My Not So Fake Boyfriend

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My Not So Fake Boyfriend Page 7

by Raquel Belle

  “Who? Adam? He’s …”

  “Am I going to be planning another wedding soon?”

  Jenna’s brows shot up. “Excuse me?”

  Martha grinned, broadly. “I heard you and Adam hit it off.”

  Oh no. If her mother got wind of her fake relationship with Adam, things could get messy. “You … you heard?”

  Sarah shrugged and mouthed sorry.

  Noah. Jenna silently fumed, as she pictured herself wrapping her hands around her brother’s neck.

  Martha nodded, gleefully, and then gasped loudly when Adam and Noah appeared at the door. “Oh, my word, Adam, it’s been so long. Come here, you handsome stud.”

  Jenna stifled a groan, while Sarah snickered, and Noah rolled his eyes. Adam’s face flushed slightly, and his eyes widened. One could only imagine his shock and discomfort at being referred to as a stud by a woman who had pretty much been a mother to him—and that she said it in front of her husband, no less.

  Jacob bellowed and said, “Watch it, Martha, he’s too young for you.”

  Jenna hung her head. She knew how excruciatingly embarrassing her parents could be, but Adam might have forgotten, and she was uncomfortable for him.

  Martha slapped her husband playfully on the arm. “Jealous are we?” She turned her attention back on Adam. “You’re even more good-looking than I remembered.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Benson,” he said, dropping the bags to catch Martha’s tiny, flying frame.

  “Don’t you Mrs. Benson me,” she said. “You’ve always been family, and now that you and our Jenna are together, maybe soon you’ll be calling me mom.”

  Jenna was sure she would keel over from sheer embarrassment. Adam froze, and for a second, Jenna thought he would turn and run. Surprise flickered across his face, and she held her breath, but he recovered quickly.

  It was Noah who chimed in, though. “Whoa, mom, what are you talking about?”

  “You told me Adam was Jenna’s date to the wedding.”

  Noah scowled. “Yes, but I didn’t tell you to start planning their wedding for Christ’s sake. I doubt there’s anything serious going on between them.” His pointed stare was directed at Adam who only lifted a brow.

  Jenna jumped in to stop the train wreck. “We’re not that serious, mom. We’re just dating … casually.” Heat scorched her cheeks, and all she wanted to do was to disappear. “Is dinner ready yet? I’m starving.”

  Martha was disappointed. She was itching to have both her children married and giving her grandchildren. “Yes but …”

  “Great! Let’s go.” Jenna was the first to scurry out of the crowded foyer. She heard her father and Adam exchanging greetings and manly claps on the shoulder, but she held her head straight and continued her escape.

  “Oh, my God,” she moaned under her breath. Adam was going to kill her. She hadn’t expected her brother to blab about their supposed relationship.

  Chapter Nine


  Adam folded his arms across his chest and watched Noah and Jenna with slight amusement. The three of them had escaped to the back porch, well, Jenna had dragged Noah to the back porch, and he had followed to make sure she didn’t kill her brother. She’d been quiet during dinner, and had avoided making eye contact with him. Too often, he’d found his attention straying to her almost as if it were a compulsion.

  Chatter had floated around him, questions hurled at him from all directions. It had all been easy conversation. He’d always felt at home with the Bensons and even after years away, he’d fallen back into the easy relationships he had with each member, except for Jenna. That relationship was, in no way, as easy as it once was.

  More than a few times, he had found it hard to focus on anything or anyone but Jenna. He thought of how he’d almost kissed her earlier. What if he’d given in to his insane urge and kissed her, and her brother had walked out just then? Adam had no idea what had possessed him. She’d asked him what he wanted, and he’d almost lost his head.

  Her. He wanted her. Instead of his attraction lessening, especially in the presence of her family, it only grew. It was hard to keep his eyes off of her. Every move she made, no matter how innocent, it appeared to be the sexiest thing.

  Now, she paced and jabbed angrily at her brother’s chest, and damn it if it wasn’t the hottest thing he’d seen in a while. He wondered if her bout of temper was a prelude to the passion she would unleash in bed. As subtly as he could, he admired the jut of her breasts, as she placed her hands on her hips and continued giving Noah a tongue-lashing. The curve of her ass was incredible, enticing, especially in those tight-fitting jeans.

  “I can’t believe you did that to me and to Adam. Now, mom and probably every person in Stockbridge thinks we’re on our way down the aisle. Why would you even tell our parents that Adam and I are together? I had to guilt you into going along with the farce, and all of a sudden you’re Mr. Loose lips? What the hell, Noah?”

  Noah threw his hands up. “I was trying to help. What were you going to tell mom and dad when you got here? That Adam is your fake boyfriend?”

  Jenna paused and shrugged. “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t have given them the impression that Adam and I are serious.”

  “I thought I’d give them a heads up about your ridiculous fake date idea.”

  “Then why do they think it’s real?”

  “I mentioned to mom that you and Adam would attend the wedding together, as a couple. That’s all.”

  Jenna looked skyward. “If that’s all you told her, then no wonder she’s already planning my wedding.”

  Adam watched the siblings bicker some more.

  “You’re literally ruining my life, Noah,” Jenna said.

  “Come on, sis,” Noah said. “I know I screwed up with the Bryce situation. I’ve seen the error of my ways. I’m sorry. And I’m doubly sorry for opening my mouth about you and Adam. I was honestly trying to spare you the awkwardness … not just for you but for all of us.”

  “Has she killed him yet?”

  Adam grunted and turned to Sarah who had silently emerged through the backdoor. “Nope. He’s still in one piece, lucky for you.”

  Sarah smiled. “They’ll be good as gold by tomorrow. Those two never stay mad at each other for long.”

  “I don’t know, Jenna’s pretty pissed this time.”

  “I think she’s more upset on your behalf,” Sarah said.

  Adam regarded the woman he barely knew with narrowed eyes. He vaguely remembered her from high school, but they never moved in the same circles. She seemed like a nice woman, and Noah was clearly head over heels. He didn’t think he’d ever heard his friend gush over a woman like he did his fiancée. Briefly, Adam wondered what it would be like to be so in love. All his life he’d only ever been in lust. Again, he found his gaze shifting to Jenna and quickly killed the idea.

  “You may be right,” he said. He doubted Jenna would be giving her brother such a hard time if it weren’t for him. His mortification had been evident each time Martha or her husband made a comment about him and Jenna. They were thrilled by the possibility of them as a couple, and Adam felt both guilty and frightened. Him in a steady relationship? Ready for marriage? He almost broke out into hives just thinking about it. And as much as he’d tried to cover his reaction each time, Jenna was always studying him closely enough to notice. After the first few times, she had avoided looking at him completely.

  With a sigh, Adam decided to put a stop to the heated discussion going on in front of him. “I’d better get over there and save your fiancé,” he told Sarah.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  Adam took slow steps towards Jenna and Noah. “Jenna.”

  She whirled around and instantly the fire in her eyes dissipated, leaving a hint of embarrassment. “Hey, Adam.” Her gaze dropped. “Are you ready to go?”

  Adam’s eyes moved over her for as long as he dared in front of her brother. “Just about.”

  “There’s no need for you to stay
at some hotel, man,” Noah said. “Stay with mom and dad or stay with Sarah and me.”

  He definitely couldn’t stay with the Bensons, not with Jenna under the same roof. It would feel wrong somehow to have his usual lascivious thoughts about her in her parents’ house. He wanted to be alone. “It’s fine. I don’t want to impose on anyone.”

  “You could never impose,” Noah and Jenna chorused. Jenna glowered in her brother’s direction, and he returned the same look.

  “Thanks but, really, I don’t mind crashing at a hotel.”

  “Mom will have a conniption,” Jenna said.

  “Yeah, she assumes you’re staying with me if you’re not staying here,” Noah said.

  “Then let’s not break it to her just yet,” Adam said. “I’ll just slip out through the side gate.

  “I’ll walk with you,” Jenna volunteered before Noah could.

  “No need, kiddo. Get back inside.”

  Adam’s brows shot to his hairline, when Jenna practically growled at her brother. “Don’t tell me what to do, and if you call me kid, kiddo, or twig one more time, I swear you won’t make it to your wedding alive.”

  The shock on Noah’s face was priceless. Nearly choking on the laugh he tried to muffle, Adam cleared his throat. “Thank you, Jenna. I would appreciate the company.” Noah sent him a scowl that he chose to ignore. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Noah.”

  Jenna walked silently beside Adam until they reached his car. She glanced at the house to ensure no one was watching and let out a breath. “Adam, I’m so sorry.”

  “How long has that apology been brewing and ready to explode?” he asked, his words laced with humor.

  “Since we got here,” she said. “I’m so embarrassed. You must wish you never agreed to my absurd plan. Now we’re practically engaged in the eyes of my parents and probably the entire town.”

  A rumble of laughter echoed in the night. Adam rested a hand on the roof of his car, bringing himself closer to Jenna, whose face was flushed. “I admit, I was shocked at first, but then I realized that we have nothing to worry about. So what if everyone thinks we’re all that serious? Mission accomplished. Our charade will be more believable. That is what you wanted, after all. It isn’t like either of us will be sticking around after the wedding. We’ll leave, and in no time, we’ll break up. I’ll even tell your parents it was all my fault, and I’m sure your mother will let the rest of the town know. You’ll be able to return for the next special occasion with your head held high.” He smiled and waited for her to smile back. When she didn’t, his amusement faded.

  Jenna averted her gaze and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll simply break up. I suppose I’m making a big deal out of things because I feel so bad.”

  Adam studied her with narrowed eyes, wondering why she refused to look at him. Could it be because he’d nearly crossed the line earlier? He had been a hair’s breadth away from locking lips with her, But, as he recalled, she seemed to want him to kiss her. With a frown, he took a step away from her. “Don’t feel bad.”

  “I can’t imagine how awkward this must be for you.”

  “Awkward, yes.” Very awkward, especially in front of her family, who was in a way his family as well. “But, it’s okay. Let’s put on a damn good show, get your brother and Sarah down the aisle, and blow this joint. We’ll have a good laugh about all the uneasiness over a drink when we get home.”

  This time she did laugh, and he let out a relieved sigh. Her giggle was soft, like butterfly wings brushing his skin, and he could have kicked himself for his absurd reaction to a mere giggle. “I’m going to get going,” he said. If he didn’t get into his car and leave, he would do something stupid like try to kiss her again.

  “I should have stayed at a hotel, too.”

  “You and I both know Martha would hunt you down and drag you back here. Hell, I probably have a day or two before she discovers I’m not staying with Noah and drags my ass out of that hotel.”

  Jenna laughed again, and he smiled. “Thank you for being so cool about all of this, Adam.” She took a step closer, her arms outstretched, but then she stopped, glanced at the house again, and dropped her arms. The entire time his breathing had ceased. If she touched him, he didn’t know if he would have been able to control himself.

  With a full-faced blush, she cleared her throat. “Have you decided when you’re going to see your father?”

  Adam’s jaws clenched. “I was planning on doing that tomorrow to get it out of the way.”

  She nodded, her expression soft and her eyes, understanding. “Do you want company? I’d be more than happy to tag along. I feel that as your pretend girlfriend, I should be supportive.”

  He chuckled and rubbed his jaw. He contemplated having anyone there witness to his pain. Then again, Jenna knew the details of his strained relationship with his father, her entire family did. That was why they’d all stepped in to give him a second home.

  “Sure. Why not? I’d like the company. I’ll call you.”

  “Okay. Good night, Adam.” Jenna stepped away from the car and him.

  The strange tension between them was back full force as they eyed each other. “Good night,” he said. “Get inside.”

  She shook her head back and forth. “I don’t know what it is with you and Noah giving orders and expecting me to follow them.”

  A small smile formed on his lips. “I’m sorry. What I should have said was pretty please go inside, Jenna. It’s dark out, and I’d like to see you go in before I leave.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him before heading back to the house. Adam groaned, as he watched her skip up the steps. What he would give to have that tongue all over him. Shaking his head, he slid into his car, wondering how he would get through the week with the constant boner that Jenna was causing.


  Jenna was quiet, but he was very much aware of her presence. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as he’d thought to have her there with him. In fact, he felt at peace even looking at his father who had been the cause of some of the worst moments of his childhood. Adam glanced back at her and received a reassuring smile.

  He turned his attention back to the man lying still and pale on the bed. Michael Hunter was no longer the mighty, imposing figure Adam had known when he was younger. He was frail and unable to speak after two strokes. Over the years, Adam had been kept informed about his father’s condition. He had dutifully paid the medical bills and ensured his father was put in a facility where he could receive proper care. He’d just never been interested in seeing the old man.

  Michael stared mutely at his son, emotions that Adam chose not to acknowledge shining in his eyes. Adam remained expressionless, even as memories of his childhood and his father's deeds played in his mind. Michael had been a despicable character, abusive and cold especially when he’d indulged in his favorite pastime—getting drunk. Adam, his mother, and his brother had all suffered at the hands of Michael—his mother more so than anyone else. She had lost her life because of her husband.

  The memory of getting the news of his mother’s car accident nearly robbed him of breath, but he held himself together. He had been spending the night with the Bensons, as he usually did while his older brother was out with friends, and his mother had tried to escape her husband’s drunken wrath only to end up wrapping her car around a light post. Neither he nor his brother had been the same after that, both wracked with guilt for not being there to protect her. Adam was only thirteen at the time. He doubted he could have done much to help his mother then, so his seventeen-year-old brother had suffered the most guilt.


  The soft call seeped into the treacherous memory and pulled him back to the present. He blinked, realizing that he’d been staring at his father for a while without really seeing him.

  “Are you okay?” Jenna placed a comforting hand on his arm, and he stared at the point of contact for a while before nodding.

  “I’m fine.”

  She didn’t look
convinced, but she nodded, smiled at his father, and stepped back. Michael’s eyes followed Jenna’s movements, rested on her for a few seconds, and then jumped back to Adam. He was obviously trying to ask his son about his relationship with the pretty woman who’d arrived with him. All Adam did was smirk. As if he would volunteer any information about his life to Michael.

  “Well, old man, I suppose I’ll stop by again one of these days.” With that he whirled around, ready to leave. He ignored the shock and reprimand on Jenna’s face and said, “Let’s go.” Adam aimed for the door and stopped when he realized Jenna hadn’t followed.

  She was fluffing his father’s pillow and adjusting the blanket over his frail body. “I hope I get to see you again, before I leave town, Mr. Hunter. I’m Jenna, by the way. A friend of Adam’s. I should have introduced myself earlier, but I wanted to give you and your son some privacy. Are you comfortable?”

  Michael, was staring up at her and managed to move his head slightly in a nod.

  “Good,” Jenna said. “Take care.”

  Adam eyed her with disbelief. Did she have to be so sweet to everyone? Even those who didn’t deserve it? He was tempted to haul her ass over his shoulder and take her out of the room, just so his father didn’t look at her. Michael didn’t deserve to lay his eyes on such a beautiful creature. And she was beautiful, inside and out.

  Only when they were in the parking lot and near his car, did Adam utter a word. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

  “What? Be nice?”


  “Well, I had to do and say something to him since all you did the entire time was stand there and give him the evil eye.”

  “I did no such thing,” he said with a scowl.

  “Oh, you’re right, you didn’t give him the evil eye. You showed no emotion at all!”

  Coming to a stop, Adam turned to her. “He’s lucky I even showed up. I should just leave him here to r …”

  A finger was placed over his lips. The contact shocked and aroused him at the same time. Jenna had no idea what a dangerous path she was treading, by just laying a finger on him. He was ready to shove her against the car and take his sexual frustration as well as his anger out on her in a way that would make her melt at his feet. But, all he did was stare at her with shock.


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