Victoria's Family

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Victoria's Family Page 11

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 12

  “Miss Jenny prepared a picnic lunch for us to bring today.” Victoria sat the basket down on the small table in the parlor. The basket contained chicken salad, fresh bread, a jar of pickles, a bunch of red grapes and a canteen of tea, all of her favorites.

  “That was very nice of her. Do you plan to carry the basket the whole way?”

  “Of course. It was my idea.”

  Henry chuckled at her spunk. “If you need help let me know.”

  They made their journey at a slow leisurely pace. Victoria tried her best to carry the basket on her own. After only a half mile, she reluctantly gave up and Henry took over. It was a cloudy gray morning and Victoria was thankful for the shade. The light breeze fluttered through her hair, helping to keep her cool, as it was still warm even for late October. She was a bit nervous about seeing Joseph again. The past week had been an emotional but productive time resulting in her being more secure in her feelings and less fearful of the future. Henry would be by her side and that was the only thing keeping her from feeling sick with nerves over seeing Joseph again with Ada. Despite Uncle Rock's reassurance that Joseph and Ada were not a couple, she feared that they were.

  The houses came into view in the distance. Victoria stopped to take in the scene. There were now five homes, the one large one that was first built and four smaller ones on the left side. The field on the other side of the houses had been cleared and looked ready for winter planting. Henry set the basket down, took out the tea and two cups, poured them each a little and then offered a toast.

  “To new beginnings as we follow the way of the Lord.” They clacked their tin cups together and took a sip. Victoria sighed at the delicious sweetness. Miss Jenny made the best tea she had ever had.

  “Amen. To new beginnings.”

  They finished their tea and Henry packed everything back into the basket. He offered his arm to Victoria, which she gladly took, and they finished the rest of their walk in silence.

  Victoria and Henry were enjoying a fresh cup of coffee provided by Ada when Joseph entered the home. He stood in the doorway, taking in the scene and his jealousy was bubbling to the surface. It appeared Victoria had found someone else, despite the fact that Mr. Rockford had just informed him the day before that she was still married. She clung to the broad shouldered gentleman and laughed robustly to a story he was telling Ada. Ada seemed mesmerized by him. Jealousy temporarily forgotten, his protective fatherly instincts took over. No one was to mess with his Ada. He closed the door with a little more force than necessary, but did not say a word. Ada was the first to see him since Henry and Victoria had their backs to the door. Standing quickly, she nearly knocked over her chair before running to Joseph giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Without turning around Victoria squeezed Henry's arm tightly, closed her eyes, and said a silent prayer for strength. Henry placed his hand on top of hers rubbing gently and whispered a prayer in her ear to help calm her.

  “He is nice Joseph. So nice.”

  Joseph nodded and plastered a mean grin on his face waiting for the man to turn around. Henry stood slowly giving Victoria time to release her grip. Before turning around, he spoke with an amusing tone.

  “I expected a friendlier welcome Cousin.”

  Joseph eyebrows rose as the familiar accent sunk in. He started to laugh over his foolishness, but then stopped. It may be his cousin but the cousin with the reputation of being a ladies man.

  Ada stepped aside when Henry approached to give Joseph a bear hug. Henry spoke in a low tone only for Joseph to here while maintaining a fierce grip. “Cousin, I have no plans to court either of them.” After releasing his hold, he stepped next to Victoria.

  Joseph was not sure what to think of his cousin. He had heard the rumors, but Henry would never confirm or deny them. Truth be told, he did not know if Henry had been with any woman despite the fact he always seemed to charm them and put them at ease. His jealousy was returning as he recalled how Victoria clung to Henry's arm and how he whispered into her ear. Now was not the time to have such thoughts. Work was too busy to be worried about a married woman.

  “How long will you be in town?”

  “For as long as Mr. Rockford will employ me.”

  “How did my dad take the news of you leaving the farm?”

  “We prayed about it and decided this is where the Lord wanted me. I will be overseeing the planting of the peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots starting tomorrow. We should have a bountiful crop for winter stew. I wanted to spend the day surveying the land and Victoria wanted to see the progress.”

  “Victoria, I would be happy to show you around.”

  Before Victoria could respond, Henry interjected. “The four of us should take a walk. It is not overly warm yet. Then Victoria can help Ada with anything that is needed in the kitchen and we can go over the planting schedule.”

  Joseph did not let his disappointment show. He wanted a little time alone with Victoria to ask what was going on with her and Henry. Since that was not an option, he would have to ask Henry and hope that he would be truthful.

  “Ada can you spare the time for a walk,” asked Joseph as he helped her with the coffee cups. He had not realized that she had removed herself from the conversation and went back to work. Ada did not readily reply.

  “I believe you have time. Victoria can help you catch up. She is a wonderful baker.”

  “I would like to finish this first.”

  Joseph nodded his agreement and Ada washed the cups, dried them, and put them away before removing her apron and placing a worn straw hat on top of her head. Before anyone could object, Ada grabbed Henry's arm to indicate who she wanted to escort her. Joseph smiled at the opportunity to be with Victoria but hoped Henry would not get any ideas. Victoria's cheeks warmed slightly and she looked to Henry for comfort. Even though Henry responded with a warm smile, Victoria was still nervous when she placed her hand in the crook of Joseph's arm.

  They started the tour by going through each of the homes. While they all had the same structural design as the main house with the exception of a smaller dining area, each was still unique. They were decorated by the residents that lived there and most where plain yet masculine. The last home they visited was adored with flowery pink curtains and lace doilies on the tables. While the woman was not present at the time, it was evident her job at the home was preparing the fruits and vegetables for canning. The table overflowed with bowels of blackberries, green beans and cucumber. Victoria was delighted how her designs were being used especially since they looked better in person than in the drawings.

  Joseph decided he would have to talk with Victoria with Henry and Ada nearby. Even though she was still married, he wanted her to know what his relationship was with Ada. “Victoria I want you to know that Ada is feeble-minded and I think of her like a younger sister.” He paused trying to assess how Victoria was taking the information. After no response, he decided to continue. “I do love her, but not in a romantic way. At this time I feel she will be part of my life as long as I am living here. She needs me.”

  Victoria took in what he said. She had been told Ada was feeble-minded but struggled to accept that it made any difference. Ada seemed capable most of the time from the little exposure she had around her causing her jealousy to boil every time. Hopefully, their time together today would ease that feeling and she could learn to love her as Joseph had. While she had no siblings, she could understand feeling responsible for someone you thought of as family. Henry was starting to feel like a brother to her.

  “Will you be able to accept her into your life Victoria? If we are to be together, it will now include her. I know it has only been a few months out of the required year, but I do not see myself leaving anytime in the future.”

  “I do not know Joseph. I will try. Henry should be able to help me.”


  “Do not be jealous of Henry, Joseph. There is only brotherly affection for him. He has been wonder
ful this past week helping me work through my fears.”

  Joseph stopped his forward progress. He was visibly upset that Henry was there for her and not himself. Henry seeing the change closed the gap between them. Victoria took his cue and removed her hand from Joseph's arm.

  “I believe we have seen all we need to today. The ladies should head back to the main house while we take a look at the fields.”

  Victoria did not wait for a reply and started to make her way out the house. Joseph nodded to Ada to follow and she caught up with Victoria by the time she reached the door.

  Joseph and Henry walked in silence to the fields. Once there, the conversation stayed on the planting for several minutes until Henry felt Joseph had had enough time to take control of his emotions.

  “Cus what is the problem?”

  Joseph glared at Henry not sure how he should respond. What was he to say? He hated the fact that Victoria was more comfortable around Henry them himself. That he longed to be with her; yet was terrified she would leave if they were ever to marry and have children.

  “She still loves you Joseph. She has been doing very well today keeping her emotions under control. We have spent the past week reading the bible, praying, and talking. I felt she needed me more than you needing to know that I was in town. I know you love her, but are concerned that she will leave you like she left Lawrence. God is in control and you need to give those fears to him. You need to treasure the time you do have with her.”

  “Have you taken up being a preacher?

  Henry chuckled. “Nothing like that Cus. I have taken several psychology courses and have been part of a bible study group at the church the Johnson's attend for nearly a year now. I am finding my purpose in life. It is to help others. I still have many courses to take and I am not sure I want to be a psychologist. I would miss the farming.”

  Joseph chuckled and slapped Henry on the back. “I cannot picture you as a psychologist. You are just not the indoor type. I will support you Cousin in whatever you decide to do. I did notice a difference in Victoria today when I was not blinded by my own emotions. Does she plan to visit the home often?”

  “We have not discussed that yet. One day at a time. I know she has a lot of responsibility managing the finances and meetings with investors.”

  / / /

  Victoria was enjoying getting to know Ada as they worked together on the midday meal. She noticed the colored cards that Ada referenced as she set out the food to begin preparations. Each color was a different part or food group for the meal: red for meat, orange for fruit, yellow for starch, green for vegetable, blue for dessert, indigo for soup or salad and violet for appetizer. When she asked why the indigo and violet cards were set to the side, Ada explained that Joseph did not wish to have those colors except for church days. The other cards were spread out on the counter with the appropriate items placed by them. There were no recipe cards just the food group cards. Despite having brought a meal, she felt it was important to share a meal with the residents. Hoping to get to know Ada and the other residents better, she planned to talk with Henry about coming often. Uncle Rock was training her to take over and she wanted to share the joy of working with the feeble-minded with him. Through his generosity of room and board, she was enjoying her time back in the south and had no plans to leave.

  “Ada would you like me to bake the cookies?”

  “Yes Mrs. Victoria. I will take care of everything else. We are ready to start.”

  They work seamlessly together. Victoria helped with more than just the cookies, helping to cut up fresh apples and slice cucumbers. After only an hour Victoria felt like Ada was like a younger sister to her. She could see why there was so much affection between Ada and Joseph and totally understood that it was not an intimate connection but a family one. She heard the ferocious protectiveness in Joseph voice when he thought some random man was talking with Ada and now knew why. She was a precious angel yet too trusting and could easily be taken advantage of.

  “Ada we have about half an hour before it is time to eat. The cookies will be done in ten minutes. Would you mind if I rest in your room for a few minutes.” She needed to get off of her feet. With Miss Jenny handling the majority of the cooking and cleaning, she was no longer accustomed to being on her feet for hours.

  “Go rest Mrs. Victoria. I will keep an eye on your cookies. Everything else is ready.”

  “Thank you.” Victoria took her leave and entered Ada's bedroom. It was simply furnished with a bed, an end table, a small round table, two chairs, and a wardrobe all made of pine. After removing her shoes, Victoria laid down on top of the neatly made bed adorned with a rustic blue patch quilt. She just wanted to close her eyes for a few minutes and rest her feet. She prayed silently asking for strength and thanksgiving for opening up her heart to accept Ada into her life.

  She was startled awake when she heard the front door open and close. Glancing at the clock resting on the end table, she noticed they still had ten minutes before the scheduled mealtime. Ada had informed her that no one entered until either Joseph or Samuel was present. Assuming it was one of them, she took her time getting out of bed. Upon hearing a man's voice she did not recognize and the clanking of dishes, she dashed out the room to see if Ada needed assistance.

  “Come here, darling and pour me a cup of coffee. You can be the sugar.” The man looked away after his request and took a seat.

  Victoria walked up silently next to Ada and whispered to her that it was time for her break and she would handle it. Ada smiled thanks and nodded in reply.

  “Where is the coffee, sugar?” The man was still not looking.

  Victoria picked up the coffee pot, but no cups and walked up near the man sitting at the table closest to the door. She had a determined look with brows lowered and eyes glaring.

  “Well, you are someone different, but just as sweet.”

  “Your name.”

  The man looked at her puzzled with the request.

  “Your name.” Victoria spat with a growl.

  “A spunky one. I like that.”

  “Unless you plan to where this steaming coffee in your lap you will provide me with your name and the reason you are breaking protocol entering this home without permission.”

  “Easy their sweetheart. No need to get all fired up.”

  Victoria placed the towel she held in her other hand under the pot. She was about to throw it on him when Joseph entered in along with Henry and Samuel.

  “You better apologize to the lady or you will no longer be working here.”

  The man stumbled out of his chair at Joseph's booming voice.

  “My apologies, ma'am.”

  “Your name.” Victoria hissed.

  “Gram Willow, ma'am.” The man replied much too sweet for her taste and she decided at that moment that he would not be working here any longer.

  “Mr. Willow you payment will be brought to you for the work you did today. You are no longer needed on this job. If you ever step on this land again, I will be contacting the authorities. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You have no right to do that. I have done nothing wrong.” The man began to walk toward Victoria with an angry look in his eyes. Without a second thought, Victoria flung the coffee in the man's face. He stood there in shock pressing his hands to his face.

  “Joseph you best get this trash out of here.”

  “Gladly.” Joseph grabbed the man by the back of his shirt and dragged him outside. The other residents had been listening in. They gave them plenty of room not wanting to be fired.

  “What right does she have?” yelled the man.

  Joseph sighed with frustration. Not a single other man ever went into the main house until now. He would need to be more careful screening the workers. “She is the future heir of this establishment and manages all of the financial accounts. She has every right to dismiss you for your behavior. Samuel will bring you your wages on Friday.”


“That is the designated day each week. I will not make any exceptions. Men if you see this man on the property ever again, please let me know right away and make sure he stays away from the ladies.”

  The men replied in unison. “Yes sir, Mr. Holmes.”

  They all watched as the man slowly made his way out of sight. Once he was gone, Joseph informed the others that the midday meal would start as soon as everything was straight inside. When Joseph walked in he saw Ada giving Victoria a bear hug. Joseph smiled, realizing that the few hours that the ladies spent together was truly a blessing. Victoria had protected Ada even at her own peril. He would need to thank her before she left.


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