Planet of the Valkyries

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Planet of the Valkyries Page 1

by Callista Hawkes

  Planet of the Valkyries

  A Sci-Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

  By Callista J. Hawkes

  Follow me on Twitter @CallistaJHawkes

  Text Copyright © 2018 Callista J. Hawkes

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any format, electronic or otherwise without prior written permission.

  Cover photo:

  © Syda Productions / (Model)

  © Mik3812345 / (Background)

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. All persons portrayed in this eBook are 18 years of age or older.

  This eBook contains sexually explicit situations and terms and is intended for a mature audience only.


  As a choose your own Erotic story, this book contains multiple paths leading to several different endings. At the end of each section, you will generally be given two or more choices. To progress, simply select your preferred option to continue the story. (No need for the page-flicking back and forth of similar books of yesteryear!) When you reach an ending, you can either skip back to the previous choice or choose to go to the chapter menu. Here you can start the story from the very beginning and enjoy an alternative path through the whole story, or skip to a later section to see how events might play out differently.

  “Running out of time.” You mutter grimly as you pilot the shuttle down through the atmosphere of Dante III, the haze giving way to the black volcanic surface below. Thick smoke is venting through great rifts while geysers of lava, aided by the low gravitational pull of the planet, spout hundreds of metres into the air.

  “Dante III research station, this is Commander Kyle Chase of the United Earth Ship Ranger.” You speak into your headset. “Come in please.”

  “This is Doctor Howard” Comes the reply, his voice distorted by transmission interference. “Good to hear your voice, Commander and not a moment too soon! We are both ready for immediate evacuation.”

  “Understood.” You reply. “I’m nearly there, Doctor. Hold on.” You can see the white modular outline of the research station on the side of the mountain, the octagonal shape of the landing pad separated by a narrow open walkway to one side. Lava streams down the blackened craggy slopes of the mountain, glowing a bright orangey red. The streams of magma are widening by the moment, becoming wide rivers. You watch in horror as the lava burns through the struts of one section of the station, the cylindrical module tearing away and sinking into the molten lava.

  “Doctor?” You ask, your voice cracking with emotion. No answer, just the crackle of static. Your heart sinks as you fear the worst and prepare to abort your landing.

  “Still here, Commander.” Comes the eventual reply. You breathe a sigh of relief. “And so is Doctor Darsis. Neither of us were in that compartment thankfully, but please hurry!”

  “Stand by.” You reply as you approach the landing pad. Knowing you don’t have a moment to lose, you swing the shuttle around in a tight arc and set it down with a jarring thump. You scramble from your seat and pull on a protective mask before stepping out of the shuttle. At ground level, things look even worse. A hellish landscape of fire and brimstone with the harsh odour of sulphur filling the air. The mouth of the volcano high above belches thick black smoke and you can feel the heat from the lava flowing past what remains of the research station. Knowing you need to move swiftly, you hurry along the narrow walkway and into the enclosed modular base. The two scientists are waiting just inside. A white haired human man stands with a consoling arm around a younger Talosian woman. Her smooth and youthful crimson skin contrasts with his pallid lined face and you guess she is at least half his age.

  “Need a ride?” You grin, pulling your mask down.

  “We most certainly do.” The man replies. “And a great pleasure to meet you, Commander.”

  “Likewise doctor, but the pleasantries had better wait.” You tell him tersely. “We need to evacuate immediately and get you both to safety.”

  “Of course.” He nods as you usher them both towards the door behind you. They both pull on goggles and masks and move towards you. Doctor Howard abruptly halts, his eyes widening.

  “My notes!” He gasps pulling his mask off before turning and dashing back across the room, the door to the next module sliding open as he darts through it.

  “No!” You call out, but the door has already slid shut behind him. “We have no time.” You growl at Doctor Darsis. “This whole station could drop into the lava at any moment.”

  “His life’s work is in that laboratory.” Doctor Darsis tells you, her voice muffled by the mask. “Just give him a moment!”

  Abandon Doctor Howard

  Find him

  “Goddamn it!” You growl, stepping across the room. “Wait here and I’ll go and get the old fool.” The door slides open and your eyes widen at the sight before you. Half the laboratory has been melted away and thick fumes fill the room. You pull your mask back on and peer through the smoke. Doctor Howard is lying inert on his back, a thick file of notes still clenched in his hand. Stooping next to him, you place your fingers on his neck and find a faint pulse. Tucking his notes under your arm, you grasp his wrists and drag him back towards the door. It slides open and you pull him back into the next compartment.

  “Oh no!” Doctor Darsis cries out, dropping to her knees next to him.

  “He’s still with us.” You tell her, your voice muffled by your mask. “Carry this damn file and I’ll carry him.” She nods and pulls her goggles and mask back on before taking the precious file of notes from you. You drag him outside, Doctor Darsis gasping when she sees the river of lava moving slowly past the research station. You haul the unconscious scientist over your shoulder and stagger forward onto the narrow walkway, Doctor Darsis following behind you. As you glance over the edge of the walkway, you can see the molten lava surrounding the narrow struts holding the landing pad up. Your heart thumps in your chest as you realise you have perhaps just moments before the landing pad and shuttle drop into the lava. The walkway trembles underfoot and you hear a muffled scream of fear behind you. Weighed down by the dead weight of Doctor Howard, you swing awkwardly around. A geyser of lava must have erupted beneath the walkway and melted through it leaving only the molten edges. Doctor Darsis is on the far side of the gap and it looks too far for her to jump. Her fearful eyes gaze across at you before she tugs her mask down.

  “Go!” She tells you, tears running from her yellow eyes. “Save yourself before it’s too late.”

  Abandon her

  Attempt to save her

  “I’m not leaving you.” You tell her firmly. “No one’s going to die today.” She nods and wipes away the tears with the back of her hand, smearing the soot across her cheeks. The heat radiating up from the rivers of lava all around you is overbearing. Your body is drenched with sweat and your uniform clings uncomfortably to your skin.

  “But how?” Doctor Darsis calls across the gap. “I can’t make that jump!”

  Tell her to jump and promise you’ll catch her

  Take off in the shuttle and hover over her end of the walkway

  “Wait there.” You call back. “I’ll take off in the shuttle and hover next to you with the door open. Just jump in and we can get the hell out of here.” Doctor Darsis nods and you turn, struggling under the weight of the unconscious Doctor Howard as you cross the remaining length of walkway which trembles and groans alarmingly. As you climb aboard the shuttle, you drop the elderly scientist to the floor and slip into the pilot’s seat. The hum of the engines rapidly builds as it lifts slowly into the air. You grit your teeth as you gently manoeuvre the
bulky shuttle closer to the base and the solitary figure of Doctor Darsis. Silhouetted against the glowing lava, she looks utterly vulnerable. You can feel a bead of sweat running down your forehead as you move closer to the modular compartments of the station, conscious that you need to be close enough for the scientist to step aboard, while not clipping the base itself and sending the shuttle smashing into the building or careering into the lava. Satisfied that you are close enough, you open the door.

  “Now doctor, quickly!” You shout. You hear a grunt of effort as she throws herself through the open door, clambering to her feet and scrambling into the seat alongside you. “Welcome aboard.” You grin as you swing the shuttle around and fire the thrusters, propelling you up into the dark, ash filled sky.

  “Thank you.” She gushes just as the shuttle suddenly judders, warning sirens screaming for attention.

  “Starboard engine is offline!” You gasp, staring incredulously at the schematic on the screen before you, the starboard engine flashing red. “Shit, one of those lava geysers must have hit us!” The shuttle vibrates as you fight for control, but the vessel begins to spin wildly. “I’m losing her, I’m losing her! Brace for impact!” Doctor Darsis screams in terror as you both hold on tightly to the console before you. The view through the cockpit window alternates between the blackened sky and the glowing orangey red surface in a blurred and dizzying kaleidoscope before you plunge into the lava and are thrown from your seats. Your eyes widen as you watch the glowing magma swiftly melt through the cockpit window and slowly seep down over the console, melting through it in a mass of sparks and fumes. You both scramble towards the back of the shuttle as the lights flicker and go out. The only light left is the dull glow of the lava as it relentlessly eats up the space between you, the shuttle interior now feeling like a furnace. Doctor Darsis quietly sobs as you both resign yourselves to the inevitable. As the acrid fumes fill your lungs, you pray they overcome you before the lava reaches you...


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “We can’t wait.” You reply, grasping Doctor Darsis’s hand and pulling her through the door to the landing pad. She objects vehemently and struggles as you pull her through the door, but once she sees the rivers of lava she reluctantly follows you across the narrow walkway to the landing pad. As the shuttle door opens, you cast one last glance back at the research station in case Doctor Howard had returned, but there is no sign of the elderly scientist. You close the doors and pull off your mask.

  “Strap yourself in.” You tell Doctor Darsis as you slip into the pilot’s chair and activate the engines. She does so as the engine hum builds and you rise steadily into the air above the landing pad. You pull back on the joystick and fire the thrusters, the tiny vessel propelled into the blackened burning sky.

  As you pierce the atmosphere and the haze clears to the inky black of space, you finally relax before casting a guilty glance across at your companion. She has removed her mask and goggles and glowers back at you.

  “I’m sorry.” You tell her. “He left me no choice.”

  “That man was like a father to me!” She tells you, her yellow eyes blazing. “How could you?”

  “If we’d have waited, we’d probably all be dead.” You tell her firmly.

  “You coward!” She snaps, her arm lashing out as she slaps you across the face. You blink in surprise, your cheek burning from the blow. She turns away from you and gazes out into the inky black of space and doesn’t say another word until you reach the Ranger.

  You escort the sullen scientist to the sickbay to have her checked out before making your way to the captain to make your report.

  “So you had no choice but to leave Doctor Howard behind.” Captain Madison sighs from behind her desk in her office. She is dressed in the same uniform as you are: A black jacket with the insignia of the Galactic Navy on the chest and the individual rank on the light blue collar. The black trousers have a matching blue stripe down the outside, the ensemble completed with black boots. “Unfortunate, but I’m sure you made the right call.” She tells you, leaning back in her chair and brushing a lock of auburn hair from her left eye. “Not all missions can be successful and while you failed to extract Doctor Howard, at least Doctor Darsis was saved. Had you let bravado overcome good judgement, she and you may well have died too. You’re a fine first officer, Kyle, and I believe you’ll make a fine captain too one day.”

  “Thank you Captain.” You nod, appreciating her confidence in you while still feeling melancholy.

  “Get some rest and report back to me at oh eight-hundred.” She tells you. “We have new orders and our next mission will be the most important we’ve ever undertaken, so I need you fresh and alert, understood?”

  “Yes, Captain.” You reply. Her gaze returns to the monitor screen on her desk and you turn and leave the room, stepping onto the adjoining bridge. As always, the broad room is a hive of activity, the helm, navigator, communications officer and various other bridge crew working at their stations with only the captain’s chair vacant. All the bridge officers are wearing the same uniform as the captain and yourself. You glance at the view screen which still shows the charcoal grey contour of Dante III where the unfortunate Doctor Howard had just met his death. Needing no more reminders of the day’s events, you turn away and glance at the turbolift.

  Go to your quarters and rest

  Go to the officers’ club and let off some steam

  “I’m sorry!” You tell her, utterly helpless.

  “I understand.” She replies, choking on her words. “Get out of here and save yourself.” She turns and walks slowly back towards the research base. Reluctantly, you turn away and move towards the shuttle, each step an effort with the dead weight of Doctor Howard slung over your shoulder. Once inside, you drop him onto the deck and climb into the pilot’s seat. The landing pad is trembling beneath you and you can see the research station beginning to tilt to one side. You fire the thrusters, the shuttle rising into the air just as the whole station creaks, tilting to one side as it slowly slips into the molten lava. Acrid black smoke rises as the modular structure is rapidly consumed.

  “Fuck.” You growl, thumping the control console before you. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Leaving the smouldering remains of the station behind, you fly the shuttle back up through the outer atmosphere of the planet, guilt clawing at your soul. While you know that if you had tried to save Doctor Darsis, the attempt may well have cost all your lives, it makes you feel no less of a coward. Try as you might, you can’t help but picture her terrible fate in your mind’s eye and know the vision will likely haunt your dreams for some time to come.

  Once back aboard the Ranger, medics place the unconscious Doctor Howard on a stretcher and transfer him to the sickbay. With a heavy heart, you make your way to the bridge to make your report to the captain.

  “It sounds like you had no choice but to leave Doctor Darsis behind.” Captain Madison sighs from behind her desk in her office. She is dressed in the same uniform as you are: A black jacket with the insignia of the Galactic Navy on the chest and the individual rank on the light blue collar. The black trousers have a matching blue stripe down the outside, the ensemble completed with black boots. “Unfortunate, but I’m sure you made the right call.” She tells you, leaning back in her chair and brushing a lock of auburn hair from her left eye. “Not all missions can be successful and while you failed to extract Doctor Darsis, at least Doctor Howard was saved. Had you let bravado overcome good judgement, he and you may have died too. You’re a fine first officer, Kyle, and I believe you’ll make a fine captain too one day.”

  “Thank you Captain.” You nod, appreciating her confidence in you while still feeling melancholy.

  “Get some rest and report back to me at oh eight-hundred.” She tells you. “We have new orders and our next mission will be the most important we’ve ever undertaken, so I need you fresh and alert, understood?”

  “Yes, Captain.” You repl
y. Her gaze returns to the monitor screen on her desk and you turn and leave the room, stepping onto the adjoining bridge. As always, the broad room is a hive of activity, the helm, navigator, communications officer and various other bridge crew working at their stations with only the captain’s chair vacant. All the bridge officers are wearing the same uniform as the captain and yourself. You glance at the view screen which still shows the charcoal grey contour of Dante III where the unfortunate Doctor Darsis had just met her death. Needing no more reminders of the day’s events, you turn away and glance at the turbolift.

  Go to your quarters and rest

  Go to the officers’ club and let off some steam

  You drop Doctor Howard onto the walkway and kneel at the smouldering edge of the walkway, the ragged edge glowing red hot.

  “Jump for it.” You tell her. “I’ll catch you.” Doctor Darsis’s eyes widen and she glances at the gap doubtfully.

  “I’ll never make it!” She shouts back.

  “You’ll make it, I promise.” You reply. She sighs, perhaps remembering that she doesn’t have any other choice and backs up a few paces.

  “Don’t make a girl a promise you can’t keep.” She calls back before sprinting to the edge of the walkway and throwing herself across the gap. Everything seems to happen in slow motion, her teeth clenched, her arms flailing out towards you and her legs pumping. Reaching for her outstretched hands, you feel her fingers brush against yours. You grasp at her, your fingers tightening around her wrists while hers do likewise to yours. Her momentum sends her swinging below the walkway and threatens to pull you over the edge and plunge your both into the molten lava, but somehow you keep your balance. Grunting with effort, you pull her up and over the edge of the walkway.

  “Thank you, thank you!” Doctor Darsis tells you, throwing herself into your arms and kissing you full on the lips. You blink in surprise and pull away.


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