Exact Opposites

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Exact Opposites Page 1

by Abby Osuna

  Chapter 1

  "Andrea? Andrea, you'll be late for school," Nanny Helena pounded on the door. Its thickness wasn’t enough to hide the heavy English accent.

  I hid myself further under the covers, trying but failing to hold on to sleep. Nanny barged in.

  "Andrea Hamilton!"

  I jolted up right.

  "Nanny! I'm Andrea Tullieno now!" I countered. Any trace of sleep got lost in a heap of pillows on the floor.

  "Thought that might wake you up," she reached for my hand and tried to pull me up. This is my favorite part of our mornings, her trying to get me up and my desperate attempts of staying in


  "I am still marveled by your presence of mind young lady," she tugged my arm one more time.

  "I'm just cautious Nanny,” she let go of my hand and I straightened my hair. Or at least I tried. “I don't want to disappoint Mom. What time is it anyway?"

  "Time for school," she smiled smugly.


  I entered the school grounds on a chilly Monday morning. I didn't know the month of June here

  in the Philippines was a little rainy. I grew up in England, since my Dad was British. My mom

  was Filipino, and ever since Dad died two months ago, Mom was such in a fuzz to go home.

  I got my class cards and skimmed through them. I didn't realize how big the university was until

  now. Eyes on the class card, I hurriedly turned on a corner and felt something smack my face. I

  was holding my left cheek when I felt gentle taps on my shoulder.

  "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't see you," an apologetic guy’s voice said.

  "It's okay. I'm fine," I lied. I looked up and was glad I did. A pleasant view would be very much welcome.

  "Really. I'm fine," I said, more to convince myself than him.

  "I'm Anthony." Holding out his right hand.

  I froze. Not that I didn't see much more handsome guys in England, but there was something in

  his eyes that made him look so... genuine. He was obviously of Chinese decent, or along those

  lines. His eyes were a bit small, just the way I like them. Wait, I didn’t know that until now.

  "And you are?" I was surprised he was still holding out his hand.

  "Uhh. Andrea," I said, finally taking his hand. "But you can call me-"

  "Anthony!" A guy came up behind him, clapping him on the back. They stood about the same

  height, and looked like they were popular in the campus since every girl glued their eyes on us

  as they passed. On them, actually.

  "Hey Kris," Anthony replied flatly.

  "Well well. A new pretty face," the guy named Kris turned to me.

  "Let's go,” he stirred Kris away. “He just meant hi, Andrea. See you around!" Kris still had his eyes on me, managing a small wave while struggling to free from Anthony’s grip.

  Still holding my cheek, I cocked my head as I looked at their retreating figures. I turned on my

  heel when I almost bumped into someone again.

  "Hello there! Haven't seen you around. I'm Kristine," a girl chirped brightly. Surprisingly, she looked very much alike Kris.

  "I know, I know. I look like Kris. I'm his twin. But a little smaller than him though." She smiled then frowned at the end of the sentence.

  "Oh. That's okay. You're more charming than your brother," I chuckled. "Don't take it too-"

  "I knew it! I'm more attractive than him!" She said triumphantly.

  I gave a low laugh. "I'm Andrea, by the way." Pulling her from little victory, and took her still extended hand. "But I prefer being called Drei."

  "Nice nickname!" She said happily. Then her expression grew serious, eyeing me suspiciously.

  "I know what you're thinking," I said before she could say it out loud. "I'm not into girls. I just love the boy name."

  "Oh." She laughed awkwardly in relief.

  Just then the bell rang.

  "Great." I muttered, obviously in panic. My hands fumbled with the class card.

  "Oh sorry! You still don't know where your room is!" She got the class card from me and

  immediately ran her eyes through it.

  "You're lucky!" She smiled broadly, took my hand and dragged me to the opposite direction I took earlier.

  Shocked, I ran to keep up with her. "Why?"

  "We're on the same class!"


  The day went alright. Actually, it was fun with Kristine around. I learned many things about her

  twin brother more than a stranger should. I was about to call our driver to pick me up when

  suddenly Kristine dragged me to the gym.

  "What are we doing here?" I asked her as we took a seat.

  "Watching Kris and the team," she smiled and shot me a teasing look. "I know you want to see him play."

  I raised my eyebrows. Did she think I like her brother? Oh boy.

  "No Kristine, don't think that I like your-"

  "Wooooooooo!" She suddenly cheered from where we stood by the entrance, ignoring me


  "Brother." I muttered, eyes glued to the player behind Kris. Anthony, wearing the same uniform as Kris. He was on the team too.

  Kris saw his twin and waved. I saw Anthony smiling our way, not quite sure to whom it was. I

  needed to wear my glasses next time.

  The gym was suddenly filled with excited college girls. The close to empty bleachers when we

  entered earlier are now jam-packed. Lucky we still found seats.

  My eyes landed on the girls cheering. Almost all of them were cheering for Anthony and Kris.

  Banners were even up in the air saying "I love you Anthony Tierro!" or "Go number 17!" Funny. I only noticed those with his name.

  "You want to do what they're doing?" Kristine's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

  "Not really." Just then, my stomach grumbled.

  She was busy screaming out her support for the players when I told her I'd buy something to


  "You want something?" I asked.

  "No, I'm fine. Do you remember the way to the cafeteria?"

  "Yes, thanks." I stood up and groped my way through the crowd.

  Once outside, I almost bumped into someone again.

  "Sorry," the guy said. He was charming too, like Anthony and Kris. But there was something a bit scary in his eyes.

  "Sure." I muttered, a little too flat than intended.

  His eyes didn't leave mine, and he just stood in front of me.

  "Excuse me," I mumbled, pushing past him.

  "Oh, right." He said, absentmindedly as he stepped aside to let me pass.

  "Be careful." He called out, a whisper just enough so I could hear.

  I turned. "What?"

  But he was on his way.

  Stuffed with a pack of chips and a juice drink, I returned to the gym. The practice game was on

  halftime break. For some reason, there were more girls than when I got out earlier. That was

  just a few minutes ago, right? Fangirl adrenaline.

  A few excuse me’s and nudges later, I finally got through the crowd but Kristine was nowhere

  near our seat. I thought I got the spot wrong when someone called out to me from somewhere

  in my left. I turned to see Kristine sitting by the players’ bench.

  "Drei! Here!" Kristine was seated in between her brother and Anthony. Reluctantly, I

  approached them. It was already full and obviously it was impossible for me to have a seat


  "I'll join you. Here, you can sit beside me," Anthony offered as he moved to sit on the smaller bench where their water jug was placed earlier.

"But your jug-"

  "They can place it somewhere else." He smiled. He looked like a little boy when he does that. In the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Kristine frown. But when I looked at her, she was talking to


  Anthony and I were silent as he drank his energy drink and I ate my chips.

  Then the crowd went wild when someone entered the court.

  "Late but still loved," Anthony complained.

  "Who?" I wondered.

  "Carl Brown." He frowned, but in an attractive way. I shook my head. What was I thinking? I shouldn't be going down this road again.

  I followed his gaze and recognized the guy. I bumped into him earlier. So he was on the team


  "So he's Carl." I said absentmindedly.

  "You know him?" Anthony sounded surprised.

  "No." I replied, a second too fast. "I just bumped into him when I went out to buy these." I held up the chips awkwardly. Gosh. Why do I get all clumsy around him? Because he’s cute. Okay,


  "Just like how you bumped into me earlier?" He teased. "But I'm sure it's different with me."

  Did I hear that right? "What?"

  A loud buzz filled the gym. "Game guys!" He stood up and flashed me a smile. Yes, it’s official. I just melted on the spot.

  Kristine joined me. "So, you're friends already?" She asked. Is it just me or is that jealousy drenching her expression?

  "Acquaintance." I smiled, trying my best not to grin like an idiot.

  "Good." She looked relieved. "I mean, it's good that at least you're acquaintances already." She said almost defensively. "Those girls would give anything to be in your place just moments ago."

  "Yea." I nodded. "I know."

  When the game was finished, Kris and Anthony disappeared to the dugout. Kristine and I waited

  in the gym.

  "You got a ride?" She asked me as I rummaged in my bag.


  “You can drive? Cool."

  "I don't. Though I know how to. My mom wouldn't let me." I said, finally fishing my phone to text Mr. Champ.

  "Oh. Really?"

  I nodded, and saw Carl emerge from the lockers.

  When he spotted me, he smirked as he approached us.

  "Hey Carl!" Kristine chirped, bright as always.

  "Hey Kristine. Who's the pretty face?"

  "Andrea Tullieno. Just call her Drei." She talked too fast before I could elbow her.

  Carl extended his hand, but was shoved awkwardly into my personal space as someone

  pushed him from behind.

  "Hey dude!" Kris almost tackled Carl to the floor. I took a few steps backward.

  Carl rolled his eyes. Anthony patted his back and joined us.

  "Let's go." Anthony announced.

  Outside the gym, I found Mr. Champ on the parking lot just as we approached Kris and

  Anthony's cars.

  "Hey I'll go ahead. Nice meeting you all." I smiled, and the twins waved. Anthony smiled and waved charmingly. Carl didn't even spare me a glance, but when I turned I heard a familiar "be careful" again.

  I turned, and Carl flashed me a smile I didn't know what to make of.

  Chapter 2

  "Are you leaving already?" Carl was suddenly behind me just as I turned to leave the cafeteria.

  People were pouring in and crowds weren’t exactly my thing.

  "Uhh. Yes," trying my best not to roll my eyes. I wasn’t exactly poised to enter the area, was I?

  "So I see you've worn glasses." He pointed out, keeping up with the small talk.


  "One-word responses today?" He joked, even managing to position himself in front of me and walking backwards as he talked.

  I smiled faintly. Well, you have to give the guy some credit.

  "Hey you guys!" Kris suddenly was beside me. "What’s up?”

  Why did people show up all of a sudden?

  "Not at all," Carl replied, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

  "Where's---" I turned to Kris.

  "Here!" Kristine caught up with us.

  Now I didn’t have to force a smile. "Sorry if I was absent this morning," she said to me. "Kris wasn't much of a caregiver."

  "Why? Are you sick? What happened?"

  "It's just a cold, Drei. Don't worry about her," Kris suddenly interjected.

  I was still enjoying their banter when I suddenly remembered I left something in my locker.

  "Hey, I have to get something from my locker. I'll catch up with you guys later," I told them as I went to the opposite direction.

  "I'll come with you," Carl and Kris offered at the same time.

  Kristine shot me a look and dragged Carl right away. "Hey Carl, why don't you come with me

  instead? I need to buy something from the cafeteria."

  I think I saw Kris mouth a thanks to Kristine but I ignored it.

  "What's with the glasses?" Kris said when we were alone.

  "Near-sighted," I said, but more happily now.

  "They look good on you," he complimented.

  "Err, thanks," I felt a blush was climbing up to my cheeks. Good thing we reached my locker already, and I didn't have to face him with that awkward color on my face.

  "Hey Kristian Wong!" A familiar voice approached Kris as I was busy finding my notebook in the locker.

  "Hey Anthony Tierro!" I heard Kris say, causing my heart to pound. This shouldn't be happening.

  Haven't I learned my lesson with Phil? Guys shouldn't be trusted. But more than that, my

  feelings shouldn't be trusted.

  I shouldn't be attracted to any guy again. For all I know, he's just like Phil. A liar. A spy.

  I found the notebook I've been looking for but pretended to still be busy finding it. I wasn't

  eavesdropping on them, it's just I didn't want to face them. Anthony, that is.

  "Near-sighted, huh?" I heard him say. I didn't stir. Then I felt a tap in my shoulder. I froze. He repeated. "Near-sighted?" I faced him.

  "Uhh. Yea." I answered nervously.

  "Looks good on you," he complimented. I felt my face heat up. As if on cue, my phone vibrated.

  I turned away, thankful to whoever it was calling.

  I checked my phone and found an unregistered number.

  I answered it.

  "Be careful."

  Those two words again. But there was something funny with the way the caller said it.


  "Be. Care. Ful." He emphasized every syllable but I still recognized the voice and the accent.

  "Hello?" I repeated, quite amused that I blowed up his cover.


  "I'm expecting a call from someone named Andrew Joseph Hamilton, so if you wouldn't speak

  now, I'm going to hang up," I said casually.

  Pause. "Okay okay, Drei. You got me," Drew admitted, his British accent heavy.

  I smiled. "The number's local. You here?"

  "Well, yea. In your campus parking lot, to be exact."

  "WHAT? REALLY? I'm coming!" I hung up excitedly.

  "Hey you guys,I have to meet someone. I'll catch you later!" I ran towards the entrance and out to the grounds.

  I searched for the familiar hunky Englishman and found him in no time. The girls around had

  their eyes on him. As usual, he seemed cool despite the attention. He was fidgeting his phone

  when I neared him.

  I cleared my throat.

  "May I ask what a fine young man like you is doing out here?" feigning his accent.

  "Out to catch girls like you who try to carry an accent," he faced me and enveloped me in a big bear hug.

  "I missed you Drew!" I said when he pulled away.

  "Same here," he said, ruffling my hair.

  "I see you have friends already," he looked at someone behind my back.

  "What? Who----?" I turned to see Kris and Anthony's confused faces. The scene must'
ve been odd for them.

  "Oh. I didn't know you followed me," I returned their confused gazes. "This is Andrew Hamilton, my---"

  "Friend. Nice to meet you---?" he extended a hand to Anthony. He took his hand. "Anthony Tierro. And this is Kristian Wong." Andrew shook his hand too.

  "I guess we'd get going Drei." Kris said after the introduction. "Nice meeting you Andrew."

  "Nice meeting you too, Kristian and Anthony!" Drew replied enthusiastically. I waved at them.

  "See you later!"

  When they got out of earshot, Drew faced me with an are-you-thinking-what-I'm-thinking look.


  "I think I smell jealousy." Drew teased.

  I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

  "Silly little girl. I think they fancy you," he said.

  "What?" I repeated. "What do you mean 'they'?"

  "They. Both of them. You know I smell attraction easily. Especially with you."

  "You really have a nose for everything."

  After talking for almost ten minutes, he left. I was getting used to the curious glances of the girls passing by. This was the Philippines after all. It's not everyday they get to see an Englishman.

  I entered the school and went to find Kristine. It wasn't difficult to find her.

  "Hey Drei! You saw the new student?" I sat beside her. Was she talking about Drew? But he was old to be a student.

  "No. Is it a he or a she?" I asked, without the slightest interest.

  She eyed me. "He." She smiled naughtily.

  "Oh." Was all I could say.

  We were on our way to our classes just as the bell rang.

  "There's a general assembly this afternoon." Kristine informed me.

  "Are we required to attend?" I asked honestly.

  "Yes, unfortunately."


  I didn't realize the population of the school was this large. The school gym was filled with


  We sat in the front row, the only seats available. I turned to Kristine, who seemed uneasy in her


  "Is everything okay?"

  "So okay!" She smiled. "I saw the new student! He's there, three rows from us." She nodded with her head.

  I looked and saw the backs of excited girls trying to get a glimpse of him.

  "I can't see him."

  "Just wait. The girls will get tired soon." She sounded confident.

  I continued to look at the direction and when the girls finally sat down, I couldn't believe my

  eyes. The boy making such a fuzz was a Korean boy that looked so familiar. I tried to look at


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