Maimoona the Gift

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Maimoona the Gift Page 3

by Davina Lee

  Both girls stopped dead in their tracks, their brows knit. “You’re not angry, Mistress?” they said, almost as if they were in doubt.

  I stopped and turned to face them. “Heavens no, I’m not angry. It all sounds very healthy to me.” I cupped Moona’s cheek in my hand. “Moona, I’m sure your mother has shared a few stories about what she and I would get up to in our youth. Your alien abduction fantasy would probably fit right in.”

  I thought I saw Moona blush just a little, and Jessica’s eyes went wide for a moment as she took in that new bit of information.

  “I just want you girls to be safe is all.” I turned toward Jessica, cupping her cheek now. “Jessica, when Moona is forced to experience multiple orgasms, from a vibrator that she can’t switch off or remove, she needs you to be there looking after her.”

  Jessica didn’t speak, but her eyes had quickly gone from wide surprise to wavering and slightly watery. She did care about Moona, and she realized she had made a mistake by leaving her alone.

  I caressed Jessica’s skin under my fingertips, trying to give her some reassurance. “I can’t fault you for it, Jessica. Chalk it up to youthful indiscretion and learn from it. All I ask is that you girls think about the things that could go wrong, and have a plan to deal with them if the need should arise.”

  “Yes, Miss Baxter.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  I thought about my matchmaking efforts so far, and decided to take it to the next level. Why not? I figured. Moona’s obviously up for it.

  “Jessica,” I said, “Anise gave you a tour of the house when you first got here, right?”

  Jessica nodded.

  “Did that tour include the lower level at all?”

  “No, Miss Baxter. She said it was just a boiler room and storage. She might have mentioned that there were some creepy spiders down there as well.”

  I smiled. That sounded like Anise.

  “Well,” I said, “there’s a little more to it than that. Shall we head back? I can describe it on the way, and then you can decide if it warrants a visit.”

  Jessica and Moona traipsed along, and I directed us left at the next block, so that we could circle back.

  “Once upon a time,” I said, and grinned, “I had very different plans for the boarding house. It was going to be an upscale, kinky bed and breakfast.” I looked at both girls for any sign of shock. Jessica had stopped dead in her tracks. Moona seemed unfazed.

  “That idea sort of dried up as soon as internet porn sites became popular. Who was going to pay for something they could get for free? That was my reasoning, anyway. So I decided to turn the place into a boarding house instead.”

  Moona was silently nodding. Jessica, I think, was still trying to wrap her head around it.

  “But,” I said, “some of the remodeling had already been done. For example, the bathroom facilities that you girls have.”

  “I wondered about that,” Jessica finally spoke. “Though I do enjoy the bidet and the fancy massaging shower—particularly the side jets.”

  “Well,” I continued, “there is also a room down on the lower level that I call the extracurricular room.”

  “Oh my God,” Jessica said. “You have a dungeon? A red room of pain?”

  I chuckled. “Not quite Grand Inquisitor Torquemada style, but there is a table, some restraints, and a collection of toys that I think you girls might like.”

  Jessica stopped to process again. I could see her eyes darting back and forth and her jaw working as she tried to imagine just what she had been missing out on in the basement. Moona, on the other hand, betrayed her thoughts with a sly grin crossing her lips.

  When Moona reached for Jessica’s hand, and they laced their fingers together, I was pretty sure that they would be asking for a tour as soon as we stepped foot in the house.

  “If I were an alien, in town for a couple days to harvest some orgasms…” I paused to watch Jessica’s revelation crossing her face, and Moona’s grin getting wider. “I just might want to use the extracurricular room as my base of operations.”

  Both girls were nodding vigorously, tugging at each other’s fingers, and making such adorable goo-goo eyes at each other, that I was finding it hard not to sprint back to the house, myself.

  “You will need to respect the rules, and not use the room without my express permission…and supervision.”

  I thought that last requirement might put a damper on things, but it didn’t seem to. All I heard was “Yes, Miss Baxter,” as the two girls trotted on ahead.

  They seemed quite eager. And, it seemed, Moona had finally dropped her habit of calling me Mistress all the time.

  * * * *

  “Are you ready, girls?” I glanced at both their faces as we stood around the padded massage table in the center of the extracurricular room. They were both looking around at the various cabinets that lined the walls, probably wondering what was in them.

  Honestly, the place looked more like a doctor’s office than any kind of dungeon, and I was surprised that neither of them expressed any dismay about it not meeting the expectations set by books and movies.

  I opened one of the cabinets to reveal a selection of coiled ropes and watched their eyes grow a little wider. That certainly seemed to be something they expected. I pulled out a pair of blunt-nosed scissors next, the kind emergency medical technicians use to cut away clothing around a wound without injuring the patient.

  I held the sheers out to Jessica. “If you’re going to do any tying, you’ll want to have these handy.”

  Jessica nodded.

  “Moona, I’m assuming that you wish to be the submissive partner in this.”

  Moona nodded.

  “Will you please tell Jessica exactly what you want her to do today?”

  “Jessica,” Moona said. “Will you help me with my alien fantasy? The one I told you about where aliens tie me up and extract my orgasms?”

  Jessica nodded.

  “Can you tell her how many, Moona? So she knows when to stop?”

  “Um.” Moona fidgeted a little, and then grinned. “Maybe just three? I had six or seven already this morning.”

  Again, Jessica nodded.

  “Very good,” I said. “Jessica, it is important that you respect Moona’s wishes and stick to the plan of three, and no more.”

  “Yes, Miss Baxter.”

  “And Moona, will you tell Jessica the safe word you will use in case you find yourself getting uncomfortable?”

  “Yes, Miss Baxter. Red for stop, and yellow to slow down. Green means I’m fine, keep going, in case you’re not sure.”

  “Very good, girls.” I smiled, trying to take some of the gravity out of the situation. This was supposed to be fun, and for the moment, they both looked like they were preparing for a school exam.

  “Jessica, Moona has agreed to let you be the dominant, so go ahead and tell her to get undressed.”

  “Um, okay. Uh, Moona…”

  I laid my hand on Jessica’s shoulder. “Firmly,” I whispered. “Moona has laid out her limits and put herself in your hands. Now, she wants you to command her, not ask her. Do you understand?”

  Jessica nodded. “Earth girl,” she said, and then cleared her throat. “Remove your clothing. Now.”

  Moona complied, quickly pulling her T-shirt over her head and tossing it aside. She shimmied out of her shorts next, and was soon standing with nothing but lacy white underwear contrasting against her flawless, olive skin. Moona paused for a moment, looking expectantly up at Jessica.

  “All of it, Earth girl.” Jessica commanded, and then smirked just a bit. I think she was beginning to enjoy the dominant role.

  “Yes, Miss,” Moona said, lowering her gaze to the floor. She reached around to unclasp her bra and let the cups hang loosely for a moment. With her eyes fixed on Jessica’s she pushed the shoulder straps aside, one at a time, to reveal her dusky and erect nipples.

  Moona stood with her head tilted toward the floor, but her
eyes looking up. She was shivering just a little, but I had my doubts that it was from a chill.

  I couldn’t help but think back to my time with Hasiba, Moona’s mother, and how much she enjoyed the games of power transference that we used to play. That, of course, and the rush that I received from being her dominant. I shivered a little, too.

  Jessica seemed to be having a similar sort of moment, in awe of the way Moona was obeying her every command without question. She stood frozen for a while, before remembering her role of alien orgasm harvester.

  “Your panties, Earth girl. Give them to me.”

  Moona slowly slipped out of her last vestige of clothing to uncover her smooth mound that was swollen and glistening ever so slightly. When Jessica reached out to receive the panties, she held them to her face, and inhaled deeply.

  Nothing happened for about ten seconds. I wondered briefly if the two might have given up on Moona’s fantasy and were trying to decide if they should just jump each other right here and now. As much as I could understand that urge, I didn’t think it fair to Moona.

  I gestured to the massage table.

  Jessica straightened up, suddenly remembering what was supposed to be transpiring here. “Earth girl, on the table,” she commanded.

  “Yes, Miss.” Moona crawled up onto the massage table and lay face up.

  And when she stretched her arms up over her head, I had to smile just a little. It was so amazing how these two were slipping into their roles. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t set off a deep longing in me to see Hasiba again.

  “Um, Miss Baxter,” Jessica whispered, “can you help with the tying?”

  “Certainly, dear.”

  I took one of the coils of rope and silently showed Jessica the motions required to securely bind Moona’s wrists in a way that was restrictive, but still allowed blood to flow. And when we were through, I showed her where the attachment points were under the table.

  After that, Jessica finished binding Moona’s ankles on her own, while I opened up the cabinet housing a myriad of vibrating and pulsating toys. All shapes and sizes—a few items of nostalgia from my younger days, and several other, more modern acquisitions.

  Moona’s eyes were fixed on the open cabinet, and her mouth hung open for a moment before she closed it and swallowed hard.

  “Now, Earth girl, we shall begin the extraction.” Jessica touched her finger to Moona’s cheek.

  Moona tugged at her bonds. Her gaze wavered, darting from the cabinet of toys, to Jessica’s eyes, and back again. Jessica smiled, and selected a vibrating egg.

  “Something to get you warmed up for the procedure, Earth girl.” Jessica powered it up and held it against Moona’s tummy for a moment, before sliding it lower and nestling it firmly between Moona’s thighs.

  Now that Jessica had loosened up a little bit, I was beginning to sense that she might have a natural dominant streak—certainly when it came to her relationship with Moona. Though, I also knew that Moona’s calm submissiveness, and her trust in Jessica was equally at play here.

  Jessica continued pressing on the egg. Moona arched her back and strained at the ropes holding her fast to the table. Try as she might, there was no way that she could close her legs and prevent the egg from slipping in—slowly at first, and then sucked greedily the rest of the way.

  Jessica continued pressing on the egg, positioning it with her finger, until Moona began to quiver slightly. She then pulled her glistening finger from between Moona’s thighs and held it up so they could both see it.

  “Soon all your orgasms will be ours, Earth girl.”

  Moona’s quivering increased.

  When Jessica ran her tongue over her finger, Moona tugged at her restraints and began to moan again. The girls seemed to have found their groove, so I took a step back and leaned against the counter to watch the action unfolding.

  It was difficult to remain detached when Moona reminded me so much of her mother, and I felt a bit like a voyeur in that respect. But still I smiled. Not just for old memories, but to see Moona and Jessica together, so effortlessly fulfilling each other’s kinky desires.

  Jessica was teasing Moona now, dipping her finger between Moona’s thighs, pressing against the egg, and popping her finger in her mouth while Moona continued straining at the ropes.

  Jessica reached into the cabinet containing the vibrating toys. She pulled out a slim, hot pink device, not much larger than a finger, and held it up for Moona to see. Moona’s eyes began to roll back a bit as Jessica switched the toy on and touched it to Moona’s lower lip.

  A moment later, Moona pressed her tongue forward and began slowly circling the device, coating it with her saliva.

  “Very good, Earth girl,” Jessica said. “Get it nice and wet. You know where it’s going next, don’t you?”

  Moona moaned, and tested the ropes holding her.

  I watched, smiling. Jessica’s slow, teasing approach really had Moona in a state. I briefly wondered if she learned that from one of her studies, or if she was a natural.

  Jessica pulled the vibrating toy from Moona’s lips. Moona’s moaning grew louder as Jessica drew it slowly down over her throat, between her breasts, and over her quivering tummy, leaving a glistening trail of saliva the entire way.

  “Soon, Earth girl,” Jessica whispered, and began circling Moona’s flushed and swollen folds.

  Moona’s chest heaved as her moans gave way to pants of anticipation. Jessica was still taking her time, teasing all along the way.

  “Jess—” Moona started, but soon gave up, as Jessica stopped circling and went straight in for the kill. The vibrating toy was pressed up against Moona’s sensitive little nub, and the sensation combined with the egg still rattling away inside her, caused Moona to thrash and howl while she vigorously tested the strength of the ropes holding her down.

  “F—, F—, F—,” is what it sounded like as Moona thrashed and went over the edge.

  “That’s one, Earth girl.” Jessica smirked. “Catch your breath while you can.”

  Moona managed to pull in only two or three ragged breaths before Jessica was upon her again. It seemed like she had lost her calm elegance, and was now insistent on rushing things, until I heard what she said next.

  “Time is money, Earth girl.” Jessica pressed the vibrating toy hard up against Moona’s swollen clitoris. “Don’t make me wait.” Again, Moona howled. But it was a different kind of outburst this time, almost like a wounded animal.

  I understood what Jessica was doing, extracting the orgasms rather than letting them come naturally. It made sense. That had been Moona’s fantasy after all.

  I leaned in toward the head of the massage table. “Remember your safe word,” I whispered. “In case it’s too much.”

  “Green,” Moona growled, and kept right on thrashing and howling.

  The next orgasm sounded an awful lot like it hurt as much as it was a needed release. After experiencing several this morning and contending with the constant vibrations of the egg still buried inside her, I could only imagine what Moona was going through.

  She was beginning to perspire, and her hair was sticking to her face in places. Every breath was a rapid sucking sound, with her chest heaving in unison. And when she wasn’t on the verge of hyperventilating, Moona was moaning and thrashing on the table.

  I was beginning to worry that she in such a state that maybe she wasn’t able to communicate. I touched my hands gently to her cheeks. Moona never stopped jerking back and forth, but did manage to glare at me and grunt “Green,” again.

  Satisfied that she was okay, I brushed the sweat-soaked hair from her face and turned my gaze to Jessica. “I believe our buyers are expecting one more,” I said.

  A devious grin crossed Jessica’s lips as she once again turned the attention of her vibrator to Moona. There were times when I couldn’t tell if Moona was in pain or ecstasy, but never once did she utter her safe word in between all those animal grunts and cries issuing from her mouth.r />
  Finally, I motioned to Jessica to back off a little. She seemed relieved to do so.

  “Moona?” I said.

  “Green, Mistress,” she heaved. “One…More.”

  Jessica looked at me. I nodded.

  While Jessica went to work on the moaning and thrashing Moona, I stood up and reached into the cabinet for something with a little more power. My guess was that Moona had been desensitized from a morning spent with a vibrator much like what Jessica was employing now.

  I selected something that had originally been marketed as a cure for sore muscles, but quickly found its way to becoming the heavy-weight champion of personal massagers. Known as the Magic Wand, it was guaranteed to conjure even the most hard-to-reach orgasm into being—something that seemed appropriate for the situation.

  When Jessica removed the small hot pink vibrator, Moona thrashed with abandon, no doubt half-crazy over the sudden loss of sensation. But when Jessica switched on the Magic Wand and pressed it hard against Moona’s dripping folds, Moona arched her back and howled.

  And this time, there was no doubt that it was a good howl. Moona’s flushed chest rose and fell at nearly twice the rate as before. Her head thrashed back and forth so violently that I was about to reach out and hold it in my hands to keep Moona from injuring herself. But then she stopped.

  Moona’s eyes rolled back, and her mouth gaped like a fish out of water, with no sound coming out for several seconds. Until, all at once, a guttural moan crossed her lips, the likes of which I had not heard since my times with Hasiba, her mother. The resemblance was striking.

  While I was getting nostalgic, Jessica had switched off the vibrating toy and set it aside. She was now leaned over Moona, stroking her hair, whispering something in her ear. Moona looked completely dazed, but was grinning.

  “Would you like some help with the ropes, dear?” I asked Jessica.

  She shook her head and began the process of untying the rope holding Moona’s wrists to the table.

  “I’ll go get her some water,” I said, and excused myself.

  When I got back, Jessica was holding Moona’s shivering body lovingly in her arms. I handed the water to Moona and moved to pull a soft terrycloth robe from one of the lower cabinets. Moona’s hand was shaking as I wrapped it over her shoulders.


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