My Not So Fake Boyfriend

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My Not So Fake Boyfriend Page 2

by Raquel Belle


  His smile was slow, lazy, and still of panty-dropping quality after eight years. His eyes were unreadable, as he swept her from head to toe. “Jenna Benson, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  Jenna gulped, already concerned with the way his smooth baritone made her stomach clench, as her outrage at finding him in her living room had already vanished. Angel, her cat, perched beside Adam on the couch, spared her a glance and purred, rolling over to give Adam’s stroking fingers better access to her furry belly. Jenna nearly snorted. Angel never took to strangers like that. The cat was relaxed and enjoying every swipe of Adam’s fingers. Then again, what female wouldn’t want to be stroked by Adam?

  He had nice, long fingers, attached to strong hands that led to massive biceps. Adam was still too gorgeous for his own good. He had the same movie star features except they were more chiseled, and more masculine than she had remembered. Not to mention that his sterling gray eyes didn’t shine with boyish mischief, as they had when he was younger. They were serious, aged as if he’d seen too many unpleasant things, yet she still found herself falling into them.

  Jenna shook her head, breaking the spell. “Angel usually hides from strangers. You have a way with cats.”

  Adam grinned and gave Angel one last pat before standing up. Jenna’s eyes were glued to him, entranced by his graceful movements. He was over six feet of pure muscle packaged in smooth, tanned skin and covered by military garb.

  “I love pussies,” he said. “I usually prefer them a little less hairy, though.”

  Jenna nearly choked on her spit when his lips curved into a sinful smirk. And there was the wicked humor that she remembered. Jenna felt heat creep up her neck and spread across her face.

  “Well, baby girl,” he said using his old moniker for her, “Where’s my hug?” He spread his arms and smiled.

  Chapter Two


  The second Adam wrapped his arms around Jenna, he regretted it.

  Holy fuck.

  Why was his little Jenna so far from adorable and further along the spectrum of sexy? When had Jenna gotten so hot? He felt dirty hugging the girl he’d grown up with because, as she pressed into him, all he could think about were her breasts pressed against his chest. And Jenna had an amazing rack from what he’s glimpsed. He didn’t remember her having any boobs at all the last he saw her. He shouldn’t have made that stupid pussy joke because now he could see himself stroking Jenna’s pussy.

  Ah! Hell. He wanted to power wash his mind with soap.

  Adam pulled himself back from Jenna and stepped away to keep from perving out his best friend’s sister any further. That didn’t stop him from checking her out even further. Maybe if he treated her like the kid he remembered, his body would stop its outrageous reactions to her. It was no use, though. Her wide, jade green eyes were smiling at him. They were set perfectly on her heart-shaped face, and they made her look way too innocent. Then there was her perfect, little nose above her perfect lips that he suddenly wanted to taste. Were her lips always that full? Her strawberry-blonde hair was much shorter than he remembered. The silky strands hung in a sleek, sophisticated bob, barely brushing her shoulders. She had both sides tucked behind her ears, and he noticed that even her ears were cute. Since when did he admire ears on a woman? Good god, his shocking attraction to Jenna was quickly causing him to lose his mind.

  “It’s good to see you, Adam. It’s been so long.” Her flawlessly arched brows dipped into a scowl. “But, you broke into my apartment!”

  Blinking, Adam pulled himself from his lustful haze. “I was trying to prove a point.”

  “Excuse me? What point could breaking and entering possibly prove?”

  “That you’re not safe enough living here.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened, and her lips parted. Adam had to drag his eyes away from the temptation that was her mouth, but he still found himself wondering if her lips were as soft as they looked. All of her looked soft. He could imagine how smooth her creamy, porcelain skin was. Her face was tinged with a hint of pink, and he began to imagine how flushed her skin would get if he took her over the top a few times. His new obsession was wondering how Jenna looked in the throes of passion. Adam gave himself a mental kick and reminded himself to focus.

  She’s Noah’s sister. She’s Noah’s sister.

  Maybe the more he chanted it, the less likely he would be to forget that Jenna was off limits. His dick didn’t get the memo, however, because it twitched when she folded her arms beneath her breasts, pulling her white silk blouse tighter across her chest.

  “Noah, put you up to this, didn’t he? I knew when he suggested you stay with me for a while, he had an ulterior motive. He hates that I’m living in a new city, alone, and you present the perfect tool for him to spy on me. Need I remind you that I’m twenty-seven, not seven? Maybe I should call Noah and remind him. I’m a grown woman.”

  Of that, he was all too aware. Baby girl. That was what he used to call her when he’d hit puberty and saw her as nothing but Noah’s baby sister. She was so much more than that now. Adam gave her another once-over, appreciating the way her black pencil skirt molded the flare of her hips and accentuated her indented waist.

  “Oh, come on, Jenna. I’m not a spy sent by your brother.” He averted his gaze, feeling a tad guilty. When Noah first suggested he stay with Jenna, it had been partly for him to keep an eye on her. Noah had always been protective of his younger sister, and Adam couldn’t blame him. If he had a younger sister, he would be the same way, no matter how old she was and especially, if she looked like Jenna. She must have to beat men off with a stick on a daily basis.

  He held up both hands. “Okay, maybe Noah did want me to check up on you, but staying here is mostly for convenience. I was passing through on my way to Massachusetts anyway. I don’t have a home there or anywhere. So, when Noah suggested I crash here, I thought why not? He told me you were fine with the arrangement. I hope you haven’t changed your mind.”

  Jenna dropped her hands to her side. “Of course, I haven’t.” She smiled. “You practically lived at our house growing up. I’m accustomed to having you around.”

  Yes, but it had been almost a decade, and now he wanted to do dirty things to Jenna—dirty things that she would enjoy. “I’m sorry about breaking in. That wasn’t Noah’s idea. It just came to me to check how secure your door was when I arrived, and you weren’t home. And I must say, what the hell kind of security do you have in place, Jenna?”

  “Is that your way of apologizing?” she asked, incredulously.

  Adam scowled. He was not about to apologize for wanting her safe. “A kindergartener could have picked that flimsy lock. There isn’t even any security personnel downstairs. First thing tomorrow, I’m changing that lock and installing a deadbolt. What do you think about setting up an alarm system? I can …”

  “Oh, my God, Adam. Relax. You just got here.” She took in his uniform and added, “This isn’t a war zone. ”

  Adam’s lips tightened into a stern line. The entire world was a goddamn war zone as far as he was concerned. Sure, he was a bit on the paranoid side, and who wouldn't be after all he had seen and done? But, Jenna really needed to be more careful. It had taken him just a flick of the wrist to get into her apartment. “Yeah.”

  Adjusting to civilian life was going to be harder than he had thought. One day out of the Navy, and he already felt out of place. For eight years, the military had been his life. He never even returned home for a holiday. Why would he? He didn’t have a home to call his own. All he would have returned to was a father he resented.

  “Hey, are you alright?” Jenna was eying him with concern. “You zoned out for a minute there.”

  “I’m fine.”

  She smiled to lighten the mood. “I forgive you for breaking and entering. I won’t be calling the cops, after all.”

  “Thanks,” he said.

  She glanced at his single travel bag resting on the rug. “Is th
at all your stuff?”

  Adam rubbed the back of his neck. “Yup, my entire life can fit into one bag. It’s sad really.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh no, I didn’t ask to imply that …”

  “I know, Jenna. It’s okay.”

  Her cheeks were highlighted by a shade of pink, and he found it strangely sexy. He really wished he could see her as he did when they were younger. A quiet, gangly, awkward girl with braces and a mop of unruly hair, who always managed to look innocent and adorable. Why did Jenna have to grow up to look like a bombshell out of every man’s fantasy with her soft curves and glowing skin? He had to stop checking her out before she noticed.

  “So, this is it,” she said, as she waved her hand with a laugh. “My place is pretty small. It was the best I could do when I first moved here, and the place grew on me. There’s only one bedroom.”

  Their gazes clashed, and Adam didn’t know why that simple statement sent his libido into overdrive. He had to stop this foolishness, and quickly.

  Jenna’s face flushed a brighter pink than it already was, and she dipped her head and continued. “So, you’ll have to take the couch. I hope you're okay with that.”

  “That’s fine,” he said, wanting the subject of bedrooms to end, so he could stop picturing himself in bed with her. Adam didn’t know what was going on with him. He usually had great control over his emotions and his libido. He couldn’t understand why he was reacting the way he was to Jenna. “Don’t worry about me. The couch will be great, a luxury compared to some of the places I’ve had to sleep.”

  Her lips twisted. “Sounds like you have some interesting stories.”

  He gave her a small smile. He didn’t want to share his war stories with Jenna. She seemed so sweet and untouched by the horribleness of the world. “Not, really …”

  Jenna shifted from one foot to the other, as a wave of awkwardness passed between them. “Okay, make yourself comfortable.” She gave him one more timid smile. “It’s really good to see you, Adam,” she said softly. “Welcome home.”

  Adam could only smile and nod. A smile and those two words had rendered him speechless. It felt ridiculously good to hear those words. Welcome home. Jenna made him feel, as if he wasn’t practically homeless, and as if he did have a family.

  Adam glanced at the gray cat still lounging on the couch. Huge, round, glowing amber eyes blinked up at him. “Well, girl, it looks like you and I will be sharing this couch. So, move over.” The cat meowed and stretched, making him smile.

  Adam dropped to the couch with a sigh and pulled his phone from his pocket. As he waited for Noah to answer his call, he glanced at the hallway where Jenna had disappeared. She was probably in her bedroom undressing at that very minute. He would love to see Jenna naked. She had to be exquisite if she filled out her prim and proper work attire so beautifully. Jenna was what they called a late bloomer because at eighteen, the last time he saw her, she had been a completely different girl. And he wanted a taste of the new Jenna.

  “Christ,” he hissed. He was ready to pluck his own eyes out, if that would stop his crazy attraction to her.

  “Son of a bitch, if it isn’t Adam Hunter.”

  Noah’s voice filtered through the speaker. “Alive and in the flesh. What the hell is this I hear about you getting hitched? Have you gone mad?”

  “Probably,” Noah said, “and you’ll be standing by my side during all of the madness, Best Man.”

  Adam couldn’t believe Noah wanted him to be his best man. They had seen each other only a handful of times over the years, mostly communicating via email and phone calls. Surely, his childhood best friend had grown close enough to someone else to name them best man? “Are you sure you want to give me such an honor, man?”

  “Of course. Who else would I ask? I never had a biological brother, but you were the brother I chose.”

  That warm feeling that he’d felt when Jenna welcomed him home moved through him again. “In that case, it’s my honor. I suppose I’ll have to plan a bachelor party.” He was happy to do it. Anything to feel some semblance of normalcy in his life again.

  Noah laughed. “You’ll have a week to worry about all of that when you get here. So, how are you, man?”

  “I’m pretty good.”

  “ How does it feel to be a normal human?”

  “What the hell was I before?” Adam laughed and shook his head.

  “Some super soldier. I’m jealous. You must have some phenomenal stories.”

  “Not that phenomenal,” Adam said.

  “Bull shit,” Noah said. “How’s Jenna treating you?”

  “Great. Thanks again for arranging things.”

  “No problem. I knew she would help out. She loves you. We all do.”

  Adam rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, when he felt a strange kick in his gut at the mention of Jenna loving him. Of course, Noah didn’t mean anything more than as a family friend but, still, it made him feel something. “Thanks.”

  “Alright, down to the real business. How is she? I mean really. Does she look happy? I keep telling her to bring her ass back home where her family is. How’s the apartment? Do you think the neighborhood is safe enough? What’s your professional assessment as a SEAL?”

  Adam’s roar of laughter made the cat pop open one eye to glance at him with annoyance. It would seem Noah had him beat in the paranoia department. “Noah, your sister is fine. She reminded me earlier that she’s an adult, and now I’m reminding you.”

  There was a long sigh and then, Noah said, “I hate that she felt she had to move so far away. I should have put a stop to her dating that man. It’s all my fault, but I thought they were so good together.”

  “Who?” Adam’s ears perked up. Jenna had a boyfriend? Of course she did. Of course, some lucky bastard would swoop in and claim her. The thought of Jenna dating anyone sent a surge of resentment through him, and that wasn’t normal. He didn’t have a jealous bone in his body regarding women or anything else.

  “Never mind,” Noah said. “Just keep an eye on her while you’re there. And if you can, convince her to come back home.”

  “I can’t believe you sent me here to do your dirty work.”

  “Of course, I did. I know you care about her as much I do. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to spy on my sister.” Noah’s voice rang with amusement.

  Adam laughed. “When Jenna’s kicking your ass, I want no part of it.”

  “Bastard …”

  Trust, Adam thought, his amusement vanishing. His best friend trusted him to practically live with his sister, and he could think of nothing but putting his filthy paws on her.

  “She doesn’t have to know our motives.”

  “I think she’s already found us out.” Adam heard padded footsteps approaching. “I’ve got to go, man. We’ll talk later.”

  “Sure thing, and I’m glad your home for good.”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  Home for good. The thought was daunting because he had no idea what the hell he was going to do with himself, or with his life for that matter.

  Chapter Three


  Jenna smiled broadly when Adam appeared in the kitchen. He had gone to shower while she whipped something up for dinner. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, and she told herself it was because she was glad he was home and safe. He was like family, so of course, she cared about him.

  Deep down, she knew that what she was feeling had less to do with him being a family friend and more to do with wanting to mount him like a trollop. He had looked good enough to eat when she’d found him in her living room. Now, with his damp hair and skin and a tight t-shirt that hugged his form to perfection, she was ready to devour him. Maybe it wasn’t safe to have Adam in her apartment with her year-long dry spell, after all.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey …” Jenna cleared her throat lightly when her response came out a bit too breathy. She ducked her head and went back to slicing tomatoes. “Enjoy your shower?�
� She wanted to kick herself for that question. She really should avoid any topic of conversation that had to do with Adam naked under cascading water. So much for her teenage crush being dead. It was now a full-blown adult crush, or, in other words, she was in lust.

  “I did. Can I help you with anything?”

  “No, have a seat. I’m almost finished. I just have the salad left.” They were about to have dinner together, in her kitchen. Adam was staying in her apartment. The shock still hadn’t worn off. He strolled to the dining table, and she followed every fluid movement. How did someone so big, move with so much grace? Was he as smooth when he made love to a woman? She could imagine that he was. For as long she’d known Adam, he’d always been smooth.

  “Ah!” Too busy drooling over the fine specimen in her kitchen, she hadn’t noticed the knife getting too close to her fingers. The knife clattered to the floor, and before she could pick it up, Adam was by her side.

  “Damn it, Jenna.” He snatched her hand to inspect her finger. There was a small bead of blood that captured his attention. He frowned and pulled her to the sink. “You need to be more careful.” He tended to her barely-there wound.

  Being so close to him, having him touch her so gently, even if it was innocent, sent her hormones into an upheaval. He was dabbing her finger with a paper towel, and she couldn’t bear the proximity any longer. She pulled out of his grip—as if burned. “It’s just a nick, Adam. I’ll hardly bleed to death.” He gave her a ferocious scowl, and she shrugged. “It’s nothing. It doesn’t even need a Band-aid.”

  Adam huffed, picked up the knife from the floor, and tossed it into the sink. Grabbing another knife, he turned to the chopping board. “How about I finish slicing the tomatoes, while you set the table? I don’t want you losing a finger.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes but obeyed. “Fine, but don’t think you can come here and boss me around.”

  “I only boss women around in bed, Jenna, and they love it.” Regret flitted across his face the instant he spoke the words.


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