Alpha's Claim

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Alpha's Claim Page 19

by Amelia Hutchins

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Fenrir wolf with the power of their god driving them. Where was he when you were being tortured? He didn’t protect you from Lucas,” Leif pointed out.

  “He isn’t here to protect me in such a manner.” I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat. “He protects us from being raped or abused in such a manner until the first time we willingly lay with a man. Once that occurs, Fenrir no longer protects our innocence. He isn’t always with me, but when he is, I am stronger, faster, and harder to kill.”

  “Was he not with your mother when your father murdered her?” Leif asked, tipping his glass up as his eyes slid to the carnage being cleaned up behind us.

  “No, he’d abandoned my mother to protect me. I was born, blessed by him with more strength than she had. He favors the stronger wolf, always. My mother said it was because I was born from kings. She said that one day I’d be the queen of our pack and would have to remove the threat that hung over it like a sickness. She didn’t survive long after she’d whispered those words so I couldn’t ask her what she’d meant by them,” I elaborated, turning to look at Saint. “Why did you take my drink away?”

  “You’ve received injections today that don’t go with alcohol,” he snorted, shifting to look to the right as the door opened.

  I watched as Carleigh entered the dining hall, free of chains or restraint. Her green eyes held mine. A twist of her lips formed a victorious smirk before she sat on the other side of Saint, placing her perfectly manicured hand on his forearm.

  “I am starving,” she exclaimed as my nails dug into my thighs. “I’m so glad you came to your senses and realized that what I did wasn’t done in malice but pain.”

  “If I were you, Car, I’d keep your thoughts to yourself,” Eryx snorted, holding my stare.

  Carleigh looked behind us, frowning at the blood being mopped from the floor. “Someone stepped out of line against the alpha?” she asked, turning her heavy stare on Saint.

  “Someone thought to challenge Braelyn. Six alpha females, to be exact,” Saint announced, filling their glasses while a server poured water into mine.

  “And you had to step in or lose the bitch?” She made a strangled sound in her throat, looking at me while slowly sizing me up.

  “Actually, no. Braelyn murdered them all in seconds, and no one saw her move until they’d been beheaded, still trying to talk.” Saint grinned slightly as he took a sip of his drink.

  Carleigh blanched, her eyes widening before she concealed the fear. As a hellhound shifter, she wasn’t even on par with me. I was a powder keg set to explode, and she was a firecracker that, while able to leave a mark, wouldn’t be much of one.

  “While I might understand your actions, Carleigh, they were still an act of violence against my mate, and that I cannot excuse. I gave explicit instructions for you to remove Braelyn from the container, and instead of doing so, you thought to inflict your own form of punishment, exposing Braelyn to the monster we’ve been hunting for many years.”

  “Don’t do this, Saint.” Carleigh grabbed Saint’s hand in a silent plea, but he pulled his hand from her grip, dismissing her. Xavier stood and placed his hands on the back of Carleigh’s chair.

  “I’ve called E.V.I.E. and informed them of your actions. You know what you did was against their rules of conduct and cannot be overlooked. Saint handed your punishment over to your superiors instead of ending your life, which is within his rights to do. A chopper is waiting outside to take you back to Seattle. I’ll escort you to your room to gather your things.” Xavier pulled Carleigh’s chair out, and she rose. Trying but failing to make eye contact with Saint, she strode from the room without a backward glance.

  After that, dinner droned on while people talked about missions or what they were working on and doing. I was left out of the conversation, which was for the best. My stomach burned where Jacob had administered the shots. I was experiencing mild cramps causing discomfort, and my heat cycle was beginning to roll through me worse than that.

  “Braelyn, are you okay?” Leif asked, his Nordic blue eyes studying my face.

  I nodded, lifting the glass of water to my lips to drink. The meal was decent, but then I’d trained the kitchen staff myself. Unlike my father, I’d taken pride in making the most out of what little we had here. Herbs were an essential part of a meal, and from the taste of the potatoes and meat, they’d been scarcely added. It had left the meal bland and tasteless.

  “I’m fine,” I winced at the pain, pinching my features. “If you’ll excuse me. I’m going to retire for the night.”

  “Sit,” Saint growled, turning his attention to where I grabbed my stomach. “Once Eryx has finished eating, you can go to your room and pout.”

  “Whatever you wish,” I answered, leaning back in the chair as heat pulsed in my stomach. I knew Saint scented the state of my body because Leif definitely could. His icy-blue gaze lowered to the way my nipples pebbled against my top, and a quick look of lust entered his stare before he smothered it down. “I think I should go, Saint,” I admitted.

  “And I want you to stay,” he argued, lowering his stare to where I held my side. His attention moved up my face, slowly noting the hair that stuck to the sweat on my neck. My shirt was tacky against my skin, and my hips shifted involuntarily, even though my thighs clenched together, hating that he had forced me into heat. “I’ll accompany you.”

  I swallowed down the urge to tell him to shove it up his ass, but if I intended to leave this mountain before the snow fell, I had to play the part. Saint stood, moving behind me to pull my chair out so that I could easily slide away from the table.

  No one stood or tried to stop us as we left the dining hall. It wasn’t until we reached the large hallway that led into my room that a sultry moan ripped from my throat. I could feel arousal pooling at my core, and my entire body felt as if it were on fire.

  “It’s the drugs working, Brat. It won’t hurt you. You’re just going to be in a state of perpetual need for a few days. Once that is over, you should be with child,” he stated clinically and without emotion.

  “It isn’t natural to force this to happen to someone,” I argued, leaning against the wall as I smoothed my hand down my stomach, pressing against the ache pulsing in my cunt.

  “Neither is rejecting your mate,” he snorted, stepping closer until his body heat wafted over mine. “Don’t worry, Brat. I’ll make sure you enjoy every moment of this unnatural time we share together.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Saint walked me back to the bedroom, leaving me alone inside for hours. While I waited for him, I showered and refused to put my regular clothes back on because the feel of them against my sensitive flesh was too much. I hadn’t even been able to wear panties because anything against my sex had created friction, stimulating my need into a painful, heightened state of arousal. I searched my room for my stash of alcohol and herbs, only to find them all gone. Sliding a sheer, baby blue nightgown over my head, I resumed pacing aimlessly.

  I felt as if my skin was crawling with tiny bugs. Everything had sharpened; all my senses were fine-tuned and enhanced. My nipples had grown achy, hard tips that pushed against the sheer material of the gown. The friction was causing me to be even more aroused than I already was, if that was even possible.

  The door to my room opened, and I turned, staring at Saint, who entered. I examined him with a predatory gaze, following him as he came further into the room. He stalked inside and sat in the chair before stretching out his legs and lifting his nose to inhale my scent.

  “You are very susceptible to the shots we used. I honestly didn’t expect it to work this quickly or effectively. Not that I’m complaining,” he chuckled, placing his hands on his knees, gazing at the way my chest rose and fell slowly. “Come to me, Brat.”

  “I ache,” I admitted softly, rolling my neck. “You’re an asshole for doing this to me.”

  “Remind me of that when
you’re riding my dick and screaming my name,” he laughed, leaning forward to pull his shirt off from behind his head.

  The moment his chest was bare, his scent slammed into me. I closed my eyes, sucking my lip between my teeth to exhale the soft gasp of need that tightened in my chest, rolling up through my throat to escape.

  My thighs clenched, and silently stepped closer to him but somehow managed to ignore his order. I sat on the bed, taking in the way his lips jerked into a cocky smile at my subtle act of defiance.

  Sitting on the bed, I parted my thighs while holding his stare. Saint’s nostrils flared, and I rolled my eyes, pushing my legs together and placing my elbows on my knees. Leaning over, I allowed him to get a bird’s-eye view of the ample cleavage my low-cut gown exposed.

  “You took my herbs,” I growled, and his blue eyes lifted to my face.

  “I did,” he murmured. “You dressed to seduce me?”

  “No, I dressed in the only thing that didn’t make my skin crawl,” I snorted, sliding my attention to his pants, which did little to hide his growing erection. I wetted my lips, dragging my gaze over his ripped abs. Heat coursed through me, forcing my entire body to shudder violently. “My herbs won’t mess with your fertility crap, jerk.”

  I smoothed my hands down my stomach, slowly sliding them to where the ache was never-ending. When I reached my sex, I moaned loud and sultry at my touch. Saint’s low, building growl sent awareness of his presence into my mind, yet I didn’t care if he watched me. I was a fire, one that had been smoldering until flames licked my skin. Lying back on the bed, I parted my thighs while slowly working my sex, the need to end my ache, taking over everything else at the moment.

  Saint watched my fingers sliding through the sleek arousal between my thighs, gliding through it as noises slipped from my lips. I was a mess of nerves, all heightened by the drugs he’d had introduced into my system. I shifted one hand to grab the globe of my breast, causing a hiss of need to slide between my clenched teeth. Saint didn’t move, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to or if I wanted to ignore the fact that I needed him buried deep within me.

  I wasn’t a stranger to getting my own needs to the finish line. Since reaching adulthood, I’d had to do everything myself. I wasn’t shy about satisfying myself or owning several toys that stimulated and offered pleasure.

  A loud moan escaped the swelling of need in my throat the moment my finger slid into my heated apex. I could feel Saint’s stare at my center, watching as I worked my body into a state of painful arousal. The storm growing in my stomach was slowly unfurling, and the moment it released, I jerked my hips faster, riding the wave of pleasure I chased alone.

  Hands pushed my legs apart, and before I could argue against it, Saint’s mouth was ravishing my pussy. His deep growl vibrated against my arousal-slick core as his dark stare held mine prisoner. I curled my fingers through his hair, holding his mouth against the sensitive flesh of my sex. He devoured it hungrily, daring me with his gaze to challenge his right to feast on my cunt. I gasped, arching into his heated kiss as he chuckled against it.

  “Saint,” I whimpered, unable to prevent my body from toppling over the edge as he curled his arms around my thighs, holding me against his hungry lips. His tongue slid through the arousal in quick, sharp passes from one end to the other. The moment it circled my clit, I lost the fight as pleasure shot through my center.

  “You taste too good to stop eating, Brat,” he growled against my cunt, muffled as he continued lapping ravenously against my sex.

  “Fucking hell,” I cried out, flipping him over with his hold, forcing him onto the bed. I ground against his face, peering down at where he was now pressed into the mattress. Saint chuckled at the eagerness of my clumsy moves while I rocked against his enthusiastic tongue that was spearing into my body. “Don’t talk; you’ll ruin it.”

  Saint sat up, forcing my body to move with his as he lifted me, seating me onto his lap. His mouth opened to speak, but mine crushed against his in a needy kiss. I needed him to shut the fuck up and not ruin this. He growled into my mouth, and I mewled softly. His kiss wasn’t violent or angry. Instead, it was soft and pleading as he coaxed me to kiss him back.

  I was a fire, and he was the tinder fueling and stoking my flames. I didn’t care that he intended to use me or breed me like some bitch that had one purpose. Nothing mattered right now, nothing except ending the pain in my apex that only he could soothe.

  I shoved Saint down onto the bed, sliding my hand along his muscular stomach to flick the button of his jeans, freeing his thick cock. Scooting back to escape his touch, I yanked his jeans down, sliding my gaze over the strength of his body. Slowly, I took in every sinewy curve and contour. He kicked his boots off, drawing my stare to where he slowly sat up, slipping the jeans from his legs.

  “Come here, Brat,” he urged, but I shook my head slowly.

  “Lie back and don’t talk. You do nothing but shred me to pieces with that tongue of yours. I can’t handle you ripping me apart while we try to create life, Saint. Mating should be beautiful, and you’ll just turn it into something cheap and abrasive with your words.”

  He exhaled a deep breath, slowly watching me as I waited for him to do as I’d asked. Once he had lain back, placing his hands behind his head to peer up at me, I swallowed past the lump of desire that formed in my throat. I needed something to take the edge off or to relieve the overwhelming urge to fuck him like he was a war I was waging and couldn’t ever win.

  “Where are the herbs?” I asked, moving away from the bed to light the sage and lemongrass candles. I grabbed the remote for the stereo, turning it on while leaving the volume low enough that I could hear his heart thundering, almost like he was as nervous as me right now, feeling the deeper call to fulfill our mating. “Fine, then where are yours?” I pried, turning to watch as he moved from the bed, uncaring of his nudity.

  Saint opened the door, causing me to yank my nightgown down further. Eryx stepped into the room, his heated gaze sliding to me before he tossed a tin onto the bed and smirked devilishly. He silently handed something else to Saint before turning on his heel and exiting the room.

  Remaining against the dresser, I watched as Saint retrieved the tin before stepping to where I stood. He smirked roguishly, setting the tin onto the dresser, then lifting me onto it too. I tensed against the cool wood surface while he settled himself between my thighs. He grabbed and opened the container, and his heat unfurled against my sensitive flesh.

  Saint removed and lit a joint, and one smell told me it was my herbal blend, used for lowering my anxiety and making me relax. He flicked the zippo out with ease while inhaling the deliciously strong smoke from the weed. He held it up, offering it to me, and I accepted it, inhaling greedily and gasped as his lips clamped onto my nipple. He chuckled, holding my stare as I choked on the hit I’d taken. Lifting my feet onto the dresser, I leaned back against the wall.

  Saint pulled back, sliding his hooded gaze down to my bared sex. Grabbing the joint from my fingers, he placed it between his lips and yanked the nightgown over my head. I allowed it, placing my hands on his broad shoulders for balance. He withdrew the joint from his lips, handing it back to me, and I took a drag, swallowing the smoke to hold it. His hand gripped the back of my neck, pulling my lips against his as I exhaled into his kiss.

  I dropped my legs, wrapping around him as he pressed his chest against mine. Turning, I searched for an ashtray to dispose of the joint, and then I slipped my hands through his soft hair. My wolf released her scent to toy with his, and a demonic growl escaped his lips, vibrating against mine as I swallowed it, feeding him back a soft moan.

  Saint walked us backward, sitting on the bed before he broke the kiss to lie us back. My hungry mouth dropped, kissing over where my name was tattooed beneath his ribcage. It was the only tattoo beneath his pecks since the other words trailed down his sides, sliding around his back. Kissing my way to his nipple, I teased it with my tongue a
s his hands slid through my hair.

  If I tried to mark him, he’d use my hair to prevent it from happening. I had no intention of marking him because that would seal the connection between us. Once our bond was cemented, it would be impossible to escape him. I lowered my hand, grabbing his thick cock, slowly exploring the silken length with my hand. I moved to the side, sitting up to look him over while he watched me through a hooded gaze.

  “You keep playing with it, and I’ll make a mess in your tiny hand, Brat,” he warned in a tone that was like warm honey.

  My stare moved from his arousal back to his face, watching as he peered at me through heavy eyes that sparkled with laughter. I closed the distance between my lips and his stomach, sluggishly exploring his hard muscles with my tongue and mouth. I tasted him, and he hissed with every soft nip of my teeth while I trailed a heated path to his heavy cock.

  When I reached his hardened length, I stroked it while tightening my grip. My tongue jutted out, licking around the rounded tip before I slowly opened my mouth to take him into it. He growled, watching me by lifting his head and holding my stare while I pleasured him gently as if we had all the time in the world to learn each other.

  Saint lifted, and I pulled back, slamming him down against the bed as I straddled his hips. He grunted, dragging a heated gaze down my body to where my sex was rubbing against his rigid length. I rubbed my scent over him, watching his eyes lose focus as the need to breed took precedence within him as surely as it was with my wolf.

  I lifted, slowly pushing against him as he watched our bodies connecting. I slid against his thick tip, moaning as he rocked against my opening. My head dropped forward, and my eyes watched him vanishing into my body as I sat back, crying out while he stretched me full.

  “Gods damn,” I moaned, rocking my hips to adjust to how much he stretched me out, creating a delicious burning sensation. “Holy shit, Saint,” I whimpered, lifting my gaze to find him studying my face.


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