Life Reset

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Life Reset Page 45

by Shemer Kuznits

  I took my portion of stew and sat to eat with everyone as I surveyed today’s work effort. Let’s see, 2.5 stones, 16 raw meat from the Rabbit’s Warren, 4 fish. The gatherer brought back 3 units of food and 4 ingredients. Woody cut logs into 9 pieces of Lumber. Tika’s hunting brought in 13 pieces of raw meat. Although the moral penalty was relatively small, its effects were dismayingly obvious. Tika should have supplied at least 2 extra pieces of raw meat, and Woody’s productivity was definitely lower than normal by at least 1 timber pieces. The daily energy gain was also down by 3 points, though the accumulated amount was up because I hadn’t used any energy for several days, and was currently standing at a whopping 461 EP. This damn Shrine project needs to be done as soon as possible, I thought to myself, then morale can pick back up. I also had to start considering other ways to increase morale around here.

  The good news was that while I was stuck in the cave, our food stores had gone up a bit. I had almost enough simple food to summon two new goblins!

  After some consideration, I decided not to do it right now. The new Shrine would be completed soon, and who knew what sort of effects it would have on my settlement? I might be forced to relocate rather hurriedly, in which case, a large amount of spare food would go a long way toward helping the journey.

  It was almost time now. Zuban sent a worker to let me know they were nearly done.

  I sent Vic and a worker to gather everyone to witness the Shrine’s completion and made my way towards it. I had a feeling it was going to be monumental.

  As I approached, I noticed Zuban had fashioned a simple wooden ladder that was leaning against the side of the cave entrance. It led up to the ledge where both the Cemetery and Shrine were located. I started climbing just as everyone started making their appearance.

  I motioned everyone to remain below. Zuban built the shrine on the edge of the stone shelf, directly above the cave’s entrance. It was in full view of everyone standing below us.

  The builders were putting the finishing touches. 98/100 BP...

  The night was moonless and dark. We still had three more hours until midnight, plenty of time ahead of the deadline. I chuckled inwardly. Dead. Line. How appropriate. We all might still end up getting ourselves killed in a few hours. Building the Shrine was only a hunch on my part, though I was pretty sure I was right. There was logically nothing else I could have done to fulfill Nihilator’s quest. And since this was still just a game, it meant that there had to be a way for me to complete it. This was it. The only way.

  Finally, one of the builders placed the last part of the shrine at the front of it - a horned skull of a bovine with a few bear fangs embedded in its mouth. It was complete.

  New Building added to your settlement: Shrine

  Finally! This was it! I examined the completed Shrine. It was a simple rectangular stone base column, that rose to the height of a goblin’s chest. The column was decorated with an intricate design of bones, wrapping it in crisscrossing and zig-zagging patterns around the stone. It had a look of some grim forgotten pagan altar, like the ones you see often illustrated on the covers of horror-fantasy novels, all that was missing were specks of dried blood. And it belonged to me.

  I waited a few more moments, but nothing happened. No new prompts or messages alerting me for completing Nihilator’s quest. I began to worry. Was it possible I was wrong after all? Have I doomed my new clan?

  Then something did happen, though it was not what I had expected.

  Below me, a couple of goblins in the crowd started shrieking! I looked down in alarm. I spotted Vic, his large purple body making him stand out in the crowd. The lazy bastard stayed with the goblins below, rather than climb up the Shrine on his own. It seemed that as I considered him a sort of assistant, he considered me his personal pack mule. But then, who was screaming!? Everyone was standing in front of the cave. Were we being attacked? But we still had time!

  I started casting Mana Shield, preparing to make my final stand. Then I realized what was happening. The two pregnant females were in labor. Now, of all times, and they’ve only been pregnant for a week!

  I looked down at the process, with mixed feelings of disgust and fascination, viewing what no other player had ever witnessed, the birth of a new tiny mob monster.

  I guessed the game wasn’t 100% realistic when it came to labor and birthing. The whole process was hidden from me as the females simply squatted down and shrieked for a couple of minutes, then, as suddenly as it began, it was over. And the two mothers were holding their new baby goblins. I analyzed the new clan members:

  Goblin baby, male

  Level: 0

  HP: 3

  Goblin baby, female

  Level: 0

  HP: 3

  They were rather adorable. Small, greenish-pink, with huge eyes like anime characters. Even their goblinoid traits; sharp teeth and gaunt features didn’t do much to change the fact that they were extremely cute.

  But what about the Shrine?

  I accessed the Settlement Interface and selected the Shrine from the list of existing buildings.

  Would you like to assign Corgoram as your patron deity? Yes/No

  That was what I was looking for! I mentally clicked on ‘no’.

  Would you like to assign a different patron deity? Yes/No

  I clicked on ‘yes’.

  Would you like to assign Nihilator as your patron deity? Yes/No

  Well, that was the whole point. I clicked ‘yes’.

  Please reconfirm Yes/No

  Note: Once the selection is made it cannot be undone, short of a direct Divine Intervention spell

  Well, I already decided. I took a large breath and once again, selected ‘yes’.

  Nihilator demands a sacrifice. Perform the rite on the Shrine to finalize its consecration

  What? The scary prick never mentioned a sacrifice was needed to complete his quest! What was I supposed to do now? I had no prisoners available. I could sacrifice one of my goblins, of course, but my daily interaction with them made me perceive them as real living, feeling beings, I couldn’t do that to them. Besides, every member of my clan was precious and took considerable effort to recruit. However, unless I comply with his demands, Nihilator will destroy us all in any case, and my own soul would be condemned to a true eternal torment. There was no way around it, someone would have to be sacrificed.

  With those dark thoughts, I scanned the faces of my people, considering with a cold detachment who was the least vital. I also noticed that a flimsy fog-like darkness was seeping from the cave’s entrance, time was pressing. My gaze lingered on the newly born goblins, their sweet little faces somehow seemed innocent in this world that intended them to be mere cannon fodder for low-level players.

  I made up my mind.

  I gave my orders to the crowd below me.

  Unsurprisingly, they obeyed without question.

  They were goblins; their society knew worse practices than what I was about to do.

  It was only a game. It was only a game. It was only a game!

  The body to be sacrificed was placed on the Shrine.

  I drew my Sacrificial Bone Dagger and approached it with a heavy heart.

  As I raised the dagger up, Vic contacted me mentally.

  I shook my head.

  With those last thoughts, I struck down hard, plunging the dagger deep into the soft flesh on the altar in front of me, there was barely any resistance. At the same instant, the cemetery’s single tombstone started glowing, as a cascading light appeared above it.

  As the light faded away, two figures were left in its stead, a man and a woman.

  They watched the scene before them with gaping eyes.

  “WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?” Bellowed the man, while the woman clapped her hands to her face with horror.

  Oops, that wasn’t exactly the kind
of welcoming party I had in mind.

  19 - Newcomers

  The man and woman stared at me in horror.

  Appearing in the middle of our lurid little drama must have been quite a shock for them. It was not hard to understand; One moment they were logging into the game, having just finished creating their new characters, and the next, found themselves amidst a band of savage goblins, practicing ritual sacrifice in front of a darkly themed shrine. It was one hell of a rude awakening.

  Even worse, I was staring back at them over a lifeless body, my hand still clutching the dagger deeply embedded in the victim’s chest, pinning it to the altar.

  Nope, this scenario would not have been my top choice for making a first impression.

  A moment later, the body disintegrated into nothingness, disappearing from the shrine as it was reclaimed by the game engine. Their look turned into amazement.

  Your companion Vic had died

  Though the thought did cross my mind briefly, I never seriously considered sacrificing the babies. Even if it was just a game, sacrificing babies is just wrong, no matter how you look at it. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, such an act would probably gnaw on my conscience and give me nightmares. It was just a game, yet there were limits that should never be crossed.

  As Vic’s body disappeared, a blob of dark gray matter started to form on top of the shrine. The blob expanded, swelling, becoming larger and larger. It rose, higher than I was tall. It reached a critical mass, bursting with an earth-shuddering BOOM! Shadowy, gray misty ribbons shot out in all directions, washing over us at lightning speed, moving around and through goblins as if they were wisps of smoke, though apparently not causing any damage in their wake. Now tethered by the misty ribbons, every goblin began changing, becoming darker hued, and within moments the ribbons evaporated, leaving behind a host of dark colored goblins.

  The new look was a massive cool-factor upgrade for the goblins, but that wasn’t the only change. Every goblin was taller and stood straighter than before, their features were… sharper and more aesthetically pleasing, with a fiercer and more intelligent glint to their eyes.

  They were a new breed of goblin, tall and arrogant, with a dangerous air about them. In the simplest terms, they were badass!

  The two new arrivals stared wide eyed at the metamorphosis.

  “Err, hello there,” I said tentatively to the obviously alarmed duo.

  “I’m afraid I can’t talk at the moment, I must prevent a certain Lord of Darkness from killing us all. You understand.” They continued staring at me in bewilderment.

  “So eh… How about you go over to the campfire down there,” I pointed toward the only light source in the valley, “And have a serving of Guba’s excellent stew. I’ll be with you as soon as I’m finished here.”

  The two looked at each other with uncertainty. Then the woman shrugged and led the way down the ladder.

  I watched them leave and motioned Vrick to keep an eye on them. Then I was finally free to deal with the flood of messages that were awaiting my attention.

  Your patron deity has been changed to: Nihilator

  The GreenPiece clan has converted to The Cult of Nihilator religion

  New quests and relationships are now accessible

  Quest Updated: New Religion

  You have successfully converted the GreenPiece clan’s religion to The Cult of Nihilator.

  Speak to Nihilator to receive your reward

  New title awarded: Dark Totem

  GreenPiece clan acquired new trait: Shadow-Touched.

  All GreenPiece clan members receive the Shadow-Touched trait.

  Shadow-touched: You have become a nocturnal creature that thrives in darkness. During nighttime, or in especially dark locations, your nocturnal blessing will activate.

  Effect I: Darkvision - able to see in complete darkness.

  Effect II: +10% to Sneak

  Effect III: +10% to the effectiveness of all skills.

  Effect IV: Increased vulnerability to Light magic, +50% damage sustained

  Shrine activated [Goblin’s Gorge]. You now have access to Faith Points (FP)

  Faith Points can be used to purchase permanent Blessings for the Zone of Influence in which the Shrine is located. Faith points can be gained by completing religion related quests, offering sacrifices, or performing special acts to further your new religion's influence.

  Sacrifices performed directly on the shrine will quadruple the FP gained

  New options are available in the Settlement Interface

  A new icon blinked a few times in the right side of my vision, then became steady. It looked like a black eye on a gray background, the tiny inscription read ‘Nocturnal’. Obviously, it was the icon indicating the new Shadow-Touched trait was active.

  I was a little overwhelmed as I went through all the messages.

  Well, first things first. Completing the quest brought me 60% of the way to the next level. Not bad. The clan was now part of a cult no one had heard of in eons, I didn’t expect much from this new affiliation. The ‘Dark Totem’ title sounded impressive if a bit melodramatic. Its biggest selling point in my mind was that no simple-minded worker would ever again call me ‘Steamed Totem. I had a momentarily vague vision of being pursued by a host of fork carrying goblins, all wanting a piece of steamed Totem.

  What else? The new trait. Just like the cave Huggers and Mastiffs, we were now Shadow-Touched creatures. The bonuses were cool, but the one that interested me most was the +10% for all skills. The bonus was probably designed to increase the combat effectiveness of the creatures. But it also meant non-combat skills would be affected, meaning faster construction, more food gathered, and more resources collected.

  We were going to have to change our daily routine, I mused. From now on, the clan would work nights and sleep during the days, like true nocturnal creatures.

  The light vulnerability was a snag. But then, how many goblin hunters do you know that carry around weapons enchanted with Light Magic? Not too many.

  I had a lot of things to take care of, but first, a little speech was in order. Zuban and his workers had already climbed down. I was now alone on the stone shelf. I walked toward to the edge and looked down at my sixteen clanmates. I was about five meters above them, and the sight of all those faces looking up at me, waiting to hear my voice made me feel like Moses, coming down from mount Sinai, heralding a new age for my people.

  I cleared my throat. “Today, we have given our allegiance to Nihilator, Lord of Darkness. Our new lord has bestowed his blessings on us. We are all creatures of the night now, the darkness is our ally and our domain.

  I know many of you are tired from a full day’s work, but we will all continue working until morning. From now on, we will work during the night, and sleep during the day.” I knew this command would cost me a few moral points, but it was only temporary. The +10% gain to production from working while the Nocturnal buff is active was worth it.

  A sudden inspiration struck me. I was addressing a bunch of NPCs, and we had players as guests, that suggested something rather interesting. “We have new arrivals, travelers. They are here to help, anything you might need, any assistance, no matter how minor, ask for their help.” All their eyes were directed at me. Bargush the four-armed Builder stood out, as he was a head taller than everyone else. I cleared my throat, time to bring it home. “We have just faced and triumphed over a great threat to our people. Together, there is nothing we can’t do! Together we will create a clan so powerful our enemies will tremble when they hear our name. The GreenPiece clan!”

  “The GreenPiece Clan!” they all cheered, repeating after me.

  I motioned everyone to carry on, and they dispersed, leaving me alone at the Shrine. I looked at it for a long moment. This smallish construction had saved us all. It’s funny how small things, both in life and in-game, can affect the course of your life.

  I was eager to start going through the new interface options to see how I could fu
rther optimize my settlement. But I had two unpredictable players strolling around without supervision. They were wild cards, an unfamiliar force at the heart of my domain. Their presence here was a direct result of the deal I struck with the company, but that didn’t mean they were here to support me. Before I could rest easy, I had to make sure they were not a threat to me or my clan.

  I climbed down from the ledge and headed to the campfire. My two guests were sitting at the fire, with bowls of Guba’s stew in their hands. They were engaged in conversation with several of my goblins, so I stood back to watch, giving them time to talk.

  While I waited, I scrutinized the two more deeply.

  The man was large, huge in fact, almost four times my height. I couldn’t tell what race he was. It was strange because I had long since memorized all of the dozens existing player races, along with their strengths and weaknesses. That kind of information can be an advantage when you might end up facing them in combat. I made a point of learning all about new races that were introduced to the game in the expansions. The closest I could tell by looking, his race seemed like a mix between a Goliath, the largest playable race, and an Orc. The Goliaths were a sophisticated and intelligent race. This man had a bestial look to him which was why I thought he might be part orc. Half-orcs were an existing template players could use for their character. Adding the half-orc template beefed up the character with muscles and girth, but added a severe penalty to all Social and Mental skills. Despite his bestial appearance, this man seemed not quite so rough. His muscles were lean but powerful, and despite having sharp teeth, did not look like your average, stupid brute. He stood tall and straight, but no arrogance showed as looked around, taking in his surrounding with a steady gaze. Like nobility.


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