Victoria's Family

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by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 17

  February 1903

  Victoria true to her promise to Henry the month before was completely devoted to caring for herself and the home instead of seeking out romance. Most nights she still cried herself to sleep, but she held her head high during the day putting up a good front. Miss Jenny knew better, but promised not to say anything.

  Today, Henry would be present during an investor meeting at the request of Mr. Cooperton. He wished to hear the plans about the farming that would take place. Victoria perused her wardrobe to select the perfect ensemble for the meeting. She finally decided on the rose colored dress with delicate lace along the neck and bodice. The dress provided a luring curvy appearance, especially since it fit a bit snug along the hips.

  Henry was speechless when Victoria answered his knock at the door mid-morning. Victoria simply smiled, knowing that she had chosen the correct dress. She had been doing extremely well the past month, finding new investors for the home. They were more than willing to escort her out to dinner to discuss the finances. All so far gave more generously than expected. The increase in funds made the next phase of construction possible sooner than expected. The crew had already begun building the new homes. It still amazed her how much of a need there was for those who were feeble-minded.

  “Henry, thank you for coming today. Mr. Cooperton should be here shortly. Miss Jenny has prepared light refreshments for us to have in the parlor while we talk.”

  “Do you normally have refreshments for these meetings?”

  “Yes. Miss Jenny's cinnamon bread and strawberry jam are irresistible.

  “Thank you Miss Victoria,” stated Miss Jenny as she walked into the parlor carrying a tray.

  Moments later there was a knock at the door. Victoria checked her dress to make sure nothing was out of place and then made her way out of the parlor to answer the door. Miss Jenny followed her out of the room and went to the kitchen to prepare the midday meal.

  Victoria entered the parlor escorted by Mr. Cooperton. She made a point to lean in close so their shoulders brushed together.

  “Henry, I would like you to meet Mr. Cooperton. Mr. Cooperton this is Henry, our resident farm advisor and counselor.”

  Mr. Cooperton left Victoria's side to shake Henry's hand. He then took a seat in Mr. Rockford's wing back chair and Henry took the other. Victoria sat on the sofa across from Mr. Cooperton. Several minutes had passed and the conversation strayed off topic despite Victoria's effort to discuss the reason for the meeting, donations for the home. In an effort to gain attention, Victoria stood and fixed Mr. Cooperton a plate. She brushed his hand lightly as she handed him the plate and then rested her hip on the arm of the chair. The distraction worked ending Henry and Mr. Cooperton's conversation.

  “Mr. Cooperton we have funds for our current set of homes, yet there is a waiting list with more people in need of a home than we currently have scheduled to be built. We would like your support on the fourth phase of the project, which is an apartment complex to house forty residents.”

  “Henry I would like to hear more about the farming that is planned. Would you care to take a walk with me?”

  Henry looked at Victoria's crestfallen face and then back at Mr. Cooperton who looked pleading.

  “Certainly, Mr. Cooperton.”

  Both men stood and slipped on their outerwear. Victoria went to her room to secure her hat and coat and when she returned the men were already outside. Peering out the window, she saw them striding briskly down the lane toward the home. Victoria settled herself on the sofa and waited for them to return. She was seething by the time Henry returned three hours later and not accompanied by Mr. Cooperton.

  “Henry. Where is Mr. Cooperton?

  “He went on his way.”

  “We needed his donation for the apartments.”

  “Do you normally dress and act this way when meeting investors?”

  “Of course. I dress nicely and act friendly.”

  “You were flirting. Mr. Cooperton indicated he felt uneasy in your presence.”

  “I was not flirting.”

  “Victoria there is no reason to deny it. You do not typically dress and act the way you did today. If you were married, your husband certainly would not be happy.”

  “Well, I am not married and I have no one to answer to about my behavior. I was not flirting.”

  “We have had many talks, Victoria. You do have someone you answer to.”



  Victoria stormed out of the room as tears started to pool in her eyes. Who was he to indicate she was not proper. He was the one that took advantage with that kiss at Christmas. In her haste she nearly knocked over Miss Jenny as she headed for her room.

  “I am sorry, Miss Jenny.”

  “He is correct, Miss Victoria. I did not feel it was my place to say anything. You dressed more properly when Mr. Rockford was here. You need to be careful.”

  Victoria did not reply, knowing Miss Jenny was right. She had changed in the last month and she enjoyed the attention. It helped her to not focus on Joseph. A good night’s sleep and things would be better in the morning.

  The next morning Victoria and Miss Jenny went about their normal morning routine before Sunday services. Miss Jenny fixed a simple breakfast of fried eggs and served it with a slice of bread and hot rich coffee. Victoria spent the morning in the parlor with Mr. Rockford's bible. At times she read through a passage or two and other times she simply held it close. It was getting close to time to leave when there was a knock at the door. Knowing that Miss Jenny was still in her room getting ready, Victoria made her way to the door.

  She was speechless when she saw Joseph standing at the door bundled up to ward of the chill yet failing to don a scarf to keep his cheeks warm. He smiled warmly and she gestured for him to enter. She closed the door and then leaned on it. It had been a month since she had been this close to him.

  “May I have the honor of escorting you and Miss Jenny to services today.”

  “Yes, you may,” Miss Jenny replied warmly not giving Victoria a chance to accept or reject the offer.

  Joseph waited in the parlor while the ladies gathered their outerwear. He had spoken with Henry the night before. Henry would not give any details about how Victoria had been looking or feeling only that he felt it was time for him to start courting her or he would. Joseph did not want to give Henry the opportunity; after all he still loved her.

  Joseph took Victoria's hand and placed it in the crook of his arm and led her out the house and down to the waiting carriage. Once she was settled in with a heavy woolen blanket draped over her lap, he assisted Miss Jenny as well.

  They traveled in silence the thirty-minute ride there. Joseph helped Miss Jenny out first and then Victoria. Again he took her hand while Miss Jenny preceded them into church. After hanging up their coats, Miss Jenny made her way to the second pew from the front on the left and sat in their usual place. Joseph did not release Victoria until he reached the pew. He motioned for her to enter before him and then he sat down. Pulling out his small bible from his suit pocket, he waited in silence for the service to begin.

  / / /

  “In closing, I would like you to reflect today on verse 7 in Psalms 36. 'How excellent is thy lovingkindess, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.' It is our savior that loves, guides, and protects us. Keep that close to your heart this week as you go about your daily activities. The mass has ended. Go in peace.”

  Joseph was stopped several times before they made it out the door. It had been several months since he had attended at this church and many parishioners wanted to express their delight in seeing him. He kept Victoria close at hand not letting her leave his side. Once out of the church, he helped both ladies back into the carriage and they headed back to Mr. Rockford's house.

  Miss Jenny made her way to the kitchen as soon as they returned to finish the preparations for the midday
meal. Joseph stoked the fire in the parlor while Victoria relaxed on the sofa. After the fire was blazing bringing much needed warmth to the room, Joseph left without a word. Twenty minutes went by before Victoria noticed he was no longer there. She slowly stood and went to the kitchen to visit with Miss Jenny.

  “Why do you think Joseph took us to church today?”

  “Why do you think?”

  “I thought because he wanted to spend time with me, but then why did he leave without a word.”

  “You will have to ask him that.” Miss Jenny smiled.

  “I guess I will. Are you up for a walk after we eat?”

  “Not today. I am taking off the next few days to visit with my sister in Florida. I need to prepare a few meals for you for when I am gone and finish with my chores.”

  “Miss Jenny I am more than capable of fixing my own food and doing chores. We will spend the rest of the day relaxing.”

  “And where did you want to do that relaxing?”

  Victoria blushed slightly. “At the home with Joseph.”

  “I have sandwiches for us to eat. We should hitch up the carriage and bring him lunch.”

  “Wonderful idea. May I take credit for it?”


  An hour later Victoria and Miss Jenny were pulling up to the main home. Henry greeted them when they arrived.

  “What do I owe this pleasure?”

  “We are here to thank Joseph for escorting us to services this morning.”

  “I wondered where he went off to this morning. Unfortunately, I have not seen him since he returned.”

  Victoria's smile turned to a frown. She had hoped to spend the whole day with Joseph, knowing he typically did not do as much work at the home on the Lord's Day.

  “I would be honored to spend the day with you.”

  “No thank you, Henry.”

  Victoria turned and hoisted herself back into the carriage.

  “Miss Victoria, do you mind if I stay. Henry can bring me back.”

  “I do not mind Miss Jenny. I will see you this evening.”

  Victoria passed the basket of food down to Miss Jenny before guiding the horse back down the lane. She would need to spend time in prayer today and pray that she could completely put her trust in the Lord.

  / / /

  The week dragged by for Victoria since she had rescheduled all of her meetings. After her argument with Henry, she no longer felt comfortable being alone with potential investors. She was certain that her previous behavior had become known to others and she certainly did not want to encourage unwanted advances. The cooking and cleaning kept her busy during the day, but the nights were dreary. Clinging to Mr. Rockford's bible each night, she hoped to feel his comforting embrace. Without a doubt, she knew she did not want to remain single. She wanted a husband. A family she was still uncertain about since she did not want to risk throwing it all away again. Joseph would have to agree to not having children if they were to proceed with a relationship.

  Miss Jenny arrived back home refreshed and cheerful the following Saturday. Victoria was so delighted for the company they stayed up till two in the morning talking. They were both in bed on Sunday morning when they heard a knock at the door. Victoria wrapped herself up and made her way to the door. She was thoroughly embarrassed when she opened the door with Joseph smiling at her since she had not taken the time to wash her face or comb her hair. Quickly turning she rushed back to her room without even formally inviting Joseph in.

  Joseph considered himself invited in, since she had not closed the door in his face. He secured the door and then made his way to the kitchen. After adding wood to the stove and bringing the coals back to life, he put a pot on for coffee and then began to look through the kitchen for something to prepare for the ladies to eat. Wanting some extra time with them to visit, he had arrived early to bring them to church. Knowing that Victoria had come out to the home to see him last week confirmed that she desired to spend time with him. He only hoped that his early arrival did not extinguish her desire to be with him.

  “Miss Jenny, please have a seat. I have already prepared breakfast for you. I did not realize I would wake the two of you this morning.”

  “We stayed up late last night talking. I just returned yesterday.”

  “I had forgotten about your trip. Did you have a good time?”

  “I had a wonderful time. My sister is expecting her fourth child, late spring. She already has three boys. They are hoping for a girl this time.”

  Joseph did not respond, but started to daydream about one day him having three boys and another child on the way.

  “Are you OK, Mr. Joseph?”

  “Yes, Miss Jenny. Just thinking.”

  “I will go get Miss Victoria and see if she is almost ready to go. I know she does not want to be late for services.”

  Victoria was ready and sitting on her bed when Miss Jenny entered her room after knocking.

  “Miss Victoria, Mr. Joseph is ready to bring us to church. You should try to eat something before we go.”

  “How can I face him? I had not even combed my hair. I must have looked a horrible.”

  “Does it really matter?”

  Victoria looked at Miss Jenny with complete shock.

  “Of course it matters.”

  “When you marry him, he will see you with your hair uncombed every morning. I am certain you were properly covered when you answered the door.”

  “Who says I am going to marry him?”

  “The good Lord does. At least I believe he does. I know you love him.”

  Victoria stood and walked to the window. She did love him, but would he marry her and consent to not having children. Miss Jenny left the room without a word and reentered the kitchen.

  “Mr. Joseph, I think it is best that you retrieve Miss Victoria. She is still a bit embarrassed about answering the door this morning.”

  Joseph smiled. Walking to her room in silence, he thought how lovely she looked with her braids draping down across her bosom and a few small curls resting on her flush cheeks.

  “Victoria you should eat something before we go. I plan to stay the day today. I hope that is alright with you.”

  “Not today Joseph. Maybe another time.”

  “Very well. We leave in five minutes for services. There is no reason since I am already here that I should not escort you and Miss Jenny to church. Afterwards, if you still wish not to spend the day with me, I will return home.”

  Victoria nodded once to accept his offer.

  / / /

  Victoria kept to her word that day and sent Joseph on his way. She wanted him to feel the disappointment she felt the week before when he had not made himself available when she wanted to visit.

  For the next month, Joseph arrived every Sunday to bring the ladies to church. Each week he stayed a bit longer visiting with them. He knew that he was going to have to do more than just visit on Sunday's. They were starting to get close again and he wanted her to need him as much as he needed her. There was hardly the time during the week. He began praying for opportunities to spend time with her and even consulted with Miss Jenny on options.

  / / /

  Mr. Rockford sent word early March through the post that he should be home by Easter and was eager to see everyone. Victoria's spirits had greatly lifted with the news and planned to renew her efforts on the financing for the home. Joseph decided to use this drive to his advantage and insisted the meetings take place at the home. The investors needed to see first-hand what their money was going for and how they were helping so many people. Victoria agreed after some encouragement by Henry. It was now late March and Joseph was able to spend every evening with Victoria and Miss Jenny. They took their meals at the home with Joseph and Henry before Joseph escorted them back to Mr. Rockford's. At times, Miss Jenny stayed a bit longer and had Henry personally escort her home, providing Joseph and Victoria with time alone.

  Joseph enjoyed their time together, but was
frustrated that Victoria refused to talk about having a family. It was a difficult subject, but they had to come to some agreement before he could even consider proposing marriage. He wanted a family and he knew that Victoria was a flight risk since she he had left her first husband shortly after conceiving. He certainly did not want that to happen to him. His love for her was growing stronger. As time went on, his love was changing. While he still desired her, he no longer felt it was the foundation of his feelings. Hearing her talk and seeking her smile was something he looked forward to every day. He even enjoyed their slightly heated debates about how to apply the funding for the home. She tended to want to spend more on decor and he was more practical wanting to save funds to build more simple plain homes and furnishings. Next week was Easter Sunday and Mr. Rockford would be returning. Joseph would seek his advice once he returned.


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