You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10 Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh

  lurking of my shadow,

  The enchanting tunes that diffused from her spell binding throat were so unassailably aristocratic; that they made me stagger like piles of infinitesimally pulverized nothingness; in due obeisance of her profoundly sacrosanct grace,

  The untamed voluptuousness that drifted from her bountifully effulgent hair was so majestically vivacious; that it made me feel like an inconspicuously fleeting reflection; infront of the fathomless cosmos and panoramically wonderful world outside,

  The silken smiles that blossomed from her amiably charismatic lips were so philanthropically beautiful; that they made me feel an eternally blessed constituent of gregariously blooming humanity,

  The oceans of unsurpassable empathy oozing from her emphatic eyes were so effusively ardent; that they metamorphosed even the most ethereal iota of my

  misery; into a fountain of ebulliently unprecedented happiness,

  The reverberations that emanated when she walked were so unflinchingly righteous; that they made me irrefutably salute the apostle of truth; for infinite more births of mine yet to unfurl,

  The scent of unparalleled benevolence that disseminated from her soul was so fabulously eclectic; that it wholesomely swapped even the most capricious trace of malicious monotony from my life; forever and ever and ever,

  The titillation that ingratiatingly wafted from her sensuous belly was so incredulously unbelievable; that it swiped me like a magical prince from my feet; to indefatigably float in the aisles of celestially rhapsodic paradise,

  The unlimited spirit of ecstasy that bloomed from her golden perspiration was so regally astounding; that it made every element of my despicably dwindling

  countenance triumphantly surge ahead towards the; entrenchment of unshakable glory,

  The whirlpools of fantasy jubilantly liberating from her nerves were so profoundly sensitive; that they perpetuated an Omnipotent mountain of hope; into my

  parsimonious hutments of treacherously morbid remorse,

  The yawn encircling her marvelously pristine mouth was so harmoniously natural; that it entirely sacked even the most diminutive trace of ghastly manipulation from

  my demeanor; miraculously transforming me into just the way when I was freshly born,

  The cisterns of crimson blood circulating in her veins were so benign; that they Omnisciently granted a healing touch; to even the most disastrously sordid and horrendously mutilated wounds of mine,

  The winds of flirtatious mischief gushing from her intricate skin were so vividly mesmerizing; that they transited me way back into realms of exhilarating adolescence; the times when even the most subtle mention of a woman; would transcend me to heavens beyond paradise,

  The serendipitous mysticism unveiling from her artistic speech was so astonishingly magnetic; that it made me completely immune to even the worst of pain; smiling as an sleeping prince even as daggerheads of indescribable viciousness; stabbed me from all sides,

  The fortress of boundless solidarity in her arms was so royally endowing; that it instilled in me the indefatigable tenacity; to unnervingly propel forward even as inevitable death replaced scintillating life,

  The innocence in her timelessly fluttering eyelashes was so impeccably untainted; that it became my sole mantra to blissfully form perpetually passionate bonds with the Creator Divine,

  The virgin boisterousness in her iridescent visage was so tirelessly fantastic; that it shrugged the asphyxiated ropes of tiredness forever away from my trembling body; bestowed upon me a perennially new lease to lead life,

  The heavenly exultation in her breath was so victoriously vivid; that it annihilated the chapters of death forever from my rambunctiously croaking existence; aristocratically impregnated in me the ability to countlessly proliferate into handsome new life,

  And the beats that popped out from her heart were so sacredly immortal; that they spawned caravans of uninhibited love on every step that I tread; symbolizing each instant of my life with a Samaritan purpose; symbolizing the thunderbolt of my life as a uniting harbinger of all mankind .


  There was no price on earth which could ever substitute; the untamed exhilaration which every pore of my body experienced; while briskly philandering through the thunderous cloudbursts of exuberant breeze,

  There was no price on earth which could ever substitute; the profound wave of enlightenment that I felt on my skin; every day at the very first light of miraculously rejuvenating dawn,

  There was no price on earth which could ever substitute; the irrefutable truth in the voice of the little child; incoherently gazing towards my drearily sagging demeanor,

  There was no price on earth which could ever substitute; the astronomically resplendent enigma that I felt enveloped with; when I intrepidly trespassed

  through the wilderness of the forests and the gloriously spell binding waterfalls,

  There was no price on earth which could ever substitute; the unrelenting festoon of fantasies that I dreamt all day and exotic night; the cloud of majestically sensuous titillation that bountifully enshrouded every ingredient of my blood,

  There was no price on earth which could ever substitute; the uninhibitedly compassionate fabric of humanity that profusely caressed me from all sides;

  the spirit of symbiotically superb camaraderie that I felt in every aspect of my vibrant life,

  There was no price on this earth that could ever substitute; those moments when I realized I was going to become a father; the triumphantly unending smiles on the faces of me and my wife; alike,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the poignantly pristine freshness of the ravishing oceans; which voraciously tickled me every night under the gregariously milky moon,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the fathomless sensitivity in the eyes of my beloved; the Omnipotent replenishment that I had felt on my lips; as she kissed me till the end of veritable time,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the unprecedented urge in my body to once again become an innocuously wandering child; regally frolic with the feathers of the vivid peacock; until the Sun bid the earth a final goodbye,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the unsurpassable excitement that I had indefatigably experienced; as the nubile seductress deluged the colors of her embellished artistry; in the famished whites of my lugubrious eye,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the unconquerable faith that I had in the paradise of righteousness; even as diabolically marauding hell wholesomely blended with inconspicuous granules of soil,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the invincible exultation engulfing my face; when I earned the first trace of quintessential livelihood with my very own hands,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the limitless euphoria that each element of my visage experienced; as I nosedived without a parachute from the absolute summit of the beautifully snow clad hills,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the insurmountable care showered upon me by my godly mother right since the first cry of my birth; and even as she underwent the most horrifically gory whippings from the conventionally inclement society,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the smile of perennial freshness on the face of my newly born daughter; her insatiably innocent actions to nibble everything that came her way,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the blissfully seductive scent of the mesmerizing rose that drifted into my torturously starved nostrils; the stupendous vivaciousness of the atmosphere; royally perpetuating me from all ends,


  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; those two words of encouragement from the haplessly withering dame; impregnating loads of Herculean courage in my dwindling persona; even as she was just about to leave the

  planet forever
and die,

  There was no price on earth that could ever substitute; the unbelievably supreme melody of the ingratiatingly voluptuous nightingale; the Omniscient sweetness that it instilled in my collapsing form; every time she unfurled her beak to sing and cry,

  And there was no price on earth that could ever substitute; those instants when I fell in love at first sight; those unassailable passions in my body when we first united; those immortal bonds of love that we had formed for infinite more births yet to

  unveil; which were still my whole and sole mantra to lead life .


  Her visage might not be exquisitely embellished; encapsulated in rustically plaintive clothes from nimble foot; to insatiably sacrosanct forehead,

  Her visage might not be ravishingly tantalizing; divinely meditating under the mystical oak tree; profusely blending every of its holistic element; with the spirit of the celestially divine,

  Her visage might not be pompously flashy; bountifully coalescing with everlastingly exotic rudiments of nature; perennially entrenching itself with the winds of profoundly simplistic nostalgia,

  Her visage might not be invincibly triumphant; inadvertently erring countless times in a single day; in her innocuously drifting stride,

  Her visage might not be raunchily seductive; scintillating as unequivocally candidly as the flamboyantly sweltering Sun; filtering a path of unassailable righteousness; for infinite more births yet to come,

  Her visage might not be overpoweringly dictatorial; retracting like a freshly nubile bride into the corridors of resplendent reticence; at even the most mercurial insinuation of ghastly badness or penalizing crime,

  Her visage might not be aristocratically princely; harmoniously sequestering itself under an unfathomable blanket of green leaves; as its sole abode to lead

  the uncouthly freezing night,

  Her visage might not be astoundingly fragrant; onerously perspiring under the endlessly sweltering Sun; as she assiduously carved her way towards her daily livelihood,

  Her visage might not be Omnisciently prognosticating; miserably dithering to perceive even an infinitesimal fraction of what was going to unfurl; an evanescent

  step further,

  Her visage might not be indefatigably twinkling; somberly enveloping its diminutive contours; in the fabric of unwittingly fallible humanity,

  Her visage might not be tirelessly smiling; sporadically erupting into traumatically anguished cries; as the inevitability of sacrificing existence; took its insurmountably unbearable toll,

  Her visage might not be ubiquitously magnanimous; insatiably confining herself to the realms of her parsimonious dwelling; stringently persevering every bit of her stingily hard-earned possessions,

  Her visage might not be unrelentingly poignant; pragmatically bonding with the vagaries of this conventionally turgid society; in order to survive in holistic unison and symbiosis with the enchanting atmosphere,

  Her visage might not be boundlessly unconquerable; humanely collapsing to the acrimoniously treacherous pressures of existence; at times feeling stressed beyond the threshold of inexplicably debilitating frustration,

  Her visage might not be incomprehensibly magnetic; hardly being noticed a parsimonious trifle; even as she trespassed through the most

  lackadaisically nonchalant of crowds,

  Her visage might not be aristocratically regale; bearing the shades of a normally unwitting commoner; even as cloudbursts of untamed fantasy; handsomely perpetuated her from every construable side,

  Her visage might not be unsurpassably contemporary; irrefutably following the fathomlessly medieval and age old theories of existence; while the entire planet

  voluptuously gyrated to the rhythm of the blaring discotheque; by her window side,

  Her visage might not be made for today’s world; with even the most capriciously ephemeral mist of manipulation; remaining countless continents apart from

  her; indomitably righteous stride,

  And although not even a single tune of her visage coincided with the globe outside; not even a single entity acknowledged her the slightest for her little but hard-fought accomplishments in life; not even a single cloud noticed the innocent impressions which she had left on earth during the tenure of her lifetime,

  There was something in her which I found in no other woman; caste or tribe; there was something in her which rendered every moment of my survival priceless;

  there was something in her which heavenly blessed me even beyond my infinite lives; there was something in her which immortally became my love till even after my

  journey to heaven; hell; my breath and time .


  The eyes didn’t need to be taught how to wink; flirtatiously entice even the most obsoletely alien of entities; in their voluptuously seductive swirl,

  The lips didn’t need to be taught how to smile; unfurl into an unfathomable gorge of ecstasy; amiably bonding with one and all on this planet; ravishingly alike,

  The veins didn’t need to be taught how to disseminate blood; triumph in the aisles of timelessly ardent desire; fantastically embracing all entities on this colossal planet; in the religion of benign humanity,

  The ears didn’t need to be taught how to hear; euphorically assimilate all vibrantly untamed ebullience in the melodious atmosphere; in the delectable hollow of their drum; and for centuries immemorial,

  The feet didn’t need to be taught how to walk; victoriously surge forward with the winds of vacillating time; indefatigably transpiring countless organisms to keep celestially progressing till the very end of their time,

  The cheeks didn’t need to be taught how to blush; enamoringly bequeath upon a legacy of eternally unending compassion; as the fireball of Sun gloriously faded

  down the resplendent horizons,

  The hands didn’t need to be taught how to intertwine; form impregnably everlasting friendships; bountifully enlightening the sordid ambience with the winds of philanthropic togetherness,

  The tongue didn’t need to be taught how to emanate sound; deluge the preposterously grave morbidity around; with vividly unparalleled boisterousness,


  The shadows didn’t need to be taught how to mysticize; unveil into an unsurpassable sea of enigma; as each instant sped into a wholesomely gratifying minute,

  The stomach didn’t need to be taught how to digest; synergistically imbibe all tantalizingly robust morsels of food; and then expurgate all invidiousness at the first light of exotically evanescent dawn,

  The neck didn’t need to be taught how to turn; handsomely absorb the insurmountably panoramic beauty of this fragrant Universe; drifting in countless

  surreal directions; one at a time,

  The eyelashes didn’t need to be taught how to seduce; marvelously titillate even the most obfuscatedly alien of personalities; in their stupendously ingratiating


  The conscience didn’t need to be taught how to be truthful; tirelessly march on the paths of irrefutably unconquerable righteousness; even as diabolical hurricanes of hell pelted left; right and center on the periphery of this gargantuan planet,

  The throat didn’t need to be taught how to gulp; innocuously guzzle the melodiously convivial elixir of existence; for boundless more births yet to come,

  The chin didn’t need to be taught how to twinkle; iridescently fulminate into cisterns of untamed innocence; everytime it was tickled by the arms of overwhelmingly uncontrollable care,

  The armpits didn’t need to be taught how to sweat; aristocratically exude rivers of golden perspiration; regally bond with the holistic mantra of persevering survival; as long as the Omnipotent lord wanted them to be,

  The mouth didn’t need to be taught how to yawn; immaculately expressing that the opprobriously penalizing fatigue of the body; needed to be substituted by divinely rest,

  The nostrils didn’t need to be taught how to breathe; perennially exhale a
nd inhale Oligarchic carpets of spell bindingly Omnipresent air; symbiotically bond with all caste; creed; religion and tribe; unassailably and alike,

  And the heart didn’t need to be taught how to love; immortally coalesce even the most infinitesimally ephemeral of its beat with its soul mate; right since the first cry of beautifully bestowed birth .


  It really didn’t matter to me even an infinitesimal trifle; if there wasn’t the most optimistically Omnipotent of Sun outside my door; to timelessly consecrate every unfinished desire of mine; to the hilt of infinite infinity,

  It really didn’t matter to me even an inconspicuous trifle; if there wasn’t the most vivaciously fathomless Sea outside my door; to unbelievably tantalize even the most evanescent cranny of my skin for an infinite more of my destined lifetimes,

  It really didn’t matter to me even an obfuscated trifle; if there weren’t the most eternally invincible Mountains outside my door; to compassionately sequester every disastrously shuddering bone of my body; as diabolical hell torrentially rained down on earth,


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