Victoria's Family

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Victoria's Family Page 8

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 9

  “Joseph you seemed very much in your element yesterday. I did not realize how well you would shine during the event. You were such a smooth talker with the reporter.”

  “Thank you Samuel.” Joseph's thoughts began to wander to the kiss.

  “There is nothing to be embarrassed about Joseph. You sure do blush easily,” stated Eve.

  Joseph turned his head to look out the window. Joseph was visiting his good friends Samuel and Eve following the Sunday services. He truly enjoyed this time of fellowship each week. If it were not for Samuel's wise counsel, he did not think he would have been able to be away from Victoria for so long. Eve took Samuel's cue and quietly left the dining room. She would take her time getting the coffee and cake for dessert.

  “Joseph, I have a feeling you need to confess something. I am positive you are not blushing over my comment.”

  Joseph sighed loudly. He was never able to hide his emotions from Samuel.

  “Victoria kissed me yesterday.”

  “How did it make you feel?”

  “I kissed her back.” Joseph slowly stood and moved to stand by the window. “I enjoyed it more than I should have. I know it is a sin.”

  “We all fall to temptation at times. It is only through the grace of God that we are forgiven of these sins and given strength to resist.”

  “I just wanted to comfort her. She seemed so upset when Eve was talking with her.”

  “I understand your concern. I could see how upset she was. Next time, it would be best for Mr. Rockford to intervene. Have you asked for forgiveness?”

  “I did nothing but pray about it last night.” He was surprised he did not fall asleep during the service since he tossed and turned the whole night praying and thinking about the kiss. Even though he knew their kiss was a sin, his elemental feelings were taking control. Before seeing her yesterday, she only invaded his dreams. Now, thoughts of her were keeping him from sleeping.

  “Have you asked Victoria for forgiveness?” repeated Samuel.

  “She kept her distance from me the rest of the day.” That was only part of the truth. He was not ready to ask for her forgiveness or accept how strong his feelings truly were.

  Eve noisily entered the dining room carrying a tray of coffee and cake.

  “How do you feel about Ada moving in?” asked Eve as she placed a plate of cake in front of Joseph. He had returned to his seat upon hearing her enter the room.

  “I am delighted to have someone cook for me and concerned about being responsible for her at the same time.”

  “She is not that much trouble Joseph. I will be there during the day, every day, the first week. She is more than capable of handling the responsibilities.”

  “I have never worked with someone like her before. I do not know what to expect.”

  Joseph again got up from the table and leisurely walked to the window his dessert left untouched. The scene was majestic from this vantage point. The view sported a large pond with several resident ducks swimming playfully in it. The lawn was neatly cut and the azalea bushes grew large and free. It would be a sea of deep rose pink come fall when they were in full bloom.

  “Ada is borderline between being considered feeble-minded and normal intelligence. Most people do not even realize. Our parents decided it was best to provide the additional care that she needs instead of leaving her to fend for herself in this sometimes-harsh world. Their health is starting to decline and wanted to see how she would do.”

  Joseph turned from the window. He was delighted that most did not realize. A small smile appeared on his face. Working with Ada now would make it easier to adjust to working with the other residents when they started to move in. He returned to his seat and took another sip of the aromatic coffee before taking a bite of cake.

  “How many years apart are you and Ada?”

  “She is ten years older. With her childish ways it seemed like we were much closer in age growing up. It was truly a blessing to have her in my life.”

  Joseph visibly looked relieved at the age difference. It would be unlikely that he would be attracted to someone that much older than him. While it was the norm for an older man to have a younger wife, it was uncommon for an older woman to be with a younger man. The more he could find out about her, the better he could be prepared mentally for when they were to meet.

  “Did you ever wish that she could have accomplished more with her life?”

  Eve froze in place, her fork halfway to her mouth. Her eyes sparked suddenly with a bit of anger. She took a deep breath, exhaling out through her nose with almost a growl sound escaping. Joseph knew instantly that he overstepped by making the comment; however, he did not know what to do at this point. He watched as she silently mouthed a few words, finished eating the piece of cake that was on her fork, gently placing the fork back on the plate and then looking intently into Joseph's eyes. He sat there waiting for Eve to reply too fearful to look away.

  Samuel silently stood and walked over to his wife. He gently placed his strong hands on her shoulders.

  “Joseph, please forgive Eve. She is extremely protective when it comes to Ada. Eve you know Joseph did not mean anything by the question. You can see how nervous he is. He is trying to prepare himself. While he may have been in full control of the crowd yesterday, that does not mean he is prepared for a lovely woman to be living so close.”

  “Do forgive me Joseph. Ada has accomplished everything in life so far that the good Lord has planned for her. At times I wonder why I was not like her as well. Her childlike faith and unconditional love is so natural for her. If only I had a small portion of it.”

  Eve leaned her head back resting it gently on her husband's chest.

  “Do not be so hard on yourself Eve. You must not forget that the good Lord has also made you the way you are for a reason. We all have a place in his plan.”

  “Considering the circumstances, Eve, I believe it would be best if you would tell me what you would like me to know about Ada. Samuel is correct that I am trying to prepare myself. It took more than a week of his counsel and prayers to get me in a position to manage the crowd.”

  Eve brightened. “Let us finish our dessert and head outside. It is a lovely day. The white puffy clouds are providing just enough shade and coolness for us to enjoy.”

  It did not take long for them to finish dessert and make their way outdoors. Eve shared story after story of her lovely older sister. It was nearly dark before they even realized the time. Joseph bid them farewell. He mounted his horse with lightness in his heart that the lovely Ada would be a great companion to work with. He still did not know how lovely she was. Eve and Samuel both refused to describe her so he would just have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to find out. As he made his way home, he felt confident he would sleep well.

  / / /

  Victoria and Uncle Rock were relaxing in the parlor waiting for Miss Jenny to complete the final touches on dinner. She normally did not work on Sundays; however, she felt that the two of them needed the time to relax. The festivities of the day before were very taxing on them both. Miss Jenny was surprised to see how lethargic Victoria was when they returned. Victoria had been in better spirits since she suggested that now might not be the time for divorce per the Lords plan.

  “Victoria did you enjoy the service today.” Uncle Rock took a large sip from his tall glass of lemonade and propped his feet up on the ottoman in front of him.

  Victoria too was enjoying this time to relax. She was extremely thankful that Miss Jenny was here today. She certainly had not felt like doing any cooking.

  “Very much so Uncle Rock. I continually need the reminder that He is in control. I copied down the verse the sermon was on from Thessalonians.”

  “Does that help you to reflect?”

  “It does. I plan to write in my journal this evening to continue to reflect on the passage. I know I was emotional yesterday. I am sorry. I do hope I did not embarrass you.”

  Victoria began to stiffen. While she had just expressed the words she had not thought much about how her actions could have affected Uncle Rock.

  “Relax Victoria. You did not embarrass me. I am sure no one noticed except for Joseph. Joseph seemed a bit flustered when he returned from your little walk. Was everything alright?”

  Victoria did not know what to say. Uncle Rock was looking at her intently yet lovingly.

  “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18,” stated Miss Jenny as she walked into the parlor. “Dinner is ready. I will see you both on Monday.” She walked out the parlor without another word with a sweet smile on her face.

  Victoria was speechless. Miss Jenny already knew the scripture reading by heart. It was exactly what she needed to hear at that moment. She would need to seek forgiveness from Joseph. While it may have happened according to God's will, it did not change the fact that the action itself was a sin. She needed to remember to give thanks in everything, even knowing she would continue to have to spend time away from Joseph.

  “Uncle Rock, I kissed Joseph yesterday. Please forgive me. I agree it is best that we do not spend time together. I do love him with all my heart. I have never felt this way before. Not even with Lawrence. I do hope you understand. If it would not disrupt the process of the rest of the houses being built, I would go stay at Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's. They told me I could stay with them anytime.”

  “That will not be necessary, Victoria.” Mr. Rockford grinned. “There is no reason in the near future for you to see Joseph. If you like, I will provide you with an escort any time there is a function in the future until such time that you seek out a divorce. While there is no reason for you to visit out at the home, you may have the desire to see some of the progress and work with the people. They are extraordinary. You will be humbled in their presence.”

  Victoria flew out of her seat and knelt down by Uncle Rock. “That is a marvelous idea. I do want to work with them. I should get to know Eve and her sister Ada. An escort is the perfect thing. He will help to keep me focused and keep me from spending any alone time with Joseph.”

  “Get up dear. We should go eat before the wonderful meal Miss Jenny prepared gets cold. I will see to it to find you an escort. It may take a few weeks. In the meantime, I will accompany you next week out to the home so that you can apologize to Joseph in person.”


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