many questions.”

  “What did the doctor say was the problem?”

  “He did not say. He recommended I rest when I start to feel tired and will return in three months to see if the additional rest helped.”

  “I guess the doctor liked you, Victoria. He spent very little time with me.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. I did not mean to offend you. No need to get worked up.”

  “Dr. Benjamin is very professional. I am sure he spent the appropriate time with each of you. When does Dr. Benjamin want to see you next, Joseph?”

  “In two weeks.”

  “It sounds like Dr. Benjamin was not finished with his exam?”

  “I guess not Victoria. I am sorry about implying.”

  “Can we just stop talking about Dr. Benjamin's visit?”

  “Yes, Victoria. What did you make us for dessert?”

  “I did not have time today Uncle Rock. We have a few pears.”

  “Pears with some cheddar cheese would be wonderful.”

  “I will go get it.”

  Joseph stood before Victoria had a chance and gently laid a hand on her shoulder to let her know that he would handle bringing in the dessert. Victoria looked up and met Joseph's gaze. They stared at each other for just a moment. Uncle Rock cleared his throat. Joseph started and taking the hint, walked to the kitchen.

  “Now that Joseph is out of the room, would you like to share what the doctor said?”

  “There is nothing to tell. He asked many questions, but he did not tell me that anything was actually wrong. I asked and he said just get some rest. I wish he had given me some guidance other than rest.

  “Maybe it is not physical.”

  “I do not want to talk about it.”

  “It could help. If you do not want to talk with me or Joseph, talk with Pastor Mary.”

  “I will think about it.”

  “What will you think about?” asked Joseph as he walked bac
k into the dining room with a tray of pears sprinkled with cheese.

  “Talking to Pastor Mary.”

  “About what?”

  “None of your business, Joseph. If I decide to talk with him, it will be between me and Pastor Mary.”

  “OK, Victoria. I did not mean to upset you. I have been doing that a lot lately.”

  “I am sorry, Joseph. I think I will go rest in the parlor. Joseph can you take care of the dishes?”

  “Sure. I would be happy to.”

  Victoria made her way quickly out of the dining room. A tear escaped as she left the room. Maybe it would help if I talk with Pastor Mary. At least he will not share the information. I cannot risk losing my job. Lord, please help me. Victoria collapsed on the floor next to the sofa and sobbed her eyes out.

  “Mr. Rockford, what do you know about Victoria's past?”

  “I do not know anything more than what she has shared.”

  “I thought I heard you tell her you looked into her past.”

  “It is not polite to ease drop Joseph. I know something is troubling her and thought if she thought I already knew she would be more willing to share.”

  “I guess she will share when she is ready.”

  “I know you have feelings for her Joseph. You need to take it slow. She has issues she has to deal with first. Just be her friend.”

  “I will try.”


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