Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 9

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Now that is a fucking fantastic idea” I grin leaving them stunned before I spin on my heel and rush out the door. I’ve drunk enough that my injuries aren’t bothering me.

  Chapter Nine

  There’s a thunder of heavy footsteps on the stairs behind me and I grin as I go down them two at a time, I like being chased by them. Just before we get to the kitchen Jensen catches up to me, pushes me up against the wall and kisses me like I’m his air, when he pulls back, I’m the one left gasping. He smirks at me, before throwing an arm around my shoulder and leading me into the kitchen.

  All the guys have their own glasses of eggnog and Jenny holds out another glass to me smirking as I thank her.

  “Where’s Rylie?” Riot suddenly asks.

  “That girl, honestly I’m surprised at her, and if I get my hands on that delivery guy I’m going to castrate him” Jenny rants, oblivious to the fact that all the guys have frozen where they are, they’re faces suddenly serious. She carries on ranting as she walks out of the kitchen but no ones paying attention to her anymore.

  “Ever?” Trick, asks his voice tense.

  “Rylie said that I’m obviously ok so she went to see Darcy.”

  “What? That doesn’t sound like her” Cash says frowning.

  “The delivery guy Ever” Trick says not letting it go that easy.

  “He saw the wounds on my face and then wouldn’t look at me again and practically ran away from me” I finish quietly and drop my gaze to the counter.

  Rafe’s finger comes under my chin and I reluctantly raise my gaze to meet his.

  “Mother fucker, I’ll kill him” Rafe growls seeing the tears in my eyes, the sound of his voice turning my insides to mush.

  “Does it really look that bad?” I can’t help but ask my voice quiet.

  His entire expression softens as all the guys press in closer to me, surrounding me with comfort and safety.

  “No Baby, they aren’t bad you’re beautiful and I’ll fucking end him for making you think otherwise” he says fiercely the others agreeing with him.

  “Thank you” I whisper softly, leaning forwards and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

  “Come on, let’s go watch some Christmas movies and relax for the rest of the day” Riot grins as he wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up, carrying me upstairs.

  Once there he drops me on the bed and settles down next to me as the others find their spots.

  “Why are you covered in so much tape?” Riot asks.

  “I was wrapping presents” I shrug.

  “We guessed that, Angel, there’s wrapping paper everywhere!” Jensen snickers.

  “Why is there so much attached to you though?” Trick asks curiously.

  “I had a fight with the tape, it’s in time out” I reluctantly tell them, pointing to where I made a jail house for it out of the inner tubes of the wrapping paper and then stuck it to the wall.

  They look between me and the little jailhouse and then promptly fall about into booming laughter as Trick gets out his phone and takes a picture of it.

  “We should probably get an early night tonight guys” Luc say’s as he yawns and stretches. I enjoy the view of his taught stomach as his t-shirt lifts.


  His eyes heat as he catches me, and he winks.

  “That’s true we’ve got a busy day tomorrow, whose going to the station with Ever?” Cash asks.

  “Riot and Rafe can go in with her but I think we’d all feel better if we drove together and waited outside in the truck if that’s alright with you?” Trick says taking charge, the natural leader.

  “Yeah that’s great, what else are we doing?” I ask, my poor little tipsy brain can’t think right now.

  “After you’ve given your statement, we’ve got to come straight back here to decorate the tree with all our family’s and then everyone will go and get ready, before we go to Cash’s for dinner and a party” Trick tells me.

  “Shit! I completely forgot to tell you about it, it’s fairly formal” Cash says frowning.

  “Don’t worry I’m sure I can find something that works” I assure them, I am actually really looking forward to wearing the outfit that I got for the party tomorrow.

  “If you’re sure? We could always go and get something?” Luc asks.

  “I’m definitely sure. Don’t worry guys” I answer, the tipsy is starting to wear off and I’m getting sleepy. I really need to wash though, and it doesn’t look like I’m going to get much chance to do so tomorrow since we pretty much have the whole day planned. Showering is going to hurt though, especially since now I’m sobering up, the pain, that was I obscured by the alcohol is now coming back and I’m paying for not being careful earlier, my whole body is sore, damn it.

  “What’re you thinking so hard about, Baby?” Rafe asks softly, well as softly as his gravelly voice gets.

  “I need to wash but showering is going to hurt like a bitch.”

  “Why don’t you have a bath then?” Riot asks.

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” I grin, before smirking wickedly. “Come here” I demand and he chuckles before moving up the bed to me, I kiss him thoroughly and the guys chuckle.

  “What was that for?” he asks when we break apart.

  “Just because you’re awesome. Can someone help me up please? Everything is starting to hurt again.”

  Trick frowns as he gently helps me out of the middle of the bed, how I always end up in the middle I don’t know, I’m going to have to make a conscious effort to sit elsewhere, seems unfair that Jensen is always the one lying on me. I want to lie on him too, it’s only fair. Trick gently pulls me to my feet and then tugs me towards him. Wrapping his arms around my waist as looks down at me with concern.

  “Can I get you anything Sweetheart?”

  “My cream please?”

  He nods and kisses me gently before searching for my cream, I go into my closet and grab some pyjamas and clean underwear before making my way to the bathroom and pulling a towel out of the cabinet, I run the bath, which thankfully fills up quickly and sink under the bubbles.

  As the bathroom quiets, I realise that this is the first time I have had a bath in a really long time, and I feel really fucking vulnerable. I try and breathe deeply, but my anxiety is starting to overtake me. It would be ridiculous to get one of the guys to sit with me, right? I mean that really would be crossing a line.

  Images start to fill my vision, dirty brutish men forcing their way into the bathroom, blood on my hands as I slice to get away, Jeremy’s face quickly follows and my mind taunts me with his words and what would’ve been happening now if the guys hadn’t come for me.

  I’m gasping for breath unable to get enough air in my lungs as a whimper forces it’s way past my lips as the images in my mind continue to torment me.

  “Ever?” Trick’s concerned voice floats through the door and lets me swim up briefly from the pit of panic I feel like I'm drowning in. Fuck crossing a line right now, I’m going to pass out and in a bath tub that means death. My vision spots and I manage one word.

  “Help” I gasp.

  He obviously hear's me since within the next second the door is booted open, which should terrify me but I know it’s Trick. He rushes forwards, grabbing a towel as there’s a scramble of footsteps, the others obviously having heard the noise when the door broke. Trick drapes the towel around me in the bath and I manage to kneel so my boobs are pressed against the edge of the bath my forearms resting on the side as I gasp for breath my vision still spotty and the images still rolling on repeat. Trick crouches by the edge of the bath and gently grabs my face in his hands. His touch grounding me in the here and now.

  “Whats going on?” Jensen demands from behind Trick his eyes wild, his darkness swirling in their green depths.

  “She’s having a panic attack” Trick tells them, he rests his forehead against mine and locks eyes with me.

  I couldn’t look away if I tried, his grey gaze easily ensna
ring mine. The others fall silent as they crouch low, making themselves as small as possible like they had to do when I had the panic attack the first time. The thought makes me smile, silly boys I know them, on a soul deep level, I know they would never hurt me. I realise that I’ve been subconsciously breathing in time with Trick.

  “There she is, are you ok now Sweetheart?”

  “I’m ok, embarrassed but ok” I say softly.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about Firecracker, all of us either get panic attacks or help the others deal with them” Luc reassures me as he stands.

  “You’re sure you’re ok?” Cash asks, concerned.

  “Yes” I say smiling softly.

  “We’ll leave you to it then” Riot says scanning me worriedly.

  The guys all trail after him but as Trick starts to get up I grab hold his hand making him wet.

  “I know this weird and I won’t get upset if you don’t but could you please stay?” I rush out still panicky, “that’s weird right, too weird. Forget I asked I’ll …”

  Trick effectively cuts of my rambling with a soft kiss that curls my toes and makes me wish he was in here with me.

  “Of course I’ll stay Sweetheart anything you need” he says softly as he shuts the door behind the guys although now the lock needs replacing, with him in here with me though I'm not worried about it. He moves to the other side of the bathroom sitting on the floor, the bath is filled with bubbles and from the angle he’s sat he won't be able to see anything. I take the soaking wet towel from off my back and dump it with a wet plop on the bathroom floor. His eyes heat as he watches me but he darts them away and swallows thickly before turning back to me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really, it was just the usual bullshit. This is the first bath I’ve taken in years and it made me feel vulnerable.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  There’s a tension in the room as we watch each other. I am completely sober now the adrenaline from my panic attack burned straight through it. So I have no excuse for the words that leave my mouth next.

  “Do you want to join me?”

  Trick’s eye’s widen momentarily before his eyes blaze with intense heat.

  “Are you sure Sweetheart, you have been drinking” he frowns.

  “I was already sobering up and the panic attack took care of the rest” I tell him honestly.

  “In that case I’d fucking love to” he growls and my nipples pebble.

  He slowly undresses and my body heats with each peek of toned abs. He finally drops his boxers to the floor and I greedily take in his hard length, standing proud. My thighs clench. The ache already building just from the sight of him.

  “Move forward Sweetheart” he commands me and I slowly sit up water and bubbles sliding down my naked chest as I move forward.

  He makes a sound low in his throat as his eyes devour me. I thought I’d feel nervous or shy but he just makes me feel beautiful. He settles in behind me and pulls me back towards him, wrapping an arm around my waist. The feel of his hard length against my back is like some kind of torture so close yet not close enough.

  His lips make a scorching trail up my neck and I moan quietly, aware of the guys not too far away and as much as I love it when we all mess around together this is for just me and Trick. When his lips reach my ear he bites down lightly.

  “What do you want Everleigh, it’s your choice” he asks huskily.

  “I want you, now” I answer honestly, my voice heavy with need.

  His arm tightens around my waist, clearly not expecting my words.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Fuck yes, Trick. I’m sure.”

  He groans.

  “Any time you want to stop tell me.”

  I nod my agreement, but words leave me as one of his hands trails up and cups my breast tweaking my nipple and making me moan. His other hand trials down my stomach and between my thighs, my legs fall open and I reach behind me arching my back, pushing my boob firmer into his hand as I grip his hard as steel length behind me. It’s a slightly awkward angle but I’m flexible enough.

  He shudders as my hand closes around him and I start to move my hand, he groans burying his face in my neck as his fingers delve between my folds and circle my clit with the perfect pressure, my hips jerk making my hand grip his length firmer and he bites down on my neck.

  His fingers part my folds before he plunges two fingers inside me making me cry out, he curls his fingers expertly and hits the perfect spot as his thumb finds my clit and circles. I move the hand wrapped around his cock faster matching his rhythm. My orgasm builds as his fingers move inside me, and just as I reach the ledge he removes them, and I can’t help but make a sound of protest before he gently pinches my clit and my nipple at the same time sending me soaring over the edge. I cry out as my walls clench, my orgasm hitting me hard as his hand reaches up and covers my mouth.

  “We’re going to have company if you keep making those delicious sounds and whilst I’m not opposed to sharing you with them, this time is for just us” he growls as I finally come down.

  As soon as I have control of my body again I turn around and straddle him, feeling his thick cock underneath me I grind down as I bring my mouth down to his. His hands grip me as he groans and I echo the sound. Without breaking the kiss he stands up, easily stepping out of the bath with me still wrapped around him and places me on the edge of the bathroom counter. Trailing his lips down my throat, my head tips back as he blindly searches the drawer next to me, he pulls back leaving me panting, my core clenching. I need him inside me. I notice the condom wrapper in his hands grateful that he remembered since I was far too caught up in sensations to remember myself.

  “Are you sure Everleigh?” Trick asks again, his eyes dipping down my body.

  I lean forward and kiss up his chest causing him to shudder as his eyes fall close, my hand closing around his hard as steel dick and pumping, he groans.

  “I am a thousand percent sure I need you inside me now, Sir” I say huskily and his eyes snap to mine with a feral heat.

  He liked that, a lot.

  He wastes no time sliding the condom on and then moves his dick up and down my folds teasing us both as he brings his lips to mine and seers me with a kiss, I wrap my legs around him and he plunges into me with one smooth stroke. Making me yell out in pleasure. His groan echoing around the bathroom, pure bliss flows through my veins as he begins to move, pulling out of me and then pounding back in, my orgasm building again already. He pulls out smirking as I growl and reach for him.

  “Turn around, Sweetheart” he orders and my thighs clench.

  I slowly climb down from the counter turning around and bending over, gripping onto the surface of the counter. My eyes watch him in the mirror as he looks at me bent over in front of him. He catches me watching him in the mirror and groans as he moves forward his hand gripping my ass in a bruising grip, I moan loudly. He lines himself up with my entrance moving so only the tip is inside. My walls clench.

  “Don’t move your gaze Everleigh, watch us” he says moving into me slightly more, I groan.

  “Yes, Sir” I pant and he grins wickedly before slamming into in a powerful thrust.

  I cry out and then he really starts to move, setting a relentless pace that has my orgasm building immediately, he covers my body with his kissing up my back. In just a few more thrusts he has me crying out as I fall over the cliff, my inner walls clenching around him, his thrusts become faster before he stills biting down where my neck meets my shoulder as his own orgasm hits him, prolonging mine with the pleasure pain of the bite. He collapses on top of me as we both breathe heavily our breaths in sync. He tilts my head towards him and kisses my slowly.

  “Perfect” he whispers, before giving me one last brush of his lips against mine and then pulling out making me moan quietly, he smacks my ass chuckling as I squeak.

  I feel absolutely boneless, completely unable to move. Not giving
a flying crap that my ass is still in the air, he’s just been inside me, I hardly doubt it’s going to bother him. Trick disposes of the condom and then walks back towards me as I slowly stand, turning around to lean against the counter for support. My legs really have turned to fucking jelly. I watch the gloriously naked Trick walk towards me my eyes scanning him up and down.

  “If you keep looking at me like that Sweetheart, we’re going to be going for round two” he growls prowling towards me, my body heats despite how utterly exhausted it is, “and as much as I want to do it again, it was fucking amazing. We should probably get back to the guys” he chuckles as he steps in closer and kisses my nose, negative thoughts try swarm me when he brings up the guys and I bat them back viciously.

  I watch as he wraps a towel around his waist, not having bought clean clothes in with him since he didn’t plan to stay.

  “Aren’t you going to get dressed?” Trick asks, smirking at me as his gaze takes in my naked body, “not that I mind, Sweetheart.”

  “My legs won’t work” I say smirking. “I don’t wanna move” I chuckle.

  He chuckles and shoots me a heated look before he kisses me softly once more and then leaves the bathroom to go and get his clothes. After a moment my legs start to do what they’re told and I quickly get dressed. Ignoring the voice in my head that tries to scream about my no sex rule and why I made it. I am going to enjoy this, tomorrow I will think about the consequences.

  Chapter Ten

  By the time I’ve finally got dressed Trick is stood outside of the bathroom, wearing only a pair of grey sweats. Why are grey sweats on guys so fucking hot? His blonde hair his still wet making it obvious he was just in the bath with me.

  I dart forward and lick his chest just because I can, before rushing back to my room.

  “Ever, you play dirty” he calls to me just as I open the bedroom door, all the guys turn to look at me when I enter, their gazes moving to Trick as he steps up behind me. It’s pretty damn obvious when they realise what we’ve just been up to.


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