The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 32

by Melisa Bigler

  "I'm just saying, you tell us girls, not to lust after men when it's okay for you to lust after women?" she asked, getting angry, tears forming in her eyes.

  "I said no such thing, and I am sorry for ever having women here, I truly am," he told her, pulling her tight to him. "I hope you will forgive me one day."

  Jillian sniffled. "I will, it's just these stupid pregnancy hormones, they are making me moody."

  Edric smiled down at his mate. "I understand love, just try not to take your anger out on me, okay?"

  She nodded. “I’ll try not to, as long as you do the same.”

  “You have my word, my love. He kissed her softly. “Now, what were you girls doing besides feeding the band?"

  "Talking boring wedding stuff. Can I come outside and see what you are doing?"

  Edric nodded. "Of course love. You can see the security we are setting up to keep intruders out."

  "Okay," Jillian smiled at her mate. He took her hand and led her out of his study and outside. Warren, Wes, Orson, Hayden, and Ruben were visiting when they walked out.

  "Well, Alpha, Luna, it seems that we have done the best we can," Hayden told them, pointing to a laser system that lined the edges of the backyard. "It is set up so it will keep out unwanted guests."

  "Does it hurt when it touches the skin?" Jillian asked.

  "It hurts like the dickens," Wes chuckled, showing her a burn on his arm. "If I wasn't a wolf, it would have cut me through."

  "Ouch," Jillian said. "Do you want me to heal you?"

  "No," Edric frowned. "You have healed enough people, for now, Jillian, you need to rest."

  "He is right," Hayden replied. "You need to protect yourself and your little one.”

  "He knows what he talking about, Jillian," Edric told her. "I want you to rest."

  "Besides," Wes grinned, "I think a scar is kind of cool."

  "Of course you would," Jillian teased him.

  "Alpha, do you want certain songs from us?" Adam asked them as he and his men headed outside.

  "No, just whatever is popular," he told Adam.

  "Luna, how about you?"

  "Your newest songs," she told him.

  "You mean, Girls Like You?" he grinned at her.

  "Yes, I really like that one."

  "You should, it is about you," Matt chuckled.

  "Too bad you're getting married to the King of the Alpha's," Adam grinned at Jillian.

  "Yes, it's truly awful," she sighed, making the men laugh.

  "Ruben, I think I need to go home, I don't feel well," Kim said, heading out to them.

  "Of course love," he told her, and picking her up into his arms, he started to head inside with her.

  "Bye Kim, see you tomorrow?" Jillian asked.

  "Yes, after school," she said, as they disappeared inside.

  "I think it is time we go eat," Edric said, looking at his men and at Jillian.

  They nodded.

  "Might I speak with Jillian before you do?" Hayden asked Edric.

  "Yes, but don't stay out long, she needs food and rest."

  Hayden nodded and motioned Jillian to sit on the swing.

  He sat down by her once again.

  "What is it?" she asked him.

  “I am sure you have some questions for me.”

  “I do.”

  "Go ahead."

  "What do you mean by me bringing all the wolves together?"

  "You are a very powerful young lady. You have no idea how powerful you are."

  "How come you saved me? Why would someone want me dead?”

  Hayden sighed. "There is a very evil wolf out there, leading a group of rogues, that would love to see you dead.”

  “But why?”

  “Because they are descendants of the ones who killed the great King and Queen and they see the same potential in you.”

  "Tell me about my parents."

  "They were grand people. Very kind and very great. They made your Alpha look like a tyrant," he chuckled.

  "So, my father was an Alpha?" she whispered.

  "Yes, the Highest of High."

  "But Edric, he is the king.”

  "He is also the son of the Beta to your parents."

  "But how come he didn't tell me?”

  “Because he wouldn’t have known that his father was your father’s Beta. Besides, he was only seven at the time.”


  “What happened to Edric’s father?”

  "He was killed while serving your parents.”

  "But how?"

  Hayden sighed. "Your mother had just given birth to you and was still in the hospital when an ancient and evil wolf found out who you were, and your potential."

  "But I was but a baby."

  "Yes, but you were powerful, and he could sense it. So he sent his men to kill your parents. I could not save them, I knew that the evil one was on his way. I could only save you, so I begged Nadine and Henry to trade their dying baby with you. Their little one didn't have long to live, she was born without a valve in her heart, it was only a matter of hours or days before she was gone, so Henry and Nadine agreed. Just a few hours later the men destroyed the nursery, killing their child, and your parents. Edric's father tried to save your parent's but died also. I will never forgive myself for letting them die, but I knew that they would forgive me, knowing that I had saved you."

  "Why couldn't you have saved my parents though?" Jillian asked, tears streaming down her face.

  "Because little one, I was not strong enough to do so. I wish with all my heart I could bring them back for you, I wish I could have saved them, but this man was so evil, no one could stand up to him."

  Jillian gasped then, remembering how she had been told that the Great King and Queen had been killed along with their baby in the nursery.


  “Yes Luna, you are their daughter. The one that everyone thought was the great Luna Princess, was not. You are her.”

  “Wow, so what happened to the one who killed my parents?”

  "He is dead, but he has many followers, and one of them is after you."

  "Kelson, was he one of them?"

  "He was but one of them. He was jealous, but he was also working under the new evil one."

  "But you don't know who."

  "No, they are blocking me out, and that worries me. I am greatly worried for you Jillian. Your life is so precious, and I can't do a thing about stopping the evil one, it will be up to you."

  "But how?"

  "You will need to have your wolf help you."

  "What?" Jillian asked, then fainted from shock.

  Chapter 41

  When Jillian woke up, she was in her bed, and Edric was by her, watching her.

  "What happened?" she asked him.

  "You fainted. Hayden said it was from lack of food, that I need to feed you more, you are eating for two, he reminded me." Edric smiled at her. "I have food here for you if you are hungry."

  "I am," she admitted and wondered why Hayden didn't tell Edric why she had really fainted.

  "Edric, can you mind link with Hayden like you do with the others?"

  "No, he is more like you, which bothers me, because I swear that man is keeping secrets from me."

  He helped Jillian sit up and handed her a plate of food. "What were you two talking about?"

  "My real parents," Jillian whispered as she began to eat.

  "He knew them, didn't he."

  "Yes," she nodded, "and so did your parents."

  "My parents?" he looked confused. "How did my parents know your parents?"

  "Your father was my father's Beta."

  Edric swore. He looked at Jillian. “You have got to be kidding me,” he whispered.

  "No," Jillian said, shaking her head.

  "That means your father was the High Alpha King."


  Edric let out a deep sigh. "No wonder so many are after you. You are the next in line for the throne. But everyone thought you we
re dead.”

  “Hayden said he switched me at birth to save me, remember?”

  “I do. I didn’t realize he switched out the princess though, no wonder your adoptive parents moved so much,” he whistled, in awe. He was sitting next to the High Queen, unbelievable.

  “Edric, you hold the title of King now, why?”

  Edric looked at her and smiled softly. "I only hold the title until someone, the rightful heir takes my place, and that is you, my love."

  "But I am not a wolf."

  "But you are a healer and a seer, which makes you even more valuable."

  "But we are getting married, which makes you the High King," Jillian insisted.

  Edric kissed her. "I love you my sweet, High Queen," he chuckled. "And yes, I suppose it does make me the true High King once we are wed."

  "How did you go from being a Beta to an Alpha?" she asked him as she ate.

  "After your father and my father died, there wasn't anyone to take their place. I was a Beta at the age of seven and scared spitless. That is when Hayden stepped in and guided me."

  "So who was Alpha while you were growing up?"

  Edric frowned. "A distant cousin of your parents. He was the only one who was related. He was an evil man, and when I turned 18, I challenged him for the spot of Alpha and won."


  "I killed him. That is the only way one can take the spot from another Alpha."

  "Oh," Jillian said, handing Edric her plate so he could set it on the nightstand.

  "You aren't upset about me killing your cousin?"

  "Why would I be? You said he was evil."

  "Very evil. He wanted all humans wiped from the earth, or changed into a werewolf."

  "Is that possible? Changing humans?"

  "Not that I know of. Legends have it wrong when they say a bite from a werewolf will make you one. That is not how it works. Werewolves exist because their parents had them and it was in their blood, just as their parents, and their grandparents before them."

  Edric pulled Jillian to sit on his lap. "No wonder Hayden took such an interest in you. He knew who you were."

  "Yes, and I think that is why I fainted. I was in shock."

  Edric chuckled. "I can see why. That is a lot to take in. But rest assured my love, I will be by your side every step of the way."

  "I know, and Edric, please don't tell anyone. If word leaks out who I am..."

  "Yes my love, it would be very bad."

  "Promise not to even tell your men?"

  "Of course love, I won't say a word."

  He then pulled off her clothes so he could lay by her and began to kiss her stomach. Then he started talking. "Hey, little one in there. I can't wait to see you, you are going to be some great wolf pup, I know, because you have an incredible mother."

  Jillian giggled.

  Edric looked at her. "Hey, I am being serious here."

  "Oh, please continue," she laughed.

  "Your mother is a handful too, just to let you know," Edric continued. "But I love her with all of my soul."

  Jillian smiled at Edric as he pulled her into his arms. "I love you too, High King," she whispered.

  He kissed her softly. "Goodnight my High Queen, in four days you and I will be wed, and we will live happily ever after."

  The next morning, when Jillian got up, Edric was up and gone. She sighed as she got up, but smiled, remembering Edric talking to their baby the night before. He really was a sweet man, and she was glad she was going to marry him.

  She got dressed and then went to eat breakfast. The hall was quiet and she ended up eating alone. She wondered if Kim was at school, or if she was having morning sickness, and then she wondered if Edric would be mad if she went, yes, he probably would be. Her life was in even greater danger now, and she hadn't even told Edric that Hayden said she had a wolf in her. It made sense she supposed, since her parents had been wolves, but how come her wolf hadn't shown itself yet? Did she even want to be a wolf? She wasn't so sure. It would be scary, especially shifting for the first time. She frowned, wondering how to bring out her wolf, or if Hayden had been feeding her a story. But he hadn't lied to her yet, had he? Maybe she would have to go have another visit with him.

  She finished eating and was heading from the dining hall when Adam and his men walked in. "Luna," he nodded to her.

  "Good morning Adam."

  "We were wondering if we could practice in the backyard after we eat?" he asked her.

  "I don't see why not? There is plenty of room out there."

  "Think the Alpha could get us a stage?"

  "I am sure he could," Jillian told him. "I'll go find him and ask."

  "You can't mind link?" Adam asked her in confusion.

  "I'm mostly human Adam, I don't have that capability."

  "Even though you have been marked?"

  "Even though I have been marked."

  "That is crazy."

  "It's okay though, then the Alpha doesn't know everything running through my head."

  "Yes, that would be okay I suppose," Adam chuckled. "So what are you up to today?"

  "Not sure yet."

  "You can come and watch us practice."

  "I'll get back with you on that," she said and walked out.

  She headed outside, but the backyard was quiet also. Where was everyone?

  "Jillian," she heard and turned around. Nadine was headed to her. True, she was still her mom, but it seemed weird knowing that she wasn't really her mom.

  "Hey mom, where is everyone?"

  "Edric and the others went to town to get some more security systems for the house. Someone stepped past the barrier last night even though it was on."

  "Wow, did it kill them?"

  "There's not a body, but there was blood. Edric is pretty upset."

  "Yes, I could see him being so. What are they going to do to stop whoever it is?"

  "I don't know honey, but it is best if you stay inside today. If whoever it is, is still out there, I don't want them trying to come for you."

  "Okay, I was just out here trying to find out where everyone was."

  Nadine nodded and tucked an arm about Jillian's waist, leading her back into the house. As they stepped inside, Jillian heard an unearthly howl. She turned back around, but Nadine ushered her inside. "Go to the office. It is safe there."

  "What was that?"

  "I think a wolf just tried to cross the barrier," she frowned and ushered Jillian into the office. "I'll call and let Edric know."

  "Where are the other guards?"

  "They are headed to the noise. Stay here, please," she said and closed the door behind her.

  Jillian sighed and sat in the office chair. Who had crossed the barrier? It obviously hurt them, whoever it was. She hoped it wasn't Adam or one of his band members. That wouldn't be good.

  She heard another howling and jumped. Then she watched as five large wolves ran around the front of the mansion, Edric was among them. She felt safer and let out a sigh of relief. Obviously whoever had tried to get past the barrier had made Edric concerned enough that he had returned. She wished then that she could be out there. She wondered what it would be like to run free like that and to shift without any thought. Would she ever be able to? Would her wolf even wake up so she could?

  "Hello, I am right here, and yes, I have been waiting for a long time for you to acknowledge me," came a voice.

  Jillian about fell out of her chair.

  "Who are you?" Jillian asked.

  "I'm your wolf, duh. My name is Aria, and it's about time you talked to me, I mean, hello, I've been here since you were born."

  "How did I not know this?"

  "I was that little voice in the back of your mind all these years,” she chuckled.

  "So, I have a wolf after all."

  "Um, yeah," Aria laughed. "Want to let me take over so I can show you how pretty I am?"

  "Oh hell no," Jillian said.

  Aria chuckled. "Okay, okay, we can wait, but
your life is going to be in more danger the longer you wait to shift."

  "Does it hurt to shift?" Jillian asked.

  "The first time, yes, but it's not that bad. Besides, I heard you thinking about wanting to be out there with the other wolves, I don't blame you. It is pretty freaking awesome to be a wolf," Aria chuckled.

  "So you say, but I'm scared."

  "Oh please, girl. You, scared? You are the High Queen, a healer and a seer, no one or nothing should scare you."

  "But I'm only 18, I think I have that right."

  "Okay, okay, you are young still. But with my help, I will make you strong. Hayden will help us also. He is a good man."

  "I gathered that. So now that you are here with me, does that mean that I can mind link with Edric?"

  Aria chuckled. "I thought you didn't want too."

  "I don't really, not right now anyway."

  "Good, because if anyone finds out right now that you can shift, you might end up dead really fast and really soon."

  "But how do I keep Edric out of my head so he doesn't know you are there? Because if he finds out, and he accidentally lets someone else know, that could be bad."

  "I will hide again, at least until after the wedding, and then you can break him the news."

  "So he won't know until then?"

  "Nope, my lips and mind are sealed."

  "Okay," Jillian sighed. "Won't he be surprised."

  "Yes, yes he will be," Aria laughed, and faded into the background once again.

  The door opened then and Edric walked in. He walked over to Jillian and picked her up out of the chair, holding her close to him.

  "When Nadine told us that a wolf had crossed the barriers I was extremely worried and hurried back here. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine," Jillian assured him.

  "Good," he sighed.

  "Who was it?"

  "We don't know. Whoever it was, was gone before we came back."

  "Why are they testing the barrier?"

  "I don't know, but it worries me. That is why we are going to strengthen it."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Hayden is going to rewire it and make it so if any wolf touches it, they will be gravely injured, or die."

  "What if one of us touches it?" Jillian asked him, worried.

  "We won't. The lasers are bright enough that any one of us should know to stay away from it."


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