Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas Page 10

by V. Domino

  "If you want me to stop, just say your own name. Got it?"

  "Tina means stop, got it."

  I smile at her, "Yeah, you do."

  I don't give her any warning; I raise my hand and slap her ass hard enough to sting. She hisses but doesn't use her name. I slap her other cheek and rub the sting out of both before doing it twice more.

  Tina's moans start to come out by the time she's received eight spankings and she arches her back for more. "You like that huh, baby doll."

  "Yess," her voice sounds like a hiss, "Fuck me, Capo." Why she uses my title when I know she heard Frankie use my name is beyond me, but I can't say I don't like it.

  I lean over her head and bring my lips to her ear, "I'll fuck you when I'm ready to and when I do, you're going to be screaming my name."

  She whimpers a little as I glide my hand down her back, tracing her spine before palming her pussy. I can feel how soaked she is through the very thin material. I need to be in her now.

  I pull her panties down and pop the little clips on her bra before tossing both to the side. I flip Tina to her back, and she spreads her legs. She sees my pants still up and like a wild cat, she sits up and rips them down enough to free my aching cock. I don't stop her, who would?

  I see how ready she's been for me while I teased her, it's only fair that she gets what she wants even if it's torturous to me.

  Without any guide from me, Tina opens her mouth and takes my girth deep into her throat.

  "Fuuuuck." I hiss out as she continues to suck my dick like it's her new toy. She scrapes her against my skin and the bite of pain only adds to the intense pleasure. She does this a few more times before I must stop her. I don't want to unload in her mouth.

  "I'm a man of my word, Tina. I'm going to fuck your sweet little pussy."

  She lays back and spreads her legs. I grab her by the hips and bring her closer to me, so I rub the tip of my dick through her soaking folds.

  She moans and rolls her hips wanting more so I slap her click with my cock before lining up with her entrance. I push my way through her channel fast, noting how tight she is for someone who seems to know what she's doing in the bedroom. But she's not used to this, she doesn't show that outwardly, but I just broke her fucking cherry.

  I push up with my hands, hovering over her, "You're a virgin?"

  She blushes but doesn't take her eyes off mine, "Not anymore. It'll be a good snub to my future husband thanks to you."

  I'm at a loss for words. This girl is definitely going to be a queen in her life. She'll always get her way. How do I know this? Because she's just like me. Sending a big fuck you to tradition and making her life hers as best she can.

  But now that I know she's new to this, I'm consciously moving slower and taking care not to hurt her more than I have. I've heard that having that small virtuous skin torn apart is painful for a woman and I hate with all my being that I just plowed through it.

  "Don't start flaking on me now, capo, " Tina says as she pulls my face to hers and kisses me. "I still want you to fuck me."

  Those words and the way she rolls her hips, has me moving. I still handle her carefully, after all, she's never done this before so anything I do will make her feel like I fucked her hard.

  I kiss her as I pump into her, slowly picking up my pace as she whispers against my lips, "Oh yes, Capo, right there."

  I move faster and harder as her channel begins to quiver around my swollen dick, I need her to come already because I'm close to the edge. Reaching between us, I use the pad on my thumb and index finger to pinch and roll her clit.

  "Oh, fuck! Oh, Dino, yesss!"

  Tina explodes around me as I stand to my knees and anchor myself to her and chase my own release.

  "Why is it that I hear about an attack at Two Times from everyone else but my sons, hm?" My father's voice rings out as soon as I walk into the kitchen the next day.

  I got home well into the morning after having a few more blissful rounds with Tina. Just one night with the woman and she has somehow wormed her way into every one of my thoughts. I even had dreams of her. Rule with me, I said to her in my dreams while forsaking the other woman standing at the altar for me. It was as easy as breathing to ask her to be mine.

  She's unlike any woman I've ever seen.

  "Are you hearing me, coglione?" Shithead. My father sounds awfully close to snapping.

  "I'm sorry, pops. Things got crazy but we handled it. Skip took care of the cops and made sure their pockets were sufficiently filled. Frankie got one of the guys down in the cell for interrogation."

  "It seems that I have to ask my capos for information rather than them coming to me." My father scrubs a hand down his face before continuing, "What did you boys find out?"

  "Frankie had just finished up with the guy by the time I got home this morning. Based on what the pezzo di merda said, it was the greeks who ordered it. We only have one Greek rival."

  "Aetós," My father says through gritted teeth.

  "He also had their eagle tattoo on his arm. The bastardo is no longer breathing but Frankie got everything he could from him."

  My father stands there thinking it over for a bit as I pour my coffee. Call me naive but I’m silently hoping this will put off my engagement long enough for me to find Tina again. When I asked to see her again-- a first for me-- she said it wasn't a good idea. Another first.

  That won't stop me from finding her though.

  "Is there anything else I need to know, Andino?"

  My father's words pull me from my musings as he takes my cup of coffee.

  Grabbing another cup, I answer, "Yeah, we got another job from Paul. Five eighteen wheelers will be picked up today by some of our men. The value is worth the trouble."

  I spend the next hour going over the details with my father, letting him know I'll be leading the job personally.

  "No, let Frankie do it. You have to go meet your bride tonight and I don't want you running late like an asshole."

  I open my mouth to say something but decide against it. There's nothing I can say that'll change his mind. I'll just have to turn down the charm without causing any more tension between the families. Maybe I can irritate this Gambino princess enough that she'll end the dinner early and I can go about finding my girl.

  "I know that look, ragazzo. Don't even think about screwing this up. You'll go, be polite, woo her and make ties with her father. Got it?"

  "Yeah, pop. I got it."

  My father stares at me for a minute longer which only makes me want to grin at him, but I don't. I just pretend I have nothing on my mind with a blank mask firmly in place. It's unnerving how well my father knows me. That's what makes him so good at being Capi dei Capo.

  He turns around, muttering some Italian words under his breath and heads to his office.

  This family is something else, I'll tell you. If my mother were here, I'm sure she'd take my side. Of course, my mother always talked about her future grandchildren so who knows, she might have pressed my suit for me.

  I unfold the newspaper, scanning over the stories of Union workers going on strike once again for Holiday cuts.

  Times are certainly changing but as always, La Famiglia stays the same. While the world updates to the times my world walks the same old path. One day, I will change that. These Greeks that are coming at us from different angles have tried talking peace and union, but races don’t mix in business. At least that’s what these old timers my pop has as advisors say. When I’m boss, I’ll be making better ties than just the same old families. I’ll expand and make my father’s empire reach far and wide.

  There’s a small story on last night’s shooting at Two Times but nothing that would draw too much attention. I guess the money Skip handed out was incentive enough to keep their traps shut. Money makes the world go round and it keeps the living from speaking. According to the paper lately, money will make anyone do anything.

  It's one of the many things that'll never change in this world. />
  "Did you know that Frankie has been after Lilianna?" Adriano's tween voice has my eyes lifting from the paper.

  This guy. He's always dressed in a suit like he's going to the office or handling some meetings for La Famiglia.

  "Yeah, why?"

  I'm pretty sure Schemer has a thing for the girl who never pays him any attention. Sure, she's kind to him and indulges him whenever they happen to see one another but other than that, Lily and Frankie seem to be heading somewhere. Well, maybe if she'll stop playing hard to get with him.

  "What does she see in him?" He says it with nonchalance, but his eyes give away too much. I decide to speak on that then sit and gab with him about some snatch he's never going to get.

  "You should work on your mask if you're ever to become a Made Man. You wear your thoughts on full display, fratello." Brother. "You won't make it long like that."

  The kid just rolls his eyes as he walks over to the ringing telephone, "Ciao?"

  I don't pay any attention to him as I check my watch. It's almost noon and I need to make sure everything is set for the truck job today.

  "Dino, it's for you."

  Adriano has a stupid smirk on his face which makes me furrow my brows. No one calls me here. Usually I get my business calls second hand from Skip when they call Two Times. I never talk on the phone, that shit gets you caught too easily. Whoever this is will get questioned severely for this.

  Instead of whisper-asking Adriano who it is like a punk teenager in school, I take the phone and bring it to my ear.

  "Chi è questo?" Who is this? I ask with a growl to my voice. I can't afford fuck ups like this but I'm hoping this is some family member.

  "Ciao bello." Hello, handsome. A soft and feminine voice comes through and sends a shockwave straight to my cock. "It's good to hear your voice."

  "Tina?" I can tell it's her but not too many minutes ago I was contemplating how I'd find her. Seems she found me, and I can't keep the stupid ass grin from sliding on to my face.

  I glance over at Adriano who seems to be hovering on my left, trying to listen to my conversation. I cover the mouthpiece of the phone, "Esci di qui stronzo!" Get out of here, shithead! I kick at his hip to get him going but he dodges and struts out with a snicker.

  "Are you busy today?" I ask her when I come back to the phone. I really feel like a school kid again, crushing over some snatch but who can blame me? Tina is everything I could ever want... too bad it can't go further than a one-time dalliance.

  "How’d you get this number?" I ask her when I come back to the phone.

  Tina softly chuckles, “I called Two Times and Skip gave it to me.” As much as I’m grinning over the fact that Tina is asking around for me, I’ll need to have words with Skip for giving someone my number.

  I don’t comment on that though, “Are you busy right now?” I really feel like a school kid again, crushing over some snatch but who can blame me? Tina is everything I could ever want... too bad it can't go further than a one-time dalliance.

  “I am. I just wanted to hear your voice.” She sounds almost sad.

  I hear someone speaking in the background, making Tina cover the phone and speaking back.

  “I gotta go,” she says, “Thank you for last night, Dino.”

  I don’t get to say anything because she hangs up without waiting for a goodbye. I didn’t even get a second to beg her to come see me.

  I stare at the phone, grinding my teeth like it somehow caused the call to be brief. It’s for the best anyway. Tina has already poisoned my every thought with just one night, a second longer in her presence and I’m liable to become an addict.

  Who the fuck am I kidding? I’m already fucking hooked.

  Slamming the phone down, I sit to try and enjoy my coffee once more, but Frankie comes running in and snatches my mug from the table. He chugs my coffee like a fucking prick before putting the cup back down.

  “Stronzo!” Asshole! “I didn’t even get a fucking drink!” I look down into the empty mug with frustration flowing in my veins. First pops and this damn marriage, then Tina now this.

  "Great fucking day," I mumble as I stand and yank my blazer from the chair while Frankie turns and walks out of the kitchen chuckling loudly. Today is going to fuck me over, I just know it.

  The hours went by fast much to my frustration, and now I'm standing in front of Bianchi Restaurant feeling a stone set in my stomach while the slow flakes float around my face.

  “You got this, fratello.” Frankie says as he hands me a flask of whiskey. “Have a drink and relax. The night will be over and we can celebrate the job well done with Paul.”

  Taking the flask, I drink down almost half before handing it back. The liquor burns it’s way through my body and loosens me up enough to finally take a deep breath.

  Exhaling, I push away from the car and make my way inside. Standing in the street won't make this shit go away. It's better to just deal with it like a man than to hide from problems like a coward.

  Walking through the door, the waiter greets me, "Good evening Mr. Renzetti. Right this way."

  I follow the man who unknowingly leads me to a life of misery but when we stop at the table in the back, my body turns to stone.

  At the head of the table is Carmine Gambino with his wife sitting dutifully next to him, but on his left is none other than Tina.

  What the fuck?

  Shock on her face, one that I'm sure mirrors my own, but she schools her features quickly. As her neck and skin turn red, I turn quickly and take the hand of Carmine who doesn't seem to have noticed the tense atmosphere at all.

  "Welcome, Andino. This is my wife Mary," I lean down and kiss her cheek like my mother raised me before turning to Tina, "and this is our daughter, Martina."

  Mar-tina. She gave me her shortened name while I fucked her. My teeth grind and my voice is slightly rough as I nod, "Hello, Martina."

  She hears the censure in my voice and her face hardens, "Hello, Andino."

  I guess she's right, I did the same with her by giving my shortened name. Still, I can't get past the fact that she let a man have his fucking way with her body. It was supposed to be mine and mine alone.

  What the fuck am I saying? It was me who had her, but knowing she intentionally gave away what was supposed to belong to me pisses me off. Irrationally.

  Taking a seat across from her, her father begins to talk while the servers bring out meals, but my eyes are on Martina.

  She keeps her eyes on me but not on my eyes. She scans my clothing and watches my hands as I eat or reach for my glass, but she never looks at my eyes.

  Is it shyness? No. Martina is not a shy woman. Perhaps it is shame. That thought makes my stomach sour. I wanted this girl and here she is, given to me.

  Martina is mine now. I have what I wanted despite knowing she planned to laugh in my face on our wedding night when I found her body to have been touched by another. Thank God, it was me who had her instead.

  As much as I want to stay angry, I can't. Especially when the little fox before me mouths her safe word, Tina. Her sly wink has me biting my lip to keep the smile back.

  "Martina will be a good wife to you, Andino. She is well behaved and follows the rules like a good Italian woman." Her father's words bring my attention to him.

  This time, I do smile. Especially when Martina slides her foot up my leg under the table, "Of that I have no doubt."

  Present Day

  From that day forward, I had what I truly wanted, a woman of my choosing. Martina became my best friend and confidant. She became the mother of my four boys and two girls.

  She is exactly what I didn’t know I needed; A powerful woman, my queen, to rule with me.

  Together, Martina and I built an empire that is untouchable. I followed through on my vow to her and my children. They have what their hearts desire and I have yet to force a marriage they don’t want onto them.

  One day, I will step down or go to my grave knowing I did my father proud and I l
eft behind a legacy unlike those before me.

  A legacy my sons and their sons will build upon.

  I am Hangman and we are Mafia.

  Sweet Sin is a 10k word prequel to book four in the King’s Trace Antiheroes series. It ends in a cliffhanger, to be resolved in a book coming 2021. Books 1-3 do not have to be read first in order to understand, though you are introduced to the main male character in book one, Sweet Surrender.

  Sweet Sin is a dark mafia romance, and has content some might find triggering, such as graphic violence/murder, sexually explicit scenes, domestic abuse, profanity, and cheating/OP drama. If you have triggers, this may not be suitable for you.

  This is not a safe romance. If any of the above bothers you, you may want to avoid this one.

  Reader discretion advised.

  I’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  A predator living amongst his prey, acting as if someone’s out to get me, too.

  Hoping that the blood between my teeth can be forgotten, the stains of the lives lost at my claws erased. Fighting back against the rigid rules of a society that’s only ever sought my submission.

  Crime and violence pump through my veins, the single defining purpose of my life for the last decade—hell, maybe even longer than that. It’s hard to believe my villainy began only when I started being paid to do it.

  No, the wolf lives inside me, hiding out during the day and pretending the townspeople don’t know the truth. Pretending they can’t see the ghost of Death himself in my shadow, following me around like a curse I’m powerless against.

  In fact, it’s not a curse. Not in my line of work.

  It’s a blessing.

  The beast doesn’t wither under pressure, doesn’t give in when faced with adversity. His bloodlust is insatiable, his appetite for agony unhinged and unconquerable.

  No matter how many times I try to run away, try to deny myself the release that comes from life escaping this earth, it lies there waiting for me to return. To welcome the perverse darkness that calls my body home.


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