The Noank's Log: A Privateer of the Revolution

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The Noank's Log: A Privateer of the Revolution Page 2

by William Osborn Stoddard



  "Captain Watts, I must say it. I don't a bit like this tryin' to runin without a convoy."

  "Nor I either, mate," said the captain, with an upward glance at therigging and a side squint across the sea. "'Tisn't any fault o' mine.I protested."

  "I heard ye," replied the mate. "They only laughed at us. They saidthe king's cruisers'd swep' these waters as clean as the Channel. Gladye know 'em."

  "Know 'em?" laughed Captain Watts. "I'm a Massachusetts man. I know'em like a book. Don't need any pilot."

  "How 'bout Hell Gate, when we get there? We've lost a ship or two--"

  "Brackett, man," interrupted the skipper, more seriously, "that's along reach ahead, yet. I know Hell Gate channel when we get there.Our risks'll be in the sound. The rebels haven't any reg'lar cruisers.What we've to look out for is the Long Island whaleboat men. Toughcustomers. They say nigh half on 'em are redskins,--Indian scalpers."

  "Well! As to them," said the mate, "we can beat 'em off. Ourfour-pounder popguns'd be good against whaleboats but not for anythingbigger."

  "Six on 'em," said Captain Watts. "We can handle 'em, too."

  "I'd rather 'twas a frigate," said the mate. "Our crew's none toostrong, and half of 'em are 'pressed men. No fight in 'em."

  "Oh, yes, they'll have to fight," was responded. "Fight or hang,perhaps. I hate a 'pressed man. Anyhow, it'll take a better wind thanthis to show us Hell Gate channel before day after to-morrow. We'll betackin' about in the sound, to-night."

  "It's a'most a calm! Bitter cold, too."

  He was a very intelligent looking British sailor, that first mate ofthe _Windsor_. She was a bark-rigged vessel of possibly six hundredtons, and she was freighted heavily with military and other suppliesfor the king's forces at New York.

  Somehow or other, the discontented mate could not say why or how, the_Windsor_ had become separated from her convoy and consorts. Thesewere seeking their harbor by way of Sandy Hook, while she had been sentthrough Long Island Sound. She was hardly in it yet, although it maybe a wide water question as to precisely at what line the sound begins.Not a sail of any kind larger than a fisherman's shallop was in sight.There was solid comfort to be had in the knowledge that the Americanshad no navy, and that all these waters were regularly patrolled byEnglish armed vessels. It looked as if there could be no good causefor anxiety, and Mate Brackett was compelled to accept the situation.He turned away, and the captain himself went below, hopefullyremarking:--

  "Cold weather's nothin'. There'll be more wind, by and by. We'll beready to take it when it comes."

  "He's a prime seaman. No doubt o' that," said the mate, looking afterhim. "He's pilot enough, too, and our bein' here's no fault o' his.We'll be ready for any rebel boats, though. I'll cast loose the guns,such as they are, and I'll get up powder and ball. Grapeshot'd be thething for boats. Sweep 'em at short range. This 'ere craft's goin' toreach port, if we fight our way in!"

  He was showing pretty good judgment and plenty of courage. His sixguns, three on a side, looked serviceable. The crew appeared to benumerous enough to handle so few pieces as that, whatever their otherdeficiencies might be. Part of them, indeed were first-rate Britishtars, the best fighters in the world. As for Captain Watts, he wasunderstood to be an American Tory of the strongest kind, to be dependedupon even more than if he had been a Hull man or a Londoner. No set ofmen, anywhere, ever showed more self-sacrificing devotion to theirpolitical principles than did the loyalists, or royalists, of Americain their long, fruitless struggle with what they deemed treason andrebellion.

  It is possible that Mate Brackett might have studied his cannon andtheir capacities even more carefully than he did, if at that morninghour he could have been for a few minutes one of a little group uponthe deck of a craft that was at anchor in New London harbor.

  The tonnage of this vessel was much less than that of the _Windsor_,but she was sharper in the nose, cleaner in the run, trimmer,handsomer. She was schooner-rigged, with tall, tapering, raking maststhat promised for her an ample spread of canvas. She was, in short,one of the new type of vessels for which the American shipyards werealready becoming distinguished. She had been built for thewhale-fishery, and that meant, to the understanding of Yankee sailors,that she was to have speed enough to race a school of runaway whales,strength to stand the squeeze of an icefloe, the bump of an iceberg, orthe blast and billows of a hurricane. She must also have fair stowageroom between decks and in her hold for many casks of oil.

  "Up-na-tan like long guns," said one of the voices on the deck of the_Noank_. "Now! Coco swing him. No man help. One man swing. All'tan back. Brack man try."

  He was asking a practical question as an experienced gunner. It wasnecessary to know whether or not the pivoting of that long, brasseighteen-pounder had been perfectly done for freedom of movement. Inaction there would be men enough to handle it, but even the work ofmany hands should not be impeded by overtight fittings and needlessfrictions.

  "Ugh! Good!" he exclaimed, as his black comrade turned the gun backand forth, and then he tried it himself.

  "Captain Avery, that's so, he can do it," remarked Guert Ten Eyck,thoughtfully, "but those two are made of iron and hickory. It isn'tevery fellow can do what they can."

  "No, I guess not," laughed Captain Avery.

  "I'm glad the old Buccaneers are pleased, though. There goes theredskin to the other guns. He can't find any fault with 'em. Not oneof 'em's a short nose."

  Three on a side, polished to glittering, the long brass sixes sleptupon their perfectly fitted carriages. Every one of them bore the markof the _fleur de lis_, for they were of a pattern which the Frenchroyal foundries were turning out for the light cruisers of King Louis.Such of them as were already mounted in that manner were lazily waitingfor a formal declaration of war with England. These here, however, andothers like them, were already carrying on that very war. Before agreat while, the entire French navy was to become auxiliary to that ofthe United States, and considerable French land forces were to march tovictory shoulder to shoulder with the Continentals under GeneralWashington.

  The sailor comrades of Up-na-tan and Coco were evidently well awarethat the savage-looking couple had seen much sea service upon armedvessels. The less said about it the better, perhaps, but some of ithad been upon British cruisers, in whatever manner it had been escapedfrom. Some of it had been, it was said, under a very differentfighting flag. Their inspection of the broadside guns was thereforewatched with interest.

  "Long!" said Up-na-tan. "Good. Shoot bullet far. Not big enough.Want nine-pounder. Old chief like big gun. Knock hole in ship. Sinkher quick."

  "Take out cargo first," muttered Coco.

  "Then sink ship. Not lose cargo."

  "Jest so!" exclaimed Captain Avery. "That's what we'll do! Chief, Ibelieve the frame of the _Noank_ is strong enough to carry a longthirty-two and six eighteens."

  "No!" replied the Indian, firmly. "Too much big gun 'poil schooner.No run fast any more."

  According to the red man's judgment, therefore, the Yankee skipper'senthusiasm might lead him to overload his swift vessel or make hertopheavy in a sea. It was likely that things were just as well as theywere. At all events, her brilliant armament and her disciplinedordering gave her an exceedingly efficient and warlike air as she rodethere waiting her sailing orders.

  "Sam Prentice's boat!" suddenly called out a voice, aft. "Father, he'sheaded for us. Here he comes, rowing hard!"

  "_Noank_ ahoy!" came across the water, from as far away as a pair ofstrong lungs could send it. "I say! Is Lyme Avery aboard?"

  "Every man's aboard! All ready! What news?" went back through thespeaking trumpet in the hands of Vine Avery, at the stern.

  "Tell him to h'ist anchor! British ship sighted away east'ard! Not aman-o'-war. 'Rouse him!"

  "All hands up anchor!" roared Captain Avery. "Run in the guns! Closethe ports!
Gear that pivot-gun fast! Up-na-tan, that's your work."

  "Ugh!" said the Indian. "Shoot pretty soon."

  Vine and Sam Prentice were exchanging messages rapidly as the rowboatcame nearer. All on board could hear, and now the trumpeter turned tonote the eager, fierce activity of the old Manhattan.

  "It does you good, doesn't it," he said. "You're dyin' for a chance totry your Frenchers."

  "Ugh!" grunted the chief, patting the pivot-gun affectionately. "Sinkship for ole King George. Kill plenty lobster! Kill all captain!Whoo-oo-oop!"

  His hand was at his mouth, and the screech he sent forth was thewarwhoop of his vanished tribe,--if any ears of white men candistinguish between one warwhoop and another. That he had been asailor, however, was not at all remarkable. All of the New Englandcoast Indians and the many small clans of Long Island had been fromtime immemorial termed "fish Indians" by their inland red cousins. Theisland clans were also known as "little bush" Indians. All that nowremained of them took to the sea as their natural inheritance, andtheir best men were in good demand for their exceptional skill asharpooners.

  The anchor of the _Noank_ was beginning to come up when the boat of SamPrentice reached the side.

  "Did you sight her yourself, Sam?" asked Captain Avery.

  "Well, I did," said Sam. "I was out more scoutin' than fishin', and Ihad a good glass. She's a bark, heavy laden. It's a light wind foranything o' her rig. She can't git away from our nippers. I didn'tlose time gettin' any nigher. I came right in."

  "On board with you," said the captain. "It's 'bout time the _Noank_took somethin'. We've been cooped up in New London harbor long enough."

  "That's so!" said Sam Prentice, as he scrambled over the bulwark. "I'mhungry for a fight myself."

  He was a wiry, sailorlike man, of middle age, with merry, black eyeswhich yet had a steely flash in them. Up came the anchor. Out swungthe booms. The light wind was just the thing for the _Noank's_ rig,and every sail she could spread went swiftly to its place. She was abeauty when all her canvas was showing. A numerous and growing crowdwas gathered at the piers and wharves, for Sam Prentice's news hadreached the shore also. Cheer after cheer went up as the sails beganto fill.

  "Anneke Ten Eyck!" exclaimed Mrs. Avery. "I'm so glad Lyme was allready. He didn't have to wait a minute after Sam got there."

  "I'm glad Guert's with him," said Mrs. Ten Eyck. "If he wants to be asea-captain, I won't hinder him."

  "God be with them all!" was the loud and earnest response of RachelTarns. "I trust that they may do their whole duty by the ships of theman George, who calleth himself our king."

  "Lyme Avery's jest the man to 'tend to that," called out a deep, hoarsevoice, farther along the pier. "He was 'pressed, once, by George'smen, and he means to make 'em pay for his lost time."

  "So was my son, Vine," said Mrs. Avery. "He has something more'n losttime to make 'em account for."

  "Nearly forty New London boys were 'pressed, first and last," said asad-faced old woman. "One of mine fell at Brooklyn and one's in theJersey prison-ship. It's the king's work."

  "We're sorry for you, Mrs. Williams," said another woman. "I don'tknow where mine are. We can't get any word from our 'pressed boys.God pity 'em!--God in heaven send success to the _Noank_ and LymeAvery! To our sailors on the sea and our soldiers on the land!"

  "Amen!" went up from several earnest voices, and then there was anotherround of hearty cheers.

  Away down the broad harbor the gallant schooner was speeding, withGuert Ten Eyck astride of her bowsprit. Up-na-tan and Coco werecrouching like a pair of tigers at the side of the pivot guns. Thecrew was both numerous and well selected, for it consisted of the pickof the New London whaling veterans. The majority of them, of course,were middle aged or even elderly, so many of the younger men hadmarched away with Putnam or were at this time garrisoning the forts ofthe harbor.

  There was to be no long and tiresome waiting. Hardly was the _Noank_well out beyond the point at the harbor mouth before Sam Prentice, fromhis perch aloft, called down to his friends on the deck:--

  "I've sighted her! She's made too long a tack this way for her good.We'll git out well to wind'ard of her. She's sure game!"

  Every seaman on board understood just what that meant, and he wasanswered by a storm of cheers. Nevertheless, the face of Captain Averywas serious, for he had no means of knowing what might really be thestrength and armament of the stranger.

  As for her, she had all sail set, and her skipper was at the helm,while Mate Brackett was in the maintop taking anxious observations.

  "Sail to wind'ard," he said to himself. "Hope there's no mischief inher. Anyhow, I'll go down and have Captain Watts send the men toquarters."

  Down he went and reported, and Captain Watts responded vigorously.

  "Most likely a coaster," he said, "but we won't take any chances. Callthe men. Any but a pretty strong rebel 'll sheer away if she findswe're ready for her. We'll shoot first, Brackett. I'm a fightin'man--I am!"

  "All right, sir," said Brackett, more cheerily. "I've served on acruiser. Men! All hands clear away for action! Cast loose the guns!"

  He was in right good earnest, like the brave British seaman that hewas, and the supply ship, in spite of having too much deck cargo, soonbegan to take on a decidedly warlike appearance. There was no audiblegrumbling among her crew as they went to their posts of duty, but asharp observer might have noted that several of them, from time totime, cast wistful glances landward and then looked gloomily into eachothers' faces.

  "No hope!" muttered one of them.

  "They are hanging deserters," hissed another. "I saw one run up."

  "I saw one flogged to death," came savagely from a third, "but I'lltake my chance if I git one."

  Mate Brackett was now busy with his glass, and he was telling himselfhow much he longed for a stronger breeze, coming from some other pointof the compass.

  "Hurrah!" he suddenly sang out. "Captain Watts, we're all right, now!British flag!"

  "Keep to your guns!" roared back the captain. "I'll stand away fromher, just the same. If you throw away the _Windsor_ I'll have youhung!"

  More fiercely vehement than ever became now his apparent readiness forfighting. He called another man to the wheel and went out among theguns. He ordered up more muskets, pistols, pikes, cutlasses, and armedhimself to the teeth, as if to repel boarders.

  "They'd call me a Tory," he said to the mate. "They shoot Tories. I'mfighting for my life, if that there sail is a Yankee. Her flag's aslike as not a trick to keep us from getting ready."

  "We'll be ready," replied the mate; but all the men had heard theremark of Captain Watts concerning his chances.

  Nearer and nearer, before the somewhat freshening breeze, came thestrange schooner, with the merchant flag of Great Britain flutteringout to declare how peaceable and friendly was her character. MateBrackett's glass could as yet discover no sign of evil, unless' itmight be that a widespread old sail which he saw on the deck amidshipshad been put there to cover up the wrong kind of deck cargo.

  "She hasn't any business that I know of to head for us," he said to hiscommander, suspiciously. "We must be ready to give her a broadside."

  "Luff!" instantly sang out Captain Watts to the man at the helm. "Theycan't fool me! Brackett, no nonsense, now! Bring the larboard guns tobear! I'll hail her! Ship ahoy! What schooner's that?"

  His hail was given through his trumpet, and no answer came during afull half minute, while the schooner sped nearer. Then suddenly astorm of exclamations arose from the men, and Brackett groaned aloud.

  "Just what old Watts was afraid of!" he exclaimed. "He's a gone man!So are all of us! The rebel flag! Guns!"

  The _Noank_ was indeed flying the stars and stripes now, instead of thered-cross flag of England. The old sail amidships had been jerkedaway, and there stood Up-na-tan, with one hand upon the breech of hislong eighteen and the other holding a lighted lanyard ready to tou
chher off. Open at the same moment went the three starboard ports, andout ran the noses of the dangerous six-pounders.

  "Heave to, or I'll sink ye!" came fiercely down the wind. "Surrender,or I'll send ye to the bottom!"

  "It's no use, Captain Watts," said Brackett, dolefully; "she carriestoo many guns for us. We may as well give up."

  "Men!" shouted the captain, "what do you say? Are you with me? Shallwe fight it out? I'm ready!"

  "Not a man of us, captain," sturdily responded one of the crew. "This'ere isn't nothin' but a supply ship. We ain't bound as if 'twas aman-o'-war. No use, either."

  "Brackett," said Watts, "you may haul down the flag, then. I won't. Icall you all to witness that I've done my duty! Mate, the rebels won'tshoot you. Report me dead to Captain Milliard of the _Cleopatra_. Heordered me to run in through the sound against my will."

  "I'll give a good report of you," hurriedly responded the mate, whileother and not unwilling hands hauled down the flag; "but that longeighteen alone would be too much for our popguns."

  The two ships were now near enough for grappling, and in a few minutesmore they were side by side upon the quiet sea.

  "I surrender to you, sir," said Captain Watts to Captain Avery, as thelatter sprang on board, followed by a swarm of brawny whalemen. "Iclaim good treatment for my men, whatever you may do to me."

  "I know you, sir," said Avery, sternly. "You are Watts, the MarbleheadTory. Step aft with me. There's an account to settle with you. SamPrentice, look out for the prisoners. Vine, get ready to cast off andhead for New London. Send 'em all below--"

  "All but some of 'em," said Sam, with a broad grin. "Men! Every'pressed American step out!"

  No less than nine of the _Windsor's_ crew obeyed that order, while allthe rest sullenly surrendered their useless weapons to Coco and GuertTen Eyck and a couple of sailors who were ordered to receive them.

  Not on deck, fore or aft, but down in the cabin did the skipper of thecaptured supply ship give his account of himself and his cargo. Hardlywas the cabin door shut behind them before Captain Avery laughed aloud,inquiring:--

  "Now, Luke Watts, how did ye make it out! They'll hang ye, yet."

  THE MARBLEHEAD TORY. "'Now, Luke Watts! they'll hang yeyet,' said Captain Avery."]

  "No, they won't," said Watts. "I've taken across ship after ship for'em. I'm a known Tory, ye know. Worst kind. I promised jest sechanother good Tory, in London, though, that I'd try and deliver thiscargo to the blasted rebels. It's mostly guns, and ammunition, andclothing. I managed to git written orders from Captain Milliard,commandin' our convoy, to run through the Sound, contrary to my advice.You see, he's an opinionated man. I got him swearin' mad, and I had toobey, ye know. It has turned out jest as I warned him it would, and hecan't say a word."

  "You're a razor!" laughed Avery. "Then you tacked right over withineasy reach of us, all reg'lar. Now! What are we to do with the crew?We don't want 'em on shore."

  "Well!" said Watts. "The 'pressed men'll jine ye, all of 'em. Theyhate me like p'ison, for I da'sn't let 'em have a smell of how itreally is. Take good care of Brackett, anyhow. He's a prime seaman.He saved one of our fellows from a floggin', once. All the rest o' thecrew deserve somethin' better'n prison."

  "Prison?" said Avery. "They're not prisoners of war. I don't want'em, even if they are. I wouldn't hurt a hair o' their heads. I'm nobutcher."

  "Come on deck, then," said Watts, "and be kerful how you talk anythin'but rough to me."

  Up they went, to find both vessels sailing steadily away toward themouth of the harbor. Already they were so near that a booming cannonfrom Fort Griswold informed that the _Noank's_ success was joyfullyunderstood on shore.

  The crew of the _Windsor_ were now summoned up from their temporaryconfinement in the hold, and were ordered to get out their own longboatready for launching. They were told that all British tars were to gofree and to make the best of their way to New York or to the firstBritish ship they might meet. The impressed Americans listened insilence, for every man of them knew that in case of his escape, even inthis manner, there would be thenceforth a possible rope around hisneck. Whether impressed or not, he was considered bound to stick tothe British flag, come what might.

  "Captain Watts," said the commander of the _Noank_, "do you demandthese men? They are Americans."

  "I do demand them," replied Watts. "You have no right to keep them,and they'll all be hung as deserters."

  "They can't help themselves," said Captain Avery, furiously. "SamPrentice, iron every one o' those 'pressed men and put 'em all down inthe hold. If they try to git away, shoot 'em. I'll put 'em ashore orkill 'em. You can't have 'em, Watts."

  "That saves 'em," whispered Watts to himself. "He's another razor. Ican report jist how they were took."

  At all events, not one of the nine Americans made any resistance whichcalled for shooting him.

  "Now, Luke Watts," said the angry American privateer captain, "it'syour turn. You are taken in arms against your country. Sam Prentice,Levi Hotchkiss, Vine Avery, speak out! Shall we hang Luke Watts? Orshall we shoot him? Or shall we let him go?"

  "We can't safely let him go," began Sam. "He's a dangerous traitor."

  "I protest!" interrupted Mate Brackett, courageously. "He has onlydone his duty to his king. He wasn't even serving on a ship of war.You haven't any right to hang him."

  "You're an Englishman," said Avery. "I didn't ask you. Shut yourmouth!"

  "I won't!" said Brackett; "not if you shoot me. If you hang CaptainWatts, we'll hang a dozen Yankees. We've plenty of 'em, too. It'll beblood for blood!"

  "Father," said Vine, "let him go. All the men'd say so."

  Behind him at that moment stood Up-na-tan, grinning ferociously, withhis glittering long knife out.

  "So! So! Up-na-tan!" he snarled. "Take 'calp! No let him go. Knifegood! Kill!"

  None of the others were doing anything theatrical except the twocaptains, and all the while the longboat was hurriedly made ready forthe short and entirely safe, but probably cold, uncomfortable voyagebefore them.

  "Captain Luke Watts," said his captor, sternly, "I suppose I must letyou go. Don't let me ever ketch ye again, though. It's time for us tohang Tories. Brackett, you and your men lower that boat and git intoher, short order. Luke Watts can pilot you in. Start along, now.Every man may take his own kit."

  "Come on, Captain Watts," said the hearty British sailor. "Yourshave's been a narrer one. I thought you was bound for the yardarm,this time."

  "I owe you something," replied Watts. "I'll stand by ye, any day."

  The queer piece of very good unprofessional acting was played to itsending. The longboat was lowered, the men got into her, withprovisions for two days, and away she went, her own sail careening heras if it were in haste to get from under the brazen muzzles of the_Noank's_ French guns.

  "It's awful to be a traitor," remarked Sam Prentice, gravely. "Who'dha' thought it of a Marblehead man!"

  "Sam!" said Lyme Avery, and the rest of his remark consisted of hisright eye tightly shut and his left eye very wide open.

  "Ugh! Good!" chuckled Up-na-tan, and Guert Ten Eyck laughed aloud.

  Not for one moment had the subtle, keen-eyed red man been deceived, andGuert had caught the truth of it all from him.

  "Not a word, Guert," said Captain Avery. "He may be able to do itagain."

  "Didn't fool ole brack man," said Coco. "S'pose he 'tone bline? WenKing George 'ply ship tack right for New London, then it's 'cause hewas 'tendin' to go right there."

  "No talk," said Up-na-tan. "Ole chief like Watt. He bring plentypowder for _Noank_ gun. Fort gun, too. Now schooner go to sea. Good!"

  The impressed men were freed of their manacles as soon as the longboatwas well away. They could be cheerful enough now, for the prudentmanagement of Lyme Avery had made their necks safe, unless they shouldbe taken by the British from an American armed ship.

p; Up the broad, beautiful harbor the _Noank_ and her prize sailedmerrily, while guns from the fort batteries saluted her and crowds ofpatriotic New Londoners swarmed upon the piers and wharves to do fullhonor to so really important a success. At one pier head were gatheredall the members ashore of the Avery household.

  "There he comes!" exclaimed Mrs. Avery; "Lyme's in that boat; Guert andVine are with him. Neither of them were hurt."

  "I hope there wasn't much fighting," said Guert's mother. "I do sohate to have men killed."

  "Anneke Ten Eyck," said Rachel Tarns, "thy wicked son hath once moreaided the rebels in stealing a ship from thy good king. Thee has notbrought him up well. He needeth instruction or he will become as badas is the man George Washington himself, God bless him!"


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