Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2)

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Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home Book 2) Page 36

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Where is she anyway?” Luc asks.

  “In the shower, she started shivering as soon as she got here, like the adrenalin and anger where the only things keeping her warm” Jensen says a frown still on his face.

  “That's not good, hopefully the shower will warm her up” Trick says.

  “We each got a blanket because Ever’s looked so cosy and since you weren’t there we chose one for you” Riot smirks.

  He rummages around in the bag and pulls out a bright pink, sparkly unicorn blanket and holds it out to Jensen who immediately cracks up laughing as he grabs the blanket at wraps it around himself.

  It nice to see him laughing after today and the worry about Atlas and Ever. Although he really did enjoy the fight at the club.

  “We got you matching socks too” I smirk and chuck him some knee high, fluffy, pink and purple unicorn socks. “We got equally as awesome ones this time” I chuckle as I hold up my own pair of sparkly pink ones.

  “They had no fluffy socks for men and these are better anyway” Luc chuckles as he pulls on his own.

  “Pyjama party!” Jensen suddenly yells as he hops off the bed and races out of the door. I’m guessing to get into some comfy clothes.

  “You know that’s not a bad idea. No point in fluffy socks and blankets if we’re still wearing jeans” Trick admits and actually I agree, if we’re going to be vegging out and watching movies for the rest of the day I really don’t want to be wearing jeans.

  “Ever’s got her pyjamas to change into too” Jensen says as he strolls back in wearing grey sweats, his fluffy knee high socks and no shirt.

  I roll my eyes.

  “That was quick” Trick smirks.

  “I want first cuddles” he chuckles.

  The rest of us share a look and there’s a sudden mad dash towards the door as we each rush to get changed.

  I chuckle as we pass Ever, Luc and I stopping to kiss each of her cheeks and making her smile. I’m changed and back in no time even managing to beat the others and claim the other side of Ever on the bed. Jensen however has claimed his usual spot on her and is resting between her legs his head on her stomach and his unicorn blanket spread over him as she plays with his hair and smirks at the TV. She’s snuggled under the dark navy blanket covered in stars and looks so much better than she did at the gym.

  “Feeling better?” I ask softly wrapping my arm around her as she lays her head on my shoulder.

  “Yeah. It sucks and I hate it but there’s not much I can do to change it” she says quietly. “I miss him though. Which sounds ridiculous because I saw him yesterday” she chuckles sadly and my arm tightens around her shoulder as Jensen’s tighten around her waist and he kisses her stomach making her squirm.

  “We miss him too Angel” Jensen admits and I nod in agreement, “and believe me we are just as worried as you are about the danger he’s in” he practically growls and Ever’s hand clenches in his hair before smoothing out again.

  “I think Trick has a plan though, Il mio Cuore” I say and she tilts her towards me a soft smile on her lips. I dip my head and kiss her slowly loving the feel of her.

  “Lunch is ready” Rafe says coming through the door holding a massive tray balancing these soup mug bowls that Jenny has. “Can someone grab the other tray from down stairs, it’s got the rolls and things on” he adds.

  “I’ll go” Riot says smirking as he kisses Rafe’s cheek.

  “So damn cute” Ever mutters and Jensen chuckles.

  The others soon arrive having heard the mention of food and we’re soon all settled in. Riot ending up sitting on the other side of the Ever.

  “I really am going to have to get a bigger bed” Ever chuckles making us grin.

  That morning in my bedroom still plays on repeat in my mind and I’m hoping we can finish what we started soon. Especially now that she’s officially our girlfriend. My heart soars at that and I know I’m grinning like an idiot right now. I know we’re probably going to hit some stumbling blocks but I also know that we are all strong enough to work through anything.

  The first thing being, making our family whole again and helping Atlas with whatever trouble he’s in. Once we’ve all finished lunch, Trick puts the TV on mute and turns to face us. Him, Rafe and Luc sat at the end of the bed.

  “I think we need to talk about the situation we might be pulled into when Atlas finally pulls us in. As far as I’m aware it’s still going to be extremely dangerous” his eyes land on Ever.

  “I’m in” she says with no hesitation at all.

  I’m honestly in awe of her strength and just how damn kick ass she is, it’s fucking hot.

  “I have a vague idea that it has something to do with his family but that’s all I’ve managed to pick up. We all know he’s been put through some serious shit and his insistence on us learning how to shoot a couple of years ago points to it all being dangerous as fuck” he looks at each of us grimly, “are you all in?”

  We all nod our agreement. Of course we fucking are. He’s family and he needs us. We’ve each got skills that are on the wrong side of legal and I’m willing to bet that whatever Atlas has going on is not legal in the slightest. I know my brother though and his methods may not be entirely legal but the reasons behind whatever it is he’s got going on will not be corrupt. So long as it stays that way then we’ll all be in. Atlas promised Ever that Jeremy would never lay eyes on her again and we all know he’s not going to go the legal route to make that happen, especially since the legal route has already failed.

  There was just something about that deranged cunt that suggests that he was even more fucked up then we first thought. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had tried the same shit he did with Ever with someone else. What he told Ever he was going to do with her was absolutely sickening.

  “Good, I just wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page” Trick says, knowing full well that it was more an obligatory conversation than one we actually needed to have.

  Ever has only seen a small portion of the darker sides of us, although she’s seen more of Jensen’s than the rest of us. If she was a normal girl I’d be worried about how she is going to handle seeing more of our darker sides but it’s Ever and thank fuck she is far from normal because if anything she’s going to be intrigued, impressed and most likely turned on. We’ve all seen how she get's when one of us lets our dark sides slip, she loves it and we love that she does.

  She’s absolutely fucking perfect for us.

  “One last thing before we binge watch movies and eat all the junk we bought for the rest of the day” Trick grins, his hand rubbing Ever’s foot I’m not even sure he’s aware he’s doing it.

  “What?” Jensen mumbles into Ever’s stomach sounding half asleep.

  “I think we should give Atlas two weeks to get in touch with us and bring us in and then we give him no choice. We’ve done it his way and I for one am done with him being in fucking danger” Trick says.

  “I’m up for that but we need to be careful about how we go about it. Atlas is in a dangerous situation and we don’t want to put him in more danger when the two weeks is up by being reckless” Rafe says.

  “Agreed” Luc adds.

  “So we come up with a plan that gives him no choice but to fill us in and keeps him safe at the same time” Ever suggests.

  “How though?” Luc asks.

  “Well we have the burner phone he gave us. I’m sure we can figure something out, we have two weeks anyway” Trick says.

  “That’s true” I concede.

  I know we’ll all be trying to come up with a safe way to force Atlas’s hand and not endanger him and if we can’t then we’ll just have to be damn patient.

  “Alright now that’s sorted, lets get a movie on” Trick says, “you feeling ok now Sweetheart?”

  “Yeah I’m good, especially now we have a plan. I know I’ve already apologised but I feel like I need to say it again. I am so sorry for scaring you all this morning. I won’t do that agai
n” she says and I kiss her temple as Riot kisses her cheek.

  “It’s ok, Dragonfly” Rafe says from the end of the bed.

  “Thanks guys. By the way I absolutely love the fluffy socks!” she chuckles and we all wriggle our brightly covered fluffy feet at her making her giggle. “Thank you for doing this. It was so weird last night knowing that you guys weren’t just down the hallway” she says and then groans, throwing her hands over her eyes as we share an amused but confused look.

  “Oh hell, I’ve turned into one of those damn clingy girlfriends” she groans.

  Matching giant grins cross all of our face’s. I don’t think we’ll ever get used to her calling herself our girlfriend.

  “What are you all grinning at?” she says suspiciously.

  “You called yourself our girlfriend” Jensen grins up at her his chin resting on her stomach.

  “We love it” I add when doubt starts to flash in her eyes.

  “More than anything, Baby” Rafe says.

  “Absolutely, Firecracker” Luc adds.

  “Always, Sweetheart” Trick smiles as the grin on her face grows.

  “You’re ours, Sunshine. Just like we are yours” Riot finishes and she has the biggest grin I have ever seen on her face.

  “Always” she repeats before predictably getting uncomfortable with feelings and making Trick put an action film on the TV and making us chuckle.

  We spend the rest of the day eating, watching films eventually all falling asleep piled on the bed, none of us willing to move.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I awake the next morning surrounded by my guys and feeling better about the whole situation now that there’s a plan in place. I was getting close to suggesting something along those lines.

  It’s time for me to woman the fuck up, I’ve had my breakdown and yes I miss him so fucking much it actually hurts and not knowing if he’s ok is slowly driving me insane but we have a plan in place now and like I said to Cash last night, I can’t change it.

  I desperately need to pee so I slowly and carefully extract myself from the guys, and chuckle when they snuggle back down together, I grab my phone off of the bedside table where one of the guys plugged it in for me, and snap a quick picture. Rafe and Riot snuggled up together just look damn cute though and I take another one of just them.

  My bladder starts to protest and I run to the bathroom, taking my phone with me in my rush. On my way back I check my phone for messages seeing multiple calls and messages from the guys from yesterday including a particularly detailed one from Trick that involves spanking me when he finds me.

  Oh now there’s a promise.

  I send Rylie a quick text to tell her I’m back and see if she wants to meet up, I know she’s been busy with Darcy and that’s ok but I miss her crazy ass and I’m hoping she wants to do something.

  The guys are only just starting to wake up when I get back and I grin wickedly.

  “Incoming!” I yell before I take a running leap at the bed.

  It doesn’t go quite as I planned when instead of landing sprawled over all of them, I’m snatched out of the air and bought down against Trick’s chest his eyes still closed and his lips smirking.

  “Shh Ever, we’re sleeping” he chuckles.

  “You promised to spank me for running off. I’m going to hold you to that” I mutter.

  His chest vibrates in a growl and I giggle as Luc sits up straight next to us his eyes barely open.

  “I’m up! I heard spanking” he announces loudly and the rest of the guys are suddenly awake.

  “What?” I ask when they all stare at me.

  “Well I assume that, that has something to do with you?” Riot grins and Trick chuckles underneath me.

  “He started it!” I exclaim making them all burst out laughing.

  “Guys!” Jenny yells up and I groan.

  The guys shoot be curious looks.

  “We need a place of our own, so we’re not interrupted. I wanted to play” I smirk when all of their eyes darken and several sets of hands reach for me.

  Trick captures my lips with his as someone elses hands run up my legs and lips land on my neck and start to trace up my back.

  “Guy’s breakfast!” Jenny calls and when no one answers because we’re all otherwise engaged. She follows that up with a threat, “I am not naive. I will come in there” she threatens making us pause and I giggle, “Jensen and Cash you forget I went to school with your parents” she chuckles.

  I burst out laughing as they both groan.

  “Complete mood killer” Cash grumbles as the tension is broken as the rest of us find it hilarious.

  “Well played, Jenny” Jensen calls.

  Completely unembarrassed that Jenny blatantly knew what we were up to. If she was any other parent I probably would be stupidly embarassed but it’s Jenny. She has this awesome mix of supportive parent and friend down. Good for a mom cuddle but also good for gossip and wine.

  “Why thank you, now get your butts down here. I’ve missed cooking for you all!” She yells and I hear Rob burst out laughing in the background.

  “We’re coming mom!” Trick calls.

  “Five minutes or I’m coming in!”

  By this point I can barely breathe I’m laughing so hard and the guys are all either grinning at me or laughing themselves. I’ve just started to calm down when Jensen snorts and that sets me off again and in turn my giggles seem to set them off.

  After the last few days we really needed this and I feel lighter.

  “Come on. We’ve only got a minute left I know for a fact mom is timing us” Trick chuckles and we all hop up. Not bothering to get dressed and I admire Jensen, Trick and Cash as they’ve all not got shirts on.

  “I think that might have to be a new rule” I say out loud and immediately slap my hand over my mouth.

  “What should be a new rule, Sunshine?” Riot smirks.

  “Erm. . .” I start trying to think of an excuse before giving up, “I think you guys should just always be shirtless” I chuckle.

  “We will be if you are?” Jensen grins cheekily.

  I pretend to think about it for a second making him smirk.

  “See this is why we need our own place, can’t really walk around shirtless here” I shrug as I step through the door giggle at their groans.

  “Just wait Sweetheart” Trick says.

  “I think we should start going to the cabin for all of our school breaks from now on” Rafe suggests.

  “I am definitely up for that!” I call back, “longer than a few days next time!”

  “Deal, Sunshine” Riot says as he drapes an arm around me.

  “When’s the next break?” Jensen asks excitedly.

  “Eight weeks” Luc says sounding disappointed.

  “Damn it” Jensen curses.

  “Don’t forget we’ve got those tickets for the concert in new Orleans” I remind them.

  “Oh I forgot about those” Riot says as we enter the kitchen and take a seat at the overloaded dining table.

  “Wow Jenny” I say as I stare at all the food.

  “She wasn’t lying when she said she missed cooking for you all” Rob chuckles and Jenny just shrugs unapologetically.

  We all dig in to the massive feast and I can almost guarantee that I won’t need to eat lunch after this. The guys probably will because they're like black holes when it comes to food.

  As I look around the table I get a pang in my chest as missing Atlas hits me like a fresh wave for a few moments before returning to a dull roar. I’m not sure it will get easier until he’s back with us or even until we’ve heard from him and know that he’s at least ok.

  A hand reaches over and threads their fingers with mine and I glance over at Trick who squeezes my hand and smiles sadly. I’m not the only one feeling like he’s missing. After breakfast is done we stay sat around the table for a while, filling Rob and Jenny in on what we got up to. Carefully leaving out Atlas in e
very story as well as not mentioning what happened at the bar at all. The guys do it so well that it’s obvious that they’ve been telling half truths and carefully constructed stories to other people for a while now.

  It’s pretty impressive actually. I get the impression that I have only caught a small glimpse of their darkness and the talents that come from being acquainted with it. Just like they’re unaware of my own darker talents. I think they’re starting to get a better picture though, especially after I threatened to cut off that poor excuse for a man’s dick off, and they realised I actually would’ve done it. I will always use violence as a last resort there are better more thorough ways to make a person who deserves it hurt, ways that are longer lasting and more soul destroying but men or women, who force themselves on others deserve violence as well, as far as I’m concerned and I make no apologies for that.

  I have a feeling the guys would agree with me on that.

  “Oh shit” I suddenly exclaim and the guys chuckle as Jenny and Rob raise their eyebrows, “opps sorry, I just remembered I text Rylie to see if she wanted to do something before we came down for breakfast.”

  “Go check, we’ll help mom tidy up” Trick says leaning over to give me a kiss before he gets up and starts clearing the table with the others.

  “Thanks!” I say before rushing up the stairs.

  Once I’m in my room I grab my phone and I’m slightly surprised to see Rylie replied almost immediately. We arrange to go to the mall for the sales and get lunch, after I explain a little bit about what’s happening with Jeremy and mention that I want to make sure I’m in a crowd rather than somewhere isolated, plus it’s still fucking cold even if it’s not snowing here.

  I get dressed quickly and then grab my helmet and bike jacket. Making my way downstairs and looking forward to seeing Rylie and most likely Darcy since they seem to go everywhere together now. It’s actually pretty damn cute.

  I’ve missed my crazy best friend.

  “Guy’s I’m going to meet Rylie at the mall for a bit” I say grimacing when I see it’s starting to drizzle outside.

  “Do you want to take my car?” Cash asks and everyone falls silent.


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