Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 20

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Luc, I’d like you to meet, Dom” Elena smiles.

  “Nice to meet you” Luc replies as Dom immediately comes up to him to shake his hand.

  I like this guy. He obviously knows what his wife has been through and the part Luc played and he understands how important it is to Luc to see that his aunt is now happy and most importantly safe.

  “You’re aunt has told me a lot about you. She seemed to neglect to tell me you were so damn tall. Logically I know you aren’t the kid from her stories but that’s how she spoke about you so that’s what I pictured” he chuckles.

  He comes towards me and holds his hand out. He doesn’t move particularly fast but just fast enough that I flinch. Luc picks up on it immediately and steps in front of me as my hands clench in the back of his shirt and I rest my forehead against his back.

  “I’m so sorry. I should know better” Dom says apologetically as he immediately steps back.

  “It’s ok. It’s not your fault, I should be the one to apologise” I say lifting my head from Luc’s back and stepping to the side. Luc is still in front of me slightly and one of my hands still has a death grip on his shirt unwilling to let go as my heart races in my chest.

  “Not at all Ever, are you ok?” Elena asks seriously, understanding and sadness swimming in her eyes.

  “I am now, I’m safe.”

  “Good,” she says, looking at Luc proudly.

  It’s obvious how protective of me he his from the way he reacted in a split second when Dom made me flinch. If she knew that the rest of the boys were just as protective as he is, then that last tiny bit of worry would be erased from her eyes.

  Apparently that fucking dick of a stalker has undone some of the progress I made in my reaction to men, my hands are still shaking and I don’t completely have my breathing under control.

  Fucking asshole.

  Before Elena can say anymore, the joint cry of the babies echoes through the house.

  “Sounds like the girls are awake and hungry” she chuckles as she turns to Dom, “and you need to get to the store, we’re down to our last two diapers” she grins giving him a quick kiss.

  “I’m on it, babe. Who knew they’d go through that many? I honestly thought people were nuts when they warned us” he chuckles as he strides out the door, “love you babe” he calls as the door shuts.

  “Love you too. I’ll go and get the girls” she says to us as she leaves the room smiling softly.

  As soon as she’s out of sight Luc spins around to face me and pulls me into his arms holding me tightly.

  “Are you ok, Dragonfly?” he says softly his voice concerned, “you haven’t reacted like that for a while.”

  “Yeah I know. Jeremy has apparently undone some of the fucking progress I made” I growl into his chest and feel it echoed back to me as I mention Jeremy’s name. “That was so embarrassing” I mutter.

  “It wasn’t, Firecracker” he drops a kiss to the top of my head as he pulls me even tighter against him, “and anyway if anyone is going to understand it will be my aunt” he adds sadness tinging his tone.

  “Thanks Luc” I say tilting my head up to him he meets my lips in a soft and slow kiss that is so filled with emotion it makes my heart soar.

  We break apart when we hear footsteps coming down the hallway and excitement fills me. I love kids, I used to babysit for a single mom that lived in the same trailer park. She was an awesome mom but had to work a lot. I used to help her out whenever I could.


  This is going better than I thought it would and it is mostly thanks to Ever being here with me. I was beyond nervous to see my aunt again and meet her new guy. I’m more capable than I was to take care of him if he turned out to be like that piece of shit she was with before but due to my trigger, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to stop myself from killing him if he even laid one finger on her in anger. We don’t need that mess right now, so I’m beyond happy that he seems like a good guy.

  When he accidentally triggered Ever, he looked truly upset that he had and that is the only thing stopped me from losing my temper and punching him. That would’ve been bad all round and I freely admit that but my reactions when it comes to Ever are heightened, as are my protective instincts.

  Me and Ever sit back down on the couch and I tuck her into my side. Her reaction has me worried, I could kill the stalker fucker for doing that to her. I need to warn the guys so we can stand between her and any potential situations that could trigger her. They also need to warn Atlas that it could happen because his reaction to it will be ten times worse than mine. It’s clear as fucking day how much he already cares about her and if I wasn’t sure, that whole scene in the safe room proved it.

  Before I get a chance to pull my phone out, my aunt comes back into the room carrying my nieces, wrapped up in pink blankets and still bawling their eyes out.

  “They’re so tiny” I mutter out loud, slightly shocked.

  Cut me some slack I’ve never been around babies, I know babies are tiny but seriously they have to be smaller than my forearm. Ever chuckles quietly next to me and I go to shoot her a mock glare for laughing at me but her entire focus is on my aunt and the two tiny babies. She frowns slightly and my gaze turns back to my aunt. She looks a lot less put together than a minute ago as she tries to settle them and make her way to the kitchen at the same time.

  “Dom’s usually here when they’re hungry after a nap. He holds them whilst I make a bottle. I haven’t done it by myself before” she says as she starts trying to rock the babies. The more they cry the more she worries and the babies seem to pick up on that.

  “I can do it, Elena. How many ounces are they on?” Ever pipes up next to me and I turn to stare at her in shock.

  I understand nothing of what just came out of her mouth, my aunt stares at her shocked for a second too and that’s a big enough hint that she has indeed said something just as surprising as I thought, she stands before I can question her.

  “They’re having four now. There should be bottles ready on the side. Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got this. You just focus on those beautiful babies” she smiles and it’s an expression I haven’t seen before as her gaze falls on the babies.

  “Thank you, Ever” Elena calls after her as she goes into the kitchen.

  When she comes back, she’s shaking two bottles and has these weird cloth things over her shoulder. My heart starts to beat a bit faster as I watch her cross to my aunt. She goes to hand her the things but realise she has no spare hands, I just sit back quietly and watch. Confused about what I’m feeling.

  “Erm ok so how do you normally do this?” She asks.

  “Well, would you like to feed, Lori?” My aunt asks as she nods her head to one of the screaming babies in her arms.

  Now normally a teenager presented with a screaming baby will at least bulk but most likely run away as fast as they can but Ever? Her face lights up with the most beautiful grin I have ever seen and I really wish the guys were here to see it.

  “Yes please, I’d love to” she says and places the bottles and one of the cloth things on the coffee table before she opens the other one and tucks it over her shoulder, I have no idea why. She then reaches out and with no hesitation gently picks up Lori, cradling her and automatically rocking to try and soothe her, she then quickly hands a cloth and a bottle to Elena who is watching her, impressed and then grabs the one that’s left.

  “I checked the temperature but if you want to double check I completely get it” Ever says pausing before she puts the bottle in Lori’s mouth.

  “I think it’s pretty clear by now that you know what you’re doing, I trust you” Elena praises as Ever takes a seat on the couch opposite and places the bottle in the babies mouth, both babies instantly quiet as they start to drink.

  “There you go baby girl” she says softly and my heart explodes as I get a flash of the future and her holding my baby.

  What the fuck.

l admit it, I start to freak out. Needing to share the freak out and hoping I’m not the only one who feels like this when they see Ever holding a baby. I sneakily take a photo of her and I can’t help but stare at the photo for a second before I send it to the guys and ask them if it affects them the same way as it’s obviously affecting me.

  I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her. She is completely absorbed in the baby and my heart has not stopped beating like a god damn drum.


  I love her.

  Of course I fucking do but this moment has fully cemented that fact.

  I just sit in silence as I absorb the massive revelation I’ve just had and watch her. Butterflies swarm in my stomach and I feel a smile take over my face.

  She feels too far away from me right now.

  I get up and make my way over to her couch sitting down carefully next to her, swinging my arm around her shoulder and moving closer so I can see the tiny baby in her arms. She gazes up at me a look of such joy on her face that I can’t help but lean down and kiss her softly.

  Her cheeks are pink when I pull back and I love that I can make her blush. I turn to Aunt Elena only to see her already watching us a wide grin on her features.

  “What’s my other nieces name?” I ask, in a bid to distract her from the revelation I’m sure she’s just come to. I don’t want Ever to find out just yet, I don’t want her to bolt.

  It’d kill me and it would kill the others.

  “Lana. You’re very good with babies Ever” Elena says.

  Ever gets up handing me the baby bottle that I have no idea what the fuck I’m supposed to do with and carefully places the baby up on her shoulder so her cheek is lying against the cloth, she holds her securely as gently taps her back and starts rocking from side to side, smiling the entire time. I can’t help it, I take a video of her and send it to the guys too. They should see this.

  “I used to babysit for a single mom where I used to live. I love kids. I’ve always wanted a really big family” she explains grinning, she catches my eye as she does the strange sideways rock/bounce thing that not only makes the baby belch like a line backer which is apparently a good thing but also looks to be sending her to sleep.

  “I might have to keep you” Aunt Elena jokes and I’m not entirely sure she’s not at least a small amount serious.

  “Honestly I’m happy to come back any time as long as I get baby cuddles” Ever grins.

  “I’ll hold you to that” Elena chuckles before focusing back on me, “would you like to hold Lana?” She asks me and although it scares the shit out of me, I consider it practice for the future. That thought also scaring the shit out of me.

  Fuck me, get it together.

  “Bring it” I say seriously and Ever bursts out laughing along with Elena as they share a look. “Cut me some slack I’ve never been around babies before” I shrug and Ever’s look softens, “now tell me what to do. I’m not going to lie she’s so tiny I’m absolutely terrified that I’m going to hurt her” I gulp nervously as I sit down the couch.

  “You would never hurt her, Luci” Ever says softly.

  My aunt tells me what to do and gently places her in my arms, she is so damn tiny I just can’t get over it. Unlike her sister she doesn’t appear to be sleepy in the slightest, she just stares up at me and I slowly reach my hand up, making sure I’ve got a good grip on her and she’s not going anywhere. I hold my little finger up and gently stroke her hand, she surprises me when she grips hold it in a surprisingly strong grip.

  I have to say there is something absolutely incredible about a baby who has been alive for only a few weeks gripping your finger, I can’t explain it.

  I turn when I feel the couch dip beside me, Ever has given Lori back to my aunt and looks at me in the same way I’m sure I looked at her earlier and it makes my heart clench. If she felt the same about me, about all of us as we do about her, we’d be beyond happy men.

  “See Luci, you’ve got this” she says softly as her hand comes up and cradles mine that’s still holding little Lana’s finger as she lays her head on my shoulder.

  I can’t even begin to describe the feeling that makes my heart soar and my mind almost blank.

  It’s not long before Dom comes back and grins when he see’s me still holding one of the babies, the longer I’ve held her the less worried I’ve become and I can’t wait until they get a bit older and start toddling around. I’ve already decided I’m going to try to come up here as much as possible and I have a feeling Ever would demand it of me anyway. Not only is she totally in love with my nieces but my aunt and her get on amazingly well, they’ve already exchanged numbers.

  Aunt Elena insists on feeding us a quick lunch which I’m immensely grateful for because I actually forgot all about lunch with my nerves. After lunch we reluctantly say goodbye, I’d stay longer but I don’t want to intrude any more and we need to start heading back because of what the guys are setting up for Ever. We wave goodbye before turning and walking back down the path towards my truck.

  Ever is truly amazing and I love her.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  As soon as we get to the truck Luc pushes me up against the side and dips his lips to mine as he kisses me like it’s his last breath. His tongue tangles with mine as his hands flex against my hips, as if he’s trying to remind himself to be gentle with me. If we weren’t right outside of his aunt’s house I’d be letting him know in no uncertain terms that he can be as rough as he’d like with me. I run my hands up his chest and circle them behind his neck, gently running my nails against the back of his neck, he groans and pulls me closer his erection digging into my stomach, holy fuck.

  He pulls back, giving me one last kiss before he steps back and grins.

  “What was that for?” I ask breathlessly, glad that the truck is against my back as my legs have turned to jelly from his kiss alone.

  “Do I need a reason?” He smirks, tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

  “No, I guess not” I admit.

  He steps back and starts to walk around to his side of the car before turning back to me when I don’t move.

  “Are you going to get into the truck?” He asks looking slightly confused.

  “Yeah in a second” I mumble and he smirks, damn it.

  “Did I make your knees weak, gorgeous?” He smirks, looking incredibly pleased with himself.

  I stand up straight and open the truck door.

  “Nope and what happened to Firecracker?” I ask in a bid to change the subject.

  “Gorgeous seemed to fit better in the moment” he shrugs as he gets in his own side and grins over at me.

  “Just drive, you smug bastard” I grumble and he chuckles, pulling me over and tucking me into his side before I can settle on the opposite side of the cab, I smile as I strap myself in.

  Seeing Luc hold the twins earlier pretty much made my ovaries explode. I don’t care who the fuck you are seeing a giant of man being so damn gentle and holding a tiny baby is going to make you feel things, add in that I care about him so damn much and yeah I saw a similar future to the one that I saw yesterday. It made me finally admit to myself that these feelings aren’t going anywhere. I knew that before but I’m finally ready to admit that now. I was right that sex would make things more complicated but so far it’s only been in a way I hadn’t expected. After sleeping with Trick and Cash I was so close to blurting out that I loved them and if I’m going to be honest with myself, watching Luc this morning I realised that of course I love him too.

  When I talk to them about how I feel, if they reject the idea, even if they still want to be friends with me it’s going to hurt like a mother fucker and I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with that.

  “Are you ok, Ever?” Luc asks, “we’re nearly home and you’ve been quiet the whole time.”

  “Yeah I’m fine. I just got stuck in my head” I reassure him.

  “Good, I’ve just got to stop and get

  We pull into the gas station and I hop out to stretch my legs as he puts gas in the truck. When we get back into the truck Luc’s phone goes off and he grabs it, types back a quick reply and then turns to me.

  “Want to get some coffee?”

  “Yeah sure” I reply slightly suspicious.

  “There’s this really great place in town, they make amazing coffee” he says as he starts the truck and we pull out of the gas station driving towards the town.

  It’s not long until he pulls up to a cute little coffee shop that has a vintage vibe to it, it’s adorable and even from here I can smell the delicious aroma of coffee.

  “Well, if it tastes as good as it smells I’m hooked” I grin and Luc chuckles as he takes my hand and leads me into the shop.

  There aren’t many people in here and the place is fairly small with only a handful of tables set out around the edges. In the corner at the back there’s a huge fireplace with a set of comfy looking armchairs set in front of it. It looks so inviting that I’m half tempted to ask Luc if we can stay for bit and sit there. We wait in the que as I take in my surroundings and my eyes fall on the tables that are occupied. On one is sat an elderly couple, she’s reading what looks to be a well loved book and keeps smiling every now and then. It’s super cute, her husbands eyes never leave he face as he smiles when she does, the love between them is beautiful.

  The next table has a handful of mom’s and their babies, they all suddenly burst out laughing at something one of them says and their laughter is so infectious I can’t help but grin. I look away before I get caught staring like a weirdo. When my eyes land on the last table, their eyes are already on me and my grin falls. The guy makes it obvious that he’s checking me out and then winces dramatically when his eyes land on my face. Throughout the whole day Elena and Dom didn’t bring any attention to my face at all and it was so refreshing.

  The guy turns to his friends and says something making them laugh as they glance at me. I roll my eyes and shoot him an unimpressed look as I turn back around. Fucking dickhead.


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