The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 29

by Melisa Bigler

  "I would like that if you have time," Jillian said.

  "For you Luna, I have all the time in the world," he grinned.

  Edric growled.

  "Alpha, I apologize," Adam said, baring his neck to Edric. "I am not flirting, I promise. I just want to let your Luna know that I am honored to perform for both of you. It's a rare occasion to do such a thing. When is your wedding anyway?"

  Jillian looked up at Edric. "Whenever the Luna wants it," Edric replied.

  "This weekend," Jillian said.

  Edric looked at her in surprise. "Are you sure?"

  "Why not? I don't want it to be overboard."

  "What, no ten million dollar wedding?" Edric teased her.

  "Have I even asked you for anything?" she asked him.

  "No, come to think of it, well, except your art supplies."

  "Very well then, a ten million dollar wedding is out."

  "I assume this will be at your palace Alpha?" Adam asked him.

  "Yes," Edric nodded.

  "Sure, why not, want a photo with me too?" he asked.

  "No, she is not," Edric said.

  Jillian rolled her eyes, making Adam grin. “Yes, I am. Kim wanted a picture, remember?”

  "You have a feisty Luna,” Adam chuckled.

  "You have no idea," Edric replied.

  Jillian took a picture then of Adam, then took Edric's phone and took a selfie with Adam, then stuck her tongue out at her Alpha, making Adam laugh again.

  Edric looked down at his Luna, shaking his head. She was something else, his Luna, but he wouldn't trade her for the world.

  Chapter 36

  As soon as Jillian walked out from backstage, Kim was there to accost her.

  "So, how is he? Is he as nice as he seems?"

  "He is really nice," Jillian replied, handing over Kim's phone. Kim looked at the photos. "Man, he is so hot, even more so in person," she sighed.

  "Excuse me, mate here," Ruben replied coming up beside Kim.

  She turned to him. "Sorry love, it's just that Adam is so drool-worthy, those muscles and all those tattoos."

  "Hey, I have muscles," Ruben protested.

  "I know," Kim said, kissing her mate.

  "I can get tattoos if you want," Ruben then said.

  "No, you wouldn't look good with them," Kim shrugged.

  Ruben looked at her. "Really? But you lust after that man because he does?"

  "It's different," Kim shrugged.

  Ruben looked to Jillian. "Luna, explain to me why it is different."

  Jillian shrugged. "I don't know. I couldn't see Edric with tattoos either, but Adam pulls it off."

  "But you aren't lusting after him," Ruben pointed out.

  "Yes, she was," Edric frowned down at Jillian.

  "Hey, he is a hot man," Jillian grinned, but then she looked up at Edric. "But you are hotter."

  He smiled. "Glad to hear that, Luna. I was going to go tell Adam to leave and never come back."

  "So, am I hotter than him?" Ruben asked Kim.

  She flushed, and Ruben growled at her.

  Jillian hugged Kim to her. "You had better tell him he is hotter, or your mate is going to have a conniption," she whispered in her ear.

  "Okay, okay, you are hotter, okay?" Kim said, kissing Ruben.

  "That's better," he said, but he was still frowning.

  Jillian was about to tease her friend when the lights suddenly went down, and they heard a shout of extreme pain.

  Jillian looked at Kim and Ruben. “Stay here.” She then hopped up onto the stage, Edric right by her. They went back behind the curtains to see Adam kneeling on the floor by Matt.

  He looked up at his Alpha and Luna. "He was unplugging the electric guitar, and for some reason, it shocked him, he's unconscious, and I can't hear him breathing," Adam said, worried.

  "I'll call for an ambulance," Edric said, pulling out his phone, and walking out in front of the curtains, while Jillian knelt by the man. She felt for a pulse. "That is not good." She then looked at Adam. "Do you know CPR?"

  He shook his head no. Jillian nodded and bent her head, starting mouth to mouth and then some chest compressions, but Matt wasn't responding. His lips were starting to turn blue. She had to do something or he would die. "Adam, you must swear on your life what you are about to see stays here, okay?"

  Adam looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?"

  Jillian looked at him. "Do you swear?"

  "I swear," he nodded, curious as to what she was about to do. Then he found out. He watched in awe as Jillian's hands began to glow blue, and she placed her hands on Matt's heart. Adam watched in fascination as the blue spread over Matt's body, and suddenly he gasped in great gulps of air.

  Edric walked in just in time to see Jillian collapse. He caught her easily, and she looked up at him, smiling weakly.

  "What did you do?" he asked her.

  "Our Luna just saved my friend's life," Adam said in awe.

  "An ambulance is on the way," Edric informed Adam and the rest of the band who had been out loading equipment on their bus. They all sat down by their friend, who was trying to sit up. Adam pushed him back down. "Stay there Matt, help is on the way."

  "But I feel fine," he complained, trying to sit up again. "What happened?" he then asked, looking at Adam.

  "I think the guitar had a short in the cord or something, it shocked the hell out of you and you went down," Adam frowned.

  He then stood and walked over to the guitar in question. He squatted down by it and frowned. "The cord has been sliced."

  Edric frowned, and setting Jillian gently into a chair after making sure she was okay, he knelt by Adam.

  "Someone was trying to kill you?" Edric asked.

  "I don't know why," Adam said. "I don't have any enemies, not that I know of."

  Adam stood up. "That worries me. Who would do such a thing?"

  "That is a good question," Edric frowned and turned to the principal who was hovering in the wings.

  "Do you have cameras backstage?"

  The principal shook his head. "No Alpha, we have never been able to afford them, and I didn't really think they were needed either."

  "Well, as of now you are getting cameras."

  The man nodded just as the paramedics showed up. The two men saw Jillian sitting in a chair and nodded at her. "Don't tell me you are causing trouble again Luna?" one of them teased.

  "Not me this time," she said, pointing at Matt who was still on the floor.

  The two men knelt by him and started checking him out.

  Two policemen then showed up as Edric had called them also. They knelt by the sliced cord that Edric showed them. After turning off the power for a moment, they unplugged the guitar and took it and the cord in as evidence.

  "Why would anyone try to hurt or kill him?" Jillian asked Edric as the paramedics loaded Matt onto a stretcher. The rest of the band followed them off the stage, and out the door, but Adam turned back and bowed his head to his Luna. "Thank you, Luna, I will never forget what you did. If you ever need anything, let me know." He then headed out after his men.

  “You should have waited for the paramedics to show up,” Edric frowned at Jillian.

  “He wouldn’t have lived Edric. He needed to be saved.” She stood up then and swayed just a bit. He caught her and swept her into his arms. "You are weak," he accused.

  "I just healed a man, and I am pregnant," she pointed out.

  That brought a great frown to Edric's face. "I am taking you in to have the doctor look at you and make sure that the baby is okay."

  "I will be fine, I just need some rest."

  "No, I am taking you in," he insisted and walked down the stairs with Jillian in his arms.

  Kim and Ruben were still there, a look of concern on both their faces.

  “What happened?” Kim asked, noticing Jillian in Edric’s arms.

  “One of the band members got hurt, and Jillian saved him,” Edric growled, unhappy.

“You saved him?” Kim asked, in awe.

  “Mouth to mouth,” Jillian replied.

  “I am so jealous, oh wait, it wasn’t Adam though, was it.”

  “Kimberly,” Ruben growled at her.

  Edric started walking out the door with Jillian, Orson, and Wes stepping up to them.

  "Is she okay?" Orson asked.

  "I am taking her into the hospital to make sure she is," Edric replied.

  "I am fine," Jillian protested.

  "No, you are not. You are going to be checked out my love," Edric said, kissing her forehead as he tucked her into the limo. Edric then looked at Kimberly and Ruben. “Go home. If Jillian is fine, I am taking her home after she’s checked out and she is going to rest.”

  “Yes Alpha,” they both said, and headed away. Edric got in by Jillian and tucked her against him, making her lay her head on his shoulder.

  "She okay?" Emerson asked as he pulled the limo out of the parking lot.

  "No, she healed one of the band back there and then collapsed on me," Edric frowned down at Jillian, but she had her eyes closed, feigning sleep so he couldn't cuss her out. "She is doing too much. I knew I shouldn't have let her come back to school today."

  "And tick her off?" Emerson chuckled from the front seat. "Let her live her life Edric. She is still young remember?"

  "But she is pregnant and she is doing too much."

  "She is one of the strongest women I know, Alpha, Look at all she has gone through since she met you, and look at what she can do. She is one incredible Luna, if you ask me. She saved some of her classmates, my mate, Ruben, and now one of Adam’s band members. You can’t tell me she isn’t amazing.”

  Edric sighed, looking down at his Luna. "I just want to keep her safe."

  "You can without smothering her," Emerson pointed out.

  "But she keeps getting hurt," Edric pointed out to him.

  "You could always lock her in her room until we catch whoever is after you two," Orson suggested.

  "Oh yeah, like that would work out so well," Edric said drily. "No. What I don't understand is why someone tried to kill one of Adam’s band?"

  "Unless they were after the Luna, knowing she was going backstage," Orson suggested.

  Edric growled. "If they were,"

  "I can sniff them out," his wolf spoke up. "We need to end this Edric, it has gone on long enough."

  Edric agreed it was getting beyond ridiculous. Jillian couldn't even do anything without her life being threatened someway and somehow. He sighed with frustration. "I don't know what to do. We have no suspects at all, and things aren't getting better. I am getting really sick of this."

  The men nodded in agreeance.

  Edric looked down at Jillian who was actually asleep now. "I think I have a plan."

  His two guards looked at him curiously. "I will tell all of you when we get home. I want to talk to Warren about it. I think I know a way to draw out whoever is after us."

  "Does it involve kicking some serious ass?" Orson grinned.

  "Of course," Edric replied, grinning at his guard.

  "Good, count me in."

  "Me too," Wes nodded. "It is time to bring this reign of terror to an end."

  Chapter 37

  At the hospital, Jillian was deemed okay, and fit to go home, but Dr. Hess told her to rest. "If I need to put you on bed rest the rest of your pregnancy, I will do it, just to keep you safe,” he threatened.

  "No, no, I will behave," Jillian promised him.

  "Good, how is the nausea?"

  "I’m fine.”

  "Glad to hear it."

  Dr. Hess looked at Edric who was hovering. "She will be fine Alpha, like I said, make her rest."

  "Can I go back to school tomorrow?" Jillian asked.

  "No, most definitely not," Edric told her.

  "But I will never graduate. I have already missed too much."

  "Too bad, you are taking online schooling from now on, Luna.”

  She sighed. She knew better than to argue with him.

  "Fine, I will, but on one condition."


  "That Kim can come over and help tutor me."

  "Of course love, anything for you, as long as I can keep you home, and safe."

  "Slave driver," she teased him.

  Dr. Hess chuckled as he walked out.

  "I'll show you, slave driver," Edric told Jillian as he picked her up into his arms and started carrying her out the door.

  She squealed, making him laugh.

  "Put me down you brute," she said, but she was laughing.

  "No way, not until you take back what you said," Edric grinned.

  "Nope, never."

  "Very well then, I will have to punish you when we get home."

  "I'm terrified, truly," Jillian said, straight-faced.

  That made Edric bust out laughing. He kissed his Luna as he set her into the limo.

  "I love you my Luna," he chuckled, sliding in by her.

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  "Bring that tongue here," Edric said, pulling her to him, and kissing her soundly.

  "We're home," Emerson chuckled a few minutes later, looking back at his Alpha and Luna, who were still kissing.

  They pulled apart, grinning foolishly.

  Warren was there to open the door of the limo.

  "Luna, Alpha," he nodded.

  "Warren, my friend," Edric grinned. "Just the man I want to see. I want to meet you and the others in my study. I have a plan to draw out the one after us."

  Warren nodded. "Very good. I'll meet you there."

  He then headed inside.

  "Can I go get my parents?" Jillian asked, "they will want to know."

  "Yes, that is fine, I was going to have them part of this anyway."

  "You don't think they will get hurt, do you?" Jillian asked as they headed inside.

  "No, I am planning on not using any violence, I hope."

  "And what if there is, and you go all wolf in front of my parents?"

  Edric chuckled. "We will address that later if it happens."

  Jillian nodded and walked into the study with him. Warren brought Jillian's parents in a moment later, followed by Emerson, Orson, Wes, and Carla.

  "Warren said you have a plan to draw out the one responsible for hurting Jillian," her father said.

  "Yes, and I need your help."

  "Gladly," Jillian's father replied.

  "Good. Jillian wants a wedding, a shotgun wedding as she called it," he smiled softly at her. "I want to have the wedding also, this weekend."

  "Oh my, that doesn't give us much time to prepare," Jillian's mom said.

  "No, and I am sorry Mrs. Everett, but I think that this is the only way we are going to draw out our enemy."

  "By having a wedding?" Jillian's father asked, "but how? And you haven’t even put a ring on her finger yet.”

  Jillian showed her finger to her dad. “Actually, he did.”

  Jillian’s mom grinned. “Oh sweetie it is beautiful. You have good taste, your Highness.”

  “I know,” he said, pulling Jillian to him and kissing her on the head.

  “I want to have the wedding soon so we can draw out who is trying to harm us.”

  "So, you are using our wedding as a trap?" Jillian asked. "That's not very romantic."

  Edric smiled. "I know love, it's not, but we need to catch who is after you. I want this to end, this has gone on long enough."

  "So, we have five days to plan a wedding, got it," Jillian said.

  "Make it simple love," Edric told her. "We don't want something huge and fancy, especially if things go awry and things get destroyed."

  Jillian sighed. "Dang, and I was going to have ice sculptures, a ten thousand dollar cake, a diamond sewn dress."

  Carla laughed. "Why do I get the feeling that you are lying?"

  "Because she is," Edric chuckled. "Jillian's not that type of girl."

  "Says you," Jillian replied.

nbsp; "Love, if that is what you want, then you shall have it," Edric told her, "but it could be destroyed."

  "Are you planning on having the police here?" Jillian's dad asked him.

  "I am, undercover."

  "Good. We need this to end. My daughter's life is valuable, and I want this over with, it has gone on way too long."

  "I agree, Henry," Edric nodded. "So, Jillian, sit down with your mother and Carla tomorrow and plan something that can be put together by this weekend. The rest of you can help me plan how to trap this guy, and Mr. Everett sir, I will have you sit out this one. You can walk Jillian down the aisle, and let's hope that is all you need to do."

  "I am okay with that," he nodded.

  "Jillian, why don't you go rest?" Edric suggested, "I will have dinner sent up to you."

  She nodded, she was tired. Healing people really took it out of her.

  "I'll go help Carla with dinner," Jillian's mother said.

  Jillian headed to her room, planning on getting a bit of a nap, but as she sat down on the bed, Carla walked in. "Sorry Luna, but Kim is on the phone."

  "Oh, thanks, Carla," Jillian told her.

  Jillian picked up the phone off the bedside table. "Hey, friend."

  "Hey yourself.”

  “What, do you have something to tell me?”

  “Well, when we got home, I started to feel a bit sick.”

  “Are you pregnant?”

  "Yes!" Kim screeched.

  Jillian laughed. "Congrats. Now we can be fat and pregnant together."

  "I know, right?" Kim laughed. "I am so excited, Ruben is over the moon. He has always wanted to be a dad."

  "I'm happy for you both, now I have some news for you. Want to be my maid of honor for my wedding this weekend?"

  Kim screamed, and Jillian held the phone away from her ear, but she was smiling.

  "Yes, of course, and did you say this weekend?"


  "Wow, that is really soon."

  "I know, but Edric wants to use our wedding as a trap to catch whoever is after us."

  "Good idea," Kim said, "and I get to be a part of it, that is so cool."

  "Yes, so cool."

  "So, what can I do to help?"

  "I don't know. My mom and Carla are helping to plan it, but you can too. The more the merrier."

  "Sweet, so when can I come over?"

  "Now if you want, I'm banned from going back to school. Edric insists I do all my schoolwork online," she sighed.


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