by T. M. Meek
This rising generation of young people has before them the opportunities for greatness that the world has never seen before. It would be a mistake for us to presume that the youth of today cannot understand the imperatives of life because they can. Despite what the rankings say about problems within our educational system here in the United States, these low rankings must not be confused with the potential our youth have for great intelligence and desire to do good, develop their intellectual and emotional abilities for learning and use such learning to leave people, places and times better than they found them.
Young people today are showing that they have an unprecedented ability to understand that they can in fact recognize the problems in the world and then create solutions for it that will also make this world a happier, safer and ultimately better place to live in. They understand subjects like money, politics and religion in ways that prove again and again that too often we as adults underestimate their abilities to comprehend much of life.
For those who take the right interest in the youth of today, they will see that they in fact, desire to do good, help others and that many times they bravely do what's right in taking a stand in favor of those things that they know are right within their heart. They are truly an amazing generation. To those young boys and girls and to those young men and women who do what's right even when it is not popular–– thank you. You will prove to be the saving grace in so many ways for the future as you continue to do what is right even when it may be difficult.
We, as adults, have a duty to the rising generation to believe in their potential for good, believe in their potential to understand the difficulties of life as it pertains to not only the present but also the future and it is our solemn duty to encourage within them to believe in themselves and their capacities to make the future better for themselves and others by seeing the present as their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do so.
I believe we will see among our youth a powerful ability to break with the poor traditions of the past such
as ending cycles of abuse, poverty, addiction and various other destructive choices that too many adults surround them with. But they will not do so without hope, for the belief in a brighter future a future they willingly choose to create by starting today must be given to them for it is impossible to work miracles without such hope (and yes, they will be the miracles this world needs by their actions to do good and become better wherever they go).
For those adults who surround their youth with positive examples of good, you strengthen them to be an example for others that this world and its young people so desperately need. Thank you for that. You are the ones who as parents don't overestimate the power of your influence when you understand the hearts of your children. Your good influence is evident in your friendly and caring interaction with your children. You create and use teaching moments for good in normal, everyday activities and it shows.
You remind us all that the greatest love we give is within our own homes. Keep participating with your sons and daughters in worthwhile activities that show them of good examples and the great potential for people to do good in this world including your children's capacity to do good and you will help them to feel more loved, hopeful and self-confident
and find your family bond strengthened in the process.
We each have a divine purpose in life that when we discover it, we will find joy in it and a peaceful assurance that we can handle the tasks before us as we pray for our abilities to be equal to our tasks so that miracles may unfold. Praying for a
challenge to be removed doesn't strengthen us as much as praying for Help to achieve those things that are good. We as adults
today must find our own talents, nurture them and strengthen those around us. For those who recognize an imperative duty to strengthen our youth to do good, enjoy your role, for we as adults have a unique opportunity to help this rising generation of young people in a way that can create peace for us and many, many generations to come. It is not a coincidence that you were born in the time you were born in and in the place you were so it is time to make the most of it for a better world.
As we pass the torch of understanding and opportunity to our youth, may we pass it with optimism, encouragement and love so that when the times come (and they will come) when they fail in their sincere attempts to do good, they will remember the encouragement of a father or mother, a grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, teacher or good friend that moves them to not give up but to keep striving to achieve that which they feel is right in their young hearts.
Don't underestimate God's creation of a younger rising generation who are learning that they do indeed have a purpose in life, a purpose for good that will shine brightly through their divinely planted talents within them as they develop and share their talents with others, for it is often the fact that most prayers are answered through others. Many are praying for a brighter future and it will come through our youth.
Help them out. Lift them up. Watch them shine and thank the Lord for the miracles that will come by so doing.
– T. M. Meek
Copyright 2010-2014 T. M. Meek
END Alex Opalstone and the Window of Heaven’s View: Life 101