The Vale of Cedars; Or, The Martyr

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The Vale of Cedars; Or, The Martyr Page 5

by Grace Aguilar


  "In war did never lion rage more fierce-- In peace was never gentle lamb more mild, Than was that young and princely gentleman."


  The wars ravaging Spain had nursed many a gallant warrior, and givenample opportunities for the possession and display of those chivalricqualities without which, in that age, no manly character wasconsidered perfect. The armies of Ferdinand and Isabella counted someof the noblest names and most valiant knights of Christendom. TheSpanish chivalry had always been famous, and when once organized undera leader of such capacity and firmness as Ferdinand; when the noticeand regard of the Queen they idolized could only be obtained by manlyvirtue as well as the warrior's ardor, a new spirit seemed to wakewithin them; petty rivalships and jealousies were laid aside, all theysought was to become distinguished; and never had chivalry shone withso pure and glorious a lustre in the court of Spain as then, when,invisibly and unconsciously, it verged on its decline.

  It was amongst all this blaze of chivalry that Arthur Stanley had hadample opportunity to raise, in his own person, the martial glory ofhis own still much loved and deeply regretted land. Ferdinand hadhonored him with so large a portion of his coveted regard, thatno petty feelings on the part of the Spaniards, because he was astranger, could interfere with his advancement; his friends, however,were mostly among the Arragonese; to Isabella, and the Castilians, hewas only known as a valiant young warrior, and a marked favorite ofthe king. There was one person, however, whom the civil contentions ofSpain had so brought forward, that his name was never spoken, eitherin council, court, or camp, palace or hut--by monarch or captive,soldier or citizen--without a burst of such warm and passionateattachment that it was almost strange how any single individual, andcomparatively speaking, in a private station, could so have won thehearts of thousands. Yet it had been gradually that this pre-eminencehad been attained--gradually, and entirely by the worth of itsobject. At the early age of sixteen, and as page to Gonzalos deLara, Ferdinand Morales had witnessed with all the enthusiasm ofa peculiarly ardent, though outwardly quiet nature, the excitingproceedings at Avila. His youth, his dignified mien, his earnestness,perhaps even his striking beauty, attracted the immediate attention ofthe young Alfonso, and a bond of union of reciprocal affection fromthat hour linked the youths together. It is useless arguing on thefolly and frivolity of such rapid attachments; there are those withwhom one day will be sufficient, not only to awaken, but to rivet,those mysterious sympathies which are the undying links of friendship;and others again, with whom we may associate intimately formonths--nay, years--and yet feel we have not one thought in common,nor formed one link to sever which is pain.

  During Alfonso's brief career, Ferdinand Morales displayed personalqualities, and a wisdom and faithfulness in his cause, well deservingnot only the prince's love, but the confidence of all those who werereally Alfonso's friends. His deep grief and ill-concealed indignationat the prince's mysteriously sudden death might, for the time, haveobtained him enemies, and endangered his own life; but the favorof Isabella, whom it was then the policy of the confederates toconciliate in all things possible, protected and advanced him. Thelove borne by the Infanta for her young brother surpassed even thetenderest affection of such relatives; all who had loved and servedhim were dear to her; and at a time when so much of treachery andinsidious policy lurked around her, even in the garb of seemingdevotion to her cause, the unwavering fidelity and straightforwardconduct of Morales, combined as it was with his deep affection forAlfonso, permitted her whole mind to rest on him, secure not only ofhis faithfulness, but of vigilance which would discover and counteractevery evil scheming of seeming friends. Her constantly chosenmessenger to Ferdinand, he became known and trusted by both thatprince and his native subjects. His wealth, which, seemed exhaustless,independent of his preferments, was ever at the service of eitherIsabella or her betrothed; he it was from whom the necessary means forher private nuptials were borrowed. At that scene he was, of course,present, and, at his own desire, escorted Ferdinand back to his owndomains--an honorable but most dangerous office, performed with hisusual unwavering fidelity and skill. That one so faithful in adversityshould advance from post to post as soon as dawning prosperitypermitted Isabella and Ferdinand to reward merit as well as to evincegratitude, was not surprising; but no royal favor, no coveted honors,no extended power, could alter one tittle of his single-heartedtruth--his unrestrained intercourse with and interest in his equals,were they of the church, court, or camp--his gentle and unassumingmanner to his inferiors. It was these things that made him souniversally beloved. The coldest natures, if thrown in contact withhim, unconsciously to themselves kindled into warmth; vice itselfcould not meet the glance of that piercing eye without shrinking, forthe moment, in loathing from itself.

  Until Isabella and Ferdinand were firmly established on the throne,and Arragon and Castile united, there had been little leisure amongsttheir warriors to think of domestic ties, otherwise it might perhapshave been noticed as somewhat remarkable that Ferdinand Moralesappeared to stand alone; kindred, indeed, he claimed with four or fiveof the noblest amongst the Castilians, but he seemed to have no nearrelative; and though he mingled courteously, and to some young heartsfar too pleasingly, amongst Isabella's court, it seemed as if hewould never stoop to love. The Queen often jested him on his apparentinsensibility, and entreating him to wed. At first he had smiled awaysuch words; but two or three months after the commencement of ourtale, he acknowledged that his affections had been for some yearsengaged to one living so completely in retirement as to be unknown toall; he had but waited till peace had dawned for Spain, and he mightoffer her not only his love, but a secure and quiet home. He spokein confidence, and Isabella, woman-like, had listened with no littleinterest, giving her royal approval of his choice, without knowingmore than his own words revealed; but feeling convinced, she said,that Ferdinand Morales would never wed one whose birth or lineagewould tarnish his pure Castilian blood, or endanger the holy faithof which he was so true a member. A red flush might have stained thecheek of the warrior at these words, but the deep obeisance withwhich he had departed from the royal presence concealed the unwontedemotion. Ere a year from that time elapsed, not only the ancient cityof Segovia, where his large estates lay, but all Castile were throwninto a most unusual state of excitement by the marriage of the popularidol, Don Ferdinand Morales, with a young and marvellously lovelygirl, whom few, if any, had ever seen before, and whose very name,Donna Marie Henriquez, though acknowledged as essentially Castilian,was yet unfamiliar. The mystery, however, as to who she was, and wherehe could have found her, was speedily lost in the universal admirationof her exceeding and remarkable loveliness, and of the new yetequally attractive character which, as a devoted husband, Moralesthenceforward displayed. Many had imagined that he was too grave, toowrapt in his many engrossing duties, alike as statesman and general,ever to play the lover; and he had seemed resolved that thisimpression should remain, and shrunk from the exposure of such sacredfeelings; for none, save Isabella, knew he loved until they saw hisbride.


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