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Unearthed Page 17

by Marc Mulero

  I have to introduce some creativity to maintain the health of the Sins.

  Blague unholstered his Desert Eagle and unsheathed his carbon blade. He set them down on the table and stood silently, waiting for everyone to arrive. Everyone took a seat around a large oval table made of rich, sparkling granite that was surrounded by leather chairs, all with gold designs imbued into the material. Niro walked in last; all eyes, including Blague's, followed him as he entered. He was by far the strangest of all of the eccentric personalities in the room. He walked toward the back corner behind Blague and leaned up against the wall, proceeding to clean his ancient rifle. Oscin held his head with one hand, struggling to focus on anything with the light beaming in his face. Drino pushed him from two seats over.

  "Hung over or still drunk?" Drino asked, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Oscin shook his head, "You already called me out in front of the Sin fighters. Do you have to make your statement again, sir?" Oscin asked sarcastically.

  Drino leaned back in his chair, "You should hope you don't make it back from wherever it is you’re going, kid."

  Lito, who was sitting between the two of them turned to Oscin with a smile, "Damn mijo, you should pick less deadly people to piss off."

  Oscin glanced at Lito for a second, and then looked back down to continue holding his head.

  Mars circled the table, gathering rubs from everyone who was seated.

  "Whore," Sabin said as he folded his arms.

  Cherris and Volaina laughed.

  "Alright everyone," Blague said, holding back a smile from Sabin's comment.

  “Where’s Eugene?” Drino asked.

  Blague held up his hand, signaling for him to hold off a minute. "My first in command has been drawn away and I choose these words very carefully. It seems we have a new threat that Lesh had forewarned may be coming," he gestured to Lesh who kept her eyes fixed on him. "Nemura, as most of you remember, has turned to the side of a new order, the Aura. This new order is led by a fanatical man who believes himself to be a god."

  Cherris raised her hand.

  "Yes?" Blague said.

  "Nemura laughed at anything that was slightly farfetched, but he joined a group with a spiritual leader?" Cherris asked in a perplexed tone. "That doesn't add up at all," she continued.

  "I agree," Lesh said, "but when I was chained up, listening to him and his crew babble about their beliefs, it became clear that Nemura believes in this man."

  Blague nodded in agreement, "Both of your statements have truth in them. I have drawn a conclusion from Nemura's strange decision to join yet another underdog. This Jason Brink must have actually displayed some sort of supernatural power to convince his followers of whatever "truth" he preaches. I encountered him today and analyzed his behavior. He speaks in riddles partly to add to his mystery, but his motives are clear. He wants followers and a headquarters. That's one of the reasons he came to us today. He wants to recruit us for his cause. Knowing it was a shot in the dark, he opened up with his plan B. His plan A was to take a valuable commander of mine and begin the Sin group's descent into chaos," Blague said, addressing all members of the room by locking eyes with them. "Make no mistake; Jason Brink and the Aura are a secondary threat. Although we don't know the strength his group possesses, we can rest assured they don't have the resources that the Hiezers do. So, before I reveal my plan of action, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the situation."

  Lito spoke up first, "When I went to patrol the back entrance to see if we were being ambushed, must’ve missed something. How the hell did Jason lure out a sniper from our roof?"

  Sabin looked at Lito, brushing his beard. "It seems that the woman traveling with Jason and Nemura was Eugene's old girlfriend from when he was a Remdon. At least that's what I gathered from his crazed reaction," Sabin said shrugging his shoulders.

  Lito shook his head, "So he ran into the enemy head on? Now he's their prisoner?"

  Sabin nodded his head.

  "Where do you think they went?" Cherris asked.

  Sabin placed his transponder onto the table. "I tossed a tracking device onto the jet before they left," Sabin said turning his head to Lesh with a bratty smile.

  Lesh shot back a look that could kill.

  "It appears they're located near the mysterious island of Auront," Blague said.

  "This is exactly what Nemura hinted at when he held me for dead," Lesh said.

  Niro walked over slowly, his boots loudly thumping on the floor, looking at the transponder. "Those are the coordinates," Niro said, "They are undoubtedly on the island of Visitude." Niro stood next to Blague at eye level. "If you want your friend to remain in his current state of mind, I suggest you act quickly," he stared at Blague with his smoky eyes and then slowly walked back to his corner.

  "Eugene coordinates many of our missions," Drino stepped in, "We need him back."

  Blague stared at Drino, "Much like all of you, he is invaluable to me and more importantly, invaluable to the Sins."

  Oscin chuckled quietly. Drino's nostrils flared and Lito's eyes widened as he smacked Oscin over the head.

  Blague turned his attention to Oscin. "Speak up," Blague said.

  Oscin coughed and pushed a few strands of hair out of his eyes, "How am I invaluable to you? I just got here."

  Blague paused for a moment before responding, "It's not what you've done, it's what you're going to do."

  Oscin looked down at the table, trying not to let the fear show.

  "Alright everyone, unless anyone has further questions, it's time to reveal my strategy." The room was silent. "I will go through the plan in order of threat level. The Hiezers have been virtually silent for a few months. Although we aren't a high priority for them, we've successfully taken and held one of their fortresses; this means we're on their radar. Lesh and Volaina, you will infiltrate the Hiezers in Senation and acquire their plans from the higher ranks. Volaina, I want you to spy and Lesh, I want you to scout."

  Volaina nodded.

  "Ok, Blague, but we haven't gotten a chance to speak since my last scouting mission a day ago," Lesh said, tossing a recorder onto the table. "I have a lead into their plans," she pressed a button on the recorder.

  "Why aren't we storming our facility and taking it back," one voice said through the recorder.

  "Orders are orders, Rob. We can’t let the Sins expand out further. So for now, we pick off any one of the Sins who thinks they can leave our fortress." The device blew some static and then stopped.

  Blague looked down at the table for a moment, then looked up. His wavy, pushed back hair neatly stopped at his neck. The pupils of his piercing green eyes shrunk. "Mulderan knows my next step, but he doesn't know how we're going to achieve it. We must expand. Sins are still flocking to our cause and we must keep up the momentum."

  Niro observed Blague from his corner, the cloth wrapped around his face rose on one side, mimicking a grin.

  "So, Volaina, your mission doesn't change. Continue to spy. Lesh, you've already scouted it seems. It's time for you to clear a path so we can begin our expansion. The jets we’ve recovered from the Hiezers aren’t safe to use yet, so I leave it to you to organize this mission."

  Lesh didn't respond. The dark circles under her eyes made Oscin's glance at her short and fearful. Lesh eventually nodded at Blague.

  "Ok, good. Now, for the Aura. I will lead the rescue of Eugene."

  Cherris made a face, hearing the words again didn’t resonate well with her. "You can't leave, Blague. We need a leader here in case of trouble," Cherris jumped in quickly.

  "I entrust this room with collectively leading and maintaining our home," Blague responded. "My trip will be short. Drino, you will keep order amongst the Sin fighters."

  Drino leaned back in his chair, "Of course.”

  "Cherris, you will keep the civilians calm and tend to their needs, as you always do," Blague continued.

  Cherris gave Blague a worried look, but eventually nodded.

>   "Lito, you will keep our perimeters guarded and protected."

  Lito nodded with a stern face.

  "Sabin, you will ensure that overall operations are being performed accordingly."

  Sabin raised an eyebrow, "If you say so, Blague."

  “My missions will include myself, Oscin as my pilot, and Niro as intelligence," Blague said.

  "Two wild cards to accompany you," Drino said, "That's very risky."

  Niro didn't react to that statement.

  "They are the best suited for the task at hand. I've already analyzed the risk I'm taking. Besides, I have full confidence in your collaborative efforts. Given Eugene's delicate emotional state, this mission has a strong potential to fail. Nonetheless, we must make an attempt. If nothing else, I will gain a clearer understanding of this new threat. When I return, we will gather all of the commanders, including the two in the field, and take vote to induct a new commander in an attempt to fulfill Briggs’ role. Stay sharp, everyone. We will grow stronger from all of this," Blague concluded.

  The jet landed harshly, jerking the corridor and jolting Eugene awake. In the distance, he heard footsteps exiting the aircraft. He felt like a truck had hit him, still woozy from the loss of blood. The large metal door swung open and in entered two familiar faces along with Nemura.

  "Cut him loose and shackle his hands together," Nemura ordered.

  Nemura brought his old crew into the Aura with him. I remember these guys from when they would stop by in between their scouting missions.

  One looked at Eugene in fear, recalling his old commander. As the two henchmen got to work, Nemura paced back and forth.

  "Intel has reached me, Eu," Nemura said, mocking Blague’s nickname for him. His silver hair looked exceptionally wild. "A fallen Sin who you were pretty close with, I hear."

  Eugene looked down and sighed, his face tensed up, feeling more pain.

  "Briggs, that poor soul," Nemura said mockingly.

  Eugene's arms fell to the floor as the men released his chains.

  "I liked him better than you. It's a shame the Hiezers killed the wrong commander."

  Eugene remained silent as the two men shackled his hands together in front of him with rope.

  "Alright, you ex-military piece of shit," Nemura said, slapping Eugene's fresh wound. Eugene held back from grunting. "Let's move," he finished.

  Jason pointed to Jen and named her as the next to be enlightened. I wonder if this has to do with what Lesh explained a few months ago. How much more can Jen endure? I already failed her once, leaving her to live the horrors of this world alone.

  Nemura opened the door leading outside, the sunlight blinding Eugene's eyes. As they began to regain focus, a sea of hooded people came into vision. Jason was at the head of the group, displaying Jen as the next chosen one. Clouds of black and red smoke continued to rise into the air all around them. Eugene couldn't make out the words that Jason was shouting, but all of the followers raised their arms, reaching for the sky.

  Nemura hit Eugene in the head, "Move it," he said, pointing to the stairs leading onto the stone terrain.

  What a strange place this is, inhabited with even stranger people.

  "Nemura," Eugene said in an exhausted voice, "this doesn't seem like your scene. I never took you to be this desperate."

  "Hahaha, you'll soon see that Jason Brink possesses real power. Just wait!" Nemura replied excitedly. "You think he developed such a following by blowing smoke out of his ass?"

  He does have a point. There must be at least five hundred followers crowded down there.

  A brisk breeze hit them as they proceeded down the stairs. The air wasn't freezing, which was very odd considering they weren't too far from the South Pole. Eugene touched the ground with his hands; it felt like cement. The terrain appeared to be solid rock. The large group of followers lowered their arms and bowed. Jason promptly spun around, raised his cloak over his head, and began to drag Jen by the hand to the center stage. Eugene's heart began to race. No longer feeling exhausted, he stood upright, trying to nonchalantly keep tabs on the direction Jason was taking her in between the hundreds of hooded followers. They crossed what seemed to be a man-made bridge and shortly after disappeared into a massive cloud of deep red and black smoke. Nemura poked Eugene along, passing through the crowd of people. As he walked through, Eugene noticed the Aura symbol on everyone’s cloak; what he didn’t see was any signs of weaponry.

  Is it possible they're unarmed? Maybe some kind of holy tradition? Where the fuck is he taking Jen?

  Eugene, Nemura, and his two henchmen stopped at the head of the group where Jason and Jen were moments before. The surrounding followers began conversing with each other, exchanging thoughts and experiences about their journey to Auront. Eugene noticed that no one else had that odd red tint that Jason had. The group was a mix of all different types of people. Except for the hoods, they did not appear uniform or disciplined. Goosebumps ran up and down Eugene's arms as he heard a horrifying scream in the distance. He could recognize that voice anywhere; it was Jen’s. This was the first time since he'd been reunited with her that he heard her voice. Eugene started to lose control, writhing in his rope.

  Nemura pulled Eugene’s hair back, "Calm down, she's not being tortured, too much." Nemura smiled and threw Eugene’s head forward.

  A second later, another loud shriek echoed through the group.

  I can't let this happen again. I let myself think I was powerless in that situation years ago on that boat. Not this time. I got a second chance to make this right.

  Eugene pulled the ropes back and forth with all his might, trying to loosen the knot. His face turned beet red as Nemura held a hand over his shoulder, reminding him that he's a captive. A moment later, a third scream radiated through the followers, making everyone uncomfortable. Chills ran down Eugene’s spine; the sound of Jen’s cries pushed him into frenzy. He thrashed until the ropes came undone, burning his arms as he wrestled free. He swung an elbow behind him, knocking Nemura in the face for the second time, and bolted toward the man-made bridge. Nemura held his cheek. This time he didn't laugh, realizing the gravity of the situation. Nemura's two henchmen proceeded after Eugene, who was now in full sprint.

  Nemura yelled, "No! Do not enter the smoke of Auront; fall back!"

  The two henchmen immediately halted, watching Eugene submerge himself into the cloud.

  Lesh and Volaina began their mission together. They left in the midst of the night and wandered the far side of the rock path to avoid being scouted by Hiezer guards. The two of them trotted through the sand and gravel along the moonlit Atlantic Ocean, surveying for guards stationed to eliminate any Sins. The terrain was rocky, providing plenty of cover if need be.

  "Do you have stories about quake?" Volaina asked in her Russian accent.

  "I was dead when it happened," Lesh responded.

  Volaina looked at her slightly confused. "That's an odd way to put it," she replied.

  Lesh smiled in response.

  I suppose I have to do my part in keeping the camaraderie up for Blague’s sake.

  “My late father shared stories when I was younger. That was the day that changed everything. The widespread panic brought out the worst in most people and the best in others. My father was one of the others." Lesh continued, her voice scratching along the way. "He brought in refugees to hide in the mountains, trying to gather food and support the helpless until the panic died down."

  "Sounds like he was a good man," Volaina said sincerely, "I'm sorry for your loss."

  Lesh shook her head, "He was a good man, but also a weak one. That weakness got him killed." Volaina stood silent. "My brother, who almost gave away our position back then, was cowardly enough to end my father's life. My father should have left my brother with tape over his mouth on the side of the mountain when he was born, but that life is dust in the wind now," Lesh said.

  "I apologize to hear of such tragedy, Lesh. I've heard the stories from others," Voilana
revealed, "but it carries real weight coming from you."

  Lesh didn't respond to that. "What about you," Lesh said as she jogged, dashing in between the rocks.

  "I was also dead when the quake occurred," Volaina said with a smirk. "Only by a few years though. My family was part of the war that erupted when the Hiezers assumed control. Half of Old Russia conformed, the other half were too prideful. It took the Hiezers ten years to fully occupy their power, longer than it took them to conquer any other continent," Volaina said.

  "It sounds like you share that pride," Lesh said turning her head to look Volaina in the eyes.

  "Heh," Volaina laughed, "I guess some Russian pride rubbed off on me. My family was captured and sent off to exile amongst different continents. I've been alone in Senation ever since. I was lost until Blague found my crew and I. That man's sense of purpose is infectious," Volaina said.

  "Can't argue there," Lesh agreed.

  Lesh slowed to a walk and put her hand out to slow down Volaina. Lesh pointed as she ducked down behind a rock. There were three Hiezer guards on the high ground with binoculars; the moonlight shimmered off the lens.

  "Is your rifle silenced?" Lesh asked.

  "Of course," Volaina replied.

  Lesh motioned for her to hand it over.

  "Please keep one helmet intact. That's my ticket into this unit," Volaina said.

  "Their armor seems slightly different from the norm," Lesh said.

  "These are elite guards," Volaina confirmed, "They have authority to kill on sight.”

  “That makes this decision even easier," Lesh said as she aligned her eye with the scope. "Let the expansion begin," Lesh beamed a flashlight behind her, signaling to her crew. Moments later, a team of Sins ran up behind them as Lesh took aim.

  The smoke blinded Eugene for a moment, taking time for his eyes to adjust. Everything around him was shrouded in a deep shade of red. He began to feel lighter.

  Something doesn't feel right. I'm losing feeling in my fingers.


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