Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 14

by Nikita Parmenter

  “If I knew we were going to get kisses as a reward for telling you, Angel, I would’ve told you instantly” Jensen grumbles like it might give him brownie points now and he might still get a kiss.

  How is this my life?

  “You didn’t though so no kiss” I smirk and the others chuckle.

  The further we go up the mountain the worse the road becomes until even though it’s covered in a thick blanket of snow the truck is still bouncing around everywhere and it’s taking all of Trick's concentration to drive the thing at the moment.

  “Wow this is really off the beaten track, when you told me it was pretty secluded I didn’t think you meant quite like this” I say as the truck dips on one side when we dip into another snow covered hole in the road. The wheels skid for a heart stopping second before gripping again.

  Actually considering how icy it is I’m surprised we haven’t skidded before now. I turn to Riot to ask him and answers me before I’ve even gotten a word out.

  “Snow tires” he says.

  “That makes more sense. Is the trailer going to be alright back there” I ask worriedly as I glance past Luc in the back seat and out the back window towards the trailer.

  “Yeah it should be fine” Trick answers me. “There isn’t that far to go now and it should flatten down a bit in a minute as we get to the clearing around the cabin.”

  All I can see out of the windows are trees, lots and lots of super tall, imposing trees and white. Everything is covered in a blanket of white and as I watch, more flurries start to fall from the sky.

  It’s so pretty.

  “The track wasn’t this bad last year” Jensen comments.

  “Nope, we might have to come up in the summer and asses the damage. See if we need to get someone in to repair it” Rafe answers him.

  I’m distracted from the conversation that I have no idea how to contribute too, when I get my first glimpse of the cabin.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The cabin looks like something from a fairy tale especially with all the snow. In typical style for the guys it is not the small, cute cabin I was envisioning but rather the mansion version of a log cabin. Although it’s huge it still somehow manages to look rustic and inviting. The guys said they had a cabin but I’m not sure who this giant dream house actually belongs to. The cabin itself is clad in natural logs, has a giant wrap around porch that is big enough that it would probably protect you from the worst of the snow and has a porch swing that looks in surprisingly good condition. I can’t wait to curl up on it with one of Rafe’s hot chocolates. The house itself is at least three stories tall and has massive windows that no doubt make the most of the view.

  It’s set in a clearing and other than the partially concealed track we came up, is completely surrounded by trees. To say that it’s idyllic is a massive understatement. I absolutely adore it and if you’d asked me back when I used to dream what my ideal house would look like, I’m pretty sure I would’ve described this place. I haven’t even seen inside yet. I’d love to see it in the summer, I bet it’s stunning then too.

  Whilst I’ve been admiring the cabin the guys have all gotten out and are now starting to unload the trailer and the back of the truck. I hop out to help them, my feet sinking into the deep snow that’s now beginning to fall faster. I’m incredibly grateful Jenny and Kat convinced me to get these winter boots, my toes are toasty warm. I make my way around to the back of the truck to grab some bags, impatient and wanting to explore the inside.

  “He’s not here. At least there’s no cars here” Trick says.

  “He either got caught up and is on the way or will turn up tomorrow” Rafe replies, shrugging as he turns to me and hands me my bags from the back of the truck and then ends up grinning as he sees I’m practically bouncing where I’m stood with excitement.

  “He’ll be here. Trust me, there’s no way he could turn down a chance to meet Ever” Cash grins coming up behind them carrying as many grocery bags as he can.

  I take my bags off of Rafe and he chuckles quietly.

  “Are you ok, Sunshine?” Riot grins.

  “I’m excited, the snows so pretty and I want to explore” I explain practically giddy.

  “Surely you had snow back in Fresno?” Jensen asks as we all start to make our way towards the house and up the wide porch steps.

  We’ll have to make two trips for the groceries.

  “Yeah we did, but it didn’t stay all pretty and white for very long it turned into brown slushy stuff that hid needles and glass and all kinds of nasty stuff” I grimace.

  “Ah I get you” he replies.

  Trick finally opens the door and I gape in shock at the surroundings.

  The door opens up into a massive open plan space. Right at the back of the cabin is a large kitchen all natural wood and surprisingly dust free since the guys haven’t been here since last winter. Along the back wall are massive glass doors that look like they lead out onto a back porch as big as the one at the front, I wonder if that's where the hot tub that Cash mentioned before is. Next to the kitchen and the other side of the wide doors is a giant table big enough for all of us and some guests to eat comfortably. To the right of the front door is a wide stairs case that leads up to the second floor and I’m guessing bedrooms.

  The rest of the space is broken up into a large lounge area with a massive u-shaped couch facing a large river rock fireplace and a huge tv that has games consoles underneath of course. There’s also a couple of arm chairs by the large front window that face out into the snow covered wonderland outside and an air hockey table on the same side as the stairs that looks a little out of place. I’m surprised at how clean everywhere is considering the guys haven’t been here for a long time and now that I’m take in the size of the room I realise that the the outside looks bigger than the inside.

  “Wow this place is amazing!” I praise as the guys dump their bags by the stairs and take whatever grocery bags they managed to carry into the kitchen. “Why does the outside look bigger than the inside? Also how come there’s no dust or anything?” I ask.

  “Good eye, Sweetheart” Trick compliments. He comes over and grabs my hand leading me over towards the stairs.

  He presses a panel on the wall and a door pops open as if from nowhere, it blends in so seamlessly when it’s shut that even knowing it’s there I wouldn’t be able to find it.

  “So freaking cool” I mutter and Trick chuckles.

  Behind the door is a wide hallway and Trick starts telling me whats behind each door.

  “I’ll start on the left. So the first door is a cold room for extra food storage in case we get snowed in, the back up generator is in there too obviously not in the cold room part. Next is the gym, then there’s a library, next one is a sauna room and small plunge pool. I've never really been sure what the point of the plunge pool is, but it came with the house when we bought it” he chuckles.

  I giggle before what he’s said registers and I gape at him in shock.

  “You bought it?” I interrupt and he turns back to face me. “Yeah Sweetheart, me and the guys own this place equally.”

  “But how?” I ask, they’re only eighteen or nineteen. In fact Jensen and Luc are still seventeen like me.

  “Investments. Jensen is surprisingly good with money and investments, like scary good. We made some money off of the fights in the pit and instead of blowing it all like we wanted to Jensen convinced us to invest. The best decision we’ve ever made. Jensen handles all of that still. In fact if you want to invest any of your inheritance when you get it when you turn eighteen, I highly suggest letting Jensen do it. None of us are exactly strapped for cash anymore.”

  I stare at him in shock for a while, that’s just crazy. Jensen being so money smart is surprising but only because he acts so carefree most of the time unless he’s fighting. I’m extremely impressed, and a little hot for him right now. That really isn’t surprising though, I’m always hot for them.

  “What about the parent
s?” I ask.

  “They think Luc’s mom and dad bought him this place as a bribe, it’s not that hard to believe. It would be difficult to explain to them how we can afford a place like this. Eventually they will realise but we are planning to keep it quiet until we are in our twenties and then buy our mom’s something pretty so they don’t get too mad” he finishes sheepishly and I burst out laughing.

  I truly hope I’m around for that conversation and get to witness it. I don’t think it’s going to go like he hopes it will.

  I’ll bring the wine.

  “This is actually a safe house” he shocks me into silence again. “That’s why, even with whatever Atlas has going on at the moment he feels safe enough to come here. No one knows about this place. Our parents don’t even know the exact location they think it’s somewhere else. Atlas actually suggested it, which makes me think he thought we might need it one day. He owns part of this place too.”

  “I thought you said he grew up like I did without much money?” I ask.

  “I said we thought he did, we aren’t entirely sure about any of his past. Regardless, he never seemed to have any money and was embarrassed about it. I think that was probably one of the reasons why Jensen insisted that we invest the money from the fights instead of spend it. Atlas was the hardest to convince but he trusted Jensen as much as we do and got the rewards as well. Hence how he could afford to chip in.”


  “Yeah” he chuckles, “the only other person who knows this place exists is the previous owner who wants to keep it private as much as we do and was paid very nicely not say anything. There’s also this guy that we pay to come and clean and check on the place once a month. That’s why there’s no dust and everything’s clean. He’s paid very well not to say anything too.”

  I just absorb all the information. More intrigued than ever and incredibly fascinated about everything he’s just told me. What stands out the most though, is that Atlas suggest this be a safe house, that makes me think that even back then as a fourteen/fifteen year old he was in trouble and knew he’d need an out. There aren’t many fifteen year olds that think and plan like that.

  I’m so insanely curious, I hope he does turn up and is just delayed.

  Seeing that I’m pretty much speechless Trick chuckles.

  “Do you want me to continue telling you what all these rooms are?”

  I nod.

  “Ok. The room next to the sauna is an office and right at the end is the door to the garage, we would’ve parked in there but the front has been blocked by snow. We’ll clear it off tomorrow and move the truck and trailer in there so we can unload the snow mobiles. Ok, you can explore in a bit after we have everything in, but down this side, the one closest to the garage is a changing room of sorts, holds all our gear for riding the snow mobiles, skis, snowboards, fishing poles all that sort of stuff. Next to that one is a snug I guess, it has arm chairs and a fireplace, then there’s a wine cellar, although it’s not actually in the cellar and doesn’t only hold wine” he pauses and frowns.

  “What’s in the last one,” I ask, pointing to the door right next to me.

  “Erm, that was Atlas’s suggestion too and Jensen backed him up a hundred percent” he stalls.

  “Ok, so what’s in it?”


  My eyes widen.

  “Holy shit, Atlas is definitely in some shit.”

  “Yeah, it’s not like it’s a whole room just for weapons but it does have a couple of gun safe’s and some other relevant equipment, it also doubles as a safe room. Atlas insisted and even paid for the upgrades himself. There’s a hidden panel right by the door that I’ll give you the code to and explain how it all works another time.”

  “Ok, I’m more than a little curious why he felt he needed this but I get it. I’ll leave it be just like I did with all of you” I reassure him.

  “Thank you Sweetheart” he tugs me into his arms and kisses me slowly. “Come on lets go and help the guys put the food away or they’ll eat it all before we even get a chance to have any. It’s happened before, we had to go and get more. Granted we didn’t buy as much as we have this time and it was mostly snacks” he grins as I giggle and I let him pull me through the hidden door and back into the main part of the house.

  The guys have put most of the shopping away and before I help to put away the last of the bags, I can’t help but run and jump at Jensen. This time he was paying attention to me and not freaking out because I was crying, so although his eyes widen in surprise, he catches me effortlessly. I immediately cover his lips with my own, nipping his bottom lip when he doesn’t open quick enough. He growls and holds me tighter as his tongue glides against mine and my body heats. I pull back and smile at him.

  “Consider me incredibly impressed, Jensen” I compliment and grin as his cheeks darken slightly with a blush.

  “You told her!?” he accuses glancing at Trick.

  Trick just grins and carries on putting stuff away. Jensen’s reaction confuses me.

  “Should he not of?” I ask, trying to understand why he wouldn’t want me to know.

  “No I guess it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just, I don’t really know. It’s not something I advertise although I don’t know why. I would’ve told you” he explains and I get it. He’s insecure about this part of himself. He has no reason to be but I understand.

  “Well I’m glad I know. It’s incredibly impressive Jensen” I say and his eyes meet mine cautiously.


  “Absolutely, it’s hot too,” I grin as his eyes widen in shock, “actually at some point I want to talk to you about investing my money when I turn eighteen. I’ve got no idea what to do with it and I wouldn’t trust anyone else.”

  A giant grin lights up his face and makes his eyes shine.

  “You trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  He smiles softly and then kisses me again.

  “Ok you two, come help” Luc chuckles.

  Jensen reluctantly puts me down and we both chuckle. There really isn’t that much left to put away. The guys having done most of it. I get the feeling that it was done strategically as they were adding things around the store and not letting me see. Trying to keep me distracted.

  “Do you guys want to decide what we’re having for tea now, so we can put it where we can find it easily for later. It’s not long until dinner now anyway.”

  “Yeah sure, Il mio Cuore, what do you want?” Cash answers.

  “I’m good with whatever but I’m not up for cooking. So just something easy?”

  “Sounds good, I’m pretty sure I can read the back of some of those packets and rustle us up something” Jensen chuckles and the guys all eye him sceptically.

  “I’ll help you, Jensen. Dude you’re clumsy as hell, until I know for sure that you can be in the kitchen without either burning it down or chopping your finger off, I’m going to help.”

  The guys all chuckle and thankfully Jensen doesn’t take offence to my very real worry.

  “Thanks Angel, I was slightly worried about that” he chuckles and I grin.

  “No problem.”

  I pull some limes out of the last bag I’m unpacking and turn to face Riot raising my eyebrow. I have a feeling I know where this is going.

  “Guess what I got?” Jensen grins as he pulls out a bottle of tequila, practically vibrating with excitement.

  “You fuckers told him how I get when I drink tequila?” I ask Riot and Rafe, amused.

  “Of course I did, it was far too good of an opportunity to pass up” he admits completely unrepentant.

  “Well don’t say I didn’t warn you, on your heads be it” I chuckle, “pour the shots then and I’ll cut the limes. Someone find the salt!”

  “How do you get when you drink tequila, Dragonfly?” Luc asks smirking.

  “She gets silly drunk, not as in drunk really quickly but as in acts really goofy” Rafe chuckles, absolutely loving this.

  I ignore them as I cut up the limes.

  “At least that’s what she said but I’m not entirely sure that’s true” Riot adds, like he’s suspicious.

  “I agree man, I can’t imagine a super silly Ever” Cash agrees chuckling.

  I roll my eyes, they asked for it. Without warning them I tip salt on my hand, then lick it off take the shot of tequila and then bit into the lime wedge and grin.

  Damn I forgot how much I love tequila.

  “Hey, you didn’t wait!” Jensen says outraged and I grin.

  “Better catch up quickly boys” I smirk as I set up another shot and take it.

  They gape at me in shock and my grin widens. Rafe is suddenly in front of me, tugs me towards him and kisses me in a way that has my toes curling and my heart pounding. When he pulls back he smiles down at me his eyes lit up.

  “What was that for?” I ask slightly breathless.

  “Just because I can,” his grin turns playful, “and it gave the guys a chance to catch up on their shots” he chuckles.

  I spin around and sure enough the rest of them are at least two shots in now if the discarded limes are anything to go by. They smirk at me.

  “Well I’m certainly not complaining about your distraction methods” I grin.

  “Anytime, Baby” Rafe chuckles.

  “Come on then fuckers, pour me a shot!” I demand grinning.

  A wicked look crosses Riot and Rafe’s face's as they both move forward and dip their heads licking a line down from my shoulders and across my chest when they meet in the middle they share a quick heated kiss that has my thighs clenching and them sending me a devilish smirk. I tip my head back as they each add lines of salt onto the wet marks they’ve left. They grab a shot in one hand and then lick my neck again, making me shudder as they press closer and Riot nips me before they both step back, shoot the tequila and bite the limes. Fuck that was hot. I waste no time in taking my shot, starting to feel a bit tipsy now.

  “I vote that by the end of the night, we’ve all done a shot off of Ever” Jensen suggests, smirking and the others make sounds of agreement.


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