Sean came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I’m terrible with last names, but I definitely remember you. I’ve thought about you occasionally, and it’s nice to find out things turned out so well for you.”
She turned and hugged him impulsively. His arms closed around her, and he didn’t immediately end it. Instead, he relaxed into it, and so did she. She closed her eyes, relishing the feeling of her cheek against his chest, the smell of him, the security to be found in his arms. They felt so right together. He had to see that! There was just no way this Tara could ever match her commitment to him.
When they finally parted, Ruby could tell that he’d felt something as well. She heard the catch in her voice as she said, “Well, if things don’t work out the way you want between you and Tara, gimme a call.”
“I will. But hey, you and I can still be friends, either way. Right?”
Like she’d ever settle for just that. “Sure.”
While he lifted her bicycle out of his trunk, she pinched her nipples hard to make them erect beneath her thin T-shirt and bra. He set the bike down and they stood, undecided on how to end this encounter. To his credit, Sean darted a quick look at her chest, before resolutely looking her in the eyes. “Would you like to come in for a drink?” she asked. If he came inside, she’d use any means necessary to keep him there.
He put his hands in his pockets. “I can’t. Remember? I have to go pick up my son.”
“Well, I had a great time. Gimme a call,” Ruby said.
She longed to kiss him, but he probably wouldn’t respond out of some misplaced loyalty to Tara. And she’d had her fill of humiliation.
He lingered, shifting his weight from side to side before moving closer to her. Was he thinking of kissing her after all? She raised her face in anticipation, wishing she had a breath mint.
“…Can I have my jacket back?”
It reeked of her body odor! “Let me wash it for you,” she said, recognizing a reason for a return visit.
“Don’t worry about it. As you can probably tell, Chloe likes to sleep on it.” He held his hand out, and she had no choice but to take it off. “I really don’t mind washing it.”
“That’s okay,” he said, tossing it into the backseat. She shrugged. Perhaps her raw smell would turn him on.
“Good-bye!” he called, driving away. Ruby watched and waved to him until he was out of sight.
She rolled her bike towards her deck and stopped short. Her house keys were at Hilary’s along with her wallet and her cell. Luckily, she’d hidden an extra key underneath a planter by the window. Thank goodness Sean hadn’t wanted to come in after all. How could she have explained having to use her hide-a-key for her own house? At best, he’d think she was a total airhead for leaving her house for a long bike ride without money, ID, or a house key.
She had a feeling that things weren’t going to work out between him and Little Miss Goodie Two Shoes. Not if she could help it. She’d lost out once to Millicent, but it wasn’t going to happen again. And she had no qualms about fighting dirty.
She’d learned that from a policeman she’d dated late last year. He’d taught her some basic self-defense moves, bought her a gun, and taught her how to shoot it. She’d learned a lot. He’d told her, “When you fight for your life, you don’t worry about fighting fair. You fight to win.” Damn good advice.
Words to live by.
Ruby walked her bike into the garage, flipping on lights as she passed. She paused in front of her drawing table and smiled. She’d finished her strips for the week, and she didn’t have to start writing next week’s cartoons until Monday. She had the rest of the weekend off! She could afford to play around with her new toons tonight. She couldn’t wait.
She should call Hilary first, to explain why she hadn’t come back and to arrange to pick up her car. And, to gloat about her first date with Sean, of course.
She’d take a long, hot shower first, and as soon as she was done, she’d call Hilary and then get to work.
She headed for the bathroom.
After her shower, Ruby felt like a new woman. She dressed in raggedy sweats and her favorite pair of scrunchy socks. She put a dab of product in her wet hair and finger combed it into place, loving how easy it was now. It suited her. She should have cut it off years ago.
She searched for her cell, briefly frantic until she remembered that she’d left it at Hil’s. She sighed, picked up the house phone, and noticed the message light blinking frantically on her answering machine. Six messages, probably all from Jeremy.
She jabbed the play button and his voice filled the room. “Is this because of the picnic thing yesterday? Because I’m over it. Really.” His voice became frantic. “The lecture starts at 4:15! Please pick up! We can go and have such a great time—”
The Carmen Figaro lecture. She’d forgotten. Though she’d turned him down, and after that nasty note he’d left, he had some big-ass balls calling her again.
She erased the rest of the messages and called Hilary, who answered with a breathless, “Hello?”
“Hilary! You’ll never guess—”
“Finally. And you can come fetch your own damn car. I’ve been worried sick.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t come back, but something wonderful happened—”
“Not to mention, who was that guy that called me, and why’d you stand him up? And why would you give him my number?
Ruby’s skin began to prickle. “What guy? Who are you talking about?”
“Some rando called me up asking if you were here, or if I knew where you were because you guys had a date today and you’d stood him up.”
“So, I told him you’d ditched me on our bike ride—which I don’t appreciate, by the way—and that I expected you back here again soon, but that you were so flakey, you might’ve just gone home.”
“Oh my God, Hilary.”
“Oh my God yourself, Ruby. Maybe don’t give my number out to people I don’t know.”
“I didn’t. That’s—”
“You didn’t even mention having a date today.”
“Because I didn’t—”
“Never mind. I don’t have time for this right now. I’ll call you back.” Hilary’s voice became muffled.…What? Oh, sure. It’s down the hall, first door on the right…No, no trouble. It’s fine.”
“Is there someone there with you?” Hilary didn’t answer. “Hello? Hilary? Is there someone there?”
“Hold on a second,” Hilary muttered.
Ruby’s eyes widened. What the hell?
Finally, Hilary whispered, “Oh my gosh, he’s so gorgeous!”
“Who’s gorgeous? …Are you having an affair?”
“What? Please. I’m talking about Blake. His car broke down right outside, and he asked to use my phone to call AAA. He’s waiting for a tow truck, but he’s in the bathroom now, so I can talk for a moment.”
“Blake? You let a strange man into your house to wait for a tow truck? Are you insane? He could be an axe murderer!”
“Please. You can live your life paranoid, but not me. We live in Kamata. Kamata! And if you saw him, you’d understand. He’s far too beautiful to be dangerous.”
“Oh, that’s right. Beautiful people never do bad things.”
“He’s not wearing a wedding ring. He’s so perfect for you! I’m gonna ask him—”
“Don’t ask him anything for me!”
“Why not? Gimme one good reason.”
“Sean. Which is why I called you—”
“Get off him, would you? Now this guy’s a dreamboat. He’s tall and blonde, with big blue eyes; and he’s rich too. Come on Rubes, let me play matchmaker.”
Ruby had had her fill of spectacular men. “No. I just finished having coffee with Sean—”
“What?” Hilary squealed, and Ruby beamed, glad she’d finally been able to deliver her news. “Why
didn’t you say so before?”
“I tried, but—”
“Tell me what happened! Start from the beginning. …Wait. I just heard the toilet flush. I gotta go.” She hesitated and then whispered, “But man, Ruby, you shouldn’t let this Blake guy go. He’s too great a catch. He drives this pristine, cherry red Mustang convertible. I’m gonna find out more about him whether you want me to or not.”
It finally dropped into place. Rich, blue eyes, gorgeous, drives a red convertible…She cleared her throat. “Did you say he drove a red convertible?”
Hilary chortled. “I knew that would get you! Muscle cars are so sexy—”
“Can you see his license plate, by any chance?”
“Can you see—”
“He just opened the bathroom door,” Hilary murmured. “I gotta go, but I’ll feel him out for you. Bye.” She hung up.
Ruby clenched her jaw and pressed redial, and a moment later, Hilary answered again, sounding irritated. “What?”
“What’s his license plate number?”
“Just tell me what it is.”
“I don’t know! I’m not out on the street looking at it. Why are you acting so strange? Never mind, I’ll find out later—”
“Don’t you hang up on me again.”
“What do you want?” Hilary practically snarled.
“You know, I should just let you take your chances, but I won’t. Don’t repeat anything I’m about to tell you out loud—I don’t want him to hear what we’re talking about. Okay?”
“Fine. Whatever,” Hilary said. But Ruby could hear the curiosity in her voice.
“First, is he still in the bathroom?”
“So, he’s in the room with you?”
“…Sort of.”
“He’s within earshot?”
“Definitely. You’re scaring me.”
“I think that’s Jeremy in your house.”
“Jer-e-my! The guy I met at the grocery store. The guy who almost raped me!”
“But why would Jer—”
“Shut up! He’ll hear you! That’s what he looks like, and he drives a red convertible with the license plate “Player.” That’s him.”
“Honey, that makes no sense. I’m sure you’re mistaken.”
“I’m not! He’s been following me. He’s obsessed with me. Practically stalking me! And now he’s at your house, obviously waiting for me to come back there—”
“Hold on.” Ruby heard Hilary say sweetly, “I’ll just be one more sec. Make yourself comfy—I need to check something in the kitchen.”
Hilary didn’t say anything for almost a minute, and then she said quietly, “Ruby, you need to get a grip. That’s not Jeremy. You’re being paranoid again.”
“No, I’m not. That’s him. Go check his license number.”
“What possible reason could he have for coming here?”
“He thinks I stood him up today.”
“Of course! Jeremy’s the same guy I talked to earlier on the phone, right?”
“Now I know you’re being paranoid. They don’t have the same voice at all. This guy has a sexy southern accent. Don’t worry.”
Ruby knew how easy it was to switch accents at will. “Don’t let him fool you.”
“Okay, I’ve humored you long enough. Remember Curtis? Because I sure do.”
Ruby caught her breath. “Don’t go there Hil, I’m warning you.”
“Honey, you were so certain he was after you, practically obsessed with you, that you left Simon for him. You left a perfectly good relationship—”
“You don’t know anything about our relationship. Simon was an ass.”
Hilary started talking louder. “—for a man who it turned out, wasn’t obsessed with you, didn’t want you, and then had you arrested for stalking him!”
Ruby was so furious she couldn’t speak.
“Don’t make the same mistake again. Be rational.”
“How is this the same thing? I’m not dating Jeremy, nor do I plan to, but I liked the attention Curtis showered on me. He chickened out and denied everything just to please this stupid girl, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. He was stalking me, and so is Jeremy.”
“If you say so,” Hilary said. Then her voice softened. “I’ve been thinking about it and maybe I could help you find a therapist to talk to about these delusions? There might be medication or behavioral help available—”
Delusions? “You deserve what you get!” Ruby shouted, slamming down the receiver.
That two-faced bitch. She hoped Jeremy was a serial killer who sliced Hilary down the middle and spilled her guts on the ground.
Ruby threw herself down on the couch. Bitch. What did Hilary know?
She’d been living in San Francisco with Simon, going through one of their periodic rough times when she’d first met Curtis. He was a friend of Simon’s from work, and he was everything that Simon was not. Fiery and non-judgmental. He was also tall and rugged, with long, wavy red hair, which he kept tied back with a leather strap in a loose ponytail. He wore a small, black pearl earring, a nose ring, and a MedicAlert bracelet, surrounded by the kind of cheap bracelets you could buy at any Swap Meet. He had lovely brown eyes, and nice hands…almost as great as Sean’s. Physically, he didn’t look like Sean at all, but he reminded her of him. Curtis was always smiling and full of excessive energy, too.
She was attracted to him from the beginning.
She made a point of following Curtis around until she learned his schedule, and she pushed Simon to invite him over. She also told Curtis about an empty apartment in their building when she found out he was looking to move. After Curtis moved in one floor up from them, she began to see him everywhere. Every time she left her apartment, he was there. It got to the point where she knew it couldn’t be a coincidence. He had to be following her, too.
One night, Curtis invited her and Simon over to his apartment for dinner, and he didn’t have a date. It was just the three of them, and she and Curtis had blatantly flirted with each other and monopolized the conversation, laughing and joking and drinking and finishing each other’s sentences, while Simon sat in sullen silence, the odd man out.
When Simon left to fetch a bottle of wine from their apartment, Curtis offered her a tour of his apartment. When they reached his bedroom he said, “I have something for you.”
She stood in the doorway as he rummaged through his top drawer, saying, “I know they’re here someplace.”
“What?” she’d asked in a strained voice, as he took out bikini underwear, an EpiPen, condoms, and all sorts of sex toys and lotions and threw them on the bed. She was excited at the prospect of a quickie with him before Simon returned.
But then he said, “Here they are. I thought I put them here,” and handed her a set of keys.
“What are these for?” she asked, as he refilled his drawer and closed it.
“Those are my extra keys. In case I get locked out. You don’t mind…do you?” When their eyes met, it was as if she’d read his mind and she knew exactly what he wanted her to do.
They were meant to be together.
She smiled and hid the keys in her pocket. Simon rang the bell and broke the spell between them. “No, of course I don’t mind,” she said.
Neither of them told Simon about the keys.
The next day, while Simon was at work, she packed an overnight bag, wrote a dear Simon letter, and used her key to let herself into Curtis’s apartment.
She took a long, candle-lit bubble bath in his tub, hoping he’d come home while she was in there, but he didn’t, so she dressed in his bathrobe and wandered around his apartment aimlessly, wondering where he was and getting bored with waiting. Finally, she dressed in a transparent red teddy she’d brought, and spread out on his bed awaiting his arrival.
Unfortunately, she’d fallen a
Even more unfortunately, she awoke to the sound of a key in the door and…voices.
The front door opened, and she heard Curtis laughing over a woman’s high-pitched giggles. He wasn’t alone! She sat up in alarm, and was reaching for her clothes, when the door to the bedroom exploded open, and Curtis stumbled into the room, locked in a passionate embrace with a thin, mousy girl named Dawn, whom Ruby had met once at a Christmas party.
Since that day, her mind had refused to dwell on any of the memories associated with the rest of it, rejecting any deep dives, and allowing only brief flashes to touch down before being zapped, deliberately, away. If she could figure out how to erase those memories forever, she would do it.
The look of horror on Curtis’s face when he noticed Ruby in his bed. His scorn and rejection. Dawn’s smug smile. Nope. She shook her head. She wasn’t going there.
Curtis’s lies. Her humiliation as she got dressed, burning with rage—No! She was not going to go there now!
The images crowded her mind, coming quickly now that she’d opened the floodgates. Trying to sneak out the window but not being able to fit. Hiding her overnight bag with her favorite jeans in it in the back of his closet so they wouldn’t know she’d actually left Simon.
Curtis calling her a psycho and a nut case and calling the police. Simon showing up with her Dear John letter and a hangdog expression. Getting arrested. Doing the perp walk in front of their gaping neighbors. Simon bailing her out and kicking her out of their apartment the same night. She began to smack the sides of her head with both hands simultaneously as she fought the flood of images. No more, no more, get out of my head!
Fucking Hilary.
She’d stayed with Sarah until she’d found a tiny, furnished studio apartment in the city, and had lived there, alone, for almost three years.
Those years had been among the darkest in her life. She’d moved to San Francisco to be with Simon, whom she’d never really been happy with, and all of their mutual friends had turned out to be his friends after they’d broken up. Her cartoon had just debuted in newspapers, she worked from home—so she didn’t have coworker friendships—and her only friend in the city was Sarah, who was really a bit of a ditz. Although she’d dated a lot, thanks to dating apps, she hadn’t had one relationship since Simon that lasted longer than a couple months. Most hadn’t even lasted a week. Probably, her independence scared men off.
Drawn To You: A Psychological thriller Page 11