Four Bonds

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Four Bonds Page 13

by Kelsey Soliz

  “Well if you’re planning on getting a tiny bit drunk, you’ll probably need more than that drink there. I’ll be right back.”

  Maalik left for a few minutes and came back carrying a bottle of tequila and a few shotglasses, along with some lime slices and a salt shaker.

  “I bought some shot glasses, but they’re a little superfluous.”

  “You want me to drink straight from the bottle? That seems a little icky.”

  “No, Isla. I’m talking body shots.”

  “Okay, I’m listening. How does one do such a thing?”

  Maalik pulled me off the hammock as I slang back the rest of my drink, then he laid me down on the sand.

  “Okay babe, I’m going to need you to lay real still. You ready?”

  I stared up at him, heat flushing through my cheeks at the implications of what was about to happen. He filled my belly button with the liquor, then sprinkled the salt on my chest and placed the lime wedge in my mouth. Once that was done, Atticus came up next to me and made quick work of the set up- slurping the cool liquid, licking off the salt, then kissing me to pick up the lime with his mouth. In other words, sexy as shit.

  Atticus set it up for Maalik next and by the time he was done I was getting really turned on but was nowhere closer to being tipsy.

  “Okay, I’m not trying to discourage any of you from putting your mouth on me, that was, um, yeah. I’m down for the body shots. It’s not helping me with the whole ‘get a tiny bit drunk’ thing though.”

  Declan grabbed the salt shaker, put a little on his chest and handed me a shot. Okay, this I could do. Licking my men and drinking at the same time seemed like an ideal honeymoon activity. At one point, somebody procured a speaker and when the music came on the party really got going. The guys did a good job of making sure my drink stayed replenished and lots of body licking was involved, with all of us.


  The next morning I woke up groggy as shit, head pounding but happy because I saw all four of my husbands curled around me. This was how I should be allowed to wake up every day. I realized I was naked, but I couldn’t remember if anything happened. Not that it really mattered, but I really wanted to remember my first time with all four of them.

  As I stirred, they all slowly woke up around me. They tried to convince me to go back to sleep but I was too anxious to get to the beach. I checked in with my dragon, something I had started getting in the habit of doing every morning, trying to get a feel for how she was doing. I wanted to be as prepared as possible when she decided to finally emerge.

  She greeted me but was content to just relax and continue sleeping. I sat up and tried to crawl over everyone, stumbling around and trying to find clothes. Definitely forgot they were on the other side of the house though so I opened the door to peek my head out, hoping none of the staff was around. I was rewarded with the welcome sight of a full pot of coffee and a tray on the table overflowing with pastries and fruit. Satisfied that no human sounds were coming from the house I walked across to where the other bedroom was to rifle through my suitcase that I never got around to unpacking.

  I felt a little gross from the salt water the night before so I jumped in the shower before searching out caffeine. Once I was finally dressed and I had combed my hair, I walked out to see my husbands all lounging around in their boxers drinking coffee.

  “Morning sunshine. How’s your head?”

  “Worth the hangover. I had fun last night.”

  “You were hilarious. Drunk Isla was fun.”

  “Am I not normally?”

  “Oh no, you are, but seeing you without any of your inhibitions was a treat.”

  “What did we even do last night? I can’t remember much past the dancing and body shots.”

  Declan looked up at me with a twinkle in his eye. “You don’t remember begging us to go skinny dipping?”

  “Is that why I was naked?” The guys all laughed at me, but I was still curious if anything else had gone down. “Because if I got too drunk for me to remember my first time with all of you I’m going to be a little irritated with myself.”

  “You’re thinking about taking all of us?” Lander perked his ears up and straightened up his posture, looking at me with all the interest of a scientist studying his favorite specimen.

  “Okay, so I didn’t miss it. Good. Anything I need to be embarrassed about?”

  “Not unless you consider making us hold you off that giant rock that’s out there while you sang ‘my heart will go on’ to be embarassing.”

  “Nah, I’ve done worse.”

  “Ok, I’m listening.”

  “Nope, sorry, not going to be that easy. Anyway, everyone sleep okay?”

  Atticus, ever the gentleman, came up to kiss my cheek and handed me a steaming mug of coffee.

  “Please tell me there’s more bikinis for today?” Lander looked so hopeful I had to giggle. I was kind of obligated to spend the day at the beach, right?

  “Feed me first.”

  The beach was even better in the sunshine, and every time we got a little too warm, we just jumped in the water and swam for a bit. The guys started a competition in the afternoon to see who could throw me the farthest in the water and after the third time being tossed through the air, my bikini bottoms finally gave out and went flying in the opposite direction as I wheeled towards the water. Declan was deemed the winner for being the one responsible.


  The next few days went by pretty quickly, spending our days pretty much either sneaking off for some alone time or else laying on the beach or swimming. The guys surprised me one day with jetski rentals, and we all had a blast just racing around. No one seemed to be pushing me into any sort of group sex situation, and even though I was interested for sure, I figured it might take me a little time to feel confident enough to really try it. I still wasn’t sold on the whole ‘they’re fine if we bang you in front of each other’ thing.

  The guys must have had a conversation involving this because they all just seemed way too good at finding moments to be alone with me. They respected each other’s space and it worked out that each of my husbands managed to wrangle some time with just me. My body was still getting used to the fact that multiple husbands meant multiple times a day, but it was so freeing to just be loved all the time and to feel so wholly accepted.

  I was shoring up my resolve to try and instigate something, though I was a little nervous to jump one of them while the others were nearby. I hadn’t made good on Maalik’s offer for taking his dare that first night, I wanted to wait for the opportune time. And get my courage in line to take what it was I wanted.

  When our honeymoon was about halfway over, I felt my dragon getting closer and closer to the surface. I didn’t feel like suppressing her just for her to completely take me over when I least expected it, so I had decided to ask for help because I felt ready to try and call her forward again. She was always present, keeping tabs on me and encouraging me to be close with our mates.

  When I woke up this morning, I found myself alone with only Atticus in bed, hearing the other guys’ voices nearby but probably outside already. It was warm here no matter what time of day. Stretching, I rolled over to admire Atticus’ sleeping form, his hair deliciously disheveled and his tattoos I love spreading over his chest. I had kept up with the whole ‘no shirts to bed’ rule (probably one of the best ideas I’d ever had) so I was treated to just seeing his skin wrapped in ink and on display for my perusal.

  I pulled myself closer to Atticus, wanting to trace over some of his ink and get a closer look. I knew he’d wake up soon regardless, so I wasn’t too worried about letting him sleep longer. As I allowed my fingers to start running around his skin, he grabbed my wrist and his eyes shot open, startling me a little. Without a word I was flat on my back with him looming over me, his eyes penetrating straight through mine. A certain part of him was way more awake then the rest of him as it pushed into my core through my tiny sleep shorts.

“Fuck Isla I just had this dream and damn if you weren’t the sexiest thing.”

  I smiled at him a little shyly, none of them had admitted to having dirty dreams about me and it turns out I was pretty turned on by it.

  “The things we were doing…baby I need you.”

  Atticus began kissing my neck hard enough to mark me, almost making me forget the information I wanted. “What exactly was going on in this dream?”

  “We were all together, watching a movie or something at our house, and I don’t even remember what started it. You were laying right up against me and Maalik started touching you. Soon I joined in and when my other brothers realized what was happening…we were all over you, filling you to the brim, covering you in our scent. The sounds you were making…shit. I need to taste you.”

  Atticus ripped the blanket away, peeling my shorts off and throwing them in nearly the same movement. I felt like I blinked and we were both naked. Well, I still had a tank top on but close enough. He spread my legs wide and stared at me for a moment before diving in, licking his lips as if trying to figure out where to start.

  Our bedroom door was wide open and I could definitely hear the other guys somewhat nearby, and I knew that all it would take for someone to get a free show would be something as simple as a coffee refill. Not used to having attention on me, I was still a little shy to put myself on display but Atticus was crazed talking about his dream and I realized how much it did for him.

  My eyelids fused shut as he began eating me out, spearing his tongue into me and sucking on my clit so hard I was seeing stars. If anyone had wandered in in the last few minutes I wouldn’t have known because all I could focus on was the pleasure being doled out from his mouth. He had his hands underneath my bottom, holding me in place while my hips wiggled around, unable to hold still.

  As soon as I shouted my release he pulled it out as long as he could but then crawled up me in another surprisingly swift move and thrust his cock inside me, so wet that it was making squelching noises. Not something I thought would be sexy, but as his body slammed into mine over and over, the wet sound seemed to drive him even harder.

  I was pretty much screaming by this point, chasing my next release that I could feel building to an almost uncomfortable height. I opened my eyes to meet Atticus’, loving how worshipfully they were trained on me. “You feel so fucking good, Isles. Can you imagine if I was here, doing this to you, and my brother was behind you?”

  I moaned more at the images he supplied, nervous at the idea of being penetrated there. “Will it hurt?”

  Atticus slowed down some, teasing me as my release was just pushed farther away. But feeling him inside my body was still incredible.

  “It might, at first. We would take care of you though Isla. I promise you we could make it feel good for you, amazing even. Two of us at one time, filling you that full? Don’t you want to know how that feels? Someone else filling your mouth, maybe between your breasts, tell me you want that. That dream…that was way too realistic and I am not going to be able to get those images out of my head. Of you completely at our mercy as we destroy you and make you scream over and over.”

  He punctuated his words with deep hip thrusts, finally pushing me over the edge as my brain tried to illustrate what he was outlining. He fell shortly after, I think his eyes might have crossed for a second when he did. Did I want that? That’s a big fat yes. I was just feeling a little shy still, but I could get over that for them. Right?

  Atticus slumped over me, pulling me on to my side as he wrapped his arms around me, our sweaty bodies rubbing together. I stared into his eyes, trying to gather courage to tell him how badly I wanted what he described.

  “I do want that.”

  Atticus looked a little shocked but his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas freaking morning.

  “You know that sex is still a pretty new thing for me, I’m still finding out what I enjoy and how to make you guys feel good. As often as we’re all making it happen, I feel like I’m getting a quick education of it but sometimes I still feel like the Isla that is shy and introverted. I’m a little nervous to start anything with all of you. I respect how much you have all been giving each other space to have one on one time with me, even if it’s just to take me on a hike. I really feel like our honeymoon has been amazing so far, having those private moments with all of you is something that I need.

  I am still new to the idea of you guys being on board with making love to me at the same time, I just don’t know how to get my nerves to relax enough to initiate it. I know you guys wouldn’t push me into that until I’m ready, and I’m incredibly grateful for that. I think I’ll be ready soon, but until then, I love you. Thank you for making me feel so sexy and wanted, I’ve never had anyone tell me I starred in their dirty dream before. You were really enjoying it, weren’t you? I feel bad for waking you up now!”

  He laughed and shook his head at me, brushing my hair out of his face as his hand went possessively down to my hip. “The dream was really good but doesn’t compare to real life with you. You have to know that all of us have been having dirty dreams of you for weeks. Especially before we got to marry you and really make you ours. Now that we have our bond in place? They’ve really amped up in intensity.”

  “I believe it. Everything has amped up since that happened. It’s crazy to find my release and then feel yours echo through the bond seconds later. Makes me feel bad for people that will never get to experience it, sex is on a whole new level now.”

  “Do you really think you’d be comfortable with all of us though, for serious? If not then we can keep up as is, but if you have any fears about it, rest assured we all live to make you happy and we would make you feel so damn good that you’d be feeling it through the next day.”

  A shiver ran down my spine, and my dragon perked her head up telling me to take what was mine.

  “Yeah, I do. I’m just kind of waiting for the right moment to feel comfortable enough to start something when we’re all together.”

  “Well no need to feel shy, we’re all married to you, we all know every inch of your body by this point. I guarantee you at least one of my brothers peeked in just now while we were otherwise engaged.”

  My face turned bright red at his words and I peered through the door, relieved when I didn’t see anyone but then I heard laughter and realized he was right.

  “It’s not that big of a house Isla and in our defense, you were really loud.”

  Lander didn’t seem even remotely apologetic. He seemed pretty damn smug, actually.

  “Hot as shit. Your face when he was licking you was something I’ll probably be touching myself to for weeks.”

  Great. So Maalik had seen too. I buried my face in Atticus’ chest and he soothed my hair but soon Declan was walking in and laying down behind me.

  “Nothing to be ashamed of sweetheart. We all see you and know how sexy you are, seeing you being pleasured by someone you love is really a huge turn on for us. Atticus is right, we aren’t going to push you into anything with all of us, but if you’re holding back on our account, don’t. We all want you in any way you’ll have us. And that dream he told you about sounds almost identical to the ones I’ve been having.”

  I rolled over to cuddle into Declan as Atticus propped his head on his hand and scooted closer to me, sandwiching me in tight. I exhaled and looked up at Declan, curious to see what would be on his face. All I saw was love and a total sense of comfort. There was no embarrassment, no jealousy, just love.

  “I’m getting there. This honeymoon is flying by way too fast now. I’m trying to count the days we’ve been here and I don’t know how we got halfway through already. I don’t want to go back and have to share you guys with the kingdom.”

  “We shouldn’t be too busy for awhile. Being newly married and bonded, my parents aren’t going to give us too many tasks. We’ll ease you into the lifestyle baby. You can be as involved with day to day life there as you want. Pretty sure the kingdom is goi
ng to put you on a pedestal for coming to our rescue, so we’ll probably get off kind of easy for the time being.”

  “Well that makes me a little less anxious about leaving this all behind then. I feel like I just got you all and I’m not really ready to share you. I know that sounds selfish, but I think I’m addicted to you all. I’ve spent 21 years ignored and I need to make up for that by soaking up every touch and moment with you guys I can. I do want to meet the people of our kingdom, I’d love to be involved but I think I will need to start slowly and find a rhythm that works for me.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do, okay?”

  “Do you guys think it’s weird I haven’t shifted yet? Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”

  “Does your dragon feel stressed out or anything? You haven’t been 21 all that long yet, sometimes it just takes awhile. Unless you feel like she’s hiding or being purposely evasive I wouldn’t worry. Did you want to maybe go find somewhere to try and bring her out later?”

  “Maybe, if nothing else I think I’d be reassured by checking in with her and offering her the reins. She definitely isn’t stressed out, she just seems lazy right now.”


  She didn’t enjoy me calling her lazy though, and I felt tingles run up my spine where the wings had appeared last week.

  “How private, exactly, is this Island?” I felt sweat instantly dot my forehead as I tried to control myself. “Ms. Diva is sensitive and is trying to teach me a lesson for calling her lazy.”

  Declan grabbed me and ran outside to the back where it faced the landscape instead of the water. I hadn’t seen anyone else around so I figured we were probably okay, but waiting for permission from them wasn’t going to happen. Ms. Diva was on a full-on rampage now, strutting around like she personally owned the whole damn island.

  Tingles once again ran up and down my limbs, and I could feel the bonds with my mates in place as they all gathered close and sent through encouragement. That was going to take some getting used to. We hadn’t been able to communicate telepathically yet, but I was hoping that was just because my dragon was taking her time to come out.


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