Just One Touch

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Just One Touch Page 3

by Baker, Tory

  “Yeah, but Rome making you wear something like this, the least I should do is pay it forward,” I wiggle my eyebrows.

  “You can pay it forward to me, with a kiss,” I grant him his wish. Our lips meet, and he deepens the kiss with every stroke of his tongue against mine. My hands find his hair and I grip it, holding on. When his palms meet my ass, he lifts me up and my legs wrap around his waist. My back meets the wall, I can feel his length that’s long and heavy between my legs, and I’m cursing the jeans I’m wearing. If I were in something thinner, I could feel him even more.

  “God, Mason,” I moan, as his lips leave mine and travel along the length of my neck.

  “Quinn,” he grunts, both of us wanting each other, right here, and right now. My hips move, wanting to feel him thrust against me.

  I’m right on the verge of coming from his mouth, he’s sucking and nipping at the spot where my neck meets my shoulder, add into the fact both of our hips can’t stop moving.

  “Please,” I moan out loud, that’s when he tears himself away. I’m left feeling bereft and instantly cold.

  “First time you come, it’s going to be against my tongue, fingers, or cock. Not this way, Sunshine. Definitely not this way. I’d prefer my tongue, tasting every inch of you while you ride my face,” he groans.

  “Mason, don’t leave me like this. Please,” I beg.

  “Baby, I don’t want to leave you like this either. But I’ll be damned if we do it this way first.”

  “Okay,” I say begrudgingly.

  “If you’re here when I get home, I promise it’ll be just you and me. All night long and morning. I confiscated Heath’s key, the dumbass,” Mason offers.

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” We kiss one more time and then we both head towards the front door.

  He holds my car door open and waits till I’m safely inside before going to his. He’s heading left towards his office, as I take a right going to my condo all the while wishing the day away.



  I walk into work with a smile on my face, even with wearing a three-piece suit. Of course, if it weren’t for this meeting, I wouldn’t be in it. I’d be in my usual jeans and a tee-shirt. Rome is more the suit wearing guy, but I have to do what I have to do.

  I step foot into my office, coming to an abrupt halt, “Of fucking course you would,” I grunt out. There in my office are my brothers, I swear they gossip more than girls. Well, maybe not Rome but Heath, he’s the damn ringleader.

  Rome is sitting in the chair that’s in front of my desk, in a suit of his own. Heath though, that asshole is sitting in my chair with his feet propped up on my desk.

  “If you ruin my computer, I’ll ruin your face,” I tell him in a teasing tone. We’re the three musketeers and have always been close. Something Mom instilled in us as soon as she adopted the three of us.

  “Don’t be an idiot, you couldn’t wreck a face as pretty as mine,” Heath responds with a chuckle.

  “Whatever,” I walk over and push his feet off of my desk. He stands up, heading to sit beside Rome in the chairs that are placed in front of my desk.

  “I take it you already called Rome, Rome already told Summer, and the telephone game has already occurred?” I question.

  “Happy for you, brother. If you feel the same way I do about Summer, that all-consuming need never goes away, and brother, I can see you have it for Quinn already. You and her will have nothing but smooth sailing ahead,” Rome responds.

  “Thanks, she’s definitely the one. I don’t even want her going back to her condo, and it’s only been a couple of days.”

  “That’s how us Carter Brothers are, we fall, and we fall hard,” he replies.

  “Not me, no way, no how. It has to be in the water. Maybe I’ll get outta town for a while,” Heath grumps

  “The hell you will, you have a company to run just as much as we do. You ready for your meeting?” Rome questions.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, but I gotta tell you, as soon as it’s over, I’m leaving. Quinn’s at home and that’s where I want to be.”

  “Don’t blame you, I’m leaving by three o’clock myself. Summer needs help with Sawyer around that time. He seems to be nothing but bundles of energy and while she’s still nursing him, he wakes up through the night.” He shakes his head, though he has a smile on his face, one that’s adorned with pride.

  “Guess that leaves Heath to close things down today,” I laugh. He’s usually the first one out of here followed by Rome, leaving me to do the closing.

  “We need to see if Renee would be interested in doing the closing of the office, even if that means her getting a raise, we’re all coming and going so much. None of us really want to have to come all the way back if we have something to do outside of here,” Heath says. He may seem like he’s always joking, Rome and I know the truth, it’s a defense mechanism.

  Heath had it the worse before we landed in our Mom’s home, it’s a story so bad it would drop a grown man to his knees.

  “I’m all for that, you can talk to her about it. Then let Rome and I know what she has to say,” I respond.

  “Yep, I agree. I’m ready to be home more. Summer wants Sawyer to have a brother or sister soon, and who am I to deny her,” he has a wistful smile on his face. I can’t wait till the day comes that Quinn is mine, completely.

  “Just so you know, Quinn has a key to my place. I confiscated ding dongs key after his morning wake-up call with mom in tow”

  “I told you that was a stupid idea to give Heath a key,” Rome chuckles.

  “Who, Me? Like hell, you two fuckers wouldn’t do the same thing,” his face a look of shock. He’s wrong though, Rome and I wouldn’t barge in on him if we knew he had someone staying over.

  “Whatever, alright let me finish preparing for this meeting and then we can all do our thing,”

  “Mason, happy you met Quinn,” Heath says as he slaps me on the back.

  “Thanks, bud. You’ll find her when you’re least expecting it,” I reply back.

  “You aren’t wrong,” Rome says, and we all disperse, them going to their own offices while I finish getting my notes together.

  I may hate meetings, but this is the first one I’ll be going to with a smile, knowing Quinn will be home when I get there.



  I rushed home this morning, took a fast shower, threw on some clothes, packed a bag with some essentials along with a bathing suit. Then I did something I didn’t think I would ever do. I called Summer and asked if her and Sawyer wanted to hang out today, but first I had to go grocery shopping for Mason’s house. When I let her know my plans, she squealed and told me, “Rome mentioned you were at Mason’s house, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up until I talked to you. And you have to know, I was leery of him making the moves on you. I even told him you were off limits,” I wasn’t even mad about Summer stepping in. I know what she was doing, it was more than anyone else ever had before.

  Summer was protecting me and that thought brought tears to my eyes, “Summer, you’re the best thing that could have walked into my world, and at the worst time too. Thank you,” I said in a hushed tone into the phone trying to keep the tears at bay.

  “The feeling is entirely mutual. How about Sawyer and I meet at the store in about thirty minutes? We could use an outing, and maybe it’ll tire him out. I’m not sure he knows the meaning of nap time these days,” Summer says, and it’s then that I hear the tiredness in her voice.

  “I’d love that, but Summer if you’re tired, I can come watch Sawyer while you take a nap?” I offer.

  “I love you for even asking, but I need to get out of the house for a while. Can I take a raincheck?” I hear Sawyer in the background, and I know what I’m going to offer. I just hope Mason is okay with it.

  “Absolutely, the option is always open.” We finish making plans and then hang up. I high tail it around my own condo, picking things up and going throug
h the mail. The stack is so huge, I haven’t even looked at it lately. Thank goodness someone invented automatic bill pay. I just look at it to make sure everything goes through and check my mail when it stacks up.

  The stack is so huge and I’m running out of time until I have to meet Summer. I throw it in my bag, rushing to lock my front door, and head to my car.

  The trip is short to the grocery store, and the moment I see Summer, I can tell she’s exhausted. I take Sawyer out of her hands and give her arms a break.

  “Thank you, you never realize how tiring having a baby is. I love Sawyer with every ounce of my being, but I’m exhausted. Between his teething and nursing, it’s been a rough couple of weeks,” she says as she lets out a breath.

  “How about you push the cart, I’ll hold Sawyer and grab the groceries. This shouldn’t take long seeing how Mason has zero food in the house,” I say with a roll of my eyes.

  “Don’t tell Momma Tina that, she’d have his hide,” she laughs.

  “I know, he had enough to cook us breakfast, but other than that there was nothing, so this is my surprise to him. Well, that and a home cooked meal,” I respond.

  “Let’s get this show on the road then, and thank you for getting me out of the house,” she says honestly.

  “Anytime, I’m sorry it’s just to grocery shop. We’ll have to do a girls day and soon,” I tell her as she pushes the shopping cart while she and I toss everything in the cart.

  By the time we’re done, the cart is overflowing and we’re both laughing so loud, other customers are looking at us funnily.



  I walk into the house, nothing can take this smile off of my face, especially seeing Quinn’s car in my driveway. My next step is cleaning the other side of my garage for her, so she can park in there. Living on the beach, the salt air is horrible for cars.

  “Quinn,” I say out loud as I walk into the living room from the garage.

  “Hey, I’m in the kitchen,” she responds. I make my way to her, she’s standing at the stove and the scents of something baking is permeating in the air. Quinn looks so much at home and yeah, this weekend her and I are going to have a serious talk, it’s not too soon. I want forever with her.

  I walk into the kitchen and see she has mashed potatoes heating on the stove, meatloaf that just came out of the oven, with a side salad.

  “Did you cook all this, for us?” I ask Quinn as I come up beside her.

  “Yeah, you’re letting me occupy your home while at work. It’s the least I could do.” I lean down, my lips finding hers. Quinn’s tongue peaks out and I take that as my cue that she wants more, or maybe she needs more. As much as I need more from her. I sip from her lips, slow and steady, building her up, until she’s grasping and hanging onto the lapels of my white dress shirt. I ditched the suit coat as soon as I walked in, along with the tie.

  Standing here while she’s dressed in a pair of cotton shorts, sweatshirt, and hair piled on top of her head with tendrils falling down, looking at home. It’s something I want each and every day.

  “Hey,” she gasps as we pull apart.

  “Hi, baby,” she finds the crook of my neck and burrows into it. Quinn is the type of woman that loves to be surrounded by warmth, and I’m the lucky bastard that she found.

  “Dinner smells amazing, but you have to know I would never expect this, but I love that you feel at home here,” I say bluntly.

  “I love your home. Oh hey, that reminds me, I’m thinking about asking Summer and Rome if I can watch Sawyer for them overnight, would you like to help out if they say yes?” she questions. There’s a sparkle in her eye, as if she’s excited.

  “Hell yes, count me in. We can do it over here. I know there isn’t much furniture, but I’ve been thinking about at least getting a television for down here and some patio furniture,” I reply.

  “I think that’s a great idea. If you want to change, dinner will be ready in about ten minutes. I’m going to call Summer and let her know we can take Sawyer this Saturday night?”

  “Sounds good to me, I know Mom is leaving tomorrow to go on a girl’s trip or she would have offered too,” I reply.

  “Should I ask your mom first before Summer? I don’t want to overstep my bounds, I just noticed that Summer looks exhausted and could use a break.”

  “Nah, she’s had Sawyer a few times. Rome mentioned it’s been a rough couple of weeks. I think you offering us up to help, is the best thing we can do for them right now.” I kiss her lips before heading upstairs to change out of this god-awful suit.



  Mason devoured not one, but two plates of dinner. I’m really glad I pulled out Gram’s secret meatloaf recipe. Okay, fine, it wasn’t really a secret, but it was one of my favorite meals she cooked. I paired it with a glass of wine for myself, and Mason had a beer.

  The night has wound down, we slipped into Mason’s bedroom. I needed a shower from lugging all the groceries into the house, he hasn’t noticed just how much food is in the house, yet. I have a feeling once he does, I’m going to be in a world of trouble.

  “I’m going to shower, is that okay?”

  “Yeah,” his voice has a hiccup in it. The next thing I notice is how his gaze goes heated. Sleeping beside him tonight and keeping my hands off of Mason is going to be the hardest thing possible. Especially when he’s only wearing a loose pair of flannel pajama pants.

  I grab my stuff and head into the shower, “Shit,” I mumble out. I’ve stayed in some pretty amazing places while modeling, but nothing like this bathroom. I could live in here, it’s that amazing. There’s a garden sized tub with jets, I bypass that for now and head for the stand-up shower. It’s massive in size, you step down into it and it doesn’t even need doors. There’s shower heads every which way.

  I turn the water on, then step out of my clothes. I wasn’t going to wash my hair tonight but with the shower being as amazing as it is, there’s no way I’m not trying it out.

  Once, I’m in there I let out a sigh. I take my time washing my hair and then my body. After everything is done, I grudgingly get out and finish up my nightly routine.

  I walk out of the bathroom, Mason is in bed, his arm raised above his head, his knee up and cocked to the side. He’s completely relaxed and in his element. Each time I don’t think he could get hotter, he seems to call my bluff.

  “Damn Quinn,” he says gruffly. I’m standing at the edge of the bed now, slowly moving towards him without even realizing it. I went out on a limb today and packed a silk like night gown that has matching panties, it’s not too showy, but it does show more skin than something I’ve ever worn for Mason before.

  He crooks his finger up at me, I take my time and crawl between his spread legs. When I get to where he wants me, my hands on his shoulders, legs straddling his lap, he huskily whispers, “Remember what I said this morning, Quinn?”

  “I remember.” Mason’s cock is rock hard. Feeling him beneath me has me more than squirming, it has me grinding down on his lap.

  “Good, because I’m going to make you come all the ways I can think of tonight,” his lips find mine. Mason’s hands find my hair, gripping it, manipulating me where he wants me, and I’m along for the best ride of my life.



  I bring my hands away from Quinn’s hair, dropping them to her shoulders, slowly massaging them as they travel down to the straps holding a prize possession beyond my reach. I want her naked and beneath me.

  “Fuck, Quinn,” I croon as I take her straps down, trapping her arms so she can’t move. I take her in, noticing everything from her deep chocolate eyes, to her lips, and how the top is fuller than the bottom. When my eyes reach her cherry tipped nipples, I grunt. I’m at a loss for words. I need them in my mouth, so I do just that.

  I lift her up to where she’s balancing on my knees, she pulls her arms out of her night gown. Quinn’s hands find my biceps and she holds on while I lick and nip
her nipples, one at a time. Not wanting to leave one alone for a single fucking second, my palm finds the one my mouth isn’t on and gives it the attention I know she’s craving.

  Quinn’s head is thrown back, she’s writhing in ecstasy, and I’m the lucky son of a bitch that gets to see her totally uninhibited. I take my time drinking her in, before I do what I’ve been fantasizing about all god damn day.

  “Move up here baby,” I move down, wanting her pussy right above my head.

  “Oh my god, Mason,” she moans as I nip the inside of her thigh. I slide up her night gown until she takes over and whips it off her body. She’s naked except for a small pair of silk panties that are keeping me from tasting her.

  Taking one hand, I grip the string in my hand and wrench them off of her. I look at her from my prone form, she’s bare. Completely fucking bare for me, wetness is coating her pussy, my pussy.

  “Sit down,” I grunt, and she does as I tell her, Quinn’s hands are holding onto the headboard and when I look up, she’s watching my every move.

  Licking all of her, teasing her the way I want to, even when she’s grinding her hips down on my mouth, I still take my time. I want her so worked up that when I latch onto her clit, she comes completely apart.

  “Mason, damn it, please,” Quinn writhes, her body shaking after just a few ministrations of my tongue. I bring my hands up to her hips holding her down as I latch onto her clit. I want my fingers inside her, feeling her tightness clenching around me, but that will have to wait till round two.

  With that last request, my lips suck her clit into my mouth, as she comes apart in my mouth. Her body is replete, and if it weren’t for her outstretched hands holding onto the headboard, she’d be laying completely on top of me.


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