A Date for Good Luck

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A Date for Good Luck Page 6

by Dover, L. P.

  At her door, she fumbles with the keycard. My hand covers hers and I press into her backside. I kiss a path from her shoulder to ear, only to hear the door click open. She steps away from me and into her room, leaving me on the other side.

  Her eyes meet mine. “I might need some help getting out of my dress. Think you can give me a hand?”

  I thought she’d never fucking ask.



  I’ve battled my feelings for as long as I can. There’s something about Kellan I can’t say no to. Yes, I’ve gone out with men in Phoenix, but it was easy going on that one date and saying no to the rest. None of them make me feel like Kellan does. He’s charming, respectful, smart and definitely not lacking in the sex department. The way he looks at me makes me tremble every time. And last night, I couldn’t leave him. The second I felt his fingers on my skin as he helped me out of my dress, there was no turning back. Who am I kidding? I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted him … and he wanted me to. Everything went by so fast though. All I really needed was for time to stand still. After countless hours of nonstop lovemaking, we spent the rest of the time talking until we could no longer keep our eyes open. It was a wonderful night.

  I tried to keep a distance, but every time Kellan got close to me, I wanted more. I needed more. I didn’t realize how much I craved the intimacy. Everyone believes we’re together and a part of me wants to believe it too. But how could we make it work? The real question is … does Kellan want it as well?

  I can see the sun through the tiny slit of the hotel curtains. It’s seven o’clock and the whole wedding party is supposed to meet downstairs in the lobby for one last breakfast before Hallie and Stewart leave for their honeymoon to Grenada. I have an hour to get ready, but I don’t want to move. Kellan has his arm around my waist, and I snuggle into his body. It’s my last morning with him and to my surprise, it hurts my heart to think about it.

  Kellan kisses the back of my neck. “Good morning.”

  I trace my fingers over his arm and hand. “Morning. We should probably get ready.”

  Groaning, his arm tightens around me. “Not yet. I don’t want to get up.”

  Okay,” I give in, giggling. “Just two more minutes.”

  He nuzzles the back of my neck and sighs. “You know, last night I didn’t think you were going to let me in.”

  If he only knew. Should I tell him that I’m falling for him when I know very damn well that I shouldn’t be? No, I can’t. Kellan turns me in his arms so that I face him. I look right into his crystal blue eyes and melt. “I couldn’t resist,” I say in all honesty.

  Kellan smiles. “Must be my Irish charm.”

  Averting my gaze, I slide my hands down his chest. “Must be.”

  “Your flight leaves at eleven, right?”

  I nod, but still keep my eyes away from his. “Yep. So, once we’re done with breakfast, I have to get the rest of my things from my parents’ house and head straight to the airport.”

  His fingers trail up my arm to my cheek. “Do you mind if I take you?” he asks, his voice low. He cups my cheek and I meet his stare. “Do you?” he asks again.

  I must be a glutton for punishment. It was already going to be hard enough saying goodbye to him after the breakfast. At least, it’ll give me a little extra time with him. I nod and try my best to smile. “Okay. You can take me.”

  He kisses me quickly and nips my bottom lip. “All right, go get ready. I know it takes you lassies forever to get dressed.”

  Rolling my eyes, I smack his arm and slide out of bed. “Hey, I can get ready in thirty minutes. That’s taking a shower, putting on makeup, and getting my clothes on.”

  Kellan bursts out laughing and clasps his hands behind his head, his eyes roaming up and down my bare body. “Why do I not believe you?”

  His pants are on the floor, so I pick them up and chuck them at his head. “All right, smart ass, you’ll see.”

  He laughs again, but I ignore him and hop in the shower. I half expect him to join me, but he doesn’t. We both know I won’t get done in thirty minutes if he does. Once I open the shower door, he’s standing there naked with a sly grin on his face, tapping his wrist.

  “Only twenty-three minutes left.”

  I glare at him. “I can still do this.”

  He gets in the shower and I quickly dry off so I can slip on my skinny jeans and green top. Before he even gets out of the shower, my makeup is on and I’m drying my hair. There’s only eight minutes left at this point and I know I can’t get my hair completely dried and flat ironed in time. Instead, I dry it most of the way and braid it. Simple enough.

  By the time Kellan is dressed in his khaki pants and blue polo shirt, there’s one-minute left to spare and I’m at the door, ready to go. “You did it,” he says, pulling me into his arms. He kisses me on the lips and then presses one to my forehead. Why does he have to be so sweet? Makes it even harder to leave. “Come on before we’re late. Everyone will be talking.”

  I snort. “They already have been.”

  He opens the door and we walk hand in hand down the hall to the elevator. Everyone is already in the lobby waiting when we get off. There are stares and hidden smiles, but nobody says anything to us about being together. Kellan and I spent all last night at the wedding explaining it to everyone, even if it was a lie. It’s crazy how it all came out so smoothly. Makes me wonder if something would’ve started sooner between us if we did have that email mishap.

  Hallie rushes over to me and hugs me as Stewart and everyone else head toward the hotel restaurant. “I want to give you a hug before breakfast. Stu and I don’t have much time.”

  I hug her hard. “Be safe on your honeymoon. I hope you guys have a great time.”

  “We will.” She lets me go and hugs Kellan. “You have no idea how happy I am that you two are together.”

  Kellan hugs her back and smiles. “Thanks. I’m happy too.”

  She hurries off back to Stewart and sits down with him at the large table. The other groomsmen and bridesmaids hover around them so all that’s left is the opposite end of the table with Hannah. She smiles and waves for us to join her.

  We sit down across from her and Kellan places a hand on my leg under the table. Hannah grins wide. “You two have a good night last night?”

  I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks. “We did.”

  Kellan squeezes my thigh. “What about you Hannah? Where’s your boyfriend?”

  “Well,” she says, blowing out a sigh, “he wasn’t exactly invited to this little breakfast. Looks like I’m going to have to smack both him and Stu in the head to knock some sense into them.”

  Kellan laughs. “They’ve been on opposite sides of the courtroom many times now. Stewart just doesn’t think he’s good enough for you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  Kellan kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll be right back. I want to talk to Stewart for a minute.”

  He gets up and leaves, but Hannah keeps her eyes on me, grinning mischievously. “What?” I ask. “Why are you smiling like that?”

  She shrugs. “No reason. I just think you two look cute together is all.” My eyes instantly go to him. He’s kneeling beside Stewart with a serious expression on his face as they talk quietly. Makes me wonder what they’re talking about.

  “I really like him, Hannah,” I confess, turning my attention back to her.

  Her gaze narrows. “Then why do I get the feeling this isn’t going to end well?”

  The ache in my chest comes back with a vengeance. Leaning toward her, I lower my voice. “What am I going to do? I care about him and I’m leaving today. When will I see him again?”

  She throws her hands in the air. “Seriously? If you like him, you’ll make it work. Kellan isn’t a guy who’ll stay single for long. Any woman would be lucky to have him, just like any man would be lucky to have you.” She grabs my hands, her expression serious. “I have never seen Kellan this happy bef
ore. He’s in love with you.”

  The thought gives me hope, but I shake my head. “No, he’s not. This whole thing was a sham to get my mom off my back. We’re not really together.”

  She smiles. “I had a feeling something was up.”

  “So, you see,” I say, shrugging, “I just gave my heart away for nothing.”

  “No, you didn’t. Talk to him, Hope. Tell him how you feel. You might be surprised what he says in return.” I look over at Kellan and he’s already finished with Stewart and heading back toward us. Am I ready to take that risk? I just don’t know yet.

  * * *

  After breakfast, Kellan and I say our goodbyes to everyone. We stop at my parents’ house and I grab the rest of my things while my mother fawns all over him. Even my dad was happy to see him. Now, we’re on our way to the airport. With the traffic, I should have at least twenty more minutes with him.

  Kellan glances at my computer bag in the back seat. “Were you able to get any work done this weekend?”

  I shrug. “Some.” Right now, I’m not really worried about it. My stomach is in knots. “I’m sure I’ll be swamped when I get back to Phoenix,” I add.

  He nods. “Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be busy too. With Stewart and Hallie gone on their honeymoon, I’m sure I’ll have a lot of time on my hands though.”

  That makes me smile. “You spend a lot of time with them, don’t you?”

  Grinning, he looks over at me. “Stu’s my best friend. And how can you not love Hallie?”

  Hearing him say that makes me miss all of them. “You know, I never realized how much I actually miss my family. Now that my mom thinks we’re together, she was a lot easier to talk to today.”

  Kellan winks. “Glad I could help.”

  We’re almost to the airport and I know it’s now or never. I open my mouth to speak, but the words don’t come out. We pull up to the terminal and I know I’ve lost my chance. There’s no time left. Kellan reaches over and takes my hand, kissing it gently. “I’ll grab your bags.”

  He gets out and I do the same, hating myself for not having the courage to say what’s on my mind. I’m afraid to. The last thing I want is for Kellan to say it won’t work. I’ve never had a long-distance relationship before. Kellan reaches into the backseat and pulls out my computer bag and suitcase. There’s a long line of cars waiting to drop off people off.

  Kellan hands me my bags and we stand there, staring at each other. His smile fades and he blows out a breath. “Guess this is it.”

  I nod. “Guess so.”

  He leans in and kisses me, and I don’t want it to end. “Please say you’ll at least call me every now and again. If not that, then maybe an email?”

  My eyes burn, but I hold back the tears. “I will.”

  He kisses me again and it takes all I have to walk away. I keep hoping he’d tell me he was in love with me like I am with him, but he doesn’t. Now that my back is to him and he can’t see my face, I let the tears fall. I’m almost to the door when I hear him shout my name.


  Stopping in my tracks, I don’t dare turn around. I quickly wipe my tears away, but he grabs my hands and pulls me toward him. His breath comes out in rapid pants and before I can say anything, he closes his lips over mine. Car horns blow incessantly behind us, but all I can think about is being in his arms. He breaks the kiss first and leans his forehead to mine. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Hope. I can’t ask you to stay because I’d never ask you to give up your life in Phoenix. But …”

  My heart’s beating so fast I feel like I’m going to faint. “But what?” I ask breathlessly.

  He cups my face and our eyes meet. “But I can ask you to give us a chance. I don’t want this to end right here, Hope. This weekend was amazing. I don’t care what I have to do to make this work, but I’ll do anything to try. Please tell me you feel the same way.”

  I nod so fast my head starts to hurt. “Yes,” I cry. “I wanted to tell you how I felt but I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way.”

  Shaking his head, he kisses me again, this time it’s slow and deep. There are people walking all around us, but I don’t care. “I’m falling for you, lassie. So, fucking hard.”

  “How are we going to do this? Long distance relationships don’t work.”

  His lips pull back slightly. “How will we know unless we try?” He places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  “Then I guess we’ll try,” I murmur. “I want this more than you know.”

  Time is running out, but he hugs me one last time. “Go before you miss your flight. I promise we’ll figure this out.”

  Reluctantly, I let him go and watch him hurry back to his car. He smiles at me when he gets in and I wave, not knowing when I’ll see him next. I already miss him.



  My arm wraps around the metal pole of the subway car as I steady myself. My ear buds are in but only sounds of the ocean is playing. I’m more interested in the magazine in my hands. It’s slightly hard to read and harder to write in, but I’m determined to take this test Hope told me about in this month’s issue of Vogue. Yes, I’ve become a Vogue man. And People. And Cosmopolitan. Why? Because Men’s Health doesn’t have quizzes to help me figure out if Hope and I are going to make it with a long-distance relationship, they don’t tell me when I should ask her to move back home or if I should start looking for a job in Phoenix. The magazines I normally read on my commute do nothing to help me try and understand why, when I text my girlfriend it can take her hours to respond, but if I email her, it’s an instant response. The action doesn’t make any sense to me. She still has to stop what she’s doing to respond so why not just text me back? Vanity Fair says it’s because that is how she likes to communicate. As long as there is a reason, I accept it and move on.

  Question 1: Do you have things in common with your crush?

  So much!! or We don’t talk much

  I circle the first.

  Question 2: Do you have any inside jokes?

  So many!! or We don’t really talk enough to have any

  So many exclamation points.

  It takes me a moment to think. Hope and I talk a lot, every night before I go to bed and when she wakes first thing in the morning. I’ve made adjustments to my schedule, so I’m not stuck in a meeting or something in the morning. At first, my colleagues were pissed because I blocked out every morning for the next few months, but they’re getting over it. She’s doing the same for me and making sure she’s free at night to talk before I go to bed. The time difference is a killer, but we’re adjusting.

  Question 3: Could you see your crush turning into something more serious?

  OMG!! or Not my thing

  Should I tell Hope I’ve already looked at rings? It wasn’t like I purposely went out looking. I happened to be in Rockefeller Center and walked past Tiffany’s. There was a woman gushing about the window display and I stopped to see what the fuss was. I understood immediately because even I was impressed with the ring on display and could easily see it on Hope’s finger.

  I give up on this test because it’s stupid. It’s too young for me. I flip to the front of the magazine to make sure I’m reading Vanity Fair and not Seventeen. Sure enough, but this edition must’ve been edited by the high school editorial team.

  As soon as I get off the train, I set the magazine on the bench for someone else to read and head toward the stairs, taking them two at a time. My mind is elsewhere. I work a bit longer most nights so I can try and get ahead, although it’s near impossible with my job. It’s so fly by the seat of your pants in the moment that I can’t really look ahead, unless I’m doing a deep dive on some corporation that might be in trouble in the next couple of months.

  Taped to my office door is a note from HR. My heart drops to the floor and back up. What could they possibly want?

  I set my bag down, pull my laptop out and slide it into the docking station. My five-monitor set-up comes to life. The scr
een in the middle is where my daily everything takes place, emails, meetings, all the fun stuff. The monitors on the side, stock market for every major region. Reaching for the letter, I rip the envelope open and pull the folded sheet of paper out.


  Please take some vacation time before you lose it.

  I’m not a man who needs to be told twice, although like Hope’s job, there really isn’t a good time to take vacation. Still, I pull up one of the cheap sites for airline tickets and type in my destination to see what comes up. Prices are freaking amazing but there’s no way I can make a decision without talking to Hope. Showing up unannounced, while it sounds romantic, would piss her off, and that isn’t something I’m willing to do.

  The alarm on my phone goes off and I smile. Hope is awake, out of the shower and has had her first cup of coffee. I set my phone up on my desk and press the video chat button. It rings five times until she picks up.

  “Good morning,” she says. “I need a minute, I’m not dressed.”

  “Let me see, please.”

  Hope laughs. “You saw last night.”

  I laugh in return. “I know but I need to see you every day.”

  Hope adjusts her phone and shows me her chest. She moves the phone back and forth until it comes to her bright pink towel. “Have you seen enough?”

  “Never. Show me more, please?”

  “Is your door closed? I don’t want any of your co-workers busting in.”

  “Shut and locked,” I tell her.

  She smiles and slowly pulls the terry cloth away to reveal her creamy skin, her perfect breasts, curvy hips and the sweet spot between her legs where I long to be.


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