Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 11

by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Eleven


  I can’t take my eyes off him.

  Rafe looks hot in what he wears normally but he’s currently wearing a pair of dark jeans that hug his ass perfectly and a dark red button down shirt. He see’s me watching him and smirks coming to stand next to me and reaching down to twine our fingers together. I have no idea how I managed to deny my feelings for him for so long, the thought of having to do it now seems almost impossible and I’m glad I don’t have to.

  He kisses me softly.

  “Holy fuck” Jensen suddenly curses and me and Rafe immediately turn towards the stairs to see our girl, looking absolutely fucking sinful.

  Her long legs are somehow still tanned even though it’s winter and my mind conjures an image of them wrapped around me as I thrust inside her. We all know what happened last night with Trick and Ever, it was pretty damn obvious and I shocked myself when only a small spear of jealousy churned in my gut, not only that but it was gone before it really had a chance to take root. This plan of Rafe’s might actually work and I seriously fucking hope it does because not only do I not want to have to chose between her or my brothers, an impossible choice and one I couldn’t make but I can’t give up either her or Rafe and I’m fucking lucky enough that she as no objections to me and Rafe being together and still being with her too.

  In fact she’s been pretty damn clear about the fact that she finds it hot when she’s watched me and Rafe kiss. My filthy as fuck mind has already played out several scenarios where me and Rafe can share her.

  The hallway is silent, the other guys just as stunned as me as we take in the red dress that’s clinging to her curves. The look is uniquely Ever, and her bright red lipstick sends a spear of desire through me and straight to my dick, as I imagine her lips wrapped around it. She painted quite the picture when she was tipsy last night, she may have been talking to Trick but her words had an affect on all of us. We are all so far gone for this girl and I don’t think she can even see it.

  I get the feeling she thinks we’re just having a bit of fun, which is definitely not the case, each of us are in this for the long haul and don’t plan on ever letting her go.

  “What?” she asks us, pausing on the last step and raising her eyebrow, her look challenging.

  Fuck she’s beautiful, I shoot a look to Trick smirking when he steps forward at the challenge in her eyes.

  We chuckle as he thoroughly kisses her, and then leans down and whispers something in her ear. Whatever it was, I’ve got to hand it to him because Ever’s eyes immediately darken with lust. I’m not the only one to notice as Rafe’s hand grips mine tighter, his eye’s riveted to her.

  You’d think I’d feel jealous of that too and maybe I should but even if I tried to I couldn’t, I’m simply not jealous of her and him or her and the other guys. We both belong to her. Jensen may have been the only one of us brave enough to say it but the fucker spoke for all of us when he told her she owns him, she owns all of us and not one of us would have it any other fucking way.

  “Come on or we’ll be late and we do not want to be late trust me” Cash says, finally snapping the rest of us out of our Ever induced stupor.

  As everyone goes out of the door, Rafe squeezes my hand once before slipping back to Ever’s side, he whispers something to her she nods gratefully. He smiles and then walks back into the house heading into the kitchen.

  “You ok Sunshine?” I ask as she steps up next to me and we make our way to the truck, I swing my arm around her shoulders, and she wraps her own around my waist.

  “Yeah, I’m good, my scrapes are starting to hurt a bit that’s all. Rafe’s gone to get me painkillers” she smiles softly kissing me on the cheek as I open the door for her.

  I can’t help but smack her ass as she gets in the truck, she freezes momentarily before she looks at me over her shoulder with so much heat my dick instantly starts to get hard. I follow her into the car, and she settles in the middle leaving the other side for Rafe.

  “You look fucking stunning, Sunshine” I can’t help but growl as I dip my head and nip her ear causing her to let out a quiet moan that instantly has the attention of all of us.

  I don’t think she realises the strength of the hold she has on us.

  Rafe finally gets in the car and hands her two painkillers and a bottle of water, she takes the painkillers quickly and then she tips her head up and he kisses her slowly, my dick hardens as I watch them together. I can’t help but lean forward and kiss up Ever’s neck, she moans as my lips make contact and Rafe’s eyes open, landing on me and blazing with heat.

  The ways we could worship her flash between us. Rafe’s lips leave Ever’s as he kisses down her neck and I gently turn her face towards me, placing my hand on the cheek nearest Rafe so I don’t hurt the grazed side to her face. As always a hot spike of anger hits me as I think about what she went through, Jensen called in a favour though so he’s not going to be a problem for much longer. It won’t be nearly as satisfying as making him pay myself though and I know the others feel the same.

  Jensen in particular is struggling with it, I keep catching him staring, unseeing, darkness completely eclipsing his eyes. We need to keep an eye on him or he’s going to be tempted to take matters into his own hands.

  I’m immediately distracted as Ever’s soft lips touch mine, I let her think she’s in control for the barest of seconds before I kiss her with all the desire raging through me.

  “We’re here” Trick announces from the front of the car a mixture of heat and amusement in his tone.

  I felt the car stop a few minutes ago and as I pull back from Ever, I smirk at him raising my eyebrow, he just chuckles, shrugs and then motions around us the others attention are all on Ever, her flushed cheeks and rapid breathing.

  I think we are all shocked how much we like watching.


  My mouth gapes open as we step into Cash’s home. My brain still fuzzy from the amazing car ride over here. I love it when there’s more than one of us and things get heated, be honest though what girl wouldn’t?

  There’s something different about being between Rafe and Riot, probably because they want to kiss each other as much as they want to kiss me and it’s hot as fuck.

  “I told you she goes all out” Cash says quietly as the others are greeted by the parents and he reaches out to take my coat.

  It takes me a second to understand what he’s talking about since my mind is still stuck in the gutter.

  “No kidding, this place looks stunning!” I exclaim when my brain finally kicks back into gear.

  There are Christmas decorations everywhere, garlands around the doors, Christmas lights on everything that you could possibly put Christmas lights on, tinsel and Christmas figures. The whole lot, instead of it feeling over the top or gaudy, it’s so tastefully done that it’s stunning. There’s Christmas music playing, that’s somehow filling up the whole of the house and the smells coming from the kitchen are absolutely divine.

  “Kids!” Kat exclaims, “there you are” she pushes through everyone and hugs me tightly. “You look stunning, Ever.”

  “Thanks, you too” I compliment, she’s dressed in a tight black bodycon dress a similar style to mine, wearing a piece of tinsel like a scarf, has flashing Christmas earrings adorning her ears and amazing, glittery high heels.

  Rich and Matt haven’t taken their eyes off of her and it’s adorable.

  “Thank you Tesoro, this way then” Kat says as she leads everyone through to the formal dining room.

  The table has more than enough room for all of us, and honestly the table decorations look like something you find on Pinterest it’s beautiful. We take our seats and I end up with Cash on one side and Trick on the other. As I study the beautiful place setting, honestly never thought I’d say that, I realise that there are several different types of cutlery lined up next to the plate.


  I have absolutely no idea what fork I’m supposed to use for what
dish, I start to mildly panic but before the panic can really take hold a finger on my chin distracts me and my face turns towards Cash, Trick’s hand lands on my thigh being careful of my scrapes.

  Cash’s mossy green eye’s study my features, they widen slightly as he seems to realise I’m starting to panic before his lips dart to mine. His kiss effectively distracts me and puts a stop to my building panic attack. When he pulls back, I raise my eyebrow at him in question.

  “Luc told us kissing you helped to stop a panic attack before” he smirks and shrugs, “to be honest though I just wanted to kiss you.”

  My heart melts, of course he must’ve told them what happened when we went to the drive thru to get coffee and he got me all those chocolate cakes.

  “Are you ok Sweetheart?” Trick says, over my shoulder and I lean back in my seat so I can see both of them, I pause embarrassed to tell them why I started to panic.

  “What happened, il mio Cuore?” Cash asks watching my face.

  “It’s embarrassing. I haven’t gone to a restaurant for a really long time and I have never gone to a restaurant posh enough to have more than one set of cutlery” I grimace.

  Trick and Cash share a look.

  “We’re going to fix that you'll be so used to dining in posh resturants it will be like second nature to you. Honestly it’s really easy with the cutlery thing. Start from the outside and move in. Mama’s done a fairly simple set up so it’s a good one to learn on, although she mixed it up a bit so on second thought's maybe it's not that simple. The outside fork and knife, that’s for your starter, the next set in are for your main and the small fork and spoon are for dessert” Cash explains.

  Not once making me feel stupid or below him for not knowing.

  “What about the glasses why are there so many?”

  “That’s just because his mom likes wine” Trick chuckles from next me, “and my mom encourages her” he adds and they both laugh.

  “One’s for water, one's for white wine that will match the starter, one for red wine that will go with the main and a dessert wine for the dessert” he finishes, just as the doors to the dining room open and Jenny, Marc and Kat all start bringing in dishes.

  I’m surprised that Kat didn’t hire servers or something or use the couple of people that already work for her. It is Christmas eve though, so she’s probably given them the day off that and it just feels better that it’s just family.

  “That’s a lot of wine” I comment, “somehow I’m not surprised though” I giggle, and they grin.

  The meal is absolutely delicious and I stuff myself so full that there’s no way I could dance afterwards but with some encouragement from the guys i'm soon up and dancing to Christmas music. I can't help grinning as I watch the cuteness that is Kat, Marc and Rich.

  The night seems to go by in a whirlwind and is one I will definitely always remember. We’ve just put our jackets on at the door and are walking out to the truck when I realise something.

  “You guy’s have to stay at your own homes, tonight don’t you?” I ask.

  “Yes Angel” Jensen says wrapping me in his arms and burying his face in my hair, “I don’t want to leave you” he murmurs quietly.

  My hands clench in his shirt, I’m going to miss them like crazy.

  “One day and then we’re together for five entire days” Luc murmurs grabbing hold of my hand.

  “Come on Sweetheart, it’s cold and we’ve got to drop the guys home, since they all insisted on riding in the same car as you” he chuckles.

  “Dude” Cash groans, making me giggle.

  I unbury my head from Jensen and his arms tighten around me like he’s not ready to let me go yet.

  The feeling’s mutual.

  “Come on man let her go, we gotta drop you home” Trick chuckles again.

  “Hang on all your parents are here why we dropping you home?” I ask.

  “Good question Dragonfly” Trick snickers.

  “Fuck off dude, you know for a fact that if you were in our position you’d be finding as much time to spend with her as we are” Riot growls.

  “Ok fair enough, you’re right I would be” Trick concedes still smirking.

  “Actually, I’m staying here” Jensen announces before the conversation can devolve.

  “You are?” Cash asks, confused.

  “Yeah, dad asked me earlier if I’d mind, it’s just us at home obviously and it’s pretty fucking lonely. Kat and Marc invited us” he says smirking. “Dude we are so going to be step brothers” he snickers, making us chuckle.

  “I’m happy for them but it’s so weird” Cash adds.

  Jensen nodding in agreement.

  I’m about to add something when the wind cuts right through my jacket, fuck it’s cold.

  “Alright fuckers, Ever’s cold. Say goodbye” Rafe growls.

  Him and the others get in the truck leaving me outside so I can kiss Cash and Jensen goodbye, wishing that we could spend the day together tomorrow but consoling myself with the fact that we have each other for an entire week afterwards.

  At each of the guys houses I say goodbye to them the same way and when we’ve dropped Riot off last, I hop into the front and scoot right across the bench seat towards Trick, he immediately tucks me under his arm as I lay my head on his chest.

  “Are you ok?” he asks quietly.

  “Yeah, today has been awesome. I just wish we didn’t have to be separated” I say just as quietly as we pull into the driveway.

  “I know Sweetheart I feel it too” he agrees and throws the door open and we go inside.

  We waste no time getting ready for bed and Trick climbs in with me, I miss the others but it’s really nice to spend some time with just Trick too. The day catches up with me and I’m gone within seconds of snuggling up to him.


  The next morning is a whirlwind of awesome breakfast and presents; Rob and Jenny got me this beautiful photo album that had pictures of my mum and me and the boys when we were kids. She even put in a couple that she’d taken since I came back, including the ones from before Winter Formal. There were thankfully none of my father, I don’t know if Trick had warned her about putting photos of him in there or maybe even Kat, since she knew something was going on with him before we even left but for whatever reason I’m grateful.

  The gift was perfect.

  I was nervous to give them the spa day and golf clubs that I bought but they both seemed really pleased. Jenny especially when I mentioned that I got Kat the same thing so they could go together.

  Trick got the latest games console and a few games which he was really excited about but went straight over my head, he also got two tickets to an art show in the city. When he opened those his whole body tensed and Jenny just looked at him sadly. I desperately want to know what it was about but I won’t ask. I’m now extremely worried about the present I got him.

  Maybe I can get him something else when we stop for food, near the cabin. It won’t be great though. I could order something online too and tell him it hasn’t come yet? I’ll figure it out.

  The mood change didn’t last long and after presents me and Trick had a group chat with guys. The whole day was really nice but most of my excitement is for tomorrow and finally going on the trip to the cabin. We end up watching christmas movies in the afternoon and just enjoying being together.

  “Are you guys all packed for tomorrow then?” Jenny asks, eyes on the screen.

  “Shit, why didn’t that occur to me? I haven’t packed anything” I groan. “Can I borrow a suitcase please? I have one for clothes but I forgot to get one for the guy’s presents” I ask jenny.

  “Of course, hang on I’ll go grab it for you” she says starting to get up.

  “Thank you” I grin.

  “Don’t worry mom, I’ll grab it” Trick says, taking his arm from around me and standing up.

  “Thanks, you better start packing. I know the guys want to start off early tomorrow” Jenny grins at me.

  I hop up off of the couch and rush upstairs, although my scrapes are still looking pretty bad, especially on my face, the pain is so much better now. I pull the suitcase out from the closet and just stare at it for a minute unsure where to begin. Not only have I never had to pack for a vacation, but I also have never had the choice of so many clothes to take.

  Right, ok.

  Standing here isn’t going to magically pack fuck all. Underwear first, then tops, pants, jumpers, sweats and pjs. Then my snow stuff. I fold everything neatly and pack it carefully in the case, on a whim I add the red dress and then remember that Trick told me to bring my kimono, so I chuck that in too. I actually decided to save my underwear for last since there’s so much of it to choose from. I clear the suitcase and my snow stuff off of the bed and then pull the underwear boxes closer to me.

  No, I haven’t sorted it all out yet, it’s been a crazy week. Don’t judge me.

  I start rummaging through the boxes and pull out matching sets. I’m not planning on anyone seeing me in them, although the image of me watching in the mirror as Trick fucked me flashes across my mind and instantly makes my underwear damp. I shake the image away reluctantly.

  I lay out enough sets for the week and extra’s because you never know.

  “I finally found the suitcase, mom had no idea where it was and just kept suggesting random places, dad thought it was hilarious” Trick huffs as he hauls the giant suitcase in.

  Definitely big enough. He pauses as his eyes land on my bed and then groans.

  “You’re killing me Sweetheart” he scrubs a hand over his face, his eyes darting from me to the underwear. He takes out his phone and snaps a picture of all the colourful lace.

  “Why?” I ask smirking as I watch him type.

  “It would be completely unfair not share this with the guys” he says before adding, “they need to be tortured by what you’ll be wearing under your clothes on this trip, would be totally un-fair if it was only me” he grumbles.

  I burst out laughing, walking over to him and kissing him slowly savouring every second. Just before it gets too heated I step back and nudge him out the door whilst he’s still distracted.


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