Liam's Lust

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Liam's Lust Page 4

by Haley Weir

  Liam sipped on his hot coffee. It warmed his throat as it went down, and he looked around the cafe again. His brother walked through the door in a pair of dark blue jeans and a t-shirt that stretched to conform to his muscular chest. He lifted his hand to get his brother’s attention.

  Mason walked over in a few long, determined strides. It was any wonder his brother had found a mate. He could certainly be intimidating, but Liam didn’t feel that way. Most of it was an act to impress the pack and their business associates, and the rest was just how Mason was. His growl was worse than his bite.

  He slid into the booth across from Liam and ordered himself a black coffee and a cherry-filled pastry. He stretched his arm out along the back of the booth and turning his attention to Liam. He got right down to business.

  “When I went there, I screwed up. I broke some of their rules. I’m lucky they were lenient, but I’m sure they were because of Ava,” Mason said simply.

  “Rules? What rules? How did you screw up?” Liam asked.

  “This stays between you and me, little brother, okay?” At Liam’s nod, he continued. “Ava was going to work for them. We talked in the waiting room, and I felt something I’d never experienced before. My bear reacted to her. She was special, and I knew it right away. I didn’t get a chance to ask for her number before she was led back. During my first appointment, I asked about her. She told that it was against the rules for employees to date clients. I was stupid and arrogant. I asked to speak with a manager, made a deal with her not to hire Ava, and to get her matched with me. With Dad threatening to demote me and knowing she felt right to my bear, I had to take the chance. It wasn’t the best decision I’ve ever made. When I found out that Ava was having financial difficulties and needed the job, I contacted the manager. She’d said the damage was already done. Ms. Prince became involved, and she told Ava that the manager I spoke with no longer worked for her, and that they had every right to cut ties with me completely.” He shrugged. “Ava told her not to, and when I finally had a chance to speak with Ava again, we worked things out. I haven’t needed to deal with Ms. Prince after that, so it was a surprise to hear you mention her.”

  Liam stared at his brother, unsure of what to say. This was rather shocking news. He let out a breath and shook his head. “Wow. I see what you mean. Why didn’t you tell me before about what happened?”

  Mason opened his mouth to respond, but he stopped when the waitress put his coffee and pastry down on the table in front of him with a smile. He nodded his thanks to her. Once she walked away, he continued talking, “what was I supposed to say? I’d been an ass, nearly lost my mate after finding her, but hey, it all worked out in the end?” he shook his head. “I was ashamed of myself. But tell me more about what happened with you. You said Ms. Prince treated you well and you’ve already found a match?”

  His older brother had a point. The way he’d met his mate was not easy, and he didn’t blame him for not wanting to discuss the details. “Ms. Prince was nice, thorough. There’s something different about her, isn’t there?” he said, and shrugged his suspicions away. It didn’t matter, especially since he was anxious to talk about date ideas. In his last relationship, they were pretty casual when it came to dates. “I was told it might take a few days, but yeah, I received the email a few minutes before I called you.” There wasn’t a reason to hold back now. “I met the woman I was matched with in the waiting room. We talked while we both waited for our appointments. She was beautiful, and really great to talk to. I didn’t want our conversation to end. Her name is Olivia Tyson.” He shifted in the booth. “My bear reacted to her as well, so I want to impress her. I’m not sure what to do. Cindy and I didn’t put a lot of effort into dates.”

  Mason gave him a lopsided grin. “You want a date that’ll make your potential mate come crawling back for more? You’ve come to the right person.”

  Chapter Seven

  While Sophie did what she could to make Olivia feel better about what happened last night, it was hard not to think about the things that Jared said to her. All day at the office, she could not concentrate. Throughout the meetings and reading over the growing stack of emails that she kept putting off, she couldn’t get out of her own head.

  She checked her phone to see what time it was, but the device started ringing in her hand. “Hello?”

  “Hello, is this Ms. Tyson? This is Kimberly from Prince Dating Agency,” Kim said, sounding enthusiastic.

  “Hi Kimberly. Yes, this is Olivia.”

  “I have some great news for you,” Kim said. “We’ve found your match. I’ll be sending over an email to you shortly, but I wanted to tell you the news. I’ve received the time and place of where you’ll be meeting your match. His name is Liam Sinclair. It’s important to relax and have a good time. I’ll also include a few tips on making the most of the date inside the email. Remember, if you have any questions at all, feel free to call or reply to the email. Don’t feel like you’re alone in this. I’m here to help you in whatever way you might need.” Olivia’s mouth dropped open for a moment, then she closed it again as one of her co-workers walked by her glass door. She didn’t want to look shocked while at the office, even if a couple people had asked her if she was feeling alright. Had she looked that bad today? “Ms. Tyson? Are you still there? It’s exciting, isn’t it?” Kimberly asked with a soft giggle.

  Olivia finally made her mouth start working again. “Yes, sorry. I’m just surprised. I didn’t expect the good news to come so soon. I’ll be on the lookout for the email. When and where was the date supposed to be, did you say?”

  “I’m glad you asked. I got sidetracked. It will be tonight at eight o’clock at the marina. The note I received said to bring along a swimsuit if you feel inclined. I’m guessing it will be worth taking one along.”

  Her eyes widened, and she turned toward the window behind her overlooking the expansive parking lot and the rest of the city. “Wow. I didn’t know it would be so soon.” That gave her another reason to get home as soon as she could. “Can’t it be delayed a little?”

  “I’m sorry, but it’s important to be there if at all possible. I mentioned this during our meeting, remember? It’s part of the process,” she explained.

  “Right. I apologize. Is the date formal? Casual? A pool party?” she joked. She grabbed the notepad from beside her keyboard and started making a list of everything she’d need to do before tonight.

  “No need to apologize. It’s okay.” Kim clicked and typed a few times before answering, “The dress code is formal attire. Something like a little black dress would be perfect.”

  “Thank you. I look forward to reading the email.” Olivia felt her nerves bundle up in her stomach. It was true. She was anxious to read it, but it also meant she would find out who this Liam Sinclair guy was. Would he be like the others? Like Jared?

  “I’ll send it right over. Have a lovely date!” Kimberly said, then she hung up.

  Olivia wrapped her arms around her stomach, feeling like a boa constrictor was coiling up within her belly. She instantly opened the email when it showed up in her mailbox. Her gaze skimmed the contents, which basically told her what she’d already been told, as well as a few dating tip items. Stuff that was pretty much common sense. She nearly dropped her phone when she saw a photograph of her match. The man from the waiting room? Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. Meeting him had felt so right. Did he know she was his match too? What did he have planned? And why the swimsuit?

  After she sent off a quick email to her co-workers that she needed to leave for the day and she would see them tomorrow, she collected her belongings and left the office.. Now she needed to wrack her brain to figure out what she was going to wear. He’d already seen her in the blue dress, not that she ever wanted to wear it again after what Jared said at the restaurant.

  She drove home, thinking about what the evening might be like the whole way there. They were meeting at a marina? Maybe that was just as well. She didn’t wan
t to have flashbacks to her dinner date with Jared.

  * * *

  The marina was beside a fancy restaurant that she’d never been to, so it was pretty easy to find. She parked her car in the lot and sat there for a few moments. Her bikini was bunched up in her purse.

  She chose a black dress that hugged her curves and clung a little tighter to her figure than she remembered. It had a sweeping neckline, but didn’t show off her assets too much. She went to lick her lips, but stopped herself because she didn’t want to mess up her lipstick.

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and she took a few more deep breaths trying to keep herself calm. Everything was going to be fine. Liam seemed like a funny, nice guy. If their connection in the waiting room at Prince Dating Agency was any indication, this date would be better than many of the ones she had with Jared.

  She squeezed the steering wheel when his name popped into her head. It was stupid to think about him, especially right now. He was in her past; Liam could be her future. She needed to let herself let go and move forward.

  With one last forceful exhale, she sat up straight in the driver’s seat before stepping out of the car. On one of the docks at the marina, she saw Liam walking toward the parking lot. He was walking out to meet her halfway, although she was surprised that he could see her approaching from so far away. He grinned and lifted a hand to wave at her. He was dressed in a delicious tuxedo that, even from this distance, seemed perfectly tailored for his body.

  Olivia waved back to him and walked around the car. She kept her hands at her side, carrying her purse and her keys. She suddenly felt almost naked in her dress, especially as the grin slipped from his lips. When Liam came closer, she could see that his expression switched to something a little more primal as he raked his gaze over her body before staring into her eyes.

  “Good evening, Olivia. You look stunning.”

  “Good evening to you too. As I said before, you definitely know how to wear a suit,” she replied, genuinely happy to be here with him.

  “Thank you. Shall we?” Liam held out his arm to her, and she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow.

  “You already know my name, but it feels silly not to introduce myself. I’m Olivia Tyson,” she said, looking up at him.

  “I feel the same way. I was trying to decide whether or not to go there, but I’m glad you did. It’s good to be formally introduced. My name is Liam Sinclair.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Liam,” she giggled. “Again, that is.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. Again.”

  They made their way toward the dock. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when they stood in front of the biggest yacht there. Her mouth dropped open, and she looked over at him. She could not seem to form words, as if something was blocking the path between her brain and her lips.

  “This is my family’s yacht. It’s not completely mine, but it’s pretty incredible, huh?” he asked. When she still did not answer him, he continued. “I figured it might be nice to have dinner and soak in the Jacuzzi afterward. Just the two of us? Give us time to get to know one another and talk without having to deal with people.” He looked toward the man standing on the boat who held out his hand to help them across the gangplank. “Aside from the two people, Rodrigo and Becca, who will be assisting us, that is.”

  As Liam helped her across, she couldn’t help the amazement she felt when she looked around at the vastness of everything on the yacht. When she finally found her voice, she couldn’t hide how impressed she was. “This is amazing. I’ve never been on a yacht before. I wasn’t sure why I needed to bring my bathing suit before, but I can see why now.”

  Liam placed his hand softly on the middle of her back. “I’m glad. I was worried you might get the wrong idea, and while there are spare bathing suits here, I figured you would be more comfortable in your own.”

  Wearing someone else’s swimsuit would have been strange. She was glad for the advanced notice. “I’m guessing you’re going to be wearing a swimsuit too?” Her gaze slid down his body too as a blush warmed her skin. Did she really just ask that, and in front of Rodrigo?

  “It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t, would it?” A smirk slid across his lips, and he nodded to Rodrigo who walked them to a table that covered plates and champagne glasses with a bottle in a wine bucket.

  An attractive young woman stood next to the table and held out one chair for Olivia. “Good evening,” she greeted them. “If you need anything, please let me know.” When Olivia sat, Becca pushed her chair in and placed the napkin over her lap. The woman pulled Liam’s chair out for him too, then placed the napkin over his lap before pouring them glasses of champagne.

  The bottle looked expensive. Liam wasn’t just a “businessman”, not from what she witnessed now. Normal businessmen don’t typically have personal family yachts. She couldn’t wait to learn more about him.

  Becca lifted the lids on the dishes, and waited there a moment as Liam smiled to her. “Thank you, Becca. It looks delicious.”

  Olivia was yet again in awe of how yummy the fresh fish looked and smelled. “Yes, wow, thank you.” Her stomach growled, and she glanced up at Liam who was watching her with a soft grin on his face. She returned the smile and began eating.

  Chapter Eight

  Liam couldn’t take his eyes off of Olivia during dinner. Being with her and just talking felt so good, like they’d known each other longer than just this one night. She could feel it too. She had to. Her eyes sparkled in the candlelight, and if the table was not separating them, he would have leaned over and kissed her so many times now.

  The thought of seeing her in her swimsuit when the dress she wore already showcased how great her body was made him more eager to get into the Jacuzzi. His bear desperately wanted to feel skin-to-skin contact; to touch her and be close to her. He’d never had this reaction to Cindy. Maybe the two of them breaking up was for the best after all.

  Olivia looked out over the water as she sat back in her chair, sipping the champagne. They basked in the comfortable silence and enjoyed hearing the waves lap against the sides of the boat.

  “This is so peaceful,” she marveled. “I bet you and your family are out here a lot.”

  “As often as we can be. My family loves being on the water. Some of my fondest childhood memories are being out here with my brothers and my father.” He pushed back his chair and stood up. “Are you ready to check out the Jacuzzi? Or do you need some more time? I have all night, and I’m happy to spend it in whatever way you’d like to,” he said.

  “Seeing you in swim trunks? I’m ready for that.” She giggled, and the sound was beautiful, just like her.

  “Oh? Okay then. What if I was going to break out a Speedo? Maybe I prefer thongs?” His signature mischievous grin spread across his lips, and her blush intensified a little. “I’m kidding. I have swim trunks. Although, I’m sure I could find a Speedo, if that’s what you were hoping for.”

  “N-no, I mean, unless you want to wear something like that. I don’t judge!” She stood with him and picked up her purse. “Is there someplace for me to change? I didn’t think o wear my swimwear beneath my clothes.”

  He nodded his head. “There are plenty of rooms here to change in,” he assured her. “Right this way.” He lead her toward one of the spare bedrooms before opening the door. “The Jacuzzi is on the next deck up. You can go on up if you want, but I’ll be back shortly if you decide to wait.”

  She looked up toward the ceiling, then back at him. “I think I’ll wait for you. I wouldn’t want to get lost on my way there. I might never be found again with how big this place is,” she laughed nervously.

  He couldn’t blame her. It had been pretty overwhelming when he was a kid, but it gave him and his brothers plenty of places to play hide and seek. Not that his parents loved them hiding and getting into things.

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” In no time, he changed into his swim trunks and was back to fetch Olivia. The door
was still closed, but it opened as he raised his hand to knock.

  “Hi,” she breathed.

  The blue and gold bikini left little to the imagination. He took in her figure as he stood there with his hand still up. He stammered over his words, trying to regain his composure. “You’re very beautiful. That bikini...” he forced himself to return his attention to her eyes. “It’s really nice.”

  Olivia gave him a shy grin and shrugged. “I liked the colors.” She held out her hand toward him, and he caught her drink him in as well. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one interested in objectifying the other. He was relieved, because he didn’t want seem too eager or like he expected anything sexual during the first date.

  “The blue goes well with your eyes, but I’m sure you knew that already.” He brushed his thumb over her cheek as he looked into her eyes, captivated by them. She placed her small hand over his, her touch warm. The beast liked her from the moment they saw her in the waiting room, but he knew right now that Olivia was his mate. There was no denying it.

  “I did,” she agreed. “But thank you.” She rose up on her tiptoes, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

  The caress caught him off-guard, and he drew her closer to him without thinking. If he wasn’t careful in these flimsy swim trunks, his cock might even get harder and put himself more on display for her than he wanted right now. He pulled back just enough so that their breath still mingled.

  “Maybe we should head to the Jacuzzi,” he said. He didn’t want her to think that he hadn’t enjoyed the kiss, but he also did not want to get carried away and scare her off.

  She slid her tongue over her lower lip and looked at him. “That’s a good idea. I hope I wasn’t too—”

  Liam shook his head. “No, not at all. I really enjoyed it.” He closed the distance between them again, kissing her once more to prove his point before pulling back again.


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