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Just One Night (Just Us Series Book 4)

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by Roxanne Riley

  Just One Night

  MMF Bisexual Romance

  Copyright © 2019 by Roxanne Riley

  All Rights Reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction and any portrayal of any person living or dead is completely coincidental and not intentional. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the author, other than brief excerpts for the purpose of reviews or promotion.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Two months later

  Chapter Three


  Two Weeks Later

  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  One Week Later

  Chapter Eleven




  A Year & A Half Later

  Special Inside Look into Just This Once!

  Chapter One


  The first thing that hits me as soon as I open my eyes is the immediate urge to clamp them shut again. Even the dim light in my bedroom stabs into my throbbing skull and makes my stomach lurch.

  But I’m relieved to note that the ceiling above me is my own, and that I seem to be in my own bed. The events of the night before are blurry, to say the least.

  With a groan, I roll out of bed and immediately regret the decision. My stomach rebels violently and I end up with my head in the wastebasket, puking up last night’s poor decisions.

  No good ever comes from tequila shots.

  I had been invited to my friend-slash-coworker Jessie’s bachelorette party, and had been drinking shot-for-shot with our mutual friend and her sister-in-law, Kate. Unfortunately, I have the tolerance of a teen sneaking her first beer at prom, whereas I found out too late that apparently Kate has the tolerance of an Irish sailor.

  As I’m sitting on my bedroom floor leaning against my desk, taking deep breaths to try and calm my heaving stomach, I sort through my fuzzy head in an attempt to remember what had happened from there.

  A knock raps against my bedroom door and I wince at the sound. It’s like someone’s banging a hammer directly against my eardrum.

  “Come in,” I call.

  My sister and roommate, Gwen, strolls in casually. “Wow, you look like ass.”

  “Well, we have the same face, so what does that say about you?” I shoot back.

  My twin flips me the bird and I blow her a kiss. “So, who was the hot guy with the limo that dropped you off last night?”

  “Guy?” my brow furrows, “What guy?”

  “I don’t know, I asked you,” Gwen flops unceremoniously onto my bed, “And I’m not the one who was making out with him.”

  “What?!” My own shrill shriek makes me wince as the sound reverberates within my skull.

  A hazy memory comes back to me of the limo ride home, sandwiched between two hot guys. Which one was I kissing, I wonder?

  “Yeah, I’ve never seen you like that,” Gwen says with a laugh, “You walked in with this big, goofy grin on your face. I asked you what you did all night and you just shouted “EVERYTHING!” and then went upstairs and passed out.”

  My face flames. “Oh, jeez.”

  Gwen sits up suddenly. “Wait a sec, you really don’t remember?”

  “It’s pretty hazy right now,” I admit, “But it’s hard to think when your head is throbbing.”

  “You don’t think that guy took advantage of you, do you?” her tone is suddenly fiercely protective.

  Before I can answer, my phone rings, and I cringe. “Ow, I hate sounds,” I whine.

  Looking at the screen, I see Jessie’s name on the caller ID and I swipe to answer. “Hello?”

  “Hey, just wanted to check in and make sure you made it home safe, you never texted me back,” Jessie says, her tone worried.

  “Sorry, Jess, I guess I didn’t see it, but yeah, I made it in one piece.”

  “Glad to hear it. Did you have a good time with those guys?”

  “Uh…” I don’t know how to admit that I don’t really remember.

  But as I struggle to think of words, I’m hit with a flood of memories. The two hot guys, both drunk off their own asses, had bought me a round, and things had quickly gone from flirty to downright filthy.

  “Audrey? You ok?”

  “Um, yeah, sorry, I’m just hungover as hell,” I admit, raking my fingers through my hair.

  Jessie chuckles. “Yeah, I figured you would be. Kate’s an animal.”

  “No kidding,” I sigh, “I haven’t gone out with her in a long time, I’d forgotten just how much she can drink.”

  Jessie laughs. “She drank Myles under the table once. He says he’ll never live down the shame.”

  “Well, hey, I’m really proud of you for staying sober while the rest of us made fools of ourselves,” I tell her.

  Jessie has confided in me that she used to have some issues with drug addiction, and while she feels pretty sure she could have a drink or two without any issue, it’s just not something she’s willing to mess with.

  But I admire her willpower, going out with all of us and being around it all night without caving. Initially, we were all going to abstain, in solidarity, but she actually bought us the first round and insisted we have fun.

  And apparently I had taken her advice to the extreme.

  “I had a blast,” she says, “It was fun watching you guys let loose. I never expected to see you, of all people, dance on a table.”

  I wince. I’d forgotten that part.

  I hear some noise in the background on Jessie’s end “Well, hey, I’ve got to go, but I just wanted to make sure you got home all right,” she says, “I got the address of those guys and everything before they left, and their license plates, too, just in case, but still…I worry.”

  “Thanks, Jess,” I smile, touched by her concern and the precautions she’d taken to make sure nothing happened to me.

  We hang up and I let out a sigh. “So, what actually happened last night?” Gwen asks me.

  I start to fill her in, piecing some of it together as I go. I remember that the guys, Elijah and Leon, had taken me back to one of their places, and we’d fooled around in the back of a limo on the way there.

  “Wait, so you’re telling me you slept with both of them?”

  The memories are flooding back and heat floods my face…and my panties.

  Elijah’s tongue flits over my clit and my eyes roll back in my head. My cries of pleasure are muffled, though, as Leon is currently balls-deep in my throat.

  My head bobs along the length of his thick shaft and I taste the salty beads of pre-cum rolling from the tip. I can feel his fist in my hair, gripping tightly as his hips buck and he fucks my face.

  “Oh, shit,” Leon groans, and I peek up at him from under my lashes.

  His head is tilted back, eyes closed, the very picture of bliss. And when Elijah sucks lightly on my clit, my expression probably matches. Pleasure coils and tenses inside me, ready to burst.

  Even with my mouth otherwise occupied, my whimpers and moans still crescendo as that pressure builds
, and suddenly, Leon pulls his cock from between my lips. “I wanna hear you,” he murmurs when I look up at him in surprise, panting.

  “I want to hear you fucking scream when Elijah makes you cum, and then we’re going to take turns burying our cocks inside you and making you scream some more,” he says, and the words sound like both a promise and a threat.

  But I don’t have time to respond, or even think, as a violent orgasm slices through my body, eliciting exactly the kind of feral scream of pleasure that Leon was seeking.

  Dark stars spot my vision as I’m lost to my climax, and when I come around, Leon is on his back, rolling a condom down his length, and he drags me over his lap so I’m straddling him.

  I’m absolutely dripping, but even so, I feel the pressure of my body stretching to accommodate his massive cock. And when he slides in to the hilt, I let out this mewling little cry of pleasure and pain, barely noticing Elijah crawling up onto the bed behind us. “Fuck, you’re tight,” Leon growls.

  “I’ll bet everyone feels tight as fuck when your dick’s that huge,” I shoot back with a little gasp as he bucks up into me.

  He flashes me a smug smirk and tugs me down, claiming my lips roughly. His hips thrust up, hitting some deep spot inside me that makes me see stars. Another climax rips through me and I howl in release, my body trembling helplessly.

  He tugs his cock out so that Elijah can take a turn, and as I’m coming down from my release, I can feel Elijah sliding into me.

  Leon reaches up and fondles my tits, tweaking and teasing my nipples while Elijah fucks me from behind. I gasp, “Oh, fuck,” and reach down to grip Leon’s cock.

  It’s still slick and wet from my pussy, and I use that to my advantage, stroking him hard hand fast while Elijah rams into me again and again.

  Leon moans and I feel Elijah’s thrusts quicken. I let out a whimper of pleasure and my grip on Leon’s cock tightens, drawing an even louder groan from him as I pump him faster.

  “Holy shit,” Elijah groans and his fingers dig into my hips as his pace quickens even more.

  “Hello?” Gwen waves her

  “Yeah, I did,” I say, barely able to believe it myself.

  “Wait, but you were drunk,” she says, looking upset, “Those guys took advantage of you!”

  Fury swells in her face, but I shake my head. “No, no, it wasn’t like that. They were drunk, too. No one forced anyone’s hand, I wanted to go.”

  “You’re sure?”

  I nod. While I might never have given in to my desires sober, last night, with my inhibitions shed, I had been more than happy to embrace the filthy fantasy.

  “Well, damn!” Gwen crows, “Nice job!”

  “What do you mean, nice job?” I ask her incredulously, “I got drunk and hooked up with a pair of complete strangers! I don’t even know their last names!”

  “Good. You need to get the stick out of your ass more often,” Gwen says, “And besides, they were hot! You had a wild night with two gorgeous guys, how is that a bad thing?”

  She has a point. At least in my hangover-addled brain, I can’t conjure up a valid reason to be upset. Clearly I had a good time, even if my memory of it now isn’t as clear as I’d like.

  “It’s dangerous, though,” I counter, “Going off with a couple of total strangers? Anything could have happened!”

  “I mean, you have a point, but Jessie clearly had your back,” she adds.

  “Yeah, but-“

  “You can come up with a million “what if” scenarios and freak yourself out all day, Audrey, but the fact is, you did something a little crazy and had a good time. But now, you never have to do it again, you can go back to the same old boring day-to-day life.” Gwen chides me.

  “I’m not that boring, am I?”

  Gwen seems to sense that her comment stung and she looks at me. “You’re not, Audrey, you’re a lot of fun. That’s why it makes me sad that you never go out and do anything, you spend your whole life either working or here at home alone.”

  I frown. “We go out,” I protest.

  “Driving me around doesn’t count,” she says drily.

  “That’s not what I meant. Just last week, you and I went out to that new bar on 7th Street,” I argue.

  “Audrey,” Gwen sighs in annoyance, “That’s not what I mean. I love hanging out with you, but you need a social life.”

  “I have one,” I protest.

  “When was the last time you actually went out and spent time with someone besides me?” Audrey asks, “Not counting last night.”

  I pause, thinking, and I know every second I’m silent is convincing her more and more that she’s right.

  “Ok, it’s been a while,” I admit with a sheepish laugh.

  I guess she is right. The last time I recall going out was for some little office party a few months ago. And I can’t even remember the last time I had a date, let alone…

  My mind flashes on an image from last night of Leon laying beneath me, his hands gripping my hips as I rode him, while Elijah knelt behind us both and pounded Leon’s ass. The image is enough to make my cheeks flame and my heart beat faster. I wasn’t exactly a blushing virgin, but the things I’d done last night were outside of anything I’d ever done before.

  …Maybe I was wrong about the tequila shots. Maybe last night had been good for me. It was one night of slightly reckless fun, but I’d come home in one piece, and if I’d done anything particularly embarrassing in front of Elijah or Leon, it wasn’t like I was ever going to see them again.

  So I would spend my day curled up with some ibuprofen and Gatorade, and after that, I could just forget that any of this had happened.

  Chapter Two


  Two months later

  “Audrey? You still in there?”

  “Be right out,” I call, my voice hoarse and shaky.

  I finish rinsing my mouth with mouthwash and run a damp washcloth over my face.

  It makes me feel a little less disgusting, and at least my stomach seems to have ceased the unpleasant churning that’s had me in here retching for the last half hour. A glance in the mirror shows that I look about as good as I feel, but I’ve got no time.

  As if to emphasize that thought, Gwen calls to me again, this time her tone growing annoyed. “Come on, Audrey, we’re both going to be late,”

  I throw the door open and she recoils, startled. “Finally, jeez-hey, you ok?”

  “I think I’m coming down with something,” I sigh, raking my fingers through my hair.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised,” Gwen replies, her expression growing more sympathetic, “You haven’t been sleeping for shit, all you’ve been doing is working for the last fucking month.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh, “But hopefully it’s going to start getting better soon.”

  The investment firm I work for had bought out a smaller, local firm, and in the process, I’d gotten promoted and I was the new head of HR. It was fantastic, but the process of combining their company with ours had been a mess.

  I’d been working my ass off to get things done. Not that I’m complaining. It’s not like my bosses have been forcing me to work the long hours. I’ve been throwing myself into my work as much as I possibly can to keep my mind occupied, ever since that night with Elijah and Leon.

  I’ve tried to forget, but I can’t stop thinking about it.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Gwen says, “Do you still have more onboarding stuff to do today?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I grab my bag and follow her outside, “All week.”

  We head out to the car, driving in the direction of the art gallery where Gwen works.

  “You know, you should take it easy,” Gwen says, “I know you like your job and all, but if you’re getting sick? I think you need to slow down a little.”

  “I’m fine,” I insist, but Gwen shakes her head.

  “You’ve been on my ass for years about taking care of myself, so I don’t want to hear it,” she retorts.
/>   “It’s not the same,” I protest, and she glares.

  “I’m allowed to worry about you, too,” she says.

  “I don’t want you to worry,” I say with a sigh, “Then you stress out, and then-“

  “My meds are working, Audrey,” Gwen says firmly, “I’m not that fragile.”

  I feel a stab of guilt and my stomach churns. It’s hard for me not to baby her sometimes. When we were teenagers, we were in a car accident. It killed both of our parents instantly, and Gwen sustained a massive head injury. By some miracle, I walked away without a scratch.

  During the process of Gwen’s recovery, she started having seizures.

  It’s why she lives with me. Her medication keeps the epilepsy largely under control, but unfortunately it’s not enough. She hasn’t been able to go the mandated period of time seizure-free that would allow her to drive, and before she found the gallery, she’d had trouble holding down a job. Employers gave her every bullshit excuse in the book, but the reality was, they just didn’t want to be liable for her.

  Luckily, she’d started working at the gallery about a year ago, and she’s happy there, which I’m grateful for. The owner is this sweet old lady who has sort of adopted both of us as surrogate granddaughters. I adore her, and I’m happy that Gwen has something, but the pay is sort of barely enough to keep her afloat. And while I’ve offered to get her a place at the firm, we both know she would go crazy in a cubicle.

  But she and I do fine as roommates, so if it’s the best way for me to help her out while letting her maintain a modicum of independence, I’m just glad I can do something to help her.

  We’ve always shared so much, so for her to struggle with this thing I can’t relate to breaks my heart, but I think unfortunately my sympathy comes across as pity, which I know she resents.

  “I know,” I say finally, “I know you’re not made of glass, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant-“

  “I know what you meant,” she says with a sigh, “It’s fine.”

  I start to respond, but that churning in my stomach crescendos and I realize that it wasn’t just the byproduct of a guilty conscience. Feeling the bile rise in my throat, I hurriedly pull off the road.


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