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Becoming Page 14

by Dakota Brown

  Doc laughed. "I know it's kind of crazy. He's half convinced us it might work."

  "Only half?"

  "We can tell you like all of us."

  "Yeah, I was getting the idea it's hard to hide anything from you three."

  "Werewolf noses, and well, mine is mostly just as good. Super sensitive hearing, being naturally fairly sensitive to things like that. Pretty sure it's a trait for vampires and weres. None of the three of us can really imagine bringing you into our pack without you being with all of us."

  "Got it all figured out?" I was teasing him, but I didn't think he realized it.

  "Not exactly. We've talked a little."

  "So, it's all or nothing?" This wasn't as much of a tease.

  "If you chose Ed, I think Allan and I could deal with it. If you chose just me or Allan, I don't think Ed could. He's pretty attached to you already."

  "I don't know that I could bring you all home to my parents during the holidays," I said, partially as a joke, but partially just trying to figure out how all of this would work. Could I really date three guys? What if my parents found out?

  Doc actually laughed. "I wouldn't suggest bringing any of us home to your parents. Especially if they're just normal humans. What do you think?"

  "Ask me."

  He tilted his head, questioning me.

  "Ask me to date you. Tell the others to ask me. And then maybe we can give this thing a try."

  He stared at me, jaw dropped a little, before he cleared his throat. "Sofia, I would be honored if you would consider dating me, and the others. I know it's not conventional, but I'd like to try."

  "I would also like to try. The idea intrigues me, and I really like you three. I accept." I couldn't believe I was agreeing to it. It certainly would be interesting to try.

  Doc studied me, eyes wide, as if he couldn't quite believe that I had agreed. He pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back. I still leaned on one hand, but my other was free, and I ran it up Doc's neck and buried my fingers in his long hair.

  He gasped against my lips. I parted mine slightly, and he deepened the kiss. His pushed his hand under my T-shirt and trailed his fingers up my back, gripping lightly.

  I wanted my other hand free, so I twisted, wincing as my back pulled.

  He sucked in a breath and broke off the kiss, leaning his forehead against mine. "You've got to stop breaking that wound open or you're going to have a scar."

  "What? How?"


  "Oh, right. You can smell the blood."

  "Yeah. Let's get you dinner. I really should find something more substantial than protein drinks if you're going to keep opening that cut on your back. I might do something I'll regret." He leaned back. I still didn't let him up.

  "You can, you know. If we're dating, I'll spare some blood for you."

  His eyes widened, and he cleared his throat. "Maybe you should talk to the guys before we go that far." His voice was a lot huskier than normal.


  "I take their blood every now and again. They can give you some insight into what you're offering."

  I kissed him lightly and finally let him up from the couch. I had tweaked my back pretty good though, and my other muscles were stiffening up, so the walk to the kitchen wasn't terribly comfortable.

  "When will they be back?"

  "A few more hours probably. They have a lot of energy to burn, and it isn't always easy for them to catch a deer."

  "Okay. What's for dinner?"

  "Well, I'm a lousy cook, so I suggest something out of a can, or sandwiches." Doc smiled.

  "Sandwiches sounds great. I can cook, but I'm not ambitious enough to cook just for myself. I should let Victoria know I'm alive. I haven't touched my phone all day, then I'll raid the fridge."

  "Good plan. I haven't showered yet, I'm going to go get the lake water off."

  Doc left, and I stared after him.

  What a crazy couple of days.

  Chapter 17


  The light on my phone flashed at me. I picked it up from the table I had left it on hours ago and unplugged the charger, wincing a little and hoping the battery would forgive me for leaving it on the charger all day.

  No one had called, though I had text messages from my parents, Victoria, and Alex.

  I checked Alex's first.

  Alex: I'm just checking in. How are you?

  Crap. What was I going to do about Alex? I probably just needed to break things off completely. There was no possible future in which I could see Alex getting along with the pack–my pack–enough to share. Nor was I sure I wanted to. Three was going to be hard enough to handle.

  Sofia: I'm good. Thanks for checking in. You okay?

  I checked my message from Victoria.

  Victoria: Hey, girl. You doing okay?

  Sofia: Yes. I'm doing great. You were right, though. If I get one of them, I get all three.

  My parents were also just checking in. I had told them I was going out with friends this weekend. I hadn't told them which friends. I sent them a quick reply letting them know I was doing good, school still was fine, and that homework was caught up. With all core classes, nothing was so difficult that I couldn't keep up with it during the week. I certainly was glad I had now. I wasn't getting anything done this weekend.

  Alex replied.

  Alex: I'm glad. See you Monday. I'm fine.

  Victoria also replied.

  Victoria: Oh, girl, details! No, wait, in person. You going for it?

  I blushed when I typed my reply.

  Sofia: Yeah. I am. See you tomorrow.

  Victoria replied with a thumbs up and some fireworks icons.

  I laughed and put the phone down. Two weeks into the semester, and my life was already turned upside down.

  "Everything okay?"

  I yelped and spun around. Doc stood right behind me, amusement glinting in his eyes. His long hair was down, still damp from the shower, and he wore a loose T-shirt and flannel sleeping pants. It was hot as hell.

  "Yep. Except you about gave me a heart attack."

  "If we haven't managed yet this weekend, I think you're probably in good shape."

  I smiled and took one of his hands, flipping it over until his wrist was exposed. He still wore those beaded cuffs. I rubbed his skin just below his palm over what was probably a tattoo that the cuff mostly covered. He sucked in his breath.

  "Let me guess, three wolf paws?"

  Doc smiled and brought his free hand up to my waist, pulling me closer.

  "Ed and Allan both have them in the same spot. I like it." I grinned. "So, tell me about these?" I got the question in before he managed to completely distract me again.

  "They were my mother's. I don't know for sure if she made them, or if someone in her tribe made them for her. They store up a little magic and give me the ability to do a few simple things. When going up against mages, having a little magic evens the playing field a lot. I'm going to have to figure out a way to recharge them soon. Sometimes, the faeries will help. Sometimes, I have to go back to my mother's people. They don't really like it when I show up, though. I haven't kept very good ties with them, so I usually only go if I want something. It's kind of rude."

  "Well, maybe if I can learn to do magic, I can help you with that." I got the impression that there were many reasons why Doc avoided his mother's people. He could tell me when he was ready, though. "The mages acted more than a little afraid of you."

  Doc's smile widened into something a touch feral.

  I shivered but kept a hold of him so he didn't think I was upset.

  "They are. And they should be. If it's just me, they would be pretty hard pressed to hurt me. It's when I also have to defend others that I need a little extra help."

  I sighed and let go of his hand, stepping forward into him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "I'm sorry." I tucked my head under his chin and buried my face against his chest.


  "For all this. For being useless. For putting you in danger. Sometimes, I feel like I should go home."

  Doc held me, one hand pressed into the small of my back and the other between my shoulder blades.

  "You might be safer for a while. Eventually, they'll track you down. They want you for something pretty specific, otherwise, I think they would have backed off already. What we really need to do is find someone to teach you magic."

  "I asked Sam. She said no."

  "Sam has a complicated past and probably isn't the best person to teach you, anyway. We'll find someone. Until then, I'll tell you what I know. Which, unfortunately, won't take very long."

  "How are we going to do this?"

  He held me tighter. "We're just going to have to keep you safe until we get you trained. I'm not sure, but I think you'll be relatively safe on campus. Do you know any martial arts?"

  "A little. Not enough to really be useful, though."

  "We'll start tomorrow. We need to get you healed up before we beat you up too much."

  I smiled into his chest. "Thanks."

  He slid his hand up until his fingers were twined in my hair, and he titled my head back. "Thank you."

  I wanted to ask for what, but he kissed me, completely distracting me from everything else. He slipped his hand under my shirt and traced my spine with his fingers.

  Deciding that if he could put his hands up my shirt, I could do the same to him, I slid both of mine under his loose T-shirt and ran my hands up his back while we kissed.

  He tightened his grip, pressing me into him and rumbled deep in his throat.

  I found one of the long scars across his back and traced it with my fingers. He shivered under my light touch.

  Gasping, I leaned back so I could catch my breath. His hands trembled against me, and he breathed as heavily as I did.


  Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by the front door banging open.

  We both jumped. Doc recovered quickly, shoving me behind him before relaxing as two wolves stalked into the living room.

  Doc took a couple more deep breaths, and I stepped out from behind him, trailing my hand along his back, under his shirt.

  He sucked in his breath and glanced at me, smiling.

  "Shut the door before you let the entire forest in." Doc put his arm around me, and we both watched the wolves.

  Ed huffed and stalked over to the door, nosing it shut. Allan came over to us and shoved his muzzle under my hand.

  "Hi, Allan. Did you have a good hunt?"

  He wolf-grinned at me, and I could smell blood and meat on his breath. Doc tensed against me, and I remembered him saying he was hungry. If I could smell blood, Doc certainly could.

  Ed came over and demanded attention by shoving his head between me and Doc.

  I obliged, rubbing his head, too.

  "They always this friendly in wolf form?"

  Doc sighed, as if it were quite the ordeal, but I could hear the fondness in his voice when he answered. "Yes."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  There wasn't much left to talk about until the guys turned back, and it had been a very long couple of days so far, so it wasn't long before Doc sent me to bed.

  That started a bit of an argument, mostly conducted with a few grumpy huffs from the werewolves and a whole bunch of glaring. The wolves wanted to join me. Doc didn't want to subject me to that. Clothing didn't shift with the werewolf, and they'd revert back to human form sometime in their sleep. They could force it, but it was easier if they just let it happen naturally. Then I would be cuddling with a couple of naked guys instead of a couple of fur covered wolves. I really wasn't sure how I felt about it, so I agreed to go to bed alone.

  I was used to sleeping alone. I'd slept by myself most of my life. Other than the occasional sleep over, and last night with both Doc and Victoria, I always slept alone. So why was I feeling completely uncomfortable and afraid as I stared at the ceiling of Doc's cabin, wishing I had company?

  Maybe it was almost getting kidnapped. Maybe I just really wanted them. They'd turned me on, and I wasn't really satisfied. I also knew Doc was right. We probably didn't need to go there just yet, but I wasn't happy being by myself.

  Maybe I would sleep eventually.

  The doorknob turned, and I looked over to see eyes shining in the low light at wolf height.

  Sighing, I patted the bed.

  Ears perking forward and wolf-grinning, whoever it was leapt and sprang on the bed.

  I yelped in surprise as the wolf tackled me. I buried my hands in his ruff and mock wrestled with him for a minute, before he flopped down next to me, head on my chest, staring in my eyes.

  "Ed!" Doc spoke just loudly enough that I could hear him. I was pretty sure the three of them could hear normal conversation level volumes anywhere in the house if something like a shower wasn't drowning it out. That might make things awkward. I supposed it depended on how literally they took sharing. One of many things we needed to explore.

  "I wasn't asleep," I said tiredly.

  A few moments later, I saw Doc lean against the doorframe, arms crossed. Allan wasn't far behind, also still a wolf.

  I held out my hand.

  Allan beat Doc to my side, pouncing me much like Ed had.

  "Oof." I mock wrestled him too, and he flopped down on my legs. Ed had moved his head when Allan pounced me. He put it back once Allan was out of the way, still staring at my face.

  I knew they were human, but it was hard not to respond to them like they were dogs. It was a really good thing they didn't mind. Of course, as Doc said, if they were going to act like lap dogs...

  Doc sat on the bed next to me. "Are you okay?" He took my hand, and holding it gently.

  "I can't sleep. I don't know if it's because I'm in a strange place, or if it's just because of all the things going on. Good and bad things." I grinned at him. "I'll be okay."

  "Allan, get off her."

  Allan growled, the sound vibrating through my core. He also didn't move.

  Doc sighed and arched an eyebrow at me.

  I shrugged. I wanted them there. I just hoped it wasn't too much, too fast.

  "Fine, all of you scoot over."

  Allan finally consented to get off my legs, and Ed got up. I shifted over until I was in the middle of the bed.

  "I guess I know why you have such a large bed now."

  "They have their own beds," Doc grumbled. "I had a queen sized one. It was not big enough for the three of us."

  I held up the covers, and he slid in next to me, leaning on one elbow and looking at me.

  "If you two are going to stay here, you need to put clothes on as soon as you wake up. Then you can come back," Doc ordered the werewolves.

  Ed held out his paw as if to shake. Allan made an affirmative sounding yip.

  "You're sure you're okay with this?"

  "Yeah, we'll see how it goes, okay? I promise to say something if any of you do anything I'm not comfortable with." Feeling a little bold after the day, I squeezed Doc's hand and then tugged him close to me, rolling over until my back was to his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around me and buried his nose in my hair. "Mmm, you smell nice," he whispered.

  I didn't reply, just pressed into him.

  Ed curled up against my chest and Allan stretched out against my legs, using Ed's hips as a pillow.

  Sandwiched between them, I finally drifted off to sleep.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I woke up when someone moved the sheets. Doc was still wrapped around me, and he didn't move. Allan, now in human form, was sliding into the bed next to me. He hesitated when he saw me looking at him. I held out a hand, inviting him to join us.

  Doc's hand twitched against my stomach where he held me, and his breathing changed. It didn't surprise me that he was a light sleeper. He didn't say anything, and the slight movement was the only clue he was awake.

  "You're sure?" Allan whispered.

  I nodded. "If we're going to give this a try, I may as well get used to your habits."

  He smiled and scooted over close to me, still facing me, laying on his side, head propped on his arm. "It's a lot easier to convince someone to snuggle with you when you're a big fluffy dog."

  I snorted and Doc laughed into my hair.

  "Do you have to convince people often?" I made sure my voice conveyed that I was teasing him.

  "Well, uh, no. I guess not. You should thank us, though. Doc wasn't much of a snuggler until we trained him."

  I laughed harder.

  Doc kissed me on the neck and squeezed his arms around me. "Never much opportunity."

  I breathed out a little, trying not to start anything.

  Allan studied me closely. "You're sure you want to try this?"

  "Yeah, I'm sure."

  "You're going to have to ditch Alex," Allan said.

  I blinked, not having expected them to bring up the other guy in my life. "Yeah, I know."

  "You're okay with that?"


  "Good." Ed's voice came from the other side of Doc. I guess he had crawled back into bed on that side. "I don't like him."

  "We know," Doc grumbled, still talking into my neck.

  His breath sent shivers down my spine, and my heartrate jumped.

  "You're starting shit, Doc," Allan pointed out, a hint of interest in his voice.

  "Mmmm," Doc replied, nibbling my neck gently.

  I was pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head, and my back arched as I gasped, hands clutching Allan's arm.

  "Let him," Ed growled out.

  Allan was focused on Doc instead of me when I looked at him, and he was frowning.

  "Allan?" I managed to get his name out, though my brain was starting to short circuit.

  "Hey, Doc," Allan said instead of answering me.

  "Hmm?" He bit me harder, and I convulsed as pleasure coursed through me.

  "When's the last time you had any actual blood?"

  "Been a while," Doc mumbled into my neck. His hands crept up my stomach toward my breasts.


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