Kept for Training

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Kept for Training Page 6

by Emily Tilton

  Alice’s eyes went very wide, and Thomas watched her swallow hard. She held the wavering hand, her right, in front of her waist, covered now by the formless shift but giving as the girl moved a delicious hint of graceful curves within. It moved toward Mary again, just a little.

  “It’s not,” she whispered, her eyes fixed on the bottom Mary held obediently open. “It’s not.”

  Thomas gave a little sniff through his nostrils. “Can you smell it happening to Mary, my dear? See how her cunt has begun to give out that sweet liquor that gets it ready for a man to enter? Are you sure you don’t feel something similar between your own legs, when you think of how you have been… what? Whipped? Perhaps not at home, or even at school, but young women who come as servants to the West often find that their employers assert the right to discipline them. Did the man of the household take his belt to your young bottom?”

  Alice let out a little sob, and her hand darted out, touched, made Mary give a happy little cry as her new friend touched the cunt of another girl for the first time, cheeks pink and breath panting. As Alice watched in fascination the lascivious movements of Mary’s hips under even that lightest of first touches, she shook her head.

  “Ma Gantner… she… she used the spoon,” she said softly. “Almost every night.”

  Something in Alice’s voice, and in the way the memory of this Ma Gantner seemed to make her caress of Mary more urgent, more focused on the clitoris that Mary now arched her back and pushed out her bottom to furnish to the other girl’s naughty fingers, told Thomas to press for a little more information. In the process, he knew, he could make things a little clearer to Joe, who stood with a rather ambiguous smile on his face—the smile of a natural man who sees young ladies up to big-girl games, and isn’t sure whether to praise them or to spank them for it.

  “What else did she do, Alice?” the elder asked softly.

  Alice didn’t answer for a long moment. She had her lower lip between her teeth, and her eyes fixed with unceasing vigilance on Mary’s glistening cunt, whose soaking wet inner lips Alice’s fingers rubbed now quite vigorously, ending each rub with just the right amount of pressure on the clitoris to make Mary cry out, louder each time.

  The elder glanced at Joe, and saw in the man’s honest eyes the dawning of the understanding that Thomas had hoped would arise in him. Thomas thought of the passage in Dr. Brown’s treatise that perhaps applied best to this complicated, difficult situation.

  The natural man starting out, as he develops in his knowledge and skill at claiming the masculine rights I here outline, will inevitably begin to see the needs and desires of the young ladies he masters as the fascinating, but in many ways alien, territory they are. He will observe more experienced natural men, some of them quite expert in the art of training girls to enjoy their submission to the firm hand and the erect penis, and he will appreciate that he still has a good deal to learn when it comes to coitus and sexual discipline. He will soon grasp that his ways require refinement, and that he must at times surrender the right of the phallus to a more experienced natural man, if he himself is to advance in the pleasures he can take, and can give, in his bedchamber.

  Thomas counted Joe as one of his very best pupils, when it came to Dr. Brown’s theories, and he felt sure the strapping young longshoreman-turned-farmer remembered at least the meaning behind that passage. It didn’t to be sure feature the sort of arousing prose that stuck in a young cocksman’s mind—moments like the clarion call to pleasure of Take her, then, in her pretty mouth, in her wet cunt, and in her puckered arsehole, and make her yours. The good doctor’s measured approach, however, to a man’s learning the ways of mastery over his young lady would, Thomas thought, come to Joe’s mind.

  The passage had after all constituted the topic of an afternoon’s lesson in the saloon that served Brownsville’s male citizenry as Miss Reynolds’ schoolroom served its young ladies. Joe, together with the rest of the young men who made up the first wave of settlers, had heard all three elders speak seriously about what a natural man owed his young lady, above all in his care for the formation and development of her erotic needs.

  By bringing Alice along this way, getting her ready for her sexual training by strengthening the connection in her heart and mind between discipline and pleasure while at the same time teasing from her the details of her erotic history, Thomas would show Joe the importance of allowing the elders to dispose of the girl’s submission. Dr. Brown’s emphasis on the necessity of rousing a young lady’s desire to serve and to accept the firm-handed guidance of a natural man turned a potentially frustrating part of a young man’s accession to the fullness of his dominance into an opportunity: by acknowledging Thomas’ superior skill in the essential matter of getting Alice’s cunt wet and ready for her defloration when the time came for her first fucking, Joe would take a sizable step in his own development—indeed, Thomas thought, would put himself on an even footing with Ken Sweeney for the claim to the right of the phallus over Alice Rhodes.

  Chapter Nine

  Alice heard herself making tiny whining sounds with every frantic stroke up and down Mary’s sopping cunt. She knew she would have to answer the elder’s question soon: would have to tell him that she had longed for Ma Gantner to caress her the way she now caressed her new friend.

  But how could she? The elder had asked about spanking, hadn’t he? Despite all the confusing feelings Mrs. Gantner had roused in Alice down there, in the shameful place where she touched Mary so naughtily now, the stern woman had made it terribly clear that if she had caught Alice touching herself, or another girl, that way, Alice would have received the thrashing of her life. If Alice hadn’t been able to get the terrible thought out of her head, didn’t that prove that she needed more spanking… regular spanking?

  The elder, however, seemed to imply that the way Mary Jones cried out, the way she moved her naked hips, the way the strange, pretty blossom of her cunt seemed to flutter around Alice’s fingers… that those things weren’t to be condemned. That even though the Mrs. Gantners of the world found regular bare-bottom discipline the only way to cure a young woman of such things, here in Brownsville Mary Jones might receive a weekly spanking and yet still be allowed to have the new girl touch her cunt until… until…

  To Alice’s amazement, Mary suddenly gave a sharp cry, and held herself perfectly still for a long moment, every muscle in her body seeming to grow tight. Then her bottom gave a jerky little movement, and her back arched further. She threw her head back with another noise, a louder cry that sounded happier to Alice, and at the same time the slick place between her thighs seemed to clench upon Alice’s fingers. At first Alice couldn’t tell whether something awful had happened to her new friend, but when she heard the second cry, Alice’s face got very hot though she couldn’t have said exactly why except that she had realized that Mary had found some sort of release… the same sort of release for which Alice now understood she herself had longed, over Ma Gantner’s lap, when the woman rubbed her bottom and her fingertips stole as if by chance further down.

  Mary hung her head now, with a little sob of shame, and Alice sympathized entirely despite at the same time envying her new friend, though she knew she shouldn’t envy something so very humiliating.

  “There, now, Mary,” said Elder Hilton in a very kind voice that Alice suddenly wanted to hear from him, addressed to her. “You’re a good girl. You showed Alice how happy she’ll be when her turn comes.”

  Alice turned to him with eyes she knew must look wild. The elder smiled back at her.

  “You made Mary spend, as we call it. Earlier I think you saw Joe here spend in Mary’s bottom—both men and women can achieve what we call orgasm or climax. You just gave Mary a lovely climax, and it’s time for you to take off your shift, so Mary can do the same to you, after I inspect your vagina and your anus. First, though, please answer my question. What else did your Mrs. Gantner do? Did she do something after she spanked you with the wooden spoon on your bare bottom,

  “She rubbed my bottom,” Alice whispered, looking back down at pretty Mary’s own bare hind-cheeks.

  “Only your bottom?” asked the elder gently.

  “She made me spread my knees,” Alice confessed. “She said I had to show her that I was an innocent girl with no lewd thoughts. Sometimes she would rub my… my cunt a little bit… to see if I was naughty, she said.” Alice’s cheeks burned like the sun.

  The elder smiled reassuringly. “Thank you for telling me, my dear. Go ahead and let Mary help you off with your shift, and then stand just the way she did, opening your bottom to show me your anus.”

  Mary had straightened up, and though her hair was disheveled and her cheeks still red, she gave Alice a little smile that Alice thought the redheaded girl must mean to express shy gratitude. That notion increased both Alice’s shame and her envy, so that when Mary reached down to grasp the hem of Alice’s shift and began to draw it upward, Alice bit her lip, lowered her eyes, and raised her hands to allow the garment’s removal.

  She still didn’t know how she could possibly adopt the posture the elder had commanded, the shameful self-exposure of her most private maiden secrets. Now she was naked, though: just as naked as Mary had been when Joe had made her lower the covers to show Alice that Brownsville was the sort of place where strong pioneers kept pretty girls nude, in their beds, for fucking whenever they pleased.

  “Have you ever been naked like this, Alice?” the elder asked in a matter-of-fact voice that seemed to make the heat in Alice’s face even worse. “In front of men?”

  Alice shook her head, unable to raise her eyes to his. She hadn’t even been naked in front of girls, really. “But Pa Gantner saw my bottom,” she said softly, not sure why she felt the need to share that fact. “When his wife spanked me, a few times.”

  “How did that make you feel?” the elder asked. “How do you feel now, with me and Joe looking at your pretty bosom and your sweet little cunt?”

  “Embarrassed,” Alice mumbled.

  “Get into the position you saw Mary adopt, please, Alice,” Elder Hilton said, his voice becoming a little stern. “I’ll have to spank you if you don’t.”

  She did lift her face then, her eyes wide. Why had he suddenly threatened her? Was it because she had said that the only time a man had seen her bare bottom was when she had been punished over Mrs. Gantner’s knee? Was she going to have regular spanking here in Brownsville, like Mary?

  But wouldn’t Ma Gantner have spanked any girl who bent naked over a man’s bed, as Alice did now in fear of the elder’s hand in correction upon her backside? Wouldn’t she have found something harsher—the birch, or her husband’s belt—for the girl who reached back and took her own round hind-cheeks upon her fingers, who spread them and felt the air moving in that shameful place?

  Who heard Joe Smithers say, “Hoo-ee, will you just look at how wet she is?”?

  “That’s very nice, isn’t it?” the elder said. “I think we have a fine, fuckable young lady here. That cunt is going to be as tight as they come for the man who takes her maidenhead, and the anus is just like a little rose. Mary, go ahead and spread the cunt open, please, so I can see the hymen.”

  Alice felt like she had left her body as she listened to it discussed this way. How could it make the ache and the heat down there grow as it did? Surely she needed regular spanking, didn’t she? That thought made things even worse. Alice gave a sob of the same sort she had heard Mary emit, as she felt her new friend’s fingers there.

  “Shh,” Mary said. “It’s alright. If you’re a good girl I’m sure the elder is going to let me reward you, just like he said. You’ll like that, Alice. I promise.”

  Alice could only moan in response as the air moved over the hot, sensate flesh of the passage she still shrank from calling her cunt, even to herself, though suddenly now with Mary holding her open, she found herself thinking the thoughts she had never allowed in before: I have a cunt, and my cunt is for fucking, just like the elder said. My cunt is very wet, just like Joe said, because I need a hard penis, thrusting through the place where Mary’s fingers make me gasp a little, make me fear a little for the end of girlhood and the beginning of womanhood.

  “Alright, Mary,” Elder Hilton said, his voice seeming to come from miles away. “Why don’t you teach Alice about how a kind friend uses her tongue, when a girl deserves a reward.”

  “Oh!” Alice said. “Please… please, don’t… please, Mary…”

  But the redheaded girl, who Alice already knew as one of the kindest people she had ever met, had already started, her face buried in Alice’s privates from behind. So shameful and so pleasant was the feeling that Alice cried out, and rode Mary’s tongue, her lips, her nose, like a female animal in heat, desperate for the sort of releasing climax she had seen Mary have just a short while ago.

  And it came, so very quickly that Alice felt ashamed even of that. Ma Gantner would have said something about her being easy or loose, she felt sure, and the idea made the tensing, the struggle of her muscles that seemed at once to welcome and to fight the ecstatic pleasure so much stronger that she heard herself not just crying out daintily, but screaming with the sensation because she didn’t think her body could accept it.

  “Again,” said Elder Hilton, still sounding very distant. “Three orgasms for Alice this morning.”

  “Oh, no… no, please…” Alice wailed.

  “Quiet, girl,” Joe said, “hold yourself in place. When the elder rewards you, you accept the whole reward.”

  But Alice had fallen onto the bed, on her face, trying to get away from Mary’s lovely tongue. She closed her knees, but the elder said, “Spread her open, Mary, and keep right on going, please. Alice, we’ll bind you to the bed if we have to. We are going to get past your false modesty for the first time, here and now.”

  Those were the last words Alice understood for many minutes, because Mary obeyed the elder, and Alice, unable to move once Joe came to sit by her on the bed and hold her down, had to have two more of the shameful climaxes that seemed to teach her to care for nothing except pleasure. Pleasure, and serving Joe, serving the elder, serving Mary if the man to whom she belonged told her she must. Serving a man with a cock and a girl with a cunt, if they told her she would have a reward after she did her shameful duty.

  When Mary had finished, the elder told her to lie on the bed next to Alice and kiss her. Alice tried to turn away from the petals of Mary’s sweet lips, which smelled so strongly of Alice’s lewd, musky fragrance, but Joe held her head and she did kiss, and was kissed in return. The elder’s words came to her mind: she had indeed, she felt, somehow gotten past the sort of modesty Ma Gantner had tried in such a twisted way—Alice now perceived—to impress upon her. Alice could already feel that modesty returning, the blush creeping back into her cheeks when she became again aware of her nakedness, of Mary’s nakedness, of their little nipples pressing together so lasciviously and their cunts only inches apart, with the way Mary had put her thigh between Alice’s legs to press against her down there.

  Gradually as she returned to herself, she understood the words the elder and Joe spoke to one another as they stood over the naked girls on the bed.

  “I understand, Elder,” Joe was saying. “Thank you very much.”

  “Miss Reynolds and Elder George will come later today to fetch her, I imagine, since Elder Shaw isn’t back yet from San Francisco.”

  “Miss Reynolds?” Alice heard herself ask weakly.

  “She’s our schoolteacher,” the elder said, smiling down at her.

  “You’ll love her,” Mary said, giving Alice’s bare waist a squeeze. “It’s a little embarrassing at first, but I’ll come visit you at Elder Shaw’s house, and you’ll see me in school with the other girls, of course.”

  “Do they all go to school?” Alice asked, frowning.

  “No, my dear,” said Elder Hilton. “A few girls have graduated—like Miss Reynolds herself, and also Miss Weathers, Elder Geo
rge’s young lady.”

  Alice looked at Mary. “But I thought…”

  Mary smiled. “Elder George has three young ladies. I’m the second. The third, Grace, is so sweet; you’ll love her too. It was her night with Elder George last night.”

  Alice felt thoroughly confused, and rather embarrassed, but she felt another squeeze from Mary, and told herself, I don’t understand, but perhaps I soon shall.

  Chapter Ten

  Joe came into town three days later, as Elder Hilton had told him he might, to check on Alice. Elder Shaw had the biggest house in town; the only building with three stories, in fact, with the top one devoted to quartering newly arrived young ladies. Most of those of course came from the recruitment journeys the elders took in a four-month rotation; Elder Shaw himself was due back in a few weeks from his trip to San Francisco. In Frisco fallen women might these days be found by the dozen, many of them grateful for a chance to start over in a place where their natural erotic desires could find acceptance.

  The young men recruited on the elders’ journeys stayed in the bunkhouse at the edge of the little town. Ken Sweeney had responsibility for supervising them at the moment, Hank Baker having recently been given a young lady and the apartment over the new general store in which to enjoy her. Hank had represented the last man of the first group of Brownsville settlers; Ken and Joe held the most prominence among the eighteen whom Elder Hilton had recruited on his journey to New York. Joe had been the first of them to build a cabin and start farming, while Ken had received the signal, if somewhat dubious in practice, honor of supervising the occasionally rowdy bunkroom and its inhabitants.


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