Defend Her: A military suspense romance (Aussie Military Romance Book 4)

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Defend Her: A military suspense romance (Aussie Military Romance Book 4) Page 13

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  “Are you okay, babe? Do you need water, pain killers, another pillow?”

  “No, it only hurts when I breathe” she laughed.

  “We will get him—I promise you we’ll neutralize the risk.”

  “What if it’s not him or if he’s not alone?”

  “I haven’t shared all the intel with you, but I promise you the risk is like a house of cards. When we take him out, the risk goes away.”

  “What do you mean, the risk goes away?” Anastacia asked the one question he wished she wouldn’t.

  “Babe, you’ll never have to fear him again and once you’re safe, we can have any conversation you want.”

  Vaughan: Doug said we should talk

  Ed: We’ve located him.

  Vaughan: Plan?

  Ed: Needs him to come back to Australia to execute

  Vaughan: Trap?

  Ed: Set and baited

  Almost immediately, his phone rang. “Sir, there’s not much else I can say.”

  “Sounds like it should be over soon.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Time for me to ask you, man-to-man, what are your intentions towards my daughter?”

  Ed didn’t bother hiding his snigger, “I think the question is, what are her intensions for me? Right now, this whole security stuff is killing us.”

  “Your ex-girlfriends didn’t change her mind about you?”

  “Other than stoke her jealous streak—she’s got quite a temper on her.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t know how passing her around your exes was going to make her happy.”

  “It wasn’t about making her happy, but at least it kept her safe while we set the trap.”

  “She’s that mad?”

  “I distract her by letting her beat me at crosswords,” he laughed. “I never thought they could be a competitive sport.”

  “Staci can make anything a competition. Well, keep me briefed and if there’s anything I can do …”

  “Defending Anastacia or dating her?”

  “I’ve had time to get over myself. Keep her safe and you’ll have my blessings.”


  Trapped inside Ed’s apartment, surrounded by his friends, his team, his furniture—Anastacia couldn’t keep control over her emotions. All the yoga breathing lessons from Breeze were wasted as they reminded her of how many women had loved Ed before she’d even met him. Women who were willing to put their own lives on hold or at risk for a man years after they’d broken up.

  Now that they’d found Hudson, the end of this crazy living arrangement was about to come to an end and not knowing what was going to happen fueled unhealthy thoughts.

  Tempted to flirt with Jax and Vinn who seemed to almost live in the spare room, Ed called her out.

  “Don’t do that—they don’t deserve it.”

  “I didn’t do anything?”

  “The eyes, flick of the hair, you know exactly what you’re doing.”

  “What is it to you?”

  “Talk to me,” he pleaded, pulling her back into his room. “We are fine each morning, but it’s like you leave your room and flick a switch.”

  “Why did you break up with Brynne?”

  She saw how much the question floored Ed, “Here’s the deal. I don’t talk about personal shit. Ever.”

  “None of them would talk about you.”

  “That’s their decision, and I respect them for it.”

  “But most of them are friends, how does that even work? Was I on trial to see if I was good enough to join their precious club?” Anastacia couldn’t help screaming.

  “Shh, baby, shh,” Ed soothed, with one body hug he calmed her nerves. “Once upon a time I cared about them, but we all moved on, most of them have found husbands who are good men.”

  “I hate this,” she pummeled his chest in frustration. “The moment this is over, you’ll lose a client and I’ll lose so much more.”

  “You know I can’t even think of you that way—it’s for your own protection.”

  “The guys here know—each one of them has taken the time to tell me not to give up.”

  “What?” That shocked him.

  “The women I stayed with, even though I stuck with the story of being the sister of a friend, none of them believed it.”

  “Wait, go back—the guys know?”

  “Of course, they know.” The guy was absolutely clueless! “Apparently you’re different around me, that they’ve never seen you plan more carefully for any mission, thinking of every possible contingency.”

  “I have to keep you all safe, and I can’t let my feelings get in the way of doing my job.”

  “They get that. Each one of them trusts you but I’m still here alone, feeling like I’m nothing more than a client.”

  “Babe,” he murmured into her hair, but resisting her lips “You are so much more than just a client.”

  “Then, prove it. My father knows, the guys know. Like I said before, we’re living together but never even had a date.”

  “You want a date?”

  “Before you pull the trigger on whatever is going to happen—I want one perfect date. Don’t you think I deserve it?”

  “Spider,” Ed dragged her out into the living room, holding her hand for dear life.

  “Yeah, boss! Oh, my!” Spider wooped it up when he saw the hand holding. “About bloody time.”

  “My lady here thinks that my secret is not really a secret.”

  “That you’ve stolen the heart of the only woman here? Nice going!”

  “No, you fool,” Ed smirked, hugging her into him. “That I’ve asked you all on a fool’s mission to get rid of the asshole that she used to be married to. That I’ve let the whole mess get personal and some of you might get hurt because I’ve let feelings dictate planning.”

  “Mate, I’ve worked with the best and I have to say, this op is fully sic. I’ve never seen anyone go over the plans so many times or bring together so many perspectives to critique, refine until its bloody perfect.”

  “But if anything goes wrong, it’s my emotions that have put you all at risk.”

  “Enjoy your woman—and for goodness sake—enjoy being happy. It’s bloody sickening watching you, Rip and Dougie go all gooey eyed over a woman. The rest of us can only dream.”

  “Well, my woman, if she’ll allow me to call her that,” Ed gushed as Anastacia’s heart melted. “Wants us to go on a first date, a real one. She seems to think we’ve rushed the whole living together thing ahead of true romance.”

  “So basically, you want the boys to protect you out in public, make sure that no one interrupts the magic and then what? Let you come back here alone for the night?”

  “When you say it like that, it’s a stupid crazy idea and scratch it.”

  Anastacia’s heart went from singing to sinking. “No, I want to go out. We’ve been safe here for a month and you said that you found Hudson. Where is he?”

  “In transit to Australia as best we know. He’ll be arriving tomorrow,” Spider started before being cut down by Ed.

  “If we are going to do this, it has to be tonight, but at the first sign of any danger, we pull the pin and fall back.”

  “What does that mean?” Anastacia couldn’t imagine being separated from Ed, not during their date.

  “It means that I’m going after the threat and the guys will cover you—get you to a place your father has set up.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Okay, I didn’t want to tell you yet, but you’re the bait we’re setting for Hudson. You’ll get a message from your father, and his people will come and take you into protection. Only your father and whoever he sends will know where you are. That way, if any of the rest of us get taken, you will still be safe.”

  “But, what about you, Jax? Spider?” she cried unable to believe these wonderful men could put their lives on the line for her.

  “Don’t worry about us, Ms Vaughan. You enjoy your evening, and we’ll see you on
the other side.”

  “Go and get ready,” Ed said, squeezing her hand. “It looks like I’ve got a first date to plan.”

  One of Ed’s exes had planted a short, red spandex dress in her bag—something she didn’t dare wear around the apartment. But on a date? That was another story. Her hair needed a cut, but the longer length kind of suited her face, and rather than wear it up, she allowed it to dry naturally around her face.

  She only had the makeup gifted by Ed’s neighbor—the eyeshadow was a little darker than she usually wore but the eyeliner and false lashes worked a treat. Her high heels from the ball were the only going out shoes, and while they made the dress seem shorter, if her intention was to get Ed’s full attention, they should work.

  The last thing she expected was for Ed to put back on the same tuxedo he’d worn their first night.

  “Wow,” she gasped, leaving her room. She heard Spider whistle in the background as he answered the door to Jax and Reith who’d be providing protection for the evening. “You look exactly the same as I remember.”

  “You’ve picked a shorter gown this evening!”

  “I don’t know whether I should be thanking Brynne or Mackenzie for this one,” she looked at him, pointedly.

  “Not Brynne’s style, and if it was Mackenzie, she never wore something like that for me. You are an absolutely gorgeous original and I’d prefer if we don’t talk about your exes or mine for the next twelve hours.”

  “Is that how long our date is going to be? Twelve hours?”

  “Well, three hours for the most delicious meal you’ve ever tasted, perhaps a short walk around Darling Harbour and around the Sydney Opera House, and then back here for one or two hours of the conversation you keep telling me we should have.”

  Jax snorted, “Is that what you call it these days? I’m so getting too old for this shit. Staci, you are possibly the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen and if this old bastard gives you a hard time, then come back to me and I’ll show you what a real first date should be.”

  “Staci is it! How does he get to call you Staci when I can’t?” Ed scowled and Anastacia couldn’t work out if he was truly offended, or maybe a little jealous.

  “All of the guys call me Staci—when you’re not around. You’re the only one who never asked.”

  “I never thought I’d have to.”

  “Then how about we go on this one perfect date, and you can call me anything you want.”

  Over the wolf-whistles from the guys, Anastacia took one last look in the mirror. If this was to be their last time together—at least until this awful nightmare was over—then she looked as good as could be. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself before going back to join Ed. It felt strange, so many people knowing how this date would end, and yet comforting that they were all on the side of a love story.

  Perhaps they’d seen the video of her attack, she’d found a copy on the laptop in a hidden directory and watched it. It had been surreal, watching blow after blow to her body when she couldn’t remember. Or perhaps they’d watched the videos that Hudson made.

  Or perhaps they saw two people falling in love and just wanted to help. Whatever the reason, Anastacia had asked for this night, and Lieutenant Colonel Edison Alexander was about to deliver.

  “Ready?” she asked, walking out with eyes only for her man.


  Vinn met them downstairs, with a blanket to throw over Anastacia who had to crouch down behind the front seats.

  “My hair,” she half complained.

  “Any chatter?” Ed asked Vinn.

  “Nothing, the subject is still in transit and no local signs. I’ve got one of my men already stationed at the restaurant.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “Used to work with Doug and Rip before he got injured. Damon Mackenzie.”

  “Mack? Heard he got himself blown up.”

  “Yeah, now he’s part time Defence and part time working with me. He’s one of the best I’ve seen at surveillance—apparently no one notices a guy in a wheelchair.”

  “Is he carrying?”

  “We all are—except you.”

  “Don’t be so sure of that.” Anastacia saw Ed open his jacket to show off a small handgun and then throwing knives strapped to his legs. “From the moment we get there, I’m trusting you guys to have my back.”

  “Don’t worry. That brother of yours got you a private dining room at Pedro’s. Not the one on Sydney Harbour—that was too risky. But the original Pedro’s in the city.”

  “How do we do the walk along Darling Harbour, then?” Anastacia asked—for some reason, Ed wanted a romantic walk with the moonlight reflected off the water.

  “As soon as you order coffees, we’ll have two cars doing laps around the restaurant. If we see anything out of the ordinary, we’ll pull you out. But if things are sweet, then you’ll get the night you both deserve.”

  “I don’t know about my man here,” Anastacia mocked. “But I deserve the bestest first date in history.”

  “Here’s to that!”

  “Ms Vaughan, you can take your seat now, we have ETA of five minutes,” Vinn said after Anastacia felt like throwing up from all the jostling.

  “You okay, babe?” Ed helped her into the seat. “You look pale.”

  “Let’s just say that you owe me a sled ride or horse drawn carriage after that!” she tried to laugh but it got stuck in her throat. What if Hudson’s guys found them and someone got hurt just because she wanted a date. How selfish and ridiculous could she have been, but it was too late to change her mind.

  “These guys are professional, treat this as a trial run of everyone working together in the field for the first time. We are going to a restaurant.”

  The car pulled to a stop and she watched Ed and Vinn look up and down the streets with practiced eyes.

  “All good?” Vinn spoke into his wrist.

  “Check. Tell the boss to treat his woman like gold or she’ll find someone who will.” Anastacia smiled at Jax’ joke.

  “Come on, unless you want to trade me in already,” Ed said, helping her out. “Keep between me and the café, walk straight and don’t look around.”

  “I think you and your friends are doing enough of that.” She saw Vinn nod to another gorgeous guy sipping coffee from across the road. Only after he half raised his cup did she notice the wheelchair. “Your friend?”

  “Mack, one of the fiercest in the field. Apparently he’s just as fierce on the wheelchair rugby field and building quite a reputation in security.”

  “Can’t wait to meet him,” she quipped. Oh, even from across the road, those eyes and abs could cut glass.

  “Careful, I’ve seen your jealous side, but you haven’t seen mine,” Ed warned. As if they’d done it a thousand times, Ed’s arm in the small of her back escorted her into the darkened restaurant.

  “Mr. Alexander!”

  “That would be my brother, please call me, Ed.”

  “Ed, your brother asked me to look after you this evening. I am so blessed to work back in my original restaurant.”

  “Thank you for indulging my friend and I.”

  “Any friend, or brother of Mr. Alexander, is a welcome guest of mine. Please, your table is set up in the back and I am to understand that we may have more diners in the front?”

  “Thanks, Anastacia, this is Pedro. His restaurants are an institution in Sydney and we are most honored to eat at the original Pedro’s.”

  “Ms Anastacia, it is a pleasure,” the old Italian kissed her hand. “Whatever I can do to make this evening special for you both, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Thank you, but please call me Staci.” She threw a look to Ed. “Only Ed calls me Anastacia!”

  “Something I’d like to change.”

  Ed looked around and then pressed her forward. “Let’s move to the back.”

  Jax and Reith had already walked in as if they were any other customers. Not even a glance towards them
or an acknowledgement of recognition.

  “Ms Staci?” Pedro led the way and Anastacia was immediately taken to Rome. The dark wood décor, the oil paintings lining the wall, even the chunky cutlery and old-style white plates on the table.

  “I assume you have Chianti?” she asked.

  “Of course, unless you would like something more refined?”

  “I trust you—whatever you think goes with each dish,” Anastacia was willing to be swept away in the moment—every moment of this precious night.

  “Babe,” Ed offered to pull out her seat. “Did I tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous?”

  “If you did, I’ve forgotten so tell me again!” she teased.

  Pedro, bless him, bought out dish after dish that could be eaten with one hand. Even the veal scallopini had been sliced so all they needed was a fork. Sharing each plate, Anastacia had never felt so intimately connected to another person.

  “Are you ready for dessert?” Ed sat back as far as he could without letting go of her hand.

  “I’ve been ready since before we left home.”

  “About that—those three rooms are going to seem lonely once this is all over and Jax rediscovers his own place.”

  “You mean he isn’t going to live with us?” she quipped. “What a shame, I’m still to see him fresh from the gym, or the shower!”

  “Watch it!” Ed suckled her finger until she groaned. Oh, dessert and coffee couldn’t come soon enough. “Let’s focus on the ‘living with us’ part of what you said. Do you want to?”

  “Well, technically I’m homeless. World travelling ‘princess’ returns to Australia and has to move in with daddy. At least until I find a job, and an apartment of my own.”

  “You already have a home, with me.”

  “Really? I mean, this has been fun, but don’t you want me to move out and we can date, see if we would work under no pressure?”

  “Is there really anything about me that you don’t know but want to?” he asked. “Tonight’s your chance. Ask me anything and I promise to answer fully and honestly.”

  “No matter what or who it’s about?” There were still one thousand questions she had about his ex-girlfriends.


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