The Billionaire's Hideaway

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The Billionaire's Hideaway Page 5

by Marie Higgins

  The group started on their way again, but just as before, Erin stayed back by Larry. Once in a while, Cole caught her gaze when he glanced back to look at her. As she talked with the guests, she looked at him, too. He couldn’t stop the grin from stretching his mouth wider.

  He stopped them at the spot he’d chosen for their picnic. Each horse carried part of the meal, so when everyone dismounted, Cole and Larry gathered the food. Surprisingly, Erin helped. She was the only guest to do this. It softened his heart to know that she cared about others, whereas the others only thought of themselves.

  Larry, on the other hand, was acting shy for some reason. He didn’t visit much with the guests, and stayed by himself most of the time. Cole realized that as a supervisor, he should have a talk with the employee.

  Once everyone laid out their blanket, Erin sat by Cole, but he figured it was because everyone else paired off. While he munched on his healthy lunch of fruits and vegetables, he let his gaze move over the intriguing woman next to him who carried on a conversation with one of the guests.

  She looked so casual with her Levi shorts and a cotton halter-top that showed a little of her cute tummy. He loved listening to her voice, and especially, sitting so close to her. They hadn’t been this close since last night.

  Had it only been last night? And yet, every time she was near, his heart jumped with excitement, and he became anxious for the next time they were alone together. Feeling this way wasn’t healthy at all. No matter how much he wanted a repeat performance of last night, he couldn’t. They both knew that. Why then, did she keep giving him those sultry glances?

  Blowing out a rush of pent-up air, he raked his fingers through his hair. Had he become interested in her as a way to dodge his own problems in finding out why the resort was losing money? He definitely needed a break in the day from the stress of pounding his head against the wall because nothing made sense.

  Slowly, the others finished their lunches and then wandered off to be alone. Soon, it was just Cole and Erin. It was as if his prayers had been answered.

  He looked at her and grinned. “Would you like to go for a walk by the water?”

  She glanced in the direction where the others had left. “Is that where they went?”

  “Could be.”

  She shrugged and stood. “Sounds fun, but what about the food?”

  He searched for Larry, but the employee had somehow slipped away without Cole noticing. “They are all in plastic containers. It’ll hold until we come back.”

  He lifted to his feet and led the way. She followed close by his side.

  “Are you enjoying yourself so far?” he asked.

  She sighed and linked her fingers together behind her back. Her head tilted back as she looked up at the sky. “This is a very beautiful resort, and the perfect, secluded spot, I might add.”

  “Yes, it is. Mr. Hunt couldn’t have found a better place.”

  Finally, she looked at him. “Have you met Mr. Hunt?”


  Her eyes widened as excitement jumped all over her expression. “What’s he like?”

  He shrugged. “Just like any other businessman I’ve met.”

  “What does he look like?”

  He wanted to lie and tell her he was a short, portly guy with warts, but he couldn’t. “He’s tall, brown hair, wide shoulders. Funny man. In his thirties.”

  She arched a brow. “Good looking?”

  Jokingly, he batted his eyelashes and flipped his hand. “Well, personally, I prefer men with blond hair.”

  Laughing, she elbowed him in the side. “You know what I mean.”

  “I guess it all depends on who is looking. I suppose he’s the kind of man women pant after and want to sink their money-hungry claws into.” He quickly snapped his mouth close. Too much information. He couldn’t have her guessing his identity so soon.

  Her gaze moved to the road in front of her. “Do you think that’s why he doesn’t stay here? He’s afraid the women will want him for his money?”

  “You never know.” He bumped her with his arm, and she looked at him. “Why all the questions? Is he the reason you’re here? Are you looking to make the billionaire playboy your husband?”

  She gasped and scowled. “I can’t believe you’d even think that about me.”

  “I’m sorry, but most of the single women who come to this resort by themselves are hoping to meet him.”

  She stopped and faced him with hands on her hips. He stopped, too. Her scowl relaxed only slightly.

  “So, are you saying this resort is merely a dating service?” she asked.

  “All I know is what I see.”

  “And how do you feel about this? Does this kind of behavior bother you?”

  “No. Should it?” Little did she know she was the one bothering him at the moment – along with confusing him, of course.

  Her eyes narrowed, and she grasped hold of both his hands. She stared at him for the longest time. As each second passed, his body relaxed and heat from her touch warmed his blood. The caring look across her face made his heart leap.

  He dropped his gaze to her mouth – lips he’d kissed passionately last night that beckoned for him to taste again.

  “Cole, this is the second time your voice has turned bitter when you talk about wealthy women. What do you have against them? By chance, did one of them break your heart?”

  Scary how she could read him so well. But it didn’t matter. He wasn’t going to tell her the truth. He laughed, instead. “What makes you think that?”

  He turned and started walking. She hooked her hand around his arm and stayed right next to him. He didn’t mind at all. In fact, if he got his way, he’d have her closer than that really soon.

  “Cole, you didn’t answer my question.”

  “It was a ridiculous question, that’s why.”

  “Are you trying to tell me you don’t have an attitude against rich women?”

  He glanced at her. “Would I be working here if I did?”

  She poked him in the ribs. “Come on. I’m going to get it out of you one way or another.”

  He laughed. “And if you keep that up, you’re going to find yourself in the water here in a minute.”

  “Is that a threat?” She poked him again.

  Letting out a growl, he twisted, grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. He grinned. This was just the way he wanted her.


  Cole loved this playful side to Erin. It wasn’t very often he could have fun like this with a woman. Of course, he enjoyed it even more that she clung to him like she was a sinking woman and he was her floating device.

  “You don’t believe me?” he asked. “Don’t you think I’ll throw you in the water?”

  “Not if I don’t let go of you.”

  “Think again, my lovely.”

  He marched toward the water. She laughed and kicked her legs the whole way. It didn’t stop him from walking right into the edge.

  She screamed and held him tighter. The cool water lapped at his legs and tried to get hers, but she continued to kick them and hold them up higher.

  He squatted until her bottom touched the water. She let another scream and wiggled against him.

  After splashing more water on her, she stopped screaming and laughed along with him. She cupped her hand in the water and threw water on him. It was actually quite refreshing, since the temperature had gotten warmer. Of course, holding her like this wasn’t helping his body’s temperature at all.

  She must have felt it, too, because she slowly stopped laughing and her eyes darkened. Her mouth parted and quick breaths brushed across his face.

  “Cole.” Her voice came out deeper than before. “You don’t want to get me wet. I’ll slip and slide on the saddle on the way back to the resort.”

  “It’s hot enough out here that you’ll dry in no time.”

  He stepped into the water further until it
slapped against his waist. When it covered her lower half, she sucked in a quick breath.

  “It’s cooler than I thought.”

  “Only for a moment.” He waggled his brows. “After all, that’s what happened in the pool last night. Don’t you remember?”

  A deep chuckle rumbled from her throat, sending ripples of delight over him.

  “That’s something I’ll probably never forget,” she said softly.

  “Good.” He grinned. “I’d hate to think I was the only one affected.”

  She pushed her fingers slowly through his hair. He closed his eyes and tilted his head, enjoying her touch, yet wondering why he craved hers so desperately. Right now, he didn’t want to take time to figure it out. Maybe later.

  “Cole,” she whispered mere seconds before her lips brushed his jaw.

  He groaned and smiled, looking back at her. Erin’s face was so near he could smell the strawberries she’d eaten for lunch.

  “Cole,” she said again as she swept her lips across his cheek.

  “Uh-huh?” He closed his eyes again.

  “When will the others be back to get their horses?”

  “I don’t know. Why? Are you in a hurry to return?”

  She left a trail of kisses from his cheek, down to his neck. He shivered with delight.

  “I should be.”

  He grinned. “But you’re not?”

  “Not really.” She lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

  “Then what do you want to do to pass time?”

  In her sultry, deep blue eyes, he saw the answer. But would she admit it this time and give into her desires?

  He shouldn’t, but he hoped she would.

  ERIN DEFINITELY didn’t want to talk. Yet that’s what journalists do... and she was going to report on a story, wasn’t she?

  All afternoon, her mind scrambled to find ways around being close to him, but gradually, the pull of attraction was stronger than the confusion. It didn’t help that she noticed him watching her with those dreamy eyes of his.

  And now that she was in his arms, the confusion was gone, and all she wanted to do was kiss him. He didn’t seem to mind her kissing his neck, so she brushed her lips across his. His wide eyes stayed open, as if curious to what she was doing.

  “You know, Cole,” she said softly and she left tiny kisses on his top lip and then his bottom, “as much as a leisure activity would be entertaining about right now, there is something else I’d rather do.”

  His eyebrows lifted. “What’s that?”


  He grinned and chuckled. “Talk?”


  “You are one strange woman, Erin DeWitt. I don’t know very many women who want to talk when they can kiss a man passionately.”

  Her heart leapt, and she caught her breath. It sounded like he was offering. But no. She wouldn’t give into temptation. Not until she found a good reason to go against her article.

  “Why do you want to talk, Erin?”

  She gave him a small kiss on the chin. “Because I want to get to know you better.”

  “Really?” He lifted his brows again, as if doubting her.

  “Is there something wrong with that?”

  He cupped her face and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Why do you want to get to know me when there are several other men at this resort who are dying to get to know you? These men, I might add, can buy you furs and diamonds.”

  She broke the contact and sighed heavily. She struggled to get out of his arms, which he complied. Once her feet were on the ground as the water lapped around her, she folded her arms across her chest. “If you knew me at all, you’d know that’s not what I’m looking for in a man. I have found that men with money don’t know how to love a woman the way I want to be loved.” Heat rushed to her face as anger sneaked in. It always did when she thought about Steve.

  She took a deep breath to calm her temper. Letting her mouth run away right now was not a good idea. “Those other men you’re referring to,” she continued in softer tones, “are not my type at all. I have no interest in them... which you’d be able to clearly see if you were paying attention.”

  Humor left Cole’s face as his eyes grew softer than before. Her heart skipped a beat. Apparently, he must have liked what she said. Excitement ran through her from his reaction.

  He stepped closer to and cupped her face. She slipped her arms around his waist to keep him there.

  “Are you trying to tell me,” he said huskily, “that I am your type of man?”

  Within seconds, her breathing grew ragged and volcanic heat consumed her. “You might be,” she whispered then cleared her throat, “which is why I would like to get to know you better.”

  Before she knew it, he’d brought his mouth down to hers. She clung to him as he kissed her deeply. For the first time since Steve had broken her heart, happiness filled her. She didn’t dare analyze her feelings right now. All she knew was that she enjoyed feeling this way, and she showed him through her urgent kisses.

  Although she stood waist deep in the water, her body burned with fervor. It had been awhile since she’d felt tremors of delight skipping over her body.

  When he broke the kiss, she moaned with disappointment. He placed a small kiss on her nose, took her hand, and led her out of the water.

  What was that all about? Did he plan to continue once they reached dry land? But he didn’t stop to take her back in his strong arms once they walked on the rocky dirt, he just kept her hand locked with his and headed back toward the spot they had their picnic.

  He squeezed her hand. “So, what do you want to know about me?”

  Her mind froze. What did she want to know? She really wanted to know more about Mr. Hunt. Yet, that topic just didn’t appeal to her any longer. She really did want to get to know Cole better.

  “Um... where do you live when you’re not working here?”


  “Where do you work when the resort closes for the season?”

  “I have a few different jobs. I mainly work for five-star hotels.”

  She stopped, pulling him with her. “Really?”

  “Yes. Don’t you remember how I told you that it was my dream to own one?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, I do remember, but I thought you meant a resort.”

  “I’ll take either one.”

  “Well, I’m glad you get to work toward your dream.”

  He nodded. “It definitely makes work easier when I enjoy what I’m doing.”

  “Are these hotels classy and luxurious?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have them any other way.” He winked.

  She smiled. “How long have you been working there?”

  “Since before my divorce.”

  She gasped, and looked at him through wide eyes. “Divorce? You were married?”

  “One has to be married in order to get a divorce.” He ran a gentle finger across her cheek.

  “I know. It just took me by surprise.”

  He shrugged and turned back toward their trail, bringing her with him on his way. “That part of my life is behind me now, and I’m moving on.”

  She studied his profile. A slight scowl marked his expression, and her heart twisted. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. Obviously, by his drawn mouth and hooded eyes, his marriage had ended badly. How long had he been married? Had he been miserable the whole time?

  Strange to think the two of them had more in common than she first realized. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

  His chest lifted and fell, with what looked to be a deep breath. When he looked straight at her, he smiled.

  “You didn’t,” he said. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Just don’t ask me anymore about my ex. I want to forget about her.”

  “Understandable.” She nodded.

  He stopped, leaned down, and left a brief kiss on her lips. “What else do you want to know
about me?”

  Her heart melted from the tenderness he’d shown. He was definitely one in a million. Unless this was all an act. But she didn’t think so. This had to be his true self. Yet, she couldn’t jump to conclusions. That’s what happened with Steve, and she ended up getting hurt.

  “I want to know...” She bit her lower lip. “I want to know why you’re so incredibly sweet?”

  He laughed and tightened his hold on her but continued to walk. “I’m just trying to please you, I guess.”

  Her heart sank. How did he mean that? Was he only acting this way with her because it was his job? She prayed she was wrong.


  Cole had been wrong when he told Erin she’d be dry before they headed back to the resort. Her Levis were still very damp, and as she’d predicted, she slid on the saddle. He bit his bottom lip from laughing, but she looked funny as she tried to keep herself aright while the horses trotted down the trail.

  Once again, Erin stayed in the back, talking with a few men. Larry also rode in the back. This time, it didn’t bother Cole to see Erin talking with the other men. She’d admitted they did nothing for her. Which meant Cole did a lot for her.

  Smiling, he adjusted himself on his saddle. He really needed to stop thinking about that since it distracted him in the worst way. And yet, he couldn’t stop thinking about their steamy kiss while they played in the water. Again. He shook his head, trying again, not to think that way. But that woman surprised him at every turn.

  He glanced back at her. Who was Erin DeWitt, really?


  A very feminine voice pulled his thoughts away from Erin. He looked at the wealthy, young widow who liked to wear a diamond or ruby ring on every finger. She was probably in her mid-forties, but her hair was always dyed blonde, and her lips were always puffy from lip injections. He wouldn’t doubt the rest of her was fake, as well.

  “Yes, Mrs. Caprelle.”

  She maneuvered her horse closer to his. “I would like to have a massage after I get back to my cabin.”


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