Infinity Chronicles Book Three

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Infinity Chronicles Book Three Page 8

by Albany Walker

  “Oh!” That’s all I can say, an exclamation of surprise at how wrong I was about why he was jealous and his confession. I peek over at the bathroom door, making sure Ollie is still behind it. Wetting my lips, I pray I’m not about to stick my foot in my mouth and push Milo away. “You’re in love with him.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I know they’re true. It makes so much sense. Neither of them ever actually denied that there was something between them, but they never confirmed it either.

  Milo’s shoulders rise and his eyes dart to mine, but he looks away immediately. “It’s different with Ollie.” His words are softly spoken. “We’ve known each other forever, and he knows everything about me.”

  “Milo, you don’t have to hide that from me.” I swallow, my mind playing through all the times I’ve seen them sharing a laugh or eating from each other’s plates. I examine how I felt in those moments. Think about how I feel when Ollie drops his arm over Milo’s shoulder and walks, just like he does to me. I can’t find an ounce of resentment or envy. The only time I ever remember feeling jealous was in the beginning when I didn’t know they would include me in what they had together.

  I shake my head, dispelling the thoughts, and gaze up into Milo’s face. His dark blue eyes are a little wide, frightened looking. “I know you love him, I’ve always known.”

  “It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.” Milo flips over his hand and returns the hold I have on his arm. His eyes search mine before he brushes a strand of hair from the side of my face, pushing it behind my ear.

  It’s a sweet gesture, and I turn my cheek into his touch as his fingers stroke over my face. What he doesn’t know is that I’d take whatever Milo is willing to give, Ollie too. If this is all I’ll ever have with him, I can live with it, because it’s so much more than I ever thought I’d ever have with anyone.

  “Milo, you don’t have to make any promises, I want you to be happy.” Moving faster than I can blink, Milo closes the distance between us. He melds his body to mine, the hard lines of his chest very apparent as his hands comes around my back, fusing us together.

  Leaning his head down, he whispers, “Then kiss me.” Not waiting for my response to his request, Milo brushes his lips across mine in a subtle caress. He dips his mouth to mine slowly, his kisses light and teasing. Leaning up so I can reach him, I find myself chasing his soft, full lips.

  I sigh when Milo’s tongue skims over my bottom lip. Our mouths never merge, but our tongues slide against one another. My breath starts to come out in quick pants, as my heart rate picks up to match.

  Milo tightens his hold on my lower back, and I arch against him, willingly. Bringing my hands up, my fingers travel over his muscular forearms to his hard biceps, and farther still until I feel the width of his shoulders. Milo makes a noise in the back of his throat, something between a moan and a grunt of frustration. His hand fists over the small of my back, gathering the material of my shirt in his hand so tightly I hear a seam pop, but I ignore it.

  Dragging my fingernails over his chest, Milo continues his teasing kisses, but his body is frozen almost, immobile as he holds me. I open my heavily lidded eyes and pull away slightly. Milo’s eyes are squeezed tightly shut and he his brows are furrowed, creating creases on his forehead. His breathing is measured and deep. I palm his cheek and place a gentle peck on his mouth. “What’s wrong?” I’m so confused. I know he’s affected by our kisses, I can feel the evidence against my lower stomach.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” His eyes open, they’re clear, but the lines still mare his forehead. Realization dawns, he’s holding himself back. Worried that his gift of strength might be more than I can handle.

  “Milo,” I murmur. “You’re not going to hurt me.” I know I’m telling him the truth.

  “I could. That’s why I’ve never… I’ve never really gotten close to anyone before. What if I lose control and forget? I could crush you. Without even realizing it.”

  “I mean, I guess it might happen, but Ollie’s fire doesn’t burn me, I feel the heat, but it doesn’t hurt me.” I widen my eyes, hoping he’s following along with my thoughts.

  Milo’s eyes dart to the left as he thinks about what I said. But he shakes his head back and forth in denial, his lips thinning. “No, I can’t risk that.” Milo steps away from me, like I might force him into trying to crush me.

  I follow his retreat, slowly, with no intention of making him do anything. But I do want him to think about it, because I’m sure I’m correct. I don’t think his abilities will hurt me. “I’m not saying we should try anything now, but maybe in the future…” He’s shaking his head before I can even finish.

  “Absolutely not.” Milo crosses his arms over his chest, causing the sleeves of his shirt to tighten over the bulk. He’s trying to frighten me. I almost roll my eyes, but I stop myself. I don’t want him to think I’m ignoring the threat.

  I pat his arm, showing him I get what he’s doing, but lean up and give him a gentle kiss on his lips anyway. This is something we can work through. “We have plenty of time,” I tell him when my heels land back on the ground.

  Milo stares at me with his chin still raised, but I see the slight glimmer of hope within his eyes.

  Chapter 8

  “Come on Milo,” Ollie grumbles for the third time, and this time it’s accompanied with a wave of his hand. The movie he picked starts in less than a half an hour and he’s not letting any of us forget it.

  “Go, go,” Rosa urges Milo. When we made plans to go to the movies this morning, we had no idea Rosa had figured out a way to keep us busy in Ares and Dante’s absence.

  “Leave these here, I’ll put them up when we get back.” Milo pats the top of a dresser. Rosa wanted a few of the rooms changed around and Milo, with all of his brute strength, is just the man for the job.

  “I will, go.” She shoos us out of the bedroom, a small grin playing on her lips.

  “Thanks Rosa,” Ollie calls, already halfway out the door.

  “Jesus Ollie,” Milo grates out through his teeth, clomping down the stairs. “It would have only been a few more minutes. It’s not a lot to ask, I mean, we’ve been practically living here one way or another for over a year.”

  Ollie groans out a long sigh. “Don’t worry Milo, you’ll feel guilty enough for both of us.” I pause when I get to the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Milo to reach me. I snag his hand and he pauses, looking down at me.

  The tension from this morning is there, an underlying current that can’t be seen, but felt every time they’ve interacted today. Maggie even noticed something was off when we were working earlier.

  “Would you rather finish now, and we can catch a later show?” I offer.

  Milo lets out a long breath. “No, let’s just go.”

  Milo opens the passenger door for me and I lean forward to push the seat out of the way so I can climb into the back seat, but Milo puts his hand over mine, stopping me. When I look over my shoulder, he nods his chin, motioning for me to get in. I slide into the front seat and scramble to the middle, Milo following right after me.

  I tighten my knees together so I can offer them as much room as possible. It’s a tight fit with all of us packed into the front seat. Their obvious irritation grates on my already frayed nerves. We haven’t heard from Ares or Dante all day. I don’t think I’m the only one growing more worried with every minute that passes.

  Running my hands over the top of my jean covered thighs and looking at our seating arrangement, I wonder, “Is this legal?”

  Milo leans over me and shoves his hand between Ollie’s hip and mine. I lift up as his hand roams behind me. He pulls an old-fashioned lap seatbelt out. After draping it over my lap and buckling it, he confirms, “It is now.”

  Ollie doesn’t waste any time making the turn that will get us out of the driveway and on the road. The drive to the theater in Monroe should have taken twenty minutes, but thanks to Ollie’s heavy foot and Dante’s car, we make it in just unde
r fifteen.

  As soon as the car doors open, I breathe in a wave of fresh air, thinking that going to the movies might not be the best choice, considering Ollie and Milo barely seem to be on speaking terms at the moment.

  “I’m going to grab the tickets and some snacks.” Ollie brushes a kiss against my temple and jogs off before I can object.

  I shove my hands deep into my pockets, deciding to take advantage of the few moments I have alone with Milo. “You’re mad because Ollie bonded to me.” It’s a statement, one I know is true, but I don’t understand why. He said he wasn’t mad this morning, but he sure seems like he is.

  Milo pays close attention to his shoes as we slowly walk toward the entrance of the small mall where the theater is located. “A little, I guess.” Milo shrugs one shoulder.

  “Will you tell me why?” I grab one of Milo’s hands and stop walking when we reach the sidewalk. Turning to face him, I pull him to a stop with me.

  Milo’s eyes go above my head, but he doesn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular. “I honestly don’t really know.” His eyes finally meet mine.

  I don’t know how to ask my next question, I’m afraid of the answer. I’m the one who looks away this time. “You think he did it too soon, or you never wanted him to?”

  I feel Milo take a step in my direction, his scent and warmth coming closer. “Neither. I guess I’d always just assumed that we would be together when it happened.” Milo runs his free hand over his head, mussing his hair.

  “I know, you explained that this morning, but I don’t understand why you’re still upset,” I explain, hoping to alleviate some of my confusion and his frustration.

  “I might not… I don’t know,” Milo stumbles before he grunts, the sound full of frustration. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to take care of you. Ollie knows I can’t get close to people like that. I always have to be in complete control. Even when I play football. It’s so fucking exhausting making sure I don’t hurt anyone, and he knows this.”

  I tilt my head, finally understanding a little of his agitation. “Did you ever talk to him about it?”

  “No,” Milo blurts, his jaw tightening.

  “Maybe you should just talk to him,” I suggest, my voice soft. “I know he’s upset that you’re upset.”

  The corner of Milo’s lip curves upward. “What?” He shakes his head, his smile blooming into a full grin. “I think I like having you around.”

  I jerk my head back in mock outrage. “You’re just now deciding that?”

  Milo leans in for a soft kiss. We’re standing on the sidewalk near the mall, anyone could see us, and I can’t deny the thrill I feel at the prospect. When he pulls away, my heart jumps and I glance around to check if anyone noticed. “I actually already knew that, but reminders are always good. Come on, before Ollie eats all the popcorn.”

  Ollie is standing near the door waiting on us, his arms already full with a bucket of buttery popcorn and two huge sodas. Milo reaches for the drinks the moment we pass through the vestibule.

  Ollie turns and cocks his hip out to me. “Grab the tickets,” he orders, around a mouthful of popcorn. I reach into his front pocket and feel around, but all I feel is a small ball of lint. When I look up, he has a smirk on his face. “Wrong pocket.” He spins to offer the other, but I cross my arms over my chest and raise an eyebrow at him and his cheesy antics.

  Ollie throws his head back and a laughter booms out of him. There are a few people milling around the lobby, and he definitely garners some attention. “I got them, come on.”

  We approach a young man standing near a thin, little podium with a slot in the top. Ollie digs in his own pocket and retrieves three tickets, handing them over. The guy gives them a cursory look and mumbles, “Theater three, last one on the right. Enjoy your show.” Then he rips the tickets in half and returns one side to Ollie.

  The theater is already dim when we walk in and there’s an ad playing for a local realtor, but the movie hasn’t started yet. Milo ducks into the last row of seats. True to his word, the seats are large red leather recliners with three buttons, one to raise the foot area, one to lower it and finally, one in the middle with two wavy lines. I’m assuming that’s the heat.

  I glance around, noting a few other heads in the theater, then sink into the plush chair. Ollie takes the seat to my left, placing me in the middle. I snuggle into the seat hitting the button for the heat, wishing I’d brought a blanket. It’s damn cold in here.

  Ollie lets out a long sigh while his feet rise. He has the bucket of popcorn nestled next to him and one of the drinks placed in the holder between us. As his head goes back, his eyes close. I bet he doesn’t even make it through half the movie.

  I glance over at Milo as he’s fumbling with the buttons, moving his legs up and down by inches looking for exactly the right angle. I wait until his hands are folded over his stomach, and ask, “Why haven’t they called yet?”

  Milo glances at me, but the lights dim a little more and the surround system kicks up, my chair vibrating with the loud, slow thrum of music is as the movie begins. Taking my hand, he brings it up to his lips for a sweet kiss. “They’ll call,” is all he says. No promise that everything is fine, no excuses as to why they haven’t. Just conviction that they will.

  I focus on the screen, the sound is uncomfortably high. I’d have to yell to be heard over the music anyway, so I let the subject drop.

  Ollie taps my left shoulder and he tips the buttery popcorn in my direction. I take a handful and tip my head back to drop a few kernels into my mouth. The salt hits my tongue first, no wonder they bought two large sodas, I’ll need half a gallon myself, but it’s oh so good. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied with the microwaved stuff again.

  About ten minutes into the movie, Milo taps my thigh. “I’m running to the bathroom. You need anything?” He leans in close to my ear as he inquires. I shake my head in lieu of answering.

  Ollie’s eyes dart up to Milo as he passes, watching him go. As he exits the theater, Ollie focuses his gaze on me. Reaching between us he takes the soda and moves it to the opposite side. He lifts the armrest between us, so there’s no longer any separation. He scoots closer and wraps his arm over my shoulders, and without an ounce of hesitation, his lips find mine.

  My eyes fall closed as I lean into him. Accepting his tongue into my mouth when he makes a gentle lap over my bottom lip. One hand goes into the hair behind my ear, while the other slips between the back of the seat and my side.

  Ollie produces way more heat than the recliner ever could. I feel the sparking heat flare as his fingers coast under my shirt, his hot palm causing me to suck in a deep breath, but it doesn’t burn. The pleasant warmth flares out, covering much more than his hand. My head tips back as I take a few steadying breaths, but Ollie continues his fiery assault by kissing down my neck. My eyes are closed, but I can see the brightness of the huge screen from behind my lids. The colors are shades of yellows and reds, only amping up the blaze Ollie is creating in my blood as his hand moves up to cup my breast.

  His thumb glides over the tip, back and forth, with just enough pressure to make me crave more. When I arch my back, he makes a low sound of appreciation in his chest. Jerking my eyes open I scan the rows of seats, none of the few heads I see are turned in our direction. The sound he made is small compared to noise of the movie. I bite my bottom lip, Milo will be back any second. I run my hand through Ollie’s hair and he tucks his face in closer, sucking at the tender skin near the hollow of my throat.

  “Ollie.” My voice is a hoarse rasp. “Ollie,” I try again, my eyes falling shut once more when he nips at the curve of my neck.

  He lifts his head, his eyes heavily lidded and his lips still glistening from his kisses. “Milo,” I whisper. I know he knows what I said, even if he can’t hear me. “We should talk to him.” Ollie’s hand inches off my chest to rest on my hip.

  “I know,” he admits, leaning back into his chair. He brushes an escaped
tendril of long, blond hair away from his face. Looking back at the screen, he lifts his right arm for me to come closer. I lean into him, my breathing still a little ragged, but happy that we stopped before Milo could see us. I don’t want to upset him more than he already is.

  When Milo retakes his seat, I start to pull away from Ollie’s embrace, but his arm tightens around me. The subtle hint is enough to tell me I might be taking Milo’s feeling into consideration a little too much. Ollie and I did just bond today, and he needs the closeness and affection just as much as Milo needs to be reminded that we’re both still here for him.

  I give Milo an appraising look, and he seems relaxed as he settles in to watch the film. I try to focus on the action movie that Ollie picked. There’s a lot of gunfire and fight scenes, which I usually like, but if I’m being honest, the loudness of the speakers is kind of getting to me. The headache teasing at my temples is proof enough.

  “I’m going to grab a refill,” Ollie tells me. A major fight scene just ended and his words are louder than necessary. He climbs out of the chair without even lower the legs, and jogs to the door—at least he doesn’t run.

  “Hey,” Milo says, drawing my attention. As I look over he stands. Reaching for my hand, he tugs me up and maneuvers so that he’s in front of my seat, and I’m in front of him. Thinking he wanted to switch seats I take a step in the other direction, confused but willing to accommodate him anyway. Milo’s hands land on my hips as he drops into my seat, and pulls me back so I fall into his lap. “My armrest doesn’t lift,” is all he whispers in explanation, his lips pressed against my ear.

  My heart rate is already faster than usual from the slight scare I got when he pulled me down, but his nearness doesn’t help calm it. “Okay,” I breathe out, wondering what Ollie will think when he gets back. Milo rearranges me, getting comfortable and positioning me so I’ll still be between him and Ollie.

  When he walks in and notices our new seating arrangement and my wide-eyed look, Ollie gives me a saucy grin. He deposits the soda on the other side of his seat and sits right next to Milo, pulling my legs across his lap. I turn my head to look at the screen, wondering if they can see the frantic beat of my pulse in my neck. I try to ignore the fact that I’m in Milo’s lap, and the way Ollie’s wandering fingers seem to venture higher and higher on my thigh with every caress of his hand.


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