Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 7

by Nikita Parmenter

  “There were two more guys as well, but they weren’t as committed as Rich and Marc. It all fell apart when they left for college and got bored. Obviously, Marc married Kat and Rich married your mom Jensen who became one of Kat’s best friends.”

  We tense as she mentions his mom, Jensen doesn’t cope well with it, but before we can even warn her, she wriggles herself down underneath his tense form wraps her legs around him, grips his hair tight and kisses the shit out of him. He relaxes as she kisses him and I desperately fight the urge to join in, a quick look at my brothers shows that they are all having the same problem, fists clenched, eyes glued to the lucky fucker that is Jensen.

  We have no problem with sharing her that way, in fact the image of my room and all of us on the bed flashes through my mind making me instantly hard, Jensen was in a similar position then too, it seems like he really does plan ahead. I’m going to have to start doing the same, I think. This isn’t about us though this is about Ever helping Jensen, so we restrain ourselves, barely. I glance at Trick, we have similar interests when it comes to sex, dominance. I wouldn’t mind seeing how far we could tease Ever together; he glances at me and we share a wicked grin.

  Just as quickly as she started it, she wriggles back up to the top of the bed and settles against the pillows. She’s magic, I have no idea how she even knew that he was having a problem he barely tensed. Jensen buries his head in her stomach and groans, making her and the rest of us chuckle, I love listening to her laugh, I feel like she hasn’t done it enough in the years since she’s been gone, we’ll fix that though.

  “So yeah, basically they, your parents” she starts again pointing to me and making me wonder what the fuck she’s talking about until my mind kicks back online, “both miss Rich and it was obvious to me that Rich was missing them, so I persuaded Kat to invite them both for pizza and tell Marc what was going on to give Rich a little nudge, after all as far he was concerned Marc may have been happy sharing her before they were married but he had no idea that Marc still would be, they needed to test the waters, hence what that was earlier, safe to say it’s going well” she grins happily before adding, “I just wanted them to be happy it was hurting all of them and no one should have to live like that.”

  I have a feeling there’s more to it, something she isn’t sharing but I let it go.

  “That’s what he meant” I say unintentionally out loud. That’s what dad meant earlier by follow your heart no matter how unconventional, I think I need to talk to him properly now I understand.

  “What?” Riot asks.

  “Just something my dad said earlier” I give him a look that I’ll explain later.

  “I’ve heard about relationships like that” Rafe says, and we all shoot him a warning look which thankfully Ever doesn’t see since Jensen immediately distracted her. It should be odd watching her and Jensen but I don’t feel jealous at all, I mean I want to be next or even join in like earlier, not something I ever thought I’d like but let’s be fucking honest all bets are off when it comes to Ever, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

  I have to admit I was sceptical about Rafe’s plan when he first bought it up, we all were but after the immediate shock of the suggestion it turned out that we were all willing to try because even when we were eight years old we knew that she was it for us. So when he bought it up when we actually started to get romantic feelings for girls and guys, it was sort of a no brainer. None of us were willing to give her up or each other, we’re family, and we’re always going to stick together.

  Admittedly the plan got slightly more complicated when Atlas showed up and then became like a brother to us, a part of the family. We eventually told him Rafe’s plan and we had talked about Ever enough by this point that he didn’t think it was batshit crazy. He actually thought it was a good idea. Even though he left and we have no fucking idea why, he is still part of the family and always will be. The bond we have with him is just as strong as the bond we have with each other, despite having not known him for as long. Sometimes you meet a person and just know they’re supposed to be one of your people in some sort of capacity. He’s never met Ever though obviously, so he wouldn’t be in the same sort of relationship with Ever as me and the guys, he knew that obviously and it didn’t bother him. He used to say that she sounded like the sort of person he would actually get along with. There weren’t many to be honest, he’s prickly to put it fucking mildly. He also said that even if for some reason he didn’t get on with her he would try for us.

  I should be nervous about him meeting Ever, and I am but not because I don’t think he’d like her, everyone loves Ever. Apart from jealous bitches, but even then they don’t like her because of how awesome she is and admittedly the attention she gets from us. It’s more than that though, I’m nervous because of how commanding and damn right terrifying his presence can be. It took me a while to get used to it, Jensen was the only one who didn’t seem to struggle with it but then the darkness that Jensen has inside that only really comes out when he fights now, Atlas is shrouded in it completely and all the time. I will forever be grateful that he’s on our side, the guy is fucking deadly and I’m not exaggerating. I’m nervous because I’m not sure how Ever is going to react to that. Which reminds me, we still need to warn her that he doesn’t like to be touched.

  We all know he went through some really heavy shit in his past but we never got the whole story, hell we never even got a vague idea of what he went through. He always said that it was safer for us not to know, obviously we protested but he never budged on it. I honestly think that his past has something to do with why he left. I just hope he’s safe because otherwise there’s going to be hell to fucking pay. I’m hoping that we can get some more information out of him at the cabin, I have no doubt that he will be there.


  The guys took the news about their parents with a lot less surprise than I thought they would. Almost like they had already heard about those sorts of relationships, well technically they had, I mean Rafe said he heard about them.

  “How did you know about that sort of relationship, I didn’t even know it was a thing” I ask, and they freeze slightly before Rafe answers me.

  “I still love books, it’s a genre called Reverse Harem” he explains, and I’m incredibly intrigued, that could offer some serious insight into how it all works. I know Kat said I could ask her anything, but she is still Cash’s mom and there’s some things I don’t want to ask her.

  “Can I borrow one?” I ask.

  “Sure no problem, hang on I think I’ve got one here somewhere” he says getting up and leaving the room, I watch him leave because Rafe’s ass is absolutely delectable and I just can’t fucking help myself. When I turn back it’s to catch the end of a hopeful look being exchanged between the guys. I’d ask but honestly I’m too tired to bother.

  “Hey, can I borrow someone’s shirt to sleep in please?” I ask, “my pj’s are uncomfortable on the scrapes.”

  “Sure, I’ll grab you one of mine” Trick answers his words practically running together in his haste to offer first and making me giggle.

  “Thank you” I grin.

  He leaves as Rafe re enters and hands me a book, “there you go baby.”

  “Thanks, Rafe, I promise I’ll look after it” I say hugging it to my chest and he chuckles.

  “Right so what’re we watching?” Riot asks and I lean my head against his shoulder as my fingers create little braids in Jensen’s hair as he lies with his head on my stomach like usual. Riot leans down and places a kiss on the top of my head as the guys argue about to watch, so I tilt my head so I’m facing him.

  “Kiss?” I say quietly.

  He chuckles but dips his head down to mine kissing me slowly, as his tongue slips in my mouth and tangles with mine, he very gently places his hand on my cheek being careful of the scrapes. My mind blanks as the world around us disappears, it’s just me and Riot. He kisses me like we have all the time in the world, like this is just the b
eginning, the best foreplay ever. I moan quietly and he grins against my lips as I feel Jensen’s grip tighten around my waist. Riot pulls back slowly.

  “Are you ok, Sunshine?” he asks concerned as his gaze catches on the scrapes on the side of my face.

  “I’m ok, sore though” I grimace slightly as I shift on the bed, as much as I can under the weight of Jensen anyway, he tips his head up to look at me worriedly.

  “Do you need me to move Angel?”

  “Not really but I need to put my cream on, the numbing effect has worn off, and I haven’t taken painkillers since this morning at breakfast.”

  “Why not?” Rafe grunts.

  “Well I didn’t think wine and pain killers would be a good idea” I chuckle.

  “Mom gave you wine?” Trick asks, coming back into the room and throwing a t-shirt at me.

  I catch it, it’s big and soft and smells just like Trick, I just manage not to raise it to my nose and sniff it. That would be beyond weird.

  “Yep, and an Irish coffee, your mom encouraged her” I chuckle and point to Cash.

  “They never even let the guys have a beer at the BBQ’s in the summer” Luc says, laughing his ass off.

  “No way, seriously?” I giggle.

  “Really, it’s annoying” Trick grumbles and I giggle.

  “Alright, Jensen let me up” I say reluctantly, not really wanting him to move but at the same time, I need to pee, and everything is starting to hurt now.

  He gets up and then helps me stand and get off the bed, I bring Trick’s t-shirt with me as I wander out the room figuring I’ll get changed, pee and put the cream on all at once.

  “Wait does anyone know what I did with that cream stuff?”

  “I think it’s still in the bathroom from earlier” Rafe rumbles.

  My whole body tremor’s from a mix of Rafe’s voice and the delicious reminder of what happened in the bathroom this morning.

  “Right” I say huskily and all the guys chuckle at me.

  I just smirk before leaving the cackling hyenas to it, and making my way to the bathroom.

  It doesn’t take me long to get everything done that I needed too, and the cream is an almost instant relief. I pull on Trick's shirt but keep my loose joggers on for now since I need to got downstairs and take some painkillers.

  Once that’s done I make my way back upstairs, I didn’t put any cream on the scrapes on my leg because I hate the feeling of putting clothes on over the top of the cream and I’m going to avoid it as much as freaking possible. As soon as I enter the room, I shimmy my joggers down. The guys talking and laughter quietens instantly and my head snaps up to see them all staring at me.

  “What?” I ask, they’ve seen me in much less clothing, what’s the big deal?

  Trick clears his throat as his heated eyes run over me and I briefly glance at the overcrowded bed before I plop my ass down on the floor and start to carefully apply the cream to my leg. I can feel the eyes on me before I even tip my head up and I raise my eyebrow as they’re all once again watching me.

  “Why are you sat on the floor, Baby?” Rafe asks an adorable, confused tilt to his head.

  “There’s not enough room on the bed to put the cream on” I gesture to my leg which is a pretty pointless gesture since they’re all staring at my bare legs anyway. I leave them to it and carry on putting the cream on.

  “We would’ve moved if you said, Firecracker” Luc says.

  “I know but this is fine, I don’t mind honestly” I tell him standing up and trying not to flash them all my underwear, I didn’t quite think that through when I sat on the floor, I manage it, I think and then hop back on the bed. Trying not to get the cream on anything or anyone. Once I’m settled Jensen looks at my leg and pouts, there’s no way for him to lie on me how he does normally without getting cream on himself. I love that it’s become Jensen’s thing, right now though I am only in Trick’s t-shirt and having so little clothing between us would be far too much of temptation. I am barely managing to keep the no sex rule I made myself. Granted being on my period and now wounded is helping to keep the desire under control but with each touch and kiss I want them more and not just because of sex, although I’ll admit that is a part of it but it’s more that I want there to be no secrets between us. I want what Kat, Marc and Rich have.

  I want them.

  I can’t help but hope that they are going to want it too, even though it seems unlikely. There are six of them and only one of me. I desperately hope that if by some miracle they do want to try a polyamorous relationship that it’s all of them and not just some of them. I know that sounds greedy but we’re a unit, if not all of them were comfortable with it then I wouldn’t be able to try either. It wouldn’t be the same. My feelings for each of them are completely equal.

  I feel like an idiot if I’m being honest because now that I’ve let hope enter my heart it’s burrowing deeper and digging it’s claws in. It’s going to hurt like hell if they don’t take the fact that I like them all very well. Which in reality, when would five guys ever agree to sharing one girl? Especially one as broken as me.

  Jensen is still stood at the end of the bed and I can’t take it.

  “Pass me that blanket and cushion?” I ask pointing to the chair in the corner of the room.

  “Sure” he hands them over to me and I scoot further up the bed planting a kiss on Riot and Luc’s cheek’s as I go just because I can’t seem to help myself. I cross my legs being careful to wrap the blanket under my cream one so I don’t get cream on the duvet and then put the pillow in my lap.

  “Come here then” I grin as Jensen’s smile widens and he crawls up the bed sighing happily as he lies down and gets comfortable.

  “You spoil him” Cash chuckles and the others grunt in agreement.

  “I’ll spoil all of you in different ways” I reply, smirking.

  “Fair point, Dragonfly” Trick smirks. “Your phone went off whilst you were in the bathroom.”

  “You know you could buy a new one now, you know one with apps?” Luc says cheekily and I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Careful with that tongue Ever” Cash warns smirking.

  “Sorry, Sir” I grin wickedly as his eyes darken, my gaze switching to Trick who has exactly the same reaction.

  Riot chuckles next to me as he hands me my phone. “Trouble” he says simply and I grin as Rafe grunts in agreement with Riot.

  Opening my phone, I see I’ve finally got a message from Rylie, sent only ten or so minutes ago.

  Rylie: I am so fucking sorry I didn’t reply sooner. That fucking stalker dickhead, at least he’s dealt with now. I’m coming over tomorrow for movies and chocolate and not leaving for the entire day until I know for sure you’re ok.

  Me: Don’t worry about it Ry and that sounds awesome I’ll see you then, eleven ok?

  Rylie: Definitely, see you then girl.

  “Everything ok?” Rafe asks curiously.

  “Yeah it’s just Rylie, she’s coming to hang out tomorrow, I think she wants to spend some time just us” I say, I don’t particularly want to spend the whole day away from them again but I can’t just ignore Rylie that wouldn’t be fair.

  “Sure we can hang out in Trick's room again, we’ll be here. We’ve got no plans to leave you anytime soon” Cash adds.

  “Sounds good guys, did you guys get extra clothes and stuff for Atlas in case he’s travelling light? It’s Christmas eve the day after tomorrow you’re running out of time if you need to buy stuff” I say the thought just occurring to me.

  “Actually that’s a good point. He doesn’t fit in any of our stuff we’ll have to go to the mall tomorrow then” Trick says as the others nod.

  “Sounds good, I want to get a couple of things for our trip that I know they don’t have in the little town near the cabin” Rafe adds, his expression thoughtful.

  “Yeah and I need to get a new shirt, for the Christmas eve party” Luc says.

  “Ok so we’ll do that tomorrow
whilst you’re with Rylie, we won’t be gone long though” Trick says and I nod, smiling softly.

  The guys all settle down to watch whatever movie they’ve put on. I’m not entirely sure and it’s not long until I’m slightly woken up as someone shifts me so I’m lying down and tucks me under the covers.

  “Shhh, Baby it’s ok, it’s just me, go back to sleep” Rafe says as he kisses my forehead and pulls the covers up. I snuggle down my head on someone’s chest and I’m out like a light before the bed dips behind me. I hear a light chuckle but I’m too far gone to ask why someone’s laughing.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning Rylie arrives just as the guys are going out the door, they exchange greetings before Rylie comes up to me where I’m stood in the doorway and winces at the scrapes on my face.

  “Hey girl, how’re you doing?” she asks as she gently hugs me.

  “I’m all good Ry, don’t worry” I grin.

  “Good, I’m glad the fucker is dealt with, at least you can breathe a bit easier now” she says following me into the kitchen where Jenny’s just finished pulling some cookies out of the oven.

  “Oh yum. They smell delicious, Jenny” I grin.

  “Hey girls, how’re you Rylie?” Jenny asks as she plates the cookies and puts them on the counter in front of me. “They’re hot, help yourself” she smiles.

  “I’m great thank you” Rylie replies.

  “Good, would you girls like a coffee, I’m just about to make one anyway?”

  “Yes please” we both answer, me with a mouth full of cookie already.

  Once we have everything, we go up stairs and settle on my bed.


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