The Vale of Cedars; Or, The Martyr

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The Vale of Cedars; Or, The Martyr Page 1

by Grace Aguilar


  or, The Martyr




  "The wild dove hath her nest--the fox her cave-- Mankind their country--Israel but the grave."



  Grace Aguilar was born at Hackney, June 2nd, 1816. She was the eldestchild, and only daughter of Emanuel Aguilar, one of those merchantsdescended from the Jews of Spain, who, almost within the memory ofman, fled from persecution in that country, and sought and found anasylum in England.

  The delicate frame and feeble health observable in Grace Aguilarthroughout her life, displayed itself from infancy; from the ageof three years, she was almost constantly under the care of somephysician, and, by their advice, annually spending the summer monthsby the sea, in the hope of rousing and strengthening a naturallyfragile constitution. This want of physical energy was, however, indirect contrast to her mental powers, which developed early, andreadily. She learned to read with scarcely any trouble, and when oncethat knowledge was gained, her answer when asked what she would likefor a present, was invariably "A book," which, was read, re-read,and preserved with a care remarkable in so young a child. With theexception of eighteen months passed at school, her mother was her soleinstructress, and both parents took equal delight in directing herstudies, and facilitating her personal inspection of all that wascurious and interesting in the various counties of England to whichthey resorted for her health.

  From the early age of seven she commenced keeping a journal, which wascontinued with scarce any intermission throughout her life. In 1825she visited Oxford, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Worcester, Ross, and Bath,and though at that time but nine years old, her father took her toGloucester and Worcester cathedrals, and also to see a porcelain andpin manufactory, &c., the attention and interest she displayed onthese occasions, affording convincing proof that her mind was aliveto appreciate and enjoy what was thus presented to her observation.Before she had completed her twelfth year she ventured to try herpowers in composition, and wrote a little drama, called Gustavus Vasa,never published, and only here recorded as being the first germ ofwhat was afterwards to become the ruling passion.

  In September, 1828, the family went to reside in Devonshire for thehealth of Mr. Aguilar, and there a strong admiration for the beautiesand wonders of nature manifested itself: she constantly collectedshells, stones, seaweed, mosses, &c., in her daily rambles; and notsatisfied with admiring their beauty, sedulously procured whateverlittle catechisms or other books on those subjects she could purchase,or borrow, eagerly endeavoring by their study, to increase herknowledge of their nature and properties.

  When she had attained the age of fourteen, her father commenced aregular course of instruction for his child, by reading aloud, whileshe was employed in drawing, needlework, &c. History was selected,that being the study which now most interested her, and the first workchosen was Josephus.

  It was while spending a short time at Tavistock, in 1830, that thebeauty of the surrounding scenery led her to express her thoughts inverse. Several small pieces soon followed her first essay, and shebecame extremely fond of this new exercise and enjoyment of heropening powers, yet her mind was so well regulated, that she neverpermitted herself to indulge in original composition until her duties,and her studies, were all performed.

  Grace Aguilar was extremely fond of music; she had learned the pianofrom infancy, and in 1831 commenced the harp. She sang pleasingly,preferring English songs, and invariably selecting them for the beautyor sentiment of the words; she was also passionately fond of dancing,and her cheerful lively manners in the society of her young friends,would scarcely have led any to imagine how deeply she felt andpondered upon the serious and solemn subjects which afterwards formedthe labor of her life. She seemed to enjoy all, to enter into all, buta keen observer would detect the hold that sacred and holy principleever exercised over her lightest act, and gayest hour. A sense of dutywas apparent in the merest trifle, and her following out of the divinecommand of obedience to parents, was only equalled by the unboundedaffection she felt for them. A wish was once expressed by her motherthat she should not waltz, and no solicitation could afterwards tempther. Her mother also required her to read sermons, and study religionand the Bible regularly; this was readily submitted to, first as atask, but afterwards with much delight; for evidence of which wecannot do better than quote her own words in one of her religiousworks.

  "This formed into a habit, and persevered in for a life, would intime, and without labor or weariness, give the comfort and theknowledge that we seek; each year it would become lighter, and moreblest, each year we should discover something we knew not before, andin the valley of the shadow of death, feel to our heart's core thatthe Lord our God is Truth."--_Women of Israel_, Vol. II, page 43.

  Nor did Grace Aguilar only study religion for her own personalobservance and profit. She embraced its _principles_ (the principlesof all creeds) in a widely extended and truly liberal sense. Shecarried her practice of its holy and benevolent precepts into everyminutiae of her daily life, doing all the good her limited means wouldallow, finding time, in the midst of her own studies, and mostvaried and continual occupations, to work for, and instruct her poorneighbors in the country, and while steadily venerating and adheringto her own faith, neither inquiring nor heeding the religious opinionsof the needy whom she succored or consoled. To be permitted to helpand comfort, she considered a privilege and a pleasure; she left therest to God; and thus bestowing and receiving blessings and smilesfrom all who had the opportunity of knowing her, her young life flowedon, in an almost uninterrupted stream of enjoyment, until she hadcompleted her nineteenth year.

  Alas! the scene was soon to change, and trials awaited that spiritwhich, in the midst of sunshine, had so beautifully striven to prepareitself a shelter from the storm. The two brothers of Miss Aguilar,whom she tenderly loved, left the paternal roof to be placed far fromtheir family at school. Her mother's health necessitated a painful anddangerous operation, and from that time for several years, alternatehopes and fears through long and dreary watchings beside the sick bedof that beloved mother, became the portion of her gifted child. Buteven this depressing and arduous change in the duties of her existencedid not suspend her literary pursuits and labors. She profited by allthe intervals she could command, and wrote the tale of the "Martyr,"the "Spirit of Judaism," and "Israel Defended;" the latter translatedfrom the French, at the earnest request of a friend, and printed onlyfor private circulation. The "Magic Wreath," a little poetical work,and the first our authoress ever published, dedicated to the RightHonorable the Countess of Munster, also appeared about this time.

  In the Spring of 1835, Grace Aguilar was attacked with measles, andnever afterwards recovered her previous state of health, sufferingat intervals with such exhausting feelings of weakness, as to becomewithout any visible disease really alarming.

  The medical attendants recommended entire rest of mind and body; shevisited the sea, and seemed a little revived, but anxieties weregathering around her horizon, to which it became evidently impossibleher ardent and active mind could remain passive or indifferent, andwhich recalled every feeling, every energy of her impressible natureinto action. Her elder brother, who had long chosen music as hisprofession, was sent to Germany to pursue his studies; the youngerdetermined upon entering the sea service. The excitement of thesechanges, and the parting with both, was highly injurious to theiraffectionate sister, and her delight a few months after, at welcomingthe sailor boy returned from his first voyage, with all his tales ofdanger and adventure, and his keen enjoyment of
the path of life hehad chosen, together with her struggles to do her utmost to share hiswalks and companionship, contributed yet more to impair her inadequatestrength.

  The second parting was scarcely over ere her father, who had longshown symptoms of failing health, became the victim of consumption. Hebreathed his last in her arms, and the daughter, while sorrowing overall she had lost, roused herself once more to the utmost, feeling thatshe was the sole comforter beside her remaining parent. Soon after,when her brother again returned, finding the death of his father, heresolved not to make his third voyage as a midshipman, but endeavorto procure some employment sufficiently lucrative to prevent hisremaining a burthen upon his widowed mother. Long and anxiously did hepursue this object, his sister, whose acquaintance with literary andtalented persons had greatly increased, using all her energy andinfluence in his behalf, and concentrating all the enthusiasticfeelings of her nature in inspiring him with patience, comfort, andhope, as often as they failed him under his repeated disappointments.At length his application was taken up by a powerful friend, for hersake, and she had the happiness of succeeding, and saw him departat the very summit of his wishes. Repose, which had been so longnecessary, seemed now at hand; but her nerves had been too long andtoo repeatedly overstrung, and when this task was done, the worn andweary spirit could sustain no more, and sank under the labor that hadbeen imposed upon it.

  Severe illness followed, and though it yielded after a time to skilfulremedies and tender care, her excessive languor and severe headaches,continued to give her family and friends great uneasiness.

  During all these demands upon her time, her thoughts, and her health,however, the ruling passion neither slumbered nor slept. She completedthe Jewish Faith, and also prepared Home Influence for the press,though very unfit to have taxed her powers so far. Her medicalattendant became urgent for total change of air and scene, and againstrongly interdicted _all_ mental exertion--a trip to Frankfort, tovisit her elder brother, was therefore decided on. In June, 1847, sheset out, and bore the journey without suffering nearly so much asmight have been expected. Her hopes were nigh, her spirits raised--thenovelty and interest of her first travels on the Continent gave herfor a very transient period a gleam, as it were, of strength. For aweek or two she appeared to rally, then again every exertion becametoo much for her, every stimulating remedy to exhaust her. Shewas ordered from Frankfort to try the baths and mineral waters ofSchwalbach, but without success. After a stay of six weeks, andpersevering with exemplary patience in the treatment prescribed, shewas one night seized with alarming convulsive spasms, so terrible thather family removed her next morning with all speed back to Frankfort,to the house of a family of most kind friends, where every attentionand care was lavishly bestowed.

  In vain. She took to her bed the very day of her arrival, and neverrose from it again; she became daily weaker, and in three weeks fromthat time her sufferings ceased for ever. She was perfectly consciousto within less than two hours before her death, and took anaffectionate leave of her mother and brother. Speech had been amatter of difficulty for some time previous, her throat being greatlyaffected by her malady; but she had, in consequence, learned to useher fingers in the manner of the deaf and dumb, and almost the lasttime they moved, it was to spell upon them feebly, "Though He slay me,yet will I trust in Him."

  She was buried in the cemetery of Frankfort, one side of which is setapart for the people of her faith. The stone which marks the spotbears upon it a butterfly and five stars, emblematic of the soul inheaven, and beneath appears the inscription--

  "Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates."--Prov. ch. xxxi, v. 31.

  And thus, 16th September, 1847, at the early age of thirty-one, GraceAguilar was laid to rest--the bowl was broken, the silver cord wasloosed. Her life was short and checkered with pain and anxiety,but she strove hard to make it useful and valuable, by employingdiligently and faithfully the talents with which she had been endowed.Nor did the serious view with which she ever regarded earthlyexistence, induce her to neglect or despise any occasion of enjoyment,advantage, or sociality which presented itself. Her heart was everopen to receive, her hand to give.

  Inasmuch as she succeeded to the satisfaction of her fellow beings,let them be grateful; inasmuch as she failed, let those who perceiveit deny her not the meed of praise, for her endeavor to open the pathshe believed would lead mankind to practical virtue and happiness, andstrive to carry out the pure philanthropic principles by which she wasactuated, and which she so earnestly endeavored to diffuse.

  OCTOBER, 1849.





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