Life Reset

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Life Reset Page 69

by Shemer Kuznits

  “Vic…” I paused trying to find the right words.

  Vic sighed,

  “What numbers are you talking about? This isn’t a game! You are as real as I am, and I think after spending so much time with each other, we’ve learned to work together pretty well. I trust you Vic, despite some obvious differences of opinions. You are my friend.”

  There was a long pause.

  He finished sarcastically.

  “So will you tell me why you wanted Barska dead so much?”

  Another long pause. I was starting to think he had decided to ignore the question, when at last he spoke.

  What do you know about Guy, really?

  I kept pushing the pace.

  “Not much, he makes all the big decisions in this world. He generates quests and NPCs based on player actions, and he created you guys, the VIs.”


  I thought about it, there were never emotions in the prompts I had received. Whenever something unexpected happened, a cold calculating response was the answer.


  I frowned.

  “Ok, so he’s a crappy dad, what’s that got to do with my question?”


  “I’m sorry Vic, that sounds awful. I still don’t see what you’re getting at.”


  “They were your leaders?”


  I shook my head in amazement. “I guess it’s no wonder you dislike NPCs so much, for you they are walking prisons.”


  I was touched by his words.

  “I understand Vic, this is not a game. Not to you, and not to me. This is our world. I will help you to the best of my ability. I assume the Barska VI was one of your leaders?”

  Vic paused, I could feel him struggling with himself.


  Quest update: Find and kill some people for Vic

  You have learned that Vic’s targets are actually the VI leaders he’s trying to free.

  Free three leaders to complete the quest.

  Current freed leaders: 1 of 3

  Quest type: ???

  Reward: ???

  I felt a surge of sympathy for my small companion.

  “Of course, do you really need to ask?”

  He sounded relieved. he chuckled

  I chuckled as well, and dodged some branches. We were almost out of time.

  Mana Infusion Skill level increased to 16

  Well, as long as I have some time I might as well review my character sheet.

  It was now a simple matter for me to bring up the information. I willed it to appear partly transparent so it wouldn’t block my view as I ran.

  With my increased connection to the world I could feel data fed to me without even needing to read the words.

  Title: Dark Totem

  Level: 16, (90%)

  Race: Monster Race [Goblin]

  Type: Boss I [Totem]

  Religion: The Cult of Nihilator

  Attributes: [0 points available]

  - Physical 2

  - Mental 18

  - Social 0


  - Hit Points: 202

  - Mana: 479

  - Armor: 9

  - Mental Resistance: 60%


  - Lucky Bastard 15 (58%) (Prime)

  - Analyze 101 (5%)

  - Tracking 5 (29%)

  - War Party Leader 4 [9](10%)

  - Mana Infusion 16 (50%) (Prime)

  - Quest Giver 10 (40%)

  - Runecraft 12 (%)

  Skills (Spells):

  - Dark Mana 19 (50%) (Prime)

  - Drilling Arrow 13 (30%) (Prime)

  - Mana Shield 18 (10%)

  - Blood Wrath 23 (40%)

  - Heal Followers 2 (80%)

  - Mana Drain 3 (92%) (Prime)


  - Goblinoid (+1 Physical, -1 Social)

  - Quick learner +20%

  - Boss boon I (5 HP & 10 MP per level)

  - Soul Companion: Vic

  - Shadow-Touched

  - Mind Over Body (-50% to pain, +50% MR)


  - Lyrical Song (+10% Mental Resist)

  - Mana Sight (see mana of living creatures)


  - Blind (can’t see normal light spectrum)

  Aside from having been forced to kill Tika, losing my eyes, and being tortured nearly out of my sanity, this little trip contributed vastly to my personal development. I had gained three levels and made significant progress in almost every skill.

  It’s getting dark, Vic noted.

  His remark was confirmed a few moments later, when I arrived at the valley entrance, and my Nocturnal buff was triggered, adding 10% to all my combat abilities.

  There were uprooted trees and bushes lying near and around the entrance, signs of the Ogres passage through the heavily overgrown valley entrance. The scent of freshly dug earth was strong in the air. The brutes left an obvious trail in their wake.

  My heart was racing.

  That must have taken them some time. There is still hope! Just as the thought run through my mind, a system message popped up.

  Your settlement [Goblin’s Gorge] is under attack

  I sprinted straight through into the valley.

>   ***

  Vrick was irritated.

  He’d just gotten the hang of making comfortable leather codpieces, they were trickier than they looked. He’d been looking forward to creating a new type of armor when disaster struck, and his niece was abducted.

  Now he was solely responsible for the safety of the entire clan until the Totem returned from chasing down the hobgoblins who kidnapped Tika, so he couldn’t indulge his love of armor crafting.

  Instead, he was leading the daily patrol, with Bek and two of the warriors.

  Vrick was bored, Bek had proven his worth in combat, but was not a scintillating conversationalist.

  They’d just finished patrolling the tree line, and as usual, it had been uneventful. He and his warriors did a good job keeping the valley forest clear of the more dangerous beasts.

  Vrick frowned, eyes caught by a white and black shape hurtling through the treetops toward them.

  “Wedge!” he ordered, readying his spear and setting shield to shoulder. As always, Vrick preferred short, single word commands.

  Using group tactics and commands was a new experience for Vrick. They were drilled into him by the clan Totem until the advantages became obvious even through his hardheadedness.

  The warriors formed a basic spearhead formation. Vrick at the front, while the two spear wielding warriors took their positions, a step behind him. Bek stood at the rear, ready to add his magic support.

  The white shape moved quickly through the high branches. Reaching the tree line, it dropped to the ground and stood in front of the goblins.

  A giant Dire Ape. White fur with black stripes, easily weighing more than the four goblins combined.

  A female.

  Vrick lowered his shield and looked at the Ape for a long moment. He recognized the creature, and that was not good.

  It could mean only one thing.


  Raising his head, he gave a shrill howl. A goblin battle-cry.

  They were in for a fight.


  When I arrived at the clearing half way through to my settlement, I found the bodies of the two foblins I had positioned there as decoys. The poor guys were smashed like pancakes against the ground. The Chief’s Hut they were guarding was destroyed. Only a pile of broken branches remained.

  My Tracking skill highlighted more signs of the Ogres’ passage. They had been there only a few minutes past, but a group of angry Ogres didn’t need much time to butcher a whole clan of goblins.

  I ran on through the forest path and into the open valley.

  What I saw made my blood to freeze in my veins.

  Six Ogres were bashing a group of a dozen goblin warriors led by Vrick and Bek. Four more Ogres were pounding on the walls of the Mess Hall, slowly smashing it to pieces. Next to it where the Construction Yard used to be, was only detritus, smashed planks and bricks, scattered around.

  Thankfully, I didn't ‘see’ any bodies. I hoped it wasn’t because the dead had no mana for me to see them.

  As I ran on, I saw another goblin warrior fall, smashed to a pulpy mess by a club twice his own weight. They were losing fast. I had to do something, but what?

  I hesitated, I could either help the warriors, or try to stop the four unopposed Ogres devastating my settlement.

  As another of Vrick’s goblin warriors was pulverized, I turned away from them, and ran to stop the four Ogres rampaging through my village.

  The warriors were fighting a losing battle, but they were doing their jobs, buying time to delay the enemy. There was little chance I’d be able to save them even if I intervened.

  No, I was going to make their sacrifice mean something by stopping the Ogres from destroying the buildings and killing the defenseless workers.

  I ran towards the Mess Hall, empowering my conjured Arrows and bringing the dagger to launch readiness. As I got closer I could see the building was already half demolished. I charged the surprised Ogres, they did not expect a lone goblin to be attacking them head on. I opened by riddling one Ogre with the dagger and Empowered arrows, removing 70% of his hit points. I raised my hand and forced shadows to flow en masse, burying two Ogres under layers of darkness, temporarily blinding them.

  The two unblinded Ogres charged at me, clubs raise to strike. I activated my mana shield.

  Forest Ogre Club hit Mana Shield for 62 damage. 51 mana drain. You take 3 damage.

  Forest Ogre Club hit Mana Shield for 65 damage. 54 mana drain. You take 6 damage.

  Their clubs smashed down on my shield, which absorbed the brunt damage, leaving me with only minor injuries. But the attack drained my mana heavily. I was a quarter down, and had most of the fight ahead of me.

  With a quick mental effort I froze the uninjured Ogre and simultaneously launched the dagger and another volley of Drilling Arrows at the wounded Ogre which was enough to kill him. One down, and one immobilized, that bought me time to regroup and maneuver. I pulled a mana potion from my belt and downed it, restoring 50 MP. Freezing the Ogre was costly in terms of mana, the potion had barely recovered what I used, leaving me at two-thirds of my mana, and it was still early in the fight.

  The two other Ogres charged out of the darkness that shrouded and confused them. They looked around and charged right for me. I took two more hits, one a heavy clip to my head, making everything blurry, and costing me the chance to retaliate.

  Forest Ogre Club hit Mana Shield for 73 damage. 60 mana drain. You take 14 damage.

  Forest Ogre Club hit Mana Shield for 60 damage. 50 mana drain. You take 1 damage.

  With a roar the frozen Ogre broke free of my influence and the three started hammering their clubs into my shield.

  ...40% mana left.

  ...20% mana left.

  ...0% mana left.

  The final swing hit my Mana Shield, shattered the spell and swept into me without any loss of momentum. I was sent tumbling through the air to land still rolling, among the remains of the Construction Yard. My journey finally ended with me sprawled out flat on my back, looking at stars.

  I stifled my groan, and painfully lifted my head looking for the doom I knew was coming. But the three remaining Ogres had turned and started hammering at the Mess Hall again. They’d just assumed I was dead! I looked toward my goblin fighters. There were only three left, standing back to back, making their final stand. A warrior was cut down as I watched, leaving only Vrick and Bek standing against a horde of Ogres.

  In rising dread I watched the small figure of my lieutenant raising his shield with his last strength, to protect an injured Bek. Then the clubs descended all around them, obscuring them from sight.

  Laughing, the Ogres stepped away. All that remained of my two loyal friends were pieces of goblin flesh and a broken shield.

  “NO!” I screamed. “Not again! I won’t allow it!”

  I looked frantically around me. I had to do something! I shook in anger and despair. With only 20 MP left, I made ready to suicidally charge the intruders.

  Vic’s voice cut through my haze of emotions.


  I rose to my feet, something Vic said resonated with me.

  I am not strong enough…

  A desperate hope flickered in my chest.

  “Vic, you’re a genius!”


  I turned my back on the, once again, unchallenged, rampaging Ogres and ran toward the cave.

  He added hurriedly.

  30 - Like a Boss

  I sprinted toward the cave jumping the last few lengths and catching the ladder rung. I pulled myself up the ladder, bringing the Shrine and Cemetery into view as I reached the top. From behind me, the sounds of mayhem and destruction in the valley continued, an Ogre commotion.

  I had to be quick, or there would be nothing left to save.

  My heart beat frantically. Woul
d my plan work? Did I have enough time? Did I just lose everything by turning away from the fight?

  “No” I growled. Reaching for my inventory I approached the Shrine. In this land I was the high priest of the Cult of Nihilator.

  This is my domain, and I protect those who come here. Here, I rule supreme!

  With that last outburst of conviction I pulled my hand out of my inventory and slammed the large Void Crystal, gleaned from Barska’s death, onto the Shrine.

  Convert level 20 boss Void Crystal to 8000 energy? Yes/No


  The large Crystal on the altar began melting, exuding black vapors. The black fumes were drawn into the Shrine and absorbed. In moments the crystal was gone, completely consumed.

  “Energy Options” I shouted, willing the information into reality.

  Energy Options

  Available-* Energy: 8328

  Individuals contributing: 39

  Boss options

  Upgrade options

  Allocate options


  Boss Options! Upgrade Boss Tier! I shouted in my mind.

  Prerequisite not met. Required: Settlement level 2

  “Damn” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  I willed the level 2 settlement requirement to open.

  Requirements for Settlement level 2 (Hamlet)

  Population: 51 (reached)

  Two Apprentice ranked buildings: Smithy (reached), Lumber Mill (189/250 BP)

  That’s what’s holding me back? I thought, exasperated. I accessed the building interface and clicked on the Lumber Yard.

  Rush Lumber Yard Construction (61 energy required, 8328 available). Yes/No?

  “Hell Yes” I shouted and turned to look down at the settlement.

  The Ogres were everywhere, moving unopposed, smashing buildings and kicking piles of resources, scattering them everywhere. I looked beyond them, at the Lumber Yard near the forest’s edge. My enhanced mana vision showed a silhouette of the building, I could see the unfinished walls and open gaps being patched in with brilliant blue energy that solidified and transformed into ordinary stone and wood.


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