The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 19

by Melisa Bigler

  She sat on the couch, putting her head down. Why was she so lightheaded? But then she knew as a vision flashed across her sight. She wasn't used to having a waking nightmare, but there it was. She gasped when she saw what it was, and hurried to her feet, running inside.

  She headed to the office and opened the door. Edric was going over paperwork and looked up. "Miss me already?" he teased, but then frowned when he saw her face. He jumped up and walked to her. "Jillian, what's wrong?"

  "Did you just send Warren and Emerson out?"

  "Yes, why? There is some pack business back West and I don’t want to leave you here alone, so they are going in my place.”

  "The plane," she whispered. "It's been sabotaged. It's going to explode in the air."

  He cussed and mind linked with Warren.

  "Warren, where are you?"

  "Just getting on the plane, why?"

  "Get out of there now. Jillian said it is set to explode in the air. Get off, and get the police there, I will be there as soon as I can."

  "Yes sir," he replied.

  "We got them in time?" Jillian whispered.

  "Yes, they were just boarding. I need to go see why the plane was going to explode."

  "A bomb, set for two hours from now," Jillian whispered.

  He nodded and dialed a number on his phone. "Hey, it's Edric. I need the bomb squad out to the private airport. There's a bomb on one of my planes."

  He then hung up and pulled Jillian into his arms, she was still pale.

  "It will be all right love. I am just glad you saw it in time, you just saved the lives of my two best men." He then took her hand. "Come on, I want you with me. I don't want you out of my sight."

  She didn't even argue as they headed out the door. Orson and Wes were waiting by the limo and they got in, headed to the airport.

  When they arrived the police were there already, along with the bomb squad.

  Warren and Emerson were behind the fence, staying out of their way. They saw the limo pull in and hurried to it. Emerson pulled open the door and pulled Jillian out giving her a huge hug. Edric frowned but knew Emerson was doing it because he was grateful.

  "Luna," he said. "You saved our lives. There was a bomb in the wheel well, set to go off just about the time we were going to descend to land. You are my hero."

  He then stepped back. Warren nodded at her. “Thank you Luna, for saving our lives,” he added.

  She blushed. "You are both welcome," she said.

  One of the officers hurried to the fence then. "Alpha, we diffused the bomb, taking it in for analysis. We will let you know what we find."

  "Thanks Detective."

  "How did you know?" he then asked.

  Edric frowned. He didn't want anyone knowing of Jillian's gift, so he said, "With what has been going on lately? I wanted to make sure that my plane was safe. I am glad I did."

  He nodded. "We'll get back with you soon." He then walked away.

  "Why didn't you tell them how you knew?" Emerson asked Edric.

  "Because I don't want anyone knowing about Jillian's gifts, except us," Edric said, "I don't want everyone thinking that they can use her for their fortune teller."

  Emerson nodded. "Understandable."

  "Good. Her gifts stay within our circle, got it?"

  "Yes sir," the men nodded.

  He then tucked an arm about Jillian. "Come on, let's head back. Let the men do their jobs, and I will call the Western Pack, let them know you two aren't coming today."

  "Will it be safe to go at all?" Warren asked.

  "I don't know Warren, that is a very good question. Someone is greatly determined to stop me."

  "Did you debug the phones?" Jillian asked, "maybe that was how the person knew you were sending out Warren and Emerson."

  Edric frowned. "I thought it was debugged. I will check it again," he said, as he helped Jillian in. He then looked at Warren and Emerson. "When you get back to the palace meet me in the office. We obviously need more security measures."

  "Yes sir," they replied and headed away to a different car.

  When they got back to the palace, they headed right to the office. Edric took apart his desk phone and didn't find anything. He sighed as he sat down, pulling Jillian onto his lap. "You are incredible, you know that?" he said, kissing her cheek.

  Warren and Emerson walked in then. "Wes, Orson, stand outside the door," Edric told them.

  The men nodded and did as told, closing the door behind them.

  "No bug in the phone," Edric said. "I don't know how someone knew you two were going on that flight."

  "Maybe they planted the bomb, thinking you would be on the plane,” Emerson said, “but instead we were.”

  Edric nodded. "I guess that is a possibility, which would mean that I would have ended up dead, instead.”

  He kissed Jillian's temple. "But thanks to my lovely Luna, we are all okay. Emerson, I want you to post four men out at the airport from now on. I don't want my planes compromised again. I also want the mechanic checked out."

  Emerson nodded. "I will get on it right now sir," he said and left the room.

  Edric then turned to Warren. "I am worried Beta. I trust all of you, but someone is still getting through."

  "Maybe not sir, now that we debugged the place, and if that bomb was on there earlier before the palace was debugged," he pointed out.

  "Let's give it a few days," Edric said. "I will send you to the Western pack then. But I don't want anyone knowing you are going, except Jillian and I, and Carla."

  Warren nodded. "Yes, sir."

  "If there ends up being a bomb on board again, I won't know what to do," Edric said.

  "I certainly hope not sir, but with our good luck charm here," he winked at Jillian, "we should be okay, right?"

  Edric nodded. "I hope so. It still worries me though."

  He held Jillian to him as Warren headed to the door. "I'll let you two get back to business," he chuckled, and headed out of the door, closing it behind him.

  Jillian kissed Edric. "You really care about your pack."

  "I do, love. They are good people."

  She nodded and cuddled up to him, making him sigh with happiness.

  "Now I have a few minutes, want to go watch a movie in my theater?"

  "You have a theater?" she grinned.

  "I do, it's just down the hall from my office, but no chick flicks," he teased her, helping her stand.

  "Fine, but no fighting movies either."

  "Well, then what are we going to watch?" he asked her.

  She took his hand leading him to the door, "I am sure we can figure something out," she winked.

  He chuckled as he followed her. "Now, you heard the doctor," he teased.

  "I know," she laughed, "you have one dirty mind Alpha," she teased him.

  "I can't help it, you are just so sexy," he teased as he took her to the theater.

  Chapter 23

  Jillian fell asleep halfway through the movie, so Edric carried her upstairs and to bed, planning to wake her in time for dinner with her parents. He then walked into the kitchen and let Den know about their dinner plans. “Let’s make it a BBQ out on the back porch, I think the Luna would like that,” he said to him.

  Den nodded. "Okay Alpha, I can do that.”

  “Do you need some help? I can send Carla in here.”

  “Sure, why not,” he said.

  Moments later she walked in. “Okay Den, tell me what I need to do. We need to keep our Alpha and Luna happy,” she teased.

  “Your Luna needs to be the pampered one, not myself,” Edric pointed out and walked out, smiling.

  He found Emerson and Warren in the hall, nodding at each other, frowns on their faces.

  "What's going on?" he asked the men.

  "Just going over more security plans at the airport," Warren said. "I've got six of the pack out there, and I asked for the background check of the maintenance man from the police. They'll get it as soon as they can."<
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  "But?" Edric said, knowing he was holding back something.

  "Well, Alpha," Warren frowned, "I got a call from the police. They found the mechanic tied up and beaten to death out behind the plane hangar."

  Edric growled angrily, making his men jump. "Find out who did it, I will personally have their head."

  "I'll get on it right now," Warren replied, walking away.

  Edric looked at Emerson. “I don’t like that someone is trying to sabotage my planes.” He then frowned deeply. “I wonder,” he said, and pulled out his phone dialing the police department. “I want to speak with Detective Campbell, it’s Edric.”

  “Alpha,” the detective said when he came on the phone.

  “Campbell, I want that plane that my Luna was on searched more thoroughly.”

  “Alpha, are you thinking that there might be another reason it crashed?”

  “I do. I think there was a bomb on board.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because of the bomb found on my plane, and my mechanic was just found beaten to death.”

  “I’ll get right on it Alpha,” he said and hung up.

  Emerson was frowning. “You really think there was a bomb on board?”

  “I do. Why else would it have exploded like it did.”

  “Why would someone plant a bomb?”

  “To get to Jillian.”

  “Damn,” Emerson swore.

  “But we will not say a word. She already feels guilty enough, got it?”

  “Yes Alpha.”

  “I’m going to go and check on her,” Edric said, and headed up the stairs. He opened the door to the bedroom but the bed was empty. He went into her room, but it was empty also, so was the bathroom.

  Growing concerned he ran down the stairs and out front, looking around. No Jillian. How had she gotten past him without him seeing her? Did she sneak by when he was visiting with Warren and Emerson? He didn’t think she could have, he would have smelled her and heard her. He then headed out back. Den had the grill lit and warming up.

  "She headed to her studio," Den said, knowing that Edric was looking for Jillian.

  "Thanks," Edric sighed, relieved, and hurried that way.

  When he opened the door, he smiled. Jillian was standing in front of a picture, doing some touch-ups. It was of her and her parents standing on a beach. It was an excellent painting.

  "That is incredible Luna," Edric said, walking up to her and kissing her cheek.

  She smiled. "Thanks, I was going to give it to my parents tonight. Do you think they will like it?"

  "They will love it. I know I promised you that we would have an art show this weekend, but with everything going on," he sighed.

  She turned and kissed him. "It's okay. I'm not in any hurry. Besides, I need to have more paintings done.”

  "I promise I will make it up to you as soon as we catch whoever is trying to harm us, okay?" he said.

  She nodded and he kissed her softly. "If you are ready, your parents should be here any minute."

  Jillian picked up the painting, dried it with a hair dryer to set the paint, and then taking Edric's hand, she walked out of the studio with him.

  Jillian's parents were just walking outside with Warren when she and Edric entered the backyard.

  Her mom hugged her.

  "What's that?" she asked Jillian of her painting.

  "It's for you and Dad, I painted it," Jillian said, showing it to her mother and father.

  Jillian's mom teared up. "Oh honey, that is incredible, you have such talent," she said. "I remember that trip. That was one of our favorites, on the beaches of Puerto Rico."

  "I figured you would like it," Jillian said as her mother took the painting reverently.

  "So, that is what you have been doing instead of going to school?" her dad asked, frowning.

  "Dad," Jillian protested.

  "She has been painting because I am not letting her go back to school," Edric said. "She is homeschooling from now on. Plus, you have to remember she is recovering from her car accident," Edric pointed out.

  “There is no reason that she can’t go back to school next week though,” Henry frowned. “You shouldn’t have any say whether or not my daughter goes to school.”

  “Excuse me dad, but you wanted me to come home with you, and you think that was fair?” Jillian pointed out. “You are saying that Edric doesn’t have the right to control me, but what are you trying to do?”

  Both men flushed.

  “Let me do my own thing, okay? I am 18, let me live my life. I am not a child anymore,” she glared at both of them. “You both should know better than trying to control me.”

  Edric nodded, feeling power come off of her. Carla and Emerson were standing close by and whimpered, baring their necks to her.

  Edric even felt the pull. “Lay off of it Jillian,” he said, nodding at Emerson and Carla.

  She sighed, and they did also. “Sorry.” She then looked at her dad who was watching her curiously.

  "I don't know what you see in him," Henry said to Jillian.

  “Dad,” she growled.

  “Okay you two,” Nadine stepped in, “Let’s not fight. Henry, our daughter is a grown woman, you can see that. She’s not a helpless girl.”

  “But her life is still in danger,” Henry frowned.

  “How you know that dad, I won’t even ask,” Jillian frowned. “But I am safe here. You have seen how many guards that Edric has.”

  “I hate that you are staying here and you aren’t married,” he muttered.

  “Dad, we are getting married in Hawaii, in a month.”

  “That’s going to be extremely expensive and over the top.”

  “Dad, it will just be a few of us. Besides we will be flying over on Edric’s plane.”

  “Is that safe after today?” Carla asked, then covered her mouth. “Sorry, you didn’t hear that.”

  “What happened?” Henry glared at Edric.

  “Nothing dad, it was just a plane malfunction, but it is being fixed,” Jillian assured him.

  Edric nodded at her, grateful she had sugar coated it.

  "Who's up for a burger?" Den interrupted.

  "Burgers?" Jillian grinned. "Thank you, Den, I have been wanting a good burger, those fast food ones just don’t cut a homemade one.”

  "You can thank Edric, he thought it would be a good idea," Den said.

  Jillian kissed Edric, making her dad frown. "Thank you, Edric."

  "You are welcome," he grinned, kissing her back.

  "Now, enough of that," Henry growled out. "My daughter is only 18. I don't want you taking advantage of her, especially in front of us," he ground out.

  Jillian flushed. "Dad quit being such a fuddy-duddy. You and mom kiss in front of me all the time."

  "Of course we do, we are married and much older. You are still a teen, Jillian."

  She sighed. "Dad, let's just eat, okay?"

  Henry glared at Edric again. If Henry only knew what Edric had done to Jillian. He would probably kill him.

  The seven of them sat down to eat at a large round table on the patio, while Orson and Wes stood guard by the back door.

  Jillian's mom noticed them and took them each a plate of food. "Here you are young men," she smiled. "You can't stay alert if you haven't eaten."

  "Thank you Mrs. Everett," Orson smiled at her.

  She blushed. "You are welcome," she said and headed back to sit by Jillian.

  "He is handsome, too bad I am married," she whispered to Jillian.

  Jillian gasped. "Mom, I can't believe you said that," she hissed back.

  Edric covered a laugh with a cough. He had heard every word.

  Henry looked at his wife who was seated on the other side of him.

  "What's going on?" he asked.

  "Nothing," Nadine grinned, making Jillian laugh.

  "Nothing at all dad. Mom was just telling me something funny is all," Jillian said innocently.

why do I not believe that?" Henry frowned. He had ways of making his wife talk. He would have to find out later.

  "So, what's for dessert?" Nadine asked Carla.

  Edric waggled his eyebrows at Jillian who blushed, making Edric chuckle.

  "How about strawberry shortcake?" Carla said.

  "We love that, don't we Henry?" Nadine asked him.

  "Of course. That was one of our favorite summer desserts when Jillian was growing up. She used to ask for it all the time," he smiled at his daughter.

  "I can think of some things we could do with strawberries and whip cream," Edric whispered into Jillian's ear.

  She blushed bright red again, making him grin.

  "Are you making crude remarks Edric?" Henry frowned. He had seen Jillian blush when Edric whispered in her ear.

  "No sir," Edric smiled. "I am innocent."

  Jillian began to choke on her lemonade that she had just taken a swallow of.

  Edric patted her on the back, hiding a smirk.

  "You okay, love?" he asked her.

  “Sure,” she choked out. The wolves were trying not to laugh. They had heard Edric’s remarks.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her, winking at her.

  "You just wait," Jillian replied, "you are in so much trouble later."

  "I can't wait," he grinned.

  Emerson, Warren, and Carla were hiding smiles as the two joked around, but Henry was fuming. He stood up. "Might I have a word with you Edric?" he said angrily.

  "Yes sir," Edric said, following Henry into the house.

  The others heard Henry yelling through the door at Edric moments later.

  "How dare you treat my daughter like she is some, some hooker!" he yelled.

  "Sir, she is not, and never will be. I love your daughter."

  "If I find out you have had your way with her," he ground out, especially since you aren’t even married yet, you are a dead man.”

  "Haven't we had this discussion already?" Edric asked Henry.

  "I am going to keep having this discussion if you don't behave! That is my daughter, my only child! Her life is in danger, and all you want to do is make crude jokes!"

  "I assure you, sir, it was all meant in jest."

  "Jest my ass!" Henry yelled.

  Nadine walked into the house then and glared at Henry. "You calm down right this minute. Edric is innocent, Jillian told me so. Now if you can't behave, then we are leaving, and I won't let you come visit your daughter next time. I will just leave you home."


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