The Alpha King and his Human Mate

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The Alpha King and his Human Mate Page 34

by Melisa Bigler

  “Are you ready daughter?” Henry asked her.

  “As ready as I will ever be.”

  Ruben and Kimberly headed outside, and then it was Jillian’s turn to step outside. When she walked out, she hardly noticed the yard beautifully decorated, and all of the people now standing and bowing their heads to her. All she could see was the most incredibly handsome man standing under an arch in a black tux, a matching crown on his head. He saw her step out and head to him. She was an absolute vision. He had never seen anyone so incredible, and she was all his.

  She stepped up to him, kissed Henry on the cheek, and then put her hand in Edric’s hand.

  He had tears in his eyes. “You look exquisite,” he whispered to her.

  “You look rather debonair yourself,” she smiled at him.

  “You both look stunning,” Hayden smiled at them. Everyone took their seats but Kimberly who stood by Jillian, and Warren who stood by Edric as his best man.

  “Welcome friends and family to this most joyous occasion,” Hayden smiled. “You are about to witness a monumental occasion. For today I am going to wed the High Queen to the High King.”

  Everyone gasped, this was the High Queen and King? How was that possible?

  “You see, I have a confession,” Hayden smiled at Jillian and Edric. “Everyone thought that the royal princess was killed with her parents, but she was not. I saved her from such a fate, and present her to you today, “High Luna Queen Jillian.”

  Everyone dropped to their knees, even Edric, her sweet Edric, bowed to her.

  “Queen, King, it is time we marry you,” Hayden chuckled as everyone got up a moment later and took their seats again. Edric stood up and grasped Jillian’s hand in his, winking at her.

  “I am going to spare you the long drawn out ceremony because of the storm moving in,” he said, looking at Jillian. She knew what he meant. A storm not only from the clouds, but from those wishing to attack them.

  “High Alpha King, Edric Ventin, do you take High Luna Queen Jillian to be your bride?”

  “I do,” he said proudly.

  “And do you, High Luna Queen Jillian take High Alpha King Edric Ventin to be your husband.”

  “I do,” she smiled as tears fell down her face.

  “Very good. I pronounce you man and wife, High Queen and High King.”

  Everyone cheered, but then Kimberly gasped as Warren stepped out from behind Edric, went behind Hayden and walking up behind Jillian, he pulled out a long and very mean looking knife. He held it to her stomach.

  “Nice ceremony you two,” he grinned evilly.

  Edric’s jaw dropped. He looked at Jillian. “Jillian, your dream, did you know?”

  Tears came to her eyes as she nodded.

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because I knew that I could take care of him,” she told him.

  “What do you mean?” he asked her.

  “Hey, I have your Luna here and am going to kill her,” Warren pointed out.

  “Why Warren? What did I do to you?”

  “Well, first of all, you had Kelson killed, which was okay by the way, because then I could take over the rogues.”

  “You are leading the rogues?” Edric growled.

  “Yes, I am.”

  But why? You are my Beta.”


  Warren nodded then and several guests shifted into wolves. “And you, lovely Jillian, it is sad that you won’t live to have your child. But such is life.”

  “You are the one who has been after me this whole time?” Jillian asked, but it made sense of course. The house being bugged, the car accidents, of course he would have known where she was at all times.

  “Of course I was the one after you, and it was so easy too. My father, and then me, after you, your whole life, but Hayden always stopped us,” he said, shaking his head, “but that didn’t matter. Then I heard what was going on here with the Alpha and Kelson. Kelson and I were good friends, cousins actually, and then after he tried to become Alpha but lost, I stepped in as Beta, it was perfect. Exact revenge on the Alpha for my cousin, but then imagine my delight when Edric found out you were his mate,” he chuckled. “I was after you my whole life, and here you show up. It was perfect. My grandfather killed your parents and who they thought was you, but now I could kill you both.”

  “Your grandfather killed my parents?” Jillian gasped.

  “Yes, he did, and good riddance. They were too good, too pure, and too powerful, and my grandfather didn’t like that.”

  “What did I ever do to you?” Edric asked him.

  “You took my spot,” Warren shrugged. “My grandfather and father wanted to be Alpha, and I should have been made Alpha also, which soon, I will be, but first, King, you are going to watch your Queen die, and you can’t do a thing about it.”

  “Jillian,” Edric whispered.

  “I love you,” she cried.

  “How sweet, time to die,” Warren said.

  “Time to shift,” Aria chuckled. “And show this loser what we are made of.”

  Jillian suddenly dropped to the ground and became the most beautiful white wolf anyone had ever seen, her beautiful dress shredded to pieces as she shifted, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting the man who had hurt her and was now trying to kill her. She turned to Warren and ripped his throat out. He didn’t even have time to shift, he was so surprised. He dropped to the ground, dead, and everyone cheered, then shifted into their wolves. Time to have some fun.

  “Sweet,” Aria chuckled. “That was fun, let’s do it some more.”

  “Jillian, you are a wolf?” Edric asked as he shifted.

  “Sorry I didn’t tell you, I have only known for two days,” Jillian thought to him.

  His wolf chuckled. “Sweet.”

  Edric felt a wolf jump on his back then, and he turned to fight him off. Several wolves surrounded Jillian, trying to protect her. “No, I can defend myself,” she told them. “Go fight, defend the crown!”

  “Yes, your Highness,” they all chorused and took off running to join the fight.

  Aria chuckled, as she bit someone’s neck and threw them aside.

  “More,” Aria laughed, as she headed into the middle of the fight.

  Edric ran up to her. “Jillian, stay out of this, I don’t want you hurt.”

  “Are you kidding?” Aria laughed, and bit into another wolf, making it fall to the ground. “Let me fight, I have the right too,” Jillian replied, and took off running, chasing after another wolf who was trying to go after Hayden. Hayden apparently was not a wolf. Jillian jumped onto the wolf and tore it apart.

  Hayden bowed to her. “Thank you, your Highness, should I make it rain? It might slow them down.”

  She nodded at him, and he clapped his hands. It sounded like thunder.

  “Sweet,” Aria chuckled, as it started to rain.

  “You know, I can teach you how to do this too,” Hayden thought to her. “You are more powerful than I.”

  “Another day perhaps,” Jillian said, chasing off after another wolf.

  She suddenly felt herself tackled and then watched as two wolves sailed over her head. She rolled over to see Edric on top of her. She licked his face, making him chuckle.

  The two rogue wolves stopped and turned, ready to attack the King and Queen.

  “You take the right, I’ll take the left,” Raul told Aria.

  “You got it,” she laughed, and the two leaped together at the wolves. Two mighty beings, bigger than the other wolves. One gray, one white.

  Soon, the two wolves were dead, and Jillian headed to the laser barriers. She could see Emerson getting too close to the lasers. He suddenly pushed a wolf, and the wolf fell across the lasers and was cut in half.

  “Ouch, that’s not going to heal,” Aria chuckled, joining Emerson.

  A large wolf was trying to get to Emerson’s neck, but Aria bit his leg, taking a huge chunk out of it. The wolf fell to the ground, and Emerson f
inished him off.

  “Thank you, your Highness,” Emerson said, running to take another wolf down.

  “I am getting sick of this,” Jillian told Aria. “We need to put a stop to it.”

  “I agree,” Aria said, as one of the Alpha’s fell across the lasers and was sliced in two.

  “Maybe that wasn’t a smart idea to put that in,” Aria said.

  “I agree, time to shut it off.”

  “We’re too far away from the breaker,” Aria told her, and then they watched in horror as Edric was pushed closer to the laser.

  He was busy trying to defend himself from two wolves and didn’t realize how close he was.

  “Edric, the lasers!” Jillian cried out.

  But he couldn’t do anything about it. The two wolves were pushing him closer and closer, and no one was nearby to help him.

  “How are we going to stop them?” Aria asked in a panic.

  “Watch me,” Jillian stated, and then shifted to her human form. She was ticked, really ticked. How dare those rogues try and kill her Alpha. As she shifted, her body was draped in an ethereal white dress. Her body and her eyes glowed blue, and those who were next to her, dropped to the ground because they couldn’t handle the power that was pouring from her.

  “If Hayden can make it rain, I can make it lightning and thunder!” Jillian shouted and gathering a lightning ball into her hands, she shot it at the breaker box, making it explode, just as Edric fell across the lasers.

  He was sure he was going to die, and grimaced as he hit the ground, but nothing happened. He had hit solid ground. He sighed in relief, and with renewed vigor, he took down both wolves trying to attack him.

  “That is enough!” Jillian roared, making the ground shake. All the fighting stopped. They looked to their High Queen who was glowing blue. The wolves whimpered at her power, all of them dropped to the ground. Henry, Nadine, and the caterer who were hiding inside could even feel the power coming from her.

  “Stop this now, or all of you who supported Warren will die!” she warned them, making them all whimper in pain. “Rogues, give up now, or I will kill each and every single one of you!” she roared.

  No one could move she had such a hold on them, even Edric had a hard time moving. Hayden, who had just fried a wolf, was even on his knees, impressed that Jillian even had power over him.

  “Well, what is your answer?”

  “We surrender,” came the response.

  “Good answer,” she said and released them. All the wolves panted with relief, and those who were surrendering came to her in human form, kneeling before her. They would not mess with the High Queen anymore. They didn’t want to die.

  “Any Alpha that is capable, take these men,” Jillian demanded of them. They nodded and shifted into their human forms. There were several naked men suddenly, but Jillian didn’t notice, all she noticed was her love, her King, headed to her in all his naked glory. He walked up to her and bowed before her.

  “My Queen,” he choked out.

  “My King,” she responded, pulling him to his feet.

  “Have I told you lately how seriously amazing you are?”

  She kissed him. “I know, and so are you, you are looking especially hot right now,” she grinned.

  “You saved us my Queen and made the rogues surrender. I am proud of you,” he said, ignoring her comment.

  “Thank you, my King.”

  “My Queen,” Emerson said, walking up to her, and dropping to his knees. “Permission to transport the prisoners to a holding cell. We have one in the basement.”

  “Permission granted Emerson, but not alone, take others with you so they don’t think of escaping.”

  He nodded and jumping up, he headed away with the prisoners, there were about twenty of them left, the others were dead.

  “Queen,” Kimberly approached her, kneeling at her feet. “I can’t believe you are a wolf.”

  “I know, right?” Jillian laughed, pulling her friend to her feet and hugging her tightly. “I am glad you are okay.”

  “I am too. You saved us, and might I say, you can kick some serious ass?”

  Edric chuckled as Orson handed him a suit that he had brought from the house.

  “Hmm, too bad you have to cover up such sexiness,” Jillian told him as he put on his clothes.

  He grinned. “Later, my love,” he promised.

  Jillian looked around the yard then, shaking her head. It looked like a tornado had hit. Dead wolves laid everywhere. The pool was floating with dead wolves and blood. The chairs that were set up, all destroyed, along with the arch, and all the flowers.

  Edric pulled her close to him. “I am sorry our wedding day was ruined.”

  “Are you kidding? That was the most excitement I have ever had in my life,” she grinned, making Aria chuckle.

  “Besides, we still have food and cake,” Jillian told him.

  “Yes, yes we do,” he agreed. “And I’ll have the men help clean up this mess.”

  The wolves that were there to protect Jillian and there for the wedding were now all dressed, and all headed to her, then they all fell to their knees.

  “Your Great Highness,” one of the Alpha’s said, “We all swear fealty to you for as long as all of us live.”

  “Thank you, all of you,” she smiled at them. “Thank you for being here and defending us. Now, what do you say about having a party? I need to celebrate my marriage to an incredible man.”

  “And an incredible lady,” Edric smiled, and kissed her cheek.

  “Since the backyard is ruined, let’s head inside,” Jillian suggested.

  “That might be a problem since you fried the electricity,” Carla told her, walking up to her, she bared her neck to Jillian, while she smiled.

  “I did fry the electricity, didn’t I, but I don’t regret it. I had to save my Alpha.”

  “I do appreciate that,” Edric replied. “Why don’t we have our reception out front? There is plenty of grass, we can set up tables and chairs out there.”

  “Good idea,” Jillian grinned at him, “and we can clean up this mess later,” she told him, waving her hand at the backyard.

  Orson and Wes walked over to her then, and both dropped to their knees.

  “High Queen,” Orson said. “We would like to stay as your personal guards if we might.”

  “Why would you think otherwise?” Jillian asked him.

  “Because the rumor going among the wolves is that all of them want to guard you.”

  Edric chuckled. “Do you think our High Queen needs that much protection?” he asked, pointing to the backyard. Everyone chuckled.

  “No, I suppose not, but Wes and I would be honored if we could stay as your guards,” Orson told her.

  “Of course, Orson, I would be pleased to have you as mine and your Alpha’s guards.”

  “Yes your Highness,” he said, then he and Wes got up to stand behind them, starting their new jobs as High Royalty Guards.

  “Jillian, I mean, your Highness,” Nadine said, walking up to her, Henry by her side, holding Jillian’s crown. “This was in the mess in the yard.”

  “And yours also, Alpha,” Henry said, holding Edric’s crown.

  Jillian took hers and Edric took his. “Well, High Queen, what do you say? Think we can have our happily ever afters now?” he asked, putting the crown on his head.

  “I believe we just might,” Jillian replied, putting hers on her head.

  “How about chasing some tail later,” he thought to her and winked.

  She blushed. “Bring it on, my sexy Alpha King.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I will, believe me.”

  He tucked an arm about her waist. “Come, my Queen, let’s go and cut our wedding cake.”

  “I have a wedding cake? How did you pull that one off?” she asked.

  “It’s just like the one you wanted, and you can thank Carla and Den,” he smiled as they headed to the front of the palace, everyone following behind them.

sp; “I am sorry that I destroyed that beautiful dress you got for me,” Jillian told him.

  “I don’t mind at all, especially when I saw your wolf come out. That was a whole lot sexier than anything I have ever seen,” he thought to her, making her blush.

  “See, I told you I would be beautiful,” Aria chuckled, “and Raul agrees.”

  Jillian kissed her husband as they walked out front. “I love you my High Alpha King.”

  “I love you my High Luna Queen,” he responded.

  She looked around then. “Where did Hayden go?”

  Edric chuckled. “He told me to tell you that he was not needed here. That he wouldn’t be able to teach you a thing, so he is headed back home.”

  “I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

  “But you can, remember?” he said, pointing at her head.

  She smiled, “Yes, that is nice, as long as you don’t see all the things I have in here.”

  “Why not? I want to know what goes on it that sexy mind of yours, especially when you are thinking of me.”

  She grinned and thought of something, and he actually blushed.

  “Are you sure you want to be in my head?” she laughed.

  “Even more so now,” he chuckled, laying an incredible kiss on her lips.

  “All right you two, knock it off and come and cut the cake,” Henry teased. “I’m hungry.”

  Jillian and Edric laughed. She was glad her adopted dad was finally warming up to Edric.

  “My great Luna Queen,” Hayden sounded in her head then. “I know you will be an incredible queen. Just stay true to yourself, and don’t change for anyone.”

  “I won’t Hayden, and thank you for everything.”

  “No, thank you sweet Jillian. You saved us all. You are truly your mother’s daughter and then some. You would have shown her up any day.”

  Jillian teared up and Edric looked at her.

  She just smiled at him. “Hayden,” she replied.

  “He is a good man,” Edric said.

  “A very good man,” Jillian replied, then taking her husband’s hand, they walked to the table that had their cake set on it. It was just as beautiful as she had imagined.

  “Thank you, Carla, Den,” she told them.

  They bowed their heads to her. “Anything for you, High Queen,” Carla smiled.


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