My Not So Fake Boyfriend

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My Not So Fake Boyfriend Page 16

by Raquel Belle

  She gave him a bewildered look and shook her head. “What else am I supposed to mean?”

  “I thought you were ending our … whatever we have going on here.”

  She covered her face and groaned. “Oh, God. That’s the last thing I want to do, but what if we have to end things?”

  “Like hell,” he said.

  “What exactly do we have going on, Adam? I mean, is it worth ruining a lifelong friendship for?”

  He fell silent, his eyes boring into hers.

  Jenna’s breath escaped in a low hiss and fresh tears welled up. “I take your silence to mean it isn’t.”

  Blinking out of his stupor, Adam blurted, “No, my silence means I’m trying to figure out a way to tell you I love you.”

  It was her turn to fall into a silent stupor. Jenna’s mouth opened and closed several times. It was hard for her to formulate words or even a thought. To think she’d been waiting years to hear those words, and she couldn’t even respond. “I … You just found a way to tell me.”

  “I suppose I did.” Adam closed his eyes and let out a breath. “It was supposed to be better than this. A grand gesture. I was supposed to come with roses or chocolates or a god damn poem after I spoke with your brother.”

  Jenna’s expression softened. “Oh, Adam. You admitting that is probably the sweetest thing ever.”


  “It sounds as if you were putting so much thought into it. I’m touched.” She crawled to his side of the bed and flung her arms around his neck.

  He let out a laugh. “If I had known it was this simple, then I would have told you weeks ago.”

  “I love you, too, Adam.”

  “I know,” he said.

  “Damn you,” she said, but there was humor in her voice. “Can’t hide anything.”

  He buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her light, floral scent. “I need you to stop torturing yourself, Jenna. Let me deal with your brother.”

  Her arms tightened around him. “Normally, I’d tell Noah to suck it, but you have been friends since you were twelve, Adam. I can’t …”

  “Do I have to kiss you into silence? Because I will.”

  She pulled away to smile at him. “That’s not much of a threat.”

  He dipped his head to make good, commanding her mouth with a searing kiss that left them both breathless. With a content sigh, Jenna rested her head on his shoulder when he laid down. Wrapping his arms around her, he waited until long after she drifted off to sleep before he let out a groan.

  “Crisis averted for now.”


  When he opened his eyes, it was bright outside. Adam blinked against the sun filtering through the drapes. He couldn’t believe he’d slept so late. Jenna was still asleep, and he gently disentangled himself from her. It seemed she had worried herself into exhaustion. Thankfully, it was Sunday, so she could sleep all day if she wished.

  Adam commenced his morning routine, starting with his jog, which he couldn’t get Jenna to join for anything. He smiled as he made his way back home, thinking about the many mornings he’d tried to coax her out of bed for a jog. There were plenty of times when she’d managed to coax him back into bed and his morning jog was forgotten, as he lost himself in her.

  He’d taken the plunge, told her how he felt, and it had gone well … considering he’d blurted it out to stop her meltdown. He approached his house, eager to hop into the shower and then find very creative and sexual ways to wake Jenna if she wasn’t already awake. His smile vanished along with his rising need for Jenna when he spotted a familiar car. His gaze traveled to his door and as he’d feared, Noah stood at the top of the brick steps. He rang the doorbell and waited. He must have been ringing the bell for a while, long enough for Jenna to hear because the door opened, and she stood, wearing nothing but his t-shirt. From across the street, Adam could see the horror on her face, when she came face to face with Noah.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Jenna never wanted to be in the thrall of a nightmare so badly. She wanted to pinch herself and wake up to experience that relief one felt when they realized they were just dreaming. But, her brother really was standing in Adam’s doorway, gawking at her, and she had nothing on but Adam’s thin t-shirt. Things couldn’t get any more awkward.

  “Jenna?” Noah was momentarily confused. “This is Adam’s address … I stopped by your place first but you …” He took in her appearance, and she knew the precise moment he figured everything out. “Oh, no. God, no.”

  “Noah, I can explain.” She pursed her lips and frowned. Well, there wasn’t much to explain. She was sleeping with Adam, and there was no way she could talk herself out of that one. When she had flung the door open, she thought it was Adam, back from his morning run. She thought he’d forgotten his key.

  He appeared then, and walked up the steps with an unhurried gait. Clearly, he wasn’t freaking out as much as she was, which was good. At least one of them had to remain calm.

  “Noah,” he said, quietly, as if his friend didn’t just discover his sister in his house. “What a pleasant surprise.”

  Red faced and eyes bulging, Noah turned on him. “You son of a …”

  “Noah!” Jenna stepped outside with the intention of placing herself between the two men, but Adam swiftly stepped around her brother to gently push her back inside. His eyes swept over her heatedly, as if he couldn’t care less that his best friend currently wanted kill him. She should have expected the amusement she saw flash across his face because of his sense of humor, but it still shocked her.

  “Adam, you dog, I told you to keep your womanizing hands off of my sister, and you do the exact opposite. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t beat the shit out of you.”

  “I’ve got nothing,” Adam said. He was inciting Noah’s anger, and Jenna was becoming increasingly nervous.

  “Noah, please, can we just …”

  “Shut up, Jenna. I’m not ready for you yet.”

  Nostrils flaring, and a flash of temper flickering in his eyes, Adam said, “Don’t talk to her like that.”

  “Don’t tell me how to talk to my own sister.”

  “Call me whatever kind of filthy bastard you want, Noah, but do not raise your voice threateningly or otherwise at your sister. Not in front of me, not ever.”

  Jenna remained, mostly hidden behind Adam, not because she was afraid, but because she didn’t want her brother catching any more glimpses of her lady bits in the revealing t-shirt. Peeking around his broad back, she glared at Noah. “Look, I’m sorry I lied to you. But, you’re overreacting. I’m an adult. I can be with whoever I want.”

  “Oh, so you’re with him?” Noah said. “For how long, little sis? Until next week when he drops you for another hot body in a skirt? I didn’t take you for the foolish type to fall into Adam’s bed. What are you going to do when he tires of you, packs up, and leaves the state like you did after your last break up?”

  “How can you say those things …?” Jenna trailed off on the verge of tears. The image her own brother had of her was more than disparaging.

  Adam was across the room with Noah slammed against the door before she realized he’d moved. “Get out, Noah, or I swear to God, I’ll …”

  “Adam! Stop. Both of you just stop. I’ll leave, so you two can talk.”

  “Good!” Noah roared.

  “No! You stay,” Adam told Jenna. “Hell if I’m going to let anyone run my woman out of my house.”

  Her heart soared, and it took great effort not to stick her tongue out at her brother in a childish manner. Adam claimed her as his woman right in front of Noah. That was a hell of a statement.

  “Your woman?” Noah said, his gaze jumping from Adam to Jenna. “I can’t believe this shit. You two go from faking it to making it? This can’t be happening.”

  Jenna hung her head, feeling a sliver of guilt. “I’m sorry, Noah. I know you hate me right no
w but …”

  “Jenna,” Adam said, “you have nothing to apologize for.” He sent Noah a lethal look that she missed because she was busy hanging her head in shame. “I should be the one apologizing. Isn’t that right, Noah?”

  Noah took a step back. “Right.”

  “And you don’t hate your sister, right, Noah?”

  The cold stare being directed at him made Noah flinch. “Right. Of course, not. I could never.”

  “And we’re going to step outside and discuss this like men, right, Noah?” Adam’s tone was chillingly calm, and his stance exuded menace.

  Clearing his throat lightly and trying to hide his intimidation behind the defiant angle of his chin, Noah said, “Right.”

  “A-are you sure? I don’t want you two to start brawling on the front lawn.” Jenna eyed both men warily. She felt responsible for the entire situation.

  “There won’t be a brawl, right, Noah?”


  Jenna watched them walk through the door with concern. Minutes ticked by, and she dressed and fed her cat. She then proceeded to pace Adam’s living room, wanting badly to fling the door open and see if either Noah or Adam or both of them were dead on the front lawn. But, she refrained, not wanting to cause any more damage than she already had.

  Finally, the door opened and Noah stepped in. Jenna wheeled around. “Where’s Adam? What did you do to him?”

  “You’re worried about him? I’m the one who was in danger. Your boyfriend is fucking dangerous.”

  “He’s the sweetest and gentlest man, Noah.”

  He snorted. “To you. He’s waiting outside.”

  “And he’s still your friend?” She held her breath.

  He huffed and shoved his fingers through his hair. “He is, and I overreacted. It’s just weird. My baby sister and Adam.”

  “But I’m not your baby sister anymore.”

  “I know. It’s going to take some getting used to, but my idiot best friend says he loves you, and he hasn’t been a cad for quite some time now, and he swears up and down that he won’t break your heart. I still think he’s an asshole for lying to me, but I’ll get over it.”

  Jenna pursed her lips in an attempt to keep her smile from pushing through. “Your rapid change of heart is incredible. What happened out there?”

  “Your boyfriend threatened to hit me back if I didn’t come in here and make you smile. So, start smiling, twig, or I fear you’ll become an only child, and Sarah will become a widow.”

  Jenna blinked. “Hit you back? You hit him? Noah, you …”

  “He’ll live. What matters is that we’re still friends, and I’m allowing you two to carry on with whatever you’re doing.”

  “You’re allowing us?” Jenna said. “Get over yourself, Noah before I hit you.”

  His mouth twitched. “Look, sort shit out with Adam, and meet me at your apartment. I drove all the way here nonstop because I was worried, and I expect you spend time with me. You sounded strange on the phone. Now, I know why.”

  Her heart softened. “You drove all the way here to check me? You’re a pain in my ass sometimes, but you always redeem yourself.” She walked to him with outstretched arms and hugged him tightly.

  “I love you, twig.”

  “Don’t …”

  He held up a finger. “I get to call you twig as punishment for lying to me.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes. “Whatever, just go. I’ll see you in a bit. Do you still have the key I gave you?”

  “You bet.” He smiled. “If Adam tries any funny business down the line, you let me know. After a few self-defense classes I’ll be able to take him.”

  “Go away, brother.”

  He laughed, as he headed to the door. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, sis. I have a wife to get home to.”

  Jenna grinned. “Okay.”

  She let out a breath when he was gone and dropped to the couch. She closed her eyes and allowed the relief to course through her system.

  “Things could have gone way worse, don’t you think?”

  Jenna smiled. “Way worse.” She opened her eyes to find Adam peering down at her. She gasped when she saw the discoloration beneath his right eye. She rose to take his face between her palms. “Adam, your eye. Does it hurt?”

  “I’ve had worse.”

  “You said you two weren’t going to fight.”

  “There was no fight. Noah agreed to grow up and accept the idea of you and me … if I stood there with my hands behind my back and let him punch me without retaliating.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You stood there and let him hit you?”

  “Small price to pay for the lady’s hand,” he said with a slight bow and a boyish grin.

  Jenna shook her head. “I’m going to kill my brother.”

  “You’ve been threatening to kill him a lot lately. I’m afraid you’ll actually do it at some point.”

  “Oh, I will.” She studied his bruise with a scowl, and he cupped her face to plant a kiss on her lips.

  “No need. We’re okay now. We are, aren’t we?” It wasn’t often that she saw Adam’s uncertainty about anything, but it was evident. “Those things that Noah said about me. I haven’t been that person in a long while.”

  She placed a finger over his lips. “You’ve never been that person at heart. I’ve always seen the real you. And I’ve loved you for a long time before I even knew what real love was, I think.”

  Adam studied her in silence. “A long time? How long are we talking here?”

  “Since we were kids,” she said.

  His brows shot up, and she wound her arms around his neck to kiss him before he could respond. “Don’t ask, since most of the details are embarrassing.”

  His lips quirked upward. “Now, I really want to hear the details.” He was gazing at her with a mixture of shock and adoration.

  “You’ll never get me to admit to my childhood foolishness.”

  “Foolishness? If you had a crush, I wouldn’t call it foolishness. I’m flattered,” he said.

  With mock disgust she pulled out of his hold and attempted to walk away, but he embraced her again. “Fine, let’s talk about my love for you now. Better yet, let me show you how much I love you.”

  Instantly, Jenna melted into his kiss. She smiled inwardly, wishing she could tell her younger self that her dream of ending up with Adam would one day become a reality.

  The End?

  Want to find out what happens to Adam and Jenna?

  Click here to read “My Not So Fake Boyfriend: The Question – A Novella” - FREE

  My Not So Fake Boyfriend: The Question – A Novella

  I had such an amazing time writing this story about Adam and Jenna, I really didn’t want it to end.

  But all good things have to come to an end, right?


  I was lying in bed one night and started thinking about the characters, and then I thought to myself, “what’s next for Adam and Jenna?”

  That’s when my brain went in to overdrive and I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep. So I jumped up and went over to my desk.

  A few days later…I had my answer, and now…so will you!

  This isn’t going to be published – it’s just for me and my fans!

  This is “My Not So Fake Boyfriend – The Question” – an exclusive novella. My gift to you.

  I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Click here to read “My Not So Fake Boyfriend: The Question - ANovella” - FREE



  P.S. For those of you who’ve been reading my other books, you may spot a cameo or two from some other stories!

  An excerpt from “A Ruthless Lust”


  Damian’s head snapped back and the sound of a palm striking him across the face echoed. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered, rubbing his burning jaw. He fixed the irate, naked woman in front of him with an annoyed stare. Since w
hen did asking someone to vacate the premises warrant a slap in the face?

  Brunette, as he’d decided to refer to her—because try as he might, he could not remember her name—inhaled sharply. “You’re kicking me out?”

  “No, I asked you to leave, nicely,” Damian bit out through clenched teeth.

  Brunette threw her hands up and her exposed breasts swayed with her movements. Usually, Damian would have been enticed by the view. Not this time. Maybe the problem was the throbbing in his head, a harbinger of a killer hangover. But since when did something like a hangover stop him from continuing a party the morning after?

  “Just like that?” She scoffed. “I thought we would have breakfast, spend a little more time together. Perhaps arrange another date.”

  Damian’s eyes rounded. Another date? First of all, he didn’t date and he couldn’t understand why Brunette considered being picked up at a bar a first date. Hopeful eyes stared back at him and long lashes batted prettily.

  He stifled a groan, realizing what he’d gotten himself into. It was one of those one-night stands. The one where the woman somehow interpreted one night as a marriage proposal. Massaging the bridge of his nose, he huffed. “Look ...” Lucy, Lexy, Lena … He vaguely recalled that her name began with an L. He shook his head, and gave up on the frivolous thought. “You knew what this was when you agreed to come back to my room. One night. Nothing more.”

  Her eyes narrowed to slits. “You bastard. You don’t even remember my name, do you?”

  Damian’s shoulders lifted and he shook his head.

  “It’s Lacy,” she spat.

  He nodded. Ah, there it was. He didn’t feel bad, not in the least. He knew Lacy’s type all too well. She trolled fancy hotel bars and other hot spots for the wealthy, hoping to sink her money-hungry fangs into a rich man. Damian had been her prey. She had taken one look at him, calculated, and summed up that he had money. Then she’d descended like a vulture, confident that she could use her sexual prowess to convince him into something more than one night. He’d let her hunt him, let her believe she had a chance…because he’d wanted a body to warm his bed for the night. Lacy’s sexual prowess had been on point—good enough to ensnare many weaker men. But, not him. Never him.


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