Flash (Iron Thunder MC Book 2)

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Flash (Iron Thunder MC Book 2) Page 15

by Kasey Krane

  “Hey, look, you don’t have to justify yourself or make excuses or defend your relationship. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  I met her eyes, searching for an answer there.

  “I’m sure this is a huge step for you. A big change. You’ve never lived in this environment before. Around this kind of men. But the fact that Flash has claimed you and made you his woman means that you are in a position of power now. Own it. Wear it with pride.”

  I gulped, my shoulders beginning to relax. I felt like I was finally beginning to understand what Sophie was saying.

  “He picked you. Do you get it? He’s been with many, many chicks in the past. Present company included,” she continued and rolled her eyes. “But that is exactly where they are—in the past. He didn’t claim any of them, but he claimed you. You should take credit for that, instead of hiding in the shadows. You have nothing to run from anymore. You have the support of the whole MC on your side.”

  My chest heaved as I listened to Sophie speak. Finally, it was beginning to feel like I knew what my life was going to look like here.

  I was Flash’s woman. I was going to wear it with pride, just like Sophie said. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

  “We can be friends if that is what you want,” she suggested.

  I raised my glass up to her and we clinked it together.

  “Friends,” I said and nodded.

  We were both smiling at each other and I had to admit I felt a lot better now. Sophie was right, I had to stop being defensive. Flash had already made his choice.

  “Whatever you do, just don’t ask him when he’s coming home,” Cassie said. She was Bolt’s woman and she’d joined us at our table and the three of us were sitting there giggling and laughing about the men.

  It felt good to be accepted into the group, to be a part of a community. A place where people trusted each other because their lives depended on it.

  “I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that these men are acting like nothing happened last night,” I said eventually. Sophie sighed while Cassie shook her head.

  “You’ll get used to it, don’t worry. What happened last night was dangerous, sure, and some of you came close to getting seriously hurt, but that is the kind of thing these guys live for. It’s kinda their job,” Sophie explained.

  Cassie patted my hand. “She’s right, but you’re right too. I’ve only been around a few weeks and I still haven’t gotten used to it. I don’t know how they sleep at night without waking up from nightmares!”

  We smiled at that and Sophie shrugged.

  “Just give it time. You guys will be sleeping through the night like a baby. Besides, you have the men to keep you warm.”

  Was it right to feel sorry for Sophie a little? I tried not to.

  Nobody was forcing her to stick around here, to work here and sleep with the men who wanted her for the night. She seemed to enjoy this lifestyle. I glanced at her a few times and maybe she read it in my eyes.

  “Don’t you dare pity me!” she said with a laugh in her voice.

  “I’m not,” I said. She was smiling at me and shaking her head.

  “I told you this before. We want different things. You want a man who is loyal to you. Someone who sleeps in your bed every night. I would personally hate waking up to the same face every morning. I like a wide sample. Mixing it up. Why chain yourself to one when you can try all the flavors?” She looked around the room greedily and even licked her lips.

  Cassie laughed and thudded Sophie’s back. I was smiling too. As much as that wasn’t the lifestyle for me, I got where she was coming from. That was how she wanted to live her life and who was I to wish a different one for her?

  When I looked up again, I saw Flash walking toward us. He had a bottle of beer in his hand but didn’t seem drunk at all. He ignored the other two women and came straight up to me.

  “I was wondering where you were,” he said, leaning in so he could nibble my earlobe. I blushed hard but wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.

  “I’ve been sitting around waiting for you to notice me again,” I replied.

  Flash kissed me right there, in front of Sophie and Cassie while they stared at us. I could hear them chuckling.

  At first I was self-conscious of this kind of public display, but then I stopped caring. This was what I wanted too, so why couldn’t we just do what we wanted? Nobody else cared anyway.

  He pulled me up from the chair, whispering in my ear.

  “Remember that room upstairs I gave you the key for?”

  I bit down on my lip, trying hard to not steal a glance at the girls. I had to admit, it was very exciting. Just being around Flash was exciting.

  “Yes, I do remember. I remember it very well.”

  He grabbed me by the waist and started tugging me in the direction out of the common room. I stood my ground, tilting my head to one side.

  “You know, there was a very specific reason why I didn’t want to spend one extra minute up there with you,” I said. I pulled him back to me and he kissed my chin.

  “Remind me again what that stupid reason was.”

  “Because you’ve been with a million other girls up there.”

  “But you will be the last. That’s gotta mean something, right?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him in mock anger.

  “Nothing you say is going to convince me to go up there with you.”

  “Well I’m not going to give that room up. It belongs to me. If I don’t fuck you in there, it’s just going to go to waste.”

  He made me blush. Even though I knew nobody could hear us over all the music and the voices, I still looked around to make sure no one was listening. Flash forced me to tilt my head so he could get to my neck.

  I felt his tongue slide up and down that sensitive spot underneath my ear, along my jawline.

  “The only way I’m going to spend any time up there with you is if we buy new sheets and linen for the bed. I don’t want a single trace of any other woman!”

  I glared at him, trying to be serious, but the more I stared at his handsome chiseled face, the more I wanted him. I was only pretending. Flash could claim me anywhere and anytime he wanted. I was always going to be ready for him.

  “You’re forgetting, I’m the one who gives commands around here,” he growled in a happy voice and lifted me up by my knees. I squealed as he put me over his shoulder and strode out of the common room.

  “You can’t make me do anything!” I said, laughing at the same time and pounding my fist lightly into his back.

  “Watch me,” he said as he carried me up the stairs. Just the thought of what was going to happen upstairs made my soul sizzle.

  Just as we reached the bottom of the stairs, we heard voices behind us.

  It was Drax and two girls. Flash and I turned and he gently put me down. Drax had the two girls, one on each arm and they were coming toward us, making for the stairs just like we were.

  Drax seemed a bit drunk, he was in a great mood. Each of his hands was on each of the girls’ asses.

  “You guys headed up?” he asked, chuckling at something one of the girls whispered in his ear.

  “Yup. Looks like you are too,” Flash replied.

  He and I pasted ourselves to the wall to allow Drax pass through with the girls.

  “You know it. Great night to celebrate, huh?” he responded and slapped the redhead’s ass hard. She squealed and ran up the stairs ahead of them.

  Drax winked at us and chased after the girl. The blonde one followed closely behind. We could hear their voices up the stairs and down the hallway, then a door banged shut and we couldn’t hear them anymore.

  Flash turned to me and raised his brows. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms over my breasts.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said as I walked past him to head up the stairs too.

  “What am I thinking?”

  “You’re thinking, not long ago, I was
the same way,” he replied.

  “Well, weren’t you?” I asked.

  He came up to me and kissed the back of my neck, making me quiver.

  “Sure, yeah; I took girls up there.”

  “Two at a time?” I asked.

  Flash didn’t miss a beat. He tugged at my elbow, making me stop in the middle of the stairs so I’d be forced to look at him.

  “None of that matters anymore, Allegra. You have my word. I’m going to be faithful to you as long as you’re my woman.”

  I breathed in deeply and sighed.

  “I know, I trust you. None of it matters to me either.”

  This time, when he lifted me up, he cradled me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we were staring into each other’s eyes as he carried me up to his room.

  The door shut behind us and he kept the lights off.

  “I didn’t think you would want to leave the party,” I said as he put me down on the bed.

  “There is nothing I want to do right now more than fuck you, Allegra,” he said as he undid my jeans and pulled them down. I reached for him too, undoing his pants so I could feel his big throbbing cock in my hand.

  He positioned himself in the middle of the bed and pulled me to him. I was on his lap, my legs stretched out on either side of him. He pushed aside my panties so he could feel the moistness of my pussy. We were both so ready for each other.

  I still had my arms wrapped around his neck, and he entered me smoothly, his cock taking possession of my body swiftly. It felt so good. It felt just right. I moved over him, making my hips roll. We rocked together and our breaths mingled. I could feel him deep inside me, still growing, reaching, throbbing.

  My clit rubbed against him as we moved. The bed shook from the force of our bodies. His grunts were wild. His hands clutched my soft skin hard. I was about to come.

  I raised myself and then slid down. Repeatedly. Up, up, up, and then down so he could enter me again. Take me again. I didn’t want to stop. Ever. And then it was too much. I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer. I was going to come.

  I cried out his name and came hard. I was shaking. I was moving. I moaned and then he exploded too. No protection this time. It didn’t matter. I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. I hadn’t thought about starting a family before, but if that was what happened…

  “Flash…I love you.” The words escaped my lips before I could stop them. He groaned as he emptied himself inside me fully, and I blinked as I dared to look into his eyes. I had no idea how he would react. We hadn’t discussed this yet. Was love even on the table? Was that something he would ever experience?

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s too soon…” I made to get off him but he grabbed me tighter and pulled me to himself. I wanted to look away. I couldn’t bear to look into his eyes. To face him when my heart was on the line like this.

  “Allegra!” he said my name firmly. I was forced to face him. I had no choice now. “Repeat yourself, looking into my eyes this time.”

  I gulped. My throat felt dry.

  “I think I’m in love with you, Flash. I’m sorry if this doesn’t fit into your world. I know it’s too soon. Maybe you feel like you don’t know me…”

  “I fuckin’ love you, Allegra.”

  His voice was deep, just like his eyes. He was glaring at me from under those hooded eyelids. I cried out with joy and fell on him. We toppled back onto the bed together. He had me wrapped up tightly in his arms. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe this was really happening. Did I hear that right? Flash loved me?

  “I fuckin’ fell for you the moment you looked away from me at that godforsaken bar,” he said, whispering the words in my ears.

  He spun me so that I was the one underneath him on the bed.

  “I think that was when I fell for you too. And then you were waiting for me and then you kissed me…and then Billy ruined everything.”

  “Never again. He is never going to ruin anything for us again.”

  I licked my lips and he covered my face in kisses.

  “I want to help you in your work, Flash. I know your plans for the Club run got ruined in the past. But I can help you plan your next trip. I’ve been on the road for a long time, I might be able to help you with your routes,” I continued.

  He nibbled on my earlobes and kissed my chin. “Good. I like the sound of that.” Just as his hand traveled down my body and made its way back toward my pussy again, there was a loud rap on the door.

  “For fuck’s sake!” Flash growled. The rapping got harder and he glared at me and shook his head before jumping off the bed. He’d barely got his pants on before he swung the door open. Thankfully, I’d managed to pull the sheets up around me.

  “What?” Flash growled angrily at the guy who was at the door. I didn’t recognize him from the little I could see of his face, so I figured he had to be one of the juniors at the Club—one of the prospects.

  “I’m trying to get Drax to open the door but he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say.”

  “He’s in there with two chicks; he’s not going to fuckin’ open the door to you,” Flash replied, still angry.

  The guy shifted on his feet. “Ghost sent me. He said I need to get Drax to get dressed and come down.” The guy sounded nervous. Even though I couldn’t see Flash’s face, I knew he was frustrated.

  “What the fuck is this about? It’ll have to wait.”

  “There’s someone here who wants to see him. Drax. She is refusing to speak to anyone else.”

  “She? Who?”

  The guy looked shifty again. He dropped his gaze to his feet.


  There was silence for a second. Neither of them spoke. From the vibe surrounding us now, I got the feeling Flash knew exactly who this guy was talking about.

  “Mary-Beth is here?” Flash asked. The guy nodded.

  “Go. Get out of here. I’ll see what I can do about Drax,” he groaned and slammed the door shut. Then he turned to me and let out a deep sigh. “Sorry, beautiful, I have to go take care of this. Shit is going to hit the fan.”

  I sat up in bed, letting the sheets drop. My shirt had completely come undone by now so he could see my breasts.

  “Who is Mary-Beth?” I asked.

  Flash shook his head like this was bad news. How could it be this bad?

  He looked up at me and his eyes actually looked bloodshot now.

  “She’s Drax’s ex,” he replied.

  Drax had an ex? He was in a serious relationship? Committed to someone? The sound of that made me grin.

  “That poor girl…” I began to say and then Flash clenched his jaws.

  “She also happens to be Crash’s little sister.”

  My heart felt like it stopped for a second. My throat went dry.

  “Crash? As in the President of the Silver Knights?”

  Sneak Peak at Drax

  I couldn’t remember the names of the two girls hanging off my arms. So I asked them again.

  “What are your names, sweethearts?”

  We were walking down the hallway, making our way to the stairs. I had a room upstairs in the Clubhouse, where I crashed on nights I was too drunk to go back to my apartment. The girls giggled on my arms like I’d just cracked a joke.

  “Silvia,” one of them said. She had silvery platinum hair that snaked its way down her back where I could see a scorpion on her tail bone. I smacked her ass hard and she giggled again.

  “Amara,” the other one answered. I was drawn to this one more. She had beautiful exotic olive skin and shapely dark eyes. Unlike Silvia, this one giggled less. When she walked, her hips swayed and grazed against my body. She looked at me from under her heavy hooded eyes.

  “And we know exactly who you are,” Amara said huskily. I couldn’t remember exactly, but I had a feeling I’d never seen these women before. But there were a lot of chicks who hung around the Clubhouse. Chicks who were drawn to biker groups an
d men in leather cuts. Groupies. Chicks who liked to get their asses smacked.

  I grabbed her ass and squeezed.

  Amara bit down on her lip and sucked in her breath.

  “Yeah, we know who you are, Drax. You’re the President of this Club,” Silvia said. She draped herself on my arm, resting her head on my shoulder. I could smell the beer on her breath.

  “Big, strong, powerful President,” Amara continued. “Everyone here has to follow your every command. Don’t they?”

  I grinned as she spoke. I knew exactly what she was doing. She was doing her best to make me feel powerful. To make me want her more. To subjugate her. This was her game. What was she looking for?

  To be tied?

  Some rough play?

  I crept my fingers along her nape. She had long silky dark hair and she giggled a little now.

  “I can make you feel even more powerful, Mr. President.”

  “Mr. President?” Silvia interrupted her and broke into a laugh. “You know who you sound like right now? Marilyn Monroe!”

  Amara looked all sexy and seductive a moment ago, but now her cheeks were flushed. A flash of irritation crossed her eyes as she glared at her friend.

  It made me laugh a little. I couldn’t help myself. It was funny watching these chicks squabbling already. What was going to happen when I tied them both to my bed and fucked them together? Were they going to be catfighting with each other even then?

  “Shut up Silvia!” Amara snapped, pressing herself into me.

  Silvia’s brows crossed. “You shut up! You sound stupid.”

  “Girls. Girls. Come on. Let’s all be friends here,” I said and threw my arms around both of them. They were still glaring at each other but now we were at the end of the hallway.

  I saw Flash and Allegra at the door of his room. I didn’t have to guess what they were planning on doing.

  They were a new couple. Young love and all that.


  Did I even fuckin’ believe in that thing?

  Silvia and Amara hung off my arms possessively. I could see Allegra shying away from looking at them. She was a strong young lady with a mind of her own and she’d bagged Flash—but there was a look of disapproval in her eyes when she saw my girls.


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