Victoria's Family

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Victoria's Family Page 18

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 19

  Victoria arrived at the home later in the week carrying Hugh. Miss Jenny and Uncle Rock thought it was best that she talk with Joseph on her own. She prayed for days asking for guidance and his timing. That morning, she woke to the sounds of birds singing and Hugh giggling. She felt in her heart that today was the day.

  “Miss Victoria please come in. Who is the little one?”

  “Thank you Miss Ada. This is Hugh. Is Joseph nearby?”

  “Yes, ma'am. He is inside having a cup of coffee with Mr. Henry.”

  Ada led the way inside. Victoria hesitated only briefly before following her in. Joseph and Henry both stood when the ladies entered, but did not say a word. Ada pulled a cup down from the cabinet and placed it next to Joseph. Victoria took this as her queue to sit down. Hugh started to fuss a little and Miss Ada offered to take the child. Ada motioned for Henry to join her outside.

  “Joseph I want to talk without interruption, and then you can ask whatever questions you want. Ok.”

  Joseph was puzzled, but nodded his agreement.

  “Last time I was her, I accused you of being with Ada and lying about it. Mr. Rockford showed me the error of my ways.”

  Joseph's eyebrows rose a bit, but he remained quiet.

  “I was trying to sabotage our relationship. I was making it impossible for you to continue to have feelings for me. I was trying to make it where I had an excuse not to marry.”

  Victoria stood and began to pace. Joseph true to his word remained silent.

  “I know it has been weeks. It has taken a while for me to seek forgiveness. I was still asking him why he allowed me to leave my child and husband. I was questioning how he could have done such a thing. I did not want to accept his plan for my life. I have finally accepted. I realized I had been mad at God. I have asked for his forgiveness. Hugh has brought me new hope. I have bonded with the child. I did not think that was possible. I know that does not mean that I will with my own. It does mean that I have accepted that it is to be God's will whether or not I bond with any future children. I would like us to try again. Joseph will you forgive me?”

  Joseph remained seated with his eyes closed and his head down. He was praying. He was still praying an hour later when he heard Henry, Ada and Hugh return. Victoria had remained silent and waited not wanting to pressure him. Knowing it took her weeks to seek forgiveness, she knew she had no right to expect forgiveness immediately. Hugh started to fuss. Before Victoria had the opportunity to take the child, Joseph was on his feet and retrieving the child from Henry. He cradled the young boy in his arms and began gently stroking his cheek as he swayed back and forth. Victoria, believing the child was hungry took a bottle from her bag and went to the kitchen to warm some milk. Once warmed, she brought the bottle with her assuming Joseph would hand over the child. Instead, he took the bottle and began feeding him. Hugh began to eat in earnest while Victoria watched on.

  Leaning in close, Victoria spoke softly so that Joseph could only hear. “I still love you Joseph. I just imagined that you were holding our child. Take all the time you need.”

  She walked away and sat back down at the table. Joseph continued to stand by the window feeding the young boy. Henry and Ada remained silent.

  Joseph reluctantly gave Hugh back to Victoria two hours later when it was time for her to leave. The time was spent in prayer and playing with the young boy. His heart felt like it would burst with joy knowing Victoria was finally ready to have a family. He had waited so long for this day, yet he did not know how to proceed.

  Victoria gave Joseph a sweet smile as she cradled Hugh in her arms. She walked out the door looking back with longing in her eyes. Joseph walked out behind her not saying a word. Henry offered to walk her home and carry her bag. Joseph continued to watch in silence until they were out of sight.

  “Marry her.”

  “I am sorry, Ada. What did you say?”

  “Marry her. Everyone can see you want a family with her.”

  “That I do.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  “I do not know.”

  / / /

  “Henry, do you think he will forgive me?”

  “He already has.”

  Victoria thought about Henry's statement for several minutes before replying.

  “What do I do now?”

  “You wait.”

  Victoria sighed and Henry chuckled.

  “What is so funny?”

  “Joseph has waited more than a year for you to be ready to have a family again and you are impatient waiting for him to come to turns with it.”

  “You are so right Henry. I do hope there are no hard feelings between us.”

  “Not in the least. One day the Lord will show me who my wife is to be. I should not rush it. I thought it was you at one time, but I just allowed my urges and loneliness to take control.”

  “I thought maybe it was you briefly as well. You did not seem to judge me as Joseph did.”

  “Joseph did not judge you. He was being faithful to your vows. Until you were divorced, he had no right to seek you out as a wife. My heart was not as committed as Joseph's so I did not need to distance myself as much from you as Joseph did. He needed the time away to maintain control.”

  “You are such a wonderful friend, Henry. I do hope you will agree to be our children's godfather when that time comes.”

  “You are getting a little ahead of yourself. Joseph has not even proposed yet.”

  “One can hope.”

  Henry smiled at her.

  “Yes, one can hope and pray.”

  / / /

  “Joseph, this is an unexpected surprise. Is everything OK?”

  “Everything is just fine Uncle Rock.”

  “Come on in and have a seat in the parlor.”

  Joseph made his way into the parlor, but paced the room. Uncle Rock went to the kitchen to warm some coffee and fill a plate with cookies. It had been two weeks since Victoria returned home with Hugh escorted by Henry. She had informed him how through the grace of God, she gave her fears to him about having a child. The change over the past weeks had been amazing. He thought accepting the child into his home from the orphanage would help her face her fears. He never realized how quickly the transformation would take place. Uncle Rock entered the parlor and was nearly knocked down by Joseph's pacing.

  “Sorry, Uncle Rock.”

  “Have a seat.”

  Joseph sat in his usual chair, the wing back on the right side of the room. After placing the coffee tray on the table, Uncle Rock sat in his chair.

  “Victoria told me about her conversation with you when she visited. Do you plan to ask her to marry you?”

  “That is why I am here.”

  “Son, Victoria is at the home.”

  “I know.”

  Joseph was full of nervous energy. His left thigh began to tremble. Uncle Rock softly chuckled and waited for Joseph to continue.

  “I have come to ask your permission to marry Victoria since her own father has passed away.”

  “Joseph of course you have my permission. I have never seen you so nervous.”

  “I have never felt so nervous. It took me two weeks just to get the courage to come here to ask.”

  “Why do you think you are nervous?”

  “I have waited over a year. I still feel like I am dreaming. I have not even written my father yet.”

  “Set a date first, than write to him.”

  “When do you think we should get married?”

  “Consult with Pastor Mary to see how soon you can. There is no reason to wait. Where do you plan to live?”


  Uncle Rock chucked again.

  “You can discuss that with Victoria. First, you need to ask.”

  “Thanks Uncle Rock.”

  Joseph was on his feet and rushing out the door. He was a man in love and did not want to wait one more day to ask for her hand. Joseph ran back to the home a
nd was panting by the time he reached the main house. After rushing inside, he discovered that no one was there. Falling down to his knees and placing his hands on the floor, he took several deep breaths to slow down his pounding heart. Where could they be? She has Hugh with her. Maybe they are in the fields. Springing up from the floor, his surroundings blurred and he collapsed in a heap on the floor. Moments later he slowly opened his eyes. Without moving, he assessed he was only a bit sore from the fall but no lasting injury. Rolling onto his back, he realized his foolishness and began to pray for guidance and strength to wait on his timing.

  “Joseph, are you OK.” Victoria rushed to his side after handing off Hugh to Henry.

  Joseph smiled.

  “I am better now that you are here. Marry me Victoria?”


  “Are you feeling alright? Did you hit your head?”

  “I love you Victoria. Be my wife.”

  Victoria stood. She had dreamed of a romantic proposal. Not this. He had not spoken with her in two weeks. They still had much to discuss. Yes, she had accepted that she did want a family of her own. She figured they would talk and court more before this. Henry with sadness in his eyes walked up to Victoria as Joseph continued to sit on the floor.

  “Victoria, I will bring Hugh back to the house. Joseph will bring you home later.” Henry did not wait for a reply. He picked up the child's bag and walked out the door. Victoria watched out the window until they were out of sight.

  Joseph stood and walked to the kitchen. He put on water for coffee and sliced some bread and cheese for sandwiches. Once everything was ready, he carried it on a tray to a table by the window. He sat in silence while he ate his snack and kept his eyes on Victoria, who continued to stare out the window. How long should he wait for her to reply. He finished his coffee, stood and walked up behind her. She turned to face him and was about to speak when Joseph claimed her lips. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, lingering as he brushed his lips lightly on hers. Then he deepened the kiss. His longing for her was taking control and she was responding in kind. He broke the kiss reluctantly and took both of her hands into his own. He looked lovingly into her eyes.

  “Victoria, I have loved you for a long time. I know we have not talked through everything. I know you love me too. I want us to marry as soon as possible. I do not want to wait to have you as my wife. I want you. I will accept whatever children we have even if it means we do not have any. Just you telling me you are willing is all I need. You have accepted God's will. I have accepted that as well. Marry me, Victoria.”

  Victoria responded with a passionate kiss wrapping her arms around him and pressing her body firmly into his. She broke the kiss briefly to whisper, “Yes, I will marry you.” A soft knock on the door startled them. They jumped apart and Victoria quickly blushed as she noticed who had arrived, Pastor Mary.

  “Pastor Mary, What do we owe this pleasure?” asked Joseph slightly out of breath.

  “I was in search of Victoria. Mr. Rockford indicated you were here.”

  “Pastor Mary please have a seat. Would you like any coffee?”

  “I would love some. Thank you.”

  Victoria made more coffee and sliced bread and cheese to add to what Joseph had already prepared. Pastor Mary remained silent as she prepared everything. Once all were seated at the table, he began.

  “I have received word from the orphanage that the mother of Hugh would like to be reunited with her child.”

  Victoria gasped.

  “Is she allowed to take her child back after all this time?” She was on the verge of tears but held them at bay.

  “She can since the child has not been adopted yet. I have advised against the immediate removal from your care, but I am not able to prevent it. I recommend you meet with her with Hugh over the next few weeks to allow for an easier transition.”

  “Why does every time something good is about to happen everything falls apart,” spat Victoria.

  Joseph wrapped an arm around her.

  “God is in control Victoria. It is best to follow Pastor Mary's recommendation. Otherwise, Hugh could be out of our lives forever. This way, we may still be able to visit with him.”

  “Joseph is correct. Isabel is not feeble-minded but is under age. I thought you could persuade her to move in and work in the home. This will provide her with family support and you will also be able to be near Hugh.”

  “What about the wedding. This messes everything up.”

  “What wedding?”

  “I have asked Victoria to marry me and she has accepted.”

  “Congratulations. How soon were you planning to marry?”

  “How soon can we?”

  “I prefer a newly engaged couple to wait at least a month or two. Considering the added stress with Hugh being returned to his mother you may want to consider a little more time.”

  “We will let you know,” replied Victoria as she stood and walked out the building. She kept walking until she made it back to Uncle Rocks.

  Joseph and Pastor Mary watched her until she was out of sight.

  “I know this is a difficult time for Victoria. Mr. Rockford informed me how she finally accepted the child after weeks of not wanting anything to do with him. I will be praying for you both.”

  “Thank you, Pastor Mary. I appreciate it.”


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