by Hazel Hunter
’twere - it was
’twill - it will
’twould - it would
uisge beatha - old Scots Gaelic for “whiskey”
unbodying – removing a famhair’s spirit from his physical form
undercroft - a room in a lower level of a castle used for storage
vole - small rodent related to the mouse
wallapers – Scottish slang for “idiots”
wancheery - Scottish slang for “miserable”
wanker - British slang for a useless person
wasnae - wasn’t
watchlight - a term for a grease-soaked rush stalk, used as a candle in medieval times
wazzock - British slang for “idiot”
wee - small
wench - girl or young woman
whidder – Scottish slang for forcing someone to do something
willnae - will not
wouldnae - would not
Yank - UK slang for “American”
your head’s mince – Scottish slang for “you’re deeply confused”
Pronunciation Guide
A selection of the more challenging words in the Immortal Highlander, Clan Skaraven series.
Ailpin - ALE-pin
Alec McAra - AL-eck mac-CAR-ah
Althea Jarden - al-THEE-ah JAR-den
Am Monadh Ruadh - im monih ROOig
Ana Breem - AH-nuh BREEM
Aon - OOH-wen
apoplexy - APP-ah-plecks-ee
Ara Alba - AIR-ah AL-bah
Aviemore - AH-vee-more
Barra Omey - BAH-rah OH-mee
Beathan Tadgh - BAY-thin TIE-eeg
Beinn Nibheis - ben NIH-vis
besom - BIZ-um
Bhaltair Flen - BAHL-ter Flen
bhean - VAN
Black Cuillin - COO-lin
boak - BOWK
Bràithrean an fhithich - BRAH-ren ahn EE-och
Brennus Skaraven - BREN-ess skah-RAY-ven
Bridei - BREE-dye
broch - BROCK
caibeal - KYB-al
cac - kak
Caderyn - KAY-den
cairn - KAYRN
Cailean Lusk - KAH-len Luhsk
caraidean - KAH-rah-deen
Cenel - SEN-ell
cherie - shure-REE
clachan - CLAH-kun
Coalbokie - COAL-bucky
Coig - COH-egg
Cora Tullach - CORE-ah TULL-luck
death oan a pirn stick - deth ohn a peern stik
Dha - GAH
Domnall - DON-uhl
Drest mag Ara - DRESSED MAWG AIR-ah
Duff McAra - DUHF mac-CAR-ah
Duncan - DUN-kin
eagalsloc - EHK-al-slakh
eala - EE-lah
Elspeth - EL-spehth
Emeline McAra - EM-mah-leen mac-CAR-ah
famhair - FAV-ihr
Ferath - FAIR-ahth
Fiana - fee-AHN-ah
Fingal Tullach - FEEN-gull TULL-luck
Galan - gal-AHN
Gaspard Boucher - GUESS-par BOO-shay
Girom - JEYE-rum
Gwyn Embry - gah-WIN AHM-bree
Jared - JAIR-red
Hendry Greum - HEN-dree GREE-um
hoor - HOAR
Kanyth - CAN-ith
Kelturan - KEL-tran
Lauren Reid - LOR-in READ
Liath - LEE-ehth
Lily Stover - LILL-ee STOW-ver
lochan - LOHK-an
ma belle - MAH BELL
Maddock McAra - MAH-duck mac-CAR-ah
Magda - MAHG-dah
Manath - MAN-ahth
Marga - MAR-gah
Martha Graham - MAR-thah GRAY-um
máthair - MAH-thur
McFarlan - mick-FAR-len
Meribeth Campbell - MARE-ee-beth CAM-bull
mòran taing - MAW-run TAH-eeng
Moray - MORE-ray
Murdina Stroud - mer-DEE-nah STROWD
Ochd - OHK
Oriana Embry - or-ree-ANN-ah AHM-bree
Perrin Thomas - PEAR-in TOM-us
Rona Tadgh - ROW-nah TIE-eeg
Ross McAra - RAHS mac-CAR-ah
Rowan Thomas - ROW-en TOM-us
Ruadri - roo-ah-DREE
schiltron - SKILL-trahn
Seonag - SHOW-nah
sheshey - SHEZ-eh
Sluath - SLEW-ahth
spredith - SPREAD-ith
Sylie Guillem - SILL-vee gill-YEM
tanist - TAN-ist
Taran - ter-RAN
Tha mi a ‘gealltainn - HA mee a GYALL-ting
Tri - TREE
tuyere - twee-YAIR
uisge beatha - OOSH-ka bah
whidder - WID-der
Wynda - WIN-duh
For Mr. H.
Copyright © 2018 Hazel Hunter
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
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