His Forgotten Mate

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His Forgotten Mate Page 6

by Giovanna Reaves

  They stayed like that for a few minutes until both their stomachs growled, causing them to chuckle.

  "I guess we should get some food."

  "Ugh," Alexis groaned, stepping back from Maverick, rubbing his stomach. "How can I even be thinking of food when I feel like I have a hangover."

  "I'm that good, huh?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I fucked you so good, you have a hangover."

  Maverick smiled and watched Alexis's eyes widen before he started laughing.

  "That's the corniest shit I've ever heard," Alexis said between his chuckles.

  Maverick continued to smile, loving the sound of joy coming from his mate. He might not have been ready to have a mate, but hearing his laughter brought more joy to him than he’d had in a very long time.

  Chapter Six


  Alexis covered his face and groaned.

  They’d decided to eat out and were having brunch at the local diner near his house. Maverick ordered a stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee. Alexis went with fresh fruits, yogurt, and mint tea.

  He separated his fingers and looked at Maverick. He looked gorgeous with his hair framing his face instead of neatly combed and gelled back. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his lips. He hadn't expected the alpha wolf to come and assist him in the bathroom that morning. It took away some of the apprehension he was feeling.

  What Maverick was proposing made a lot of sense. It wasn't a complicated plan, but he was already getting a headache thinking about the stress of having all of their families in one room together. Maverick wanted to pull the bandage off in a way and tell both sets of parents together about their mating and Alexis’s pregnancy.

  "Are you sure there isn’t any other way we could do this?"

  "Not if we want to start out fresh," Maverick told him. "I don't want to keep something this important from my family or my pack."

  "I understand." Alexis picked up his cup, taking a sip of the hot liquid. "I don't want to keep this a secret anymore. I'm just not ready for you to meet my folks. We not only celebrate Christmas but Yule, as well. Like I said, we're holiday freaks."

  "Okay, so...why aren't you ready for me to meet them?" Maverick asked.

  "It’s not that I don’t want you to meet them. They aren’t closed minded, if that’s what you’re thinking. But when it comes to relationships, being mated isn’t enough.” He sighed and looked at Maverick. “What do you know about witches and warlocks?”

  “Honestly? Not much.”

  “Okay, so here’s a quick break down. Until we find our mates, we are allowed to be with whomever and however many people we want.”

  “Is this your way of telling me you’ve been to orgies before we met?” Maverick raised an eyebrow as a smirk crossed his lips.

  Alexis tilted his head studying his mate. He might seem relaxed, but telling Maverick he’d attended orgies from the age of eighteen to right before they’d met wouldn’t be a good way to start off their mating. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  Maverick winced, confirming Alexis’s suspicions. “Yeah, let’s not talk about that. Let’s get back to your parents.”

  “My parents will want to conduct a bonding ceremony. It’s kind of like a wedding. The difference is, they will expect us to be bonded on the next full moon and consummate it immediately after receiving our blessing."

  "Wait, are they going to stand by the door and listen to us have sex?"


  "—No," Maverick said.


  "—No, Alexis. I won't have your family standing by our bedroom door listening to us have sex. What kind of crazy shit is that? I don't want anyone else to hear what you sound like when you're coming. That is for my pleasure only."

  "Aww, you're so sweet and possessive. Do you know how turned on your getting me right now?"

  "So, you like that I'm possessive?"

  "Oh, hell yeah," he said reaching over with his foot rubbing Maverick’s legs. He smiled when he saw the quick shift in the werewolf’s eyes.

  "Then you understand why I don't want anyone to hear that sweet, sexy hitch in your voice when I touch you here."

  Maverick reached up and ran a finger down the side of his neck, trailing it down to his clavicle. Alexis covered his mouth, hiding the sound that escaped.

  Fuck, the man already knows how to get to me.

  "I guess I've made my point." Maverick leaned back in his seat, a cocky smirk on his lips as he picked up his coffee cup, bringing it to his mouth and taking a few sips.

  Cocky ass bastard. Alexis mentally groused.

  Alexis removed his hand from his mouth and exhaled. "Yes, you did."

  He felt a flush creep up in his neck and then his cheeks. Putting his leg down, he cleared his throat and reached for his water. He too a large gulp, hoping it would cool him down.

  Nope, not helping.

  Putting his glass down, he looked at a still smirking Maverick. "If you had given me a chance to finish what I was about to say,” Alexis scolded. “They might be traditional, but they wouldn't cross that line. Not saying they don't have their kinks. Trust me. You don't ever want to know. But they are not invading our privacy."

  "Then, all I need to worry about is getting bonded under the next full moon?"

  "Yeah. I know werewolves don't require the whole rings and vows deal, and I'm fine with that. But to make my parents like you, I think we should do it."

  Secretly, Alexis wanted a bonding ceremony. He’d known one day he'd find his mate and dreamed of how his bonding would be. He just didn't think it would happen so soon.

  "Why?" Maverick asked.

  "Why, what?"

  "Why do we need to get bonded? It's just a piece of paper. Being mates makes us more connected than paper."

  "True. But my kind believes saying our vows out loud strengthens the bond between us, as well as increasing our magic. Like I said, our bonding will happen on a full moon. We must consummate our vows in the depths of the forest. It is also the night both the horned god and Cernunnos visits and blesses all of their children with fertility." He whispered the last word.

  "What was that?"

  Alexis looked at him as if he was crazy. He knew the wolf had perfect hearing. "You heard me."

  "Not really," Maverick told him. "It's kind of loud in here."

  "I said fertility," he yelled, and it seemed as if the entire diner went quiet. He scowled at Maverick who was doing a terrible job at holding in his laughter. "You really enjoy embarrassing me, don't you?"

  "Aww, men Schatz. I find it adorable when you scowl."

  "Calling me your sweetheart will not make me feel better."

  Maverick's eyes widened. "You understand German?"

  Alexis sighed. "Ich kana much sprechen."

  "You keep surprising me every second."

  "Well, I had to learn to speak a few languages since I have businesses overseas."

  "Are those under C. A. Silver?"

  "No, they’re mine. C. A. Silver is mine and Cullen’s. However, we have side companies we like to invest our own money into."

  "Like Chuck's?"


  "You are an interesting man, Alexis Silver." He reached over and picked up Alexis’s hand, kissing the back of it and looking up at him. "I'm going to have fun getting to know you." He smiled, and all the blood rushed from his head to his cock. "Let's go back to your place."

  All Alexis could do was nod, unable to speak.

  * * *


  Maverick walked into the restaurant where he'd set up the family meet and greet—looking for Alexis.

  He'd stayed away from his house and work for the past few days, getting to know his mate. But kept in communication with his parents—leaving out details about finding his mate, even though he knew his mother was dying to ask him questions about the man in his life. It was a blessing none of his pack members had any prob
lems in his absence.

  He looked at his watch wondering where his mate was. He knew Alexis was apprehensive about having the family meet all at once but gave in once he saw the reason.

  "Hello, son."

  He turned after hearing his father's voice behind him. "Hey, Papa," he said, pulling him into a hug. "Thanks for coming." He backed away from their embrace, leaving a hand around his shoulder. He looked around for his mother, wondering where she was. "Where's Mama?"

  "Fussing with Matthus," his father said with a roll of his eyes.

  "Oh gods, what did he do now?"

  "He still can't parallel park."

  “For crying out loud. The restaurant has valet parking, it’s why I picked this place."

  "We know that," Marcus said, walking up beside them. "But you know Mom. She hates spending money on something she deems unnecessary. Plus, I think she is nervous about today."

  Why the hell is she nervous?

  He shrugged putting the question out of his mind and greeted his brother. "Hey, Bro thanks for holding down the fort for me for a couple of days."

  "It's no problem. We all figured you'd need some time to sort things out," Marcus told him.

  "All right, someone want to tell me why we're here?" His father asked.

  Maverick was about to answer when the sweetest scent wafted under his nose. Looking towards the door, he spotted Alexis standing behind Marius. They must have walked into the restaurant together. Moving his brother out of the way, he pulled his mate into his arms.

  "Hi," Alexis greeted.

  They'd only been separated for a short time, but it had felt like forever. Leaning down he took Alexis’s mouth, drawing out the sweetest moan from him.

  "I see they worked things out?" He heard Matthus say.

  "At least they aren't yelling at each other," Misha added.

  Maverick tried to ignore them and concentrate on his mate.

  "So, I take it this is why we are all here," his father responded.

  "Will someone explain to me what's going on? Who is the man Maverick is kissing?"

  "The goddess of life and love blessed him with a mate. Cullen, why didn't you tell us your brother found his mate?" A soft female voice asked.

  Maverick tried to block out all of the voices. He was becoming annoyed and wondered why the hell they wouldn't shut the hell up so he could greet his mate properly.

  Alexis slowly separated their lips and smiled up at him. "We'll finish this later. Let's get this over with so we can go back to my place, or you can finally take me to yours."

  "Fine, but I'm suddenly regretting this idea," Maverick mumbled.

  "It will be fine." He leaned up and kissed Maverick once again before turning in his arms to face the crowd. "You've already met my brothers," he whispered in Alexis's ear. He cleared his throat and spoke a bit louder in order for everyone gathered around them to hear. "I'd like for you to meet my parents, Viktoria and Maximillian Knox. Mama and Papa I'd like for you to meet my mate, Alexis Silver."

  No one moved but kept staring at them. Except for his brothers who were looking at their mother for her reaction. Everyone was silent for a few long and tension filled seconds before Alexis spoke.

  "High Priestess Neptune and Priest Lysander of the Silver clan, I would like to introduce you to my mate, Maverick Knox...and his family."

  Maverick watched Alexis’s mother walked over to him. She was wearing a knee-length, black dress with a long black and white patterned kimono that reached the ankles of her black, heeled boots. Maverick recognized the kimono as part of the Knox Corp. fashion line.

  She reached them and pressed her forehead to Alexis’s. She had jet black hair and eyes the same color as Alexis’s. Lysander had green eyes and dark brown hair, the same as Cullen and the young lady beside him.

  "I accept your offering, my child." She raised her head up, tears welling in her eyes. She reached down and pressed a hand to his stomach. "Oh, my young one. You are doubly blessed. A mate and a child."

  Maverick didn't look away from Neptune when he heard his parents gasp. Alexis stepped from out of his embrace, and Neptune took his place.

  "Do you mind stooping down just a bit. You're much taller than me, even in heels." She smiled, and it reminded Maverick of Alexis.

  Maverick nodded and did as she asked. She cupped both sides of his cheeks and pressed their foreheads together. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he went with it simply out of respect.

  "You are a good man and alpha, Maverick Knox. It is a pleasure to welcome you to our clan." She stepped back and pressed kisses on his cheeks. "You and Alexis will make wonderful parents." She turned away from him and walked over to Viktoria and pulled her into a hug, shocking her. "Worry not, Viktoria Knox, our children are growing up and will need to figure things out for themselves." She leaned back and looked into Viktoria's eyes. "But as their mothers, we will continue to guide and help them through their difficulties."

  Maverick was waiting for his mother to say something sarcastic and was surprised when she nodded instead. "You're right, High Priestess."

  "Neptune, please. We are a family now."

  "Yes, you are correct. It is a pleasure to meet you, Neptune."

  Maverick let out a deep breath. He knew his mother was angry he’d kept something so important from her. He looked at Misha, who nodded, revealing that his mother already knew about the mating but not about the baby. He shrugged, and in some way was thanking his little brother for giving his mother the heads up. He just couldn't figure out why she’d acted surprised when she saw them kissing.

  "It's nice to meet you officially, Alexis," Marcus said while walking over to them.

  "It's nice to meet you, as well," Alexis told him.

  Before the introductions could be finished, the hostess came over and guided them to the private room he’d requested.

  "Alexis." They both turned at hearing Viktoria’s voice.

  Maverick planned on staying, but one raised brow from his mother told him the conversation was not to be heard by him. Kissing the side of his mate's head, he walked into the dining room to join the rest of the family. He couldn't help but worry about what his mother could be saying to Alexis.

  * * *


  “You’re going to have to show me that trick when I have this baby,” Alexis said, hoping to break the ice between him and his mother-in-law.

  “You’ll pick it up,” she said, not even cracking a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  Damn, this is not going to go well.

  “It wasn’t Maverick’s fault,” Alexis started. “He didn’t know I was pregnant until a couple of days ago. It was only supposed to be a one-off thing.”

  Damn, should I be saying that to her? But I am being honest.

  “I freaked out the next morning after I woke up and tried to forget that night, but the damage was already done. We were mated, and I was pregnant. I thought if I kept things to myself, it would work out. But business brought us together again, and that’s when I decided to tell him about the baby.”

  Viktoria stared at him without saying a word, and he wondered if she was going to haul off and slap him. He had to admit she was beautiful with her shoulder-length, blonde hair and light blue eyes. She was shorter than he was, with a slender frame and spoke in a soft but demanding tone.

  “Thank you for telling me all of that, Alexis dear. I admit the baby part surprised me. I’m finding it hard to be angry that I’m going to be a grandmother. I wanted to speak with you alone and apologize for making you feel uncomfortable a few minutes ago. It was not my intention. I knew about how you and Maverick met. Misha already explained things to me.”


  “I thought I was prepared to meet you, but I guess I wasn’t,” Viktoria said, her voice shook when she spoke. She touched her neck and gave him a nervous smile. “ I’m more nervous than I thought.”

  “I’m pretty nervous as well,” Alexis admitted.

e smiled at that comment, and Alexis hoped they could move towards some kind of friendship.

  “I have to admit something to you. I wasn’t ready for a mate or a child. I didn’t think I was mature enough for such responsibility. And honestly? I’m still not sure I am.”

  “We’re never ready for that kind of responsibility, dear. Even when they are adults, you question decisions you made when they were growing up.”

  “Do you mind if I call on you some time for help and advice?”

  Tears welled in her eyes and slipped down her cheeks. “Oh, mien Kleiner. Yes, call me anytime.”

  Alexis pulled her into his arms as he tried to hold back his own tears. She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Vielen Dank,” he whispered, and they continued to hold each other.

  Chapter Seven


  "I told you everything was going to be fine," Alexis said, getting into bed.

  "Yeah, you did." Maverick got in beside his mate, pulling him into his arms.

  They'd gone back to Alexis's place after leaving the restaurant. Surprisingly, it had been an enjoyable dinner where everyone got along. Their fathers had found they had more than becoming grandparents in common.

  They’d gone to the same high school back in the day but had never bumped into each other. Their mothers had already organized having Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner together.

  Neptune also invited them to Yule, as well as planned his and Alexis's bonding ceremony. He knew by the time he and Alexis were leaving the restaurant, they were already talking about a baby shower.

  Maverick hadn’t thought the short time they’d been together would have him feeling so overwhelmed. But he couldn't complain, things were going better than he’d expected.

  "Are you ready to fulfill your promise?" When he didn't get a response back, Maverick looked down to find his mate sleeping. He smiled and kissed him on the crown of his head. "Goodnight, baby." He reached down and rested his hand on Alexis's stomach. "You, too. My little one."


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