Exact Opposites

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by Abby Osuna

  hung up.

  I faced Anthony who was on his feet now.

  "I think I better go. Will you be okay?" he asked.

  "Yes. I can manage," I said, and I walked him to the door.

  "I'll just call you so you can finally know my phone number," he said before stepping out.

  "Sure," I replied.

  Then he went off.

  I found my phone on my seat and it suddenly rang. There was an unregistered number.



  "It's me. Save my number, okay?" He said on the other line.

  "I will," I promised.

  "Don't hesitate calling me if you feel lonely there. I'll be there in a flash," he sounded like a boasting little boy.

  "Okay okay. I'll call you when I feel like a damsel in distress," I chuckled.

  He laughed. "I'm hanging up. Take care," he said.

  "Drive safely," I said.

  "Yes Maam. Bye," he said.


  I ended the call and was shocked at my wallpaper. I remember I had a photo of a puppy

  assigned last night when we went to the party. But now there was a new photo. I recognized the

  background as our living room. It had Anthony on it, wearing that smile that I so wanted to take

  a picture of.


  Chapter 7

  "Not feeling dizzy anymore?" Kristine asked me as we met on the corridor the following Monday morning.

  "Yea, I'm very fine now," I smiled.

  "Good. Because we're up for a long day," she smiled back, with that familiar twinkle in her eye that only meant that Anthony was part of her plan.

  "Why?" I asked."They have a game this afternoon. Though I'm not quite sure if Anthony's gonna play," she said, lost in thought.

  "Why not?" I asked further.She went inside the classroom, steps ahead from me."He wasn't in practice last time. I heard coach was disappointed," she took her seat.

  "What?" I couldn't believe it.

  Before Kristine could ask why I was so affected, my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and

  saw Anthony's name.

  "Uhh. Excuse me," I said, leaving the room. I didn't want Kristine to know who the caller was.

  "Anthony," I answered the call.

  "There's a game this afternoon. Are you coming?" he asked.

  "Of course. But... Are you allowed to play?" I asked, worried.

  He fell silent.

  "No. But---"

  "I thought he knew," I interrupted.

  "Sorry if I lied Drei," he apologized.It was my turn to be silent.

  "I'm really sorry Drei---" then the bell rang.

  "Catch you later Anthony," I hung up. I know I should be grateful for what he did for me, but I can't help but feel guilty for his suspension in the team. I wasn't worth it.


  Kristine and I were having our lunch at the cafeteria when Carl suddenly joined us.

  "Hey," he greeted us.

  "Hi there," Kristine greeted happily.

  I just smiled. Even if I was in the mood, I still wouldn't talk to him.

  They were chatting as if I wasn't around. But I liked it that way. What I didn't like was how Carl

  glanced at me. It was as if he was eyeing me carefully. It was as if he knew me even before we

  met. I concentrated on my lunch instead.Just then Kris showed up.

  "Hey guys!" he greeted, sounding so much like Kristine.

  I smiled at him too, but warmer than the one I gave to Carl.Carl took the seat beside Kristine in

  front of me, so Kris had no other choice but sit beside me.

  "Are you watching this afternoon?" Kris asked us.Kristine and I nodded, Carl scoffed.

  I think I saw Kris shot him a dagger look, but I wasn't sure because I saw Anthony approaching

  our table.

  "Game this afternoon okay?" he said to everyone in the table.

  "Yes sir!" Kristine answered. I remember how Anthony give me a similar answer too. I shook off the memory.He smiled at her, and then he shot me an apologetic look. I just gave him a faint


  "We better get going Anthony, you owe me a homework. Don't forget that," Kris stood from the seat beside me, and put his arm on Anthony's shoulder, shoving him away.

  "Yea. Of course not. Catch you later guys!" he called out to us.


  "Where are your banners?" I heard a girl scolding the people around her as I got out of the gym to go to the restroom. As usual, the gym was full of supporters of the two schools competing

  that afternoon. I think I heard someone from the group mention Anthony's name when I

  suddenly bumped into someone's chest.

  "You really have that awful hobby of bumping into my chest, Drei. I think you're doing it on

  purpose," I looked up at Carl, whose face was in a smirk.

  I rolled my eyes. I didn't bother answering him. I passed by him, and I heard that familiar phrase

  once more."Be careful."I turned and he gave me that smirk again. I glared at him and he neared me.

  "What's wrong? Your imagination playing with you?" he teased, his face too close.

  I was about to answer him when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Drew,

  his face serious.

  "Miss Tullieno, I would like to have a word with you," he told me, but his eyes were on Carl.

  Carl then smiled and said "Good afternoon Mr. Hamilton.""Good afternoon," Drew said flatly.

  Then Carl went away, to the direction of the players' dug out.

  "Is he bothering you?" Drew asked me, concerned."Not really. But he keeps telling me to be careful," I swallowed, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

  "I think you should be when he's around. He looks like he's up to no good," he said.

  I nodded. "You're right."

  "By the way, I bought you food," I didn't notice Drew was holding a bag on his hand."Awww.

  Sweet Drew," I smiled at him.

  "Anything for my dearest Drei," he ruffled my hair.

  Just then I saw Anthony at the end of the corridor. When I saw him, he was looking at us. The

  expression on his face said he didn't like what he saw.

  "There he is!" shouted the girl I saw a while ago as she pointed at him, and the group she was talking to was running towards Anthony now. His expression changed to a softer one. He smiled

  at them as they greeted him excitedly.

  "Did you just see that?" Drew asked teasingly.

  "What?" I acted unaware.

  "I know you did Drei," he winked.I punched his arm.

  "Drop it Drew.""Okay okay. So much for acting dumb," he smiled.

  "You better wait for me outside the restroom. I don't want to encounter that monster again later,"

  I told him.

  "Anthony's a monster?"

  "Carl! Now look who's acting dumb," I teased.

  "Just giving you a dose of your own medicine," he said, as we started walking toward the


  I entered the girl's room and was finished in minutes.

  Drew was waiting outside, holding the food he bought me. He had a playful smile on his face as

  I approached him.

  "What?" I asked him.

  "Looks like my effort's wasted. He's waiting for you too," he cocked his head to his left.

  I followed the direction and saw Anthony leaning against the wall, fidgeting his phone.

  My expression must've said how shocked I was.

  "Go. I'm leaving too. Call me later when you get home okay?" he stuffed the bag on my hand.

  I ambled towards Anthony.He looked up from his phone and smiled.

  "Hi," he said shyly.

  He wasn't in his basketball uniform, a proof that he was indeed suspended from today's game.

  "Sorry if I got you into trouble," I said.

  "What trouble? It was my decision Drei. Don't blame yourself,
" he said.

  I just stared at him.

  "Really," he assured me.

  I smiled, lowering my gaze.

  "So... Is Mr. Hamilton your---" he trailed off and lowered his gaze too.

  I looked at him in shock.

  "My what?" I answered.

  "Uhh. Nothing." He glanced at his watch.

  "Let's go. The game's starting any minute now."

  I was fighting the smile climbing to my face. Was he jealous?

  I opened the pack of chips Drew bought and stuffed a handful of it to my mouth.

  I didn't care if he found it unlady-like. I offered them to him too, and he just shook his head. We were silent until we entered the gym.


  Chapter 8

  "You saw that shot Drei? It was for you," Carl called to me as the team asked for a timeout.

  Kristine, Anthony, Jonathan and I were seated behind their bench. I rolled my eyes.

  "Is he courting you Drei? I'm sorry if I forced you to get a boyfriend. If you'd end up with him, you better be a---"

  I punched his arm. "Ow!"

  "Cut it out. He's not courting me," I told him. He was seated to my left, Kristine to my right, and Anthony on Kristine's right.

  Anthony got up from his seat and whispered something to Kris who was about to get back in the

  game. The team was in a precarious two-point lead. I think he was telling Kris how to stop the

  opponent's offense and force a turnover.

  "So..." I heard Kristine mutter beside me,"you and Kris doing well?" I blinked. Not this topic again. "Uhh. What do you mean?" If Drew was here, he'd tease me for acting dumb again.

  "You know," she nodded knowingly.

  "Uhh---" I was cut off when the audience suddenly went wild. I looked at the court and saw Kris smile in triumph.

  The commentator then bellowed "Kristian Wong, threeeee" and I saw Anthony take his seat

  again. He was wearing that smile again.

  Anthony talked to us happily about the recent play that Kristine was again occupied with him. I

  sighed in relief. How will I ever get that idea off of her? I didn't like Kris. I guess she'd drop it for now.

  Jonathan suddenly nudged my side.

  "Are Kristine and Anthony together?" I swallowed nervously. I didn't like the thought.

  "I don't think so," I whispered back."Good," Jonathan smiled.

  I stared at him."What?" he asked."Nothing," it was my turn to wink.

  The game was on halftime break when Jonathan's phone suddenly vibrated. We were seated

  close to each other that I even felt it when it rang.

  He excused himself and I followed him outside. I felt that my legs were numb from sitting, so I

  thought a stretch outside would be good.

  I found Jonathan smiling to himself as I finally got out of the crowded gym.

  "We have to fetch someone now," still with the smile on his face.


  "You'll see," he got my hand and we went outside.

  We were waiting in the parking lot for a few minutes when Anthony sent me a message.

  Where are you? his message read.

  Outside. We'll be back later. Jonathan's waiting for someone, I sent him.

  I was about to bug Jonathan about going inside again when suddenly we saw his mom's car


  "You going home already?" I asked Jonathan."Nope," he said.The suspense was killing me.

  Then we approached the car and Jonathan opened the passenger seat. I almost shrieked in

  delight when I saw his cousin climb out.

  "Jazz!" though they were Korean, Jazz's parents chose to give her an English name.

  She approached me and threw her arms around me.

  Jonathan talked to his mom and she went on her way.

  "You've changed! You're so beautiful!" I pinched her cheek.

  "Well, I thought I should be as pretty as you, so I did the necessary changes." she smiled.

  "She's moving here Drei. We'll arrange her papers so she can attend the Highschool on the next block by next school year."

  "Why? Did anything happen to your previous school?"

  Before Jazz could answer, Jonathan answered for her.

  "She was missing us a lot at the expense of her grades."

  Jazz frowned. "You make it sound so bad."

  "It is bad," I reminded her.

  We went inside again and found Kristine alone on our seat.

  "Where's Anthony?" Jonathan said my thoughts out loud.

  She smiled faintly, but I could tell she was disappointed. "There."

  We followed her gaze and we found Anthony standing by the bench of the players.

  Kristine was looking at Jazz so I introduced her.

  "Kristine, this is Jazz. Jonathan's---"

  "Friend," Jonathan finished for me. Jazz and I shot him questioning looks but he ignored us.

  Kristine extended her hand and Jazz shook it. There was something in Kristine's eyes. Jonathan

  sat beside Kristine. Jazz was seated between Jonathan and me. I was seated on the farthest


  Jazz nudged my side.

  "Is he courting Kristine?" she whispered.

  "I think he plans to," I whispered back.

  Courting is undoubtedly the word of the day.

  The team was on a comfortable ten point lead. I saw a few girls in the audience wave to

  Anthony. I was trying my best not to glare at them. Anthony glanced at our direction, and after

  smiling at the girls, he approached us.

  "Where've you been?" he said, taking the seat beside me.

  "Out to fetch her," I nodded my head toward Jazz. I tapped her shoulder and introduced her to Anthony.

  "Is she a relative of Jonathan?" Anthony whispered to me afterwards.

  "Uhh. Yea. But Kristine doesn't know yet. Jonathan doesn't---"

  "Want her to know. Yet," Anthony finished for me.

  "Exactly," I smiled.

  "Good thinking," he said.

  "Why?" I asked him.

  "I think he likes Kristine that's why he's doing that," he smiled.

  "And you're fine with that?" I asked, before I could stop myself.

  He paused. "Of course. Why shouldn't I?"

  I bit my lip. Me and my big mouth.

  "Nothing." I lied.

  "You think I like her, don't you?" he asked further.

  I didn't know what to say. Could I just disappear right now?

  "Don't worry Drei. I don't," he smiled, pleased with himself.

  "I'm not worrying!" I said too loud.

  "Okay okay," he turned when someone called out his name and I heard a loud giggling from

  their direction after.

  "They won!" Kristine was suddenly calling over to us.

  I turned and saw that the team was already celebrating.

  Before I could ask Jazz and Jonathan where they were having dinner, Anthony pulled my arm


  "Don't worry about them too," he nodded toward the girls.

  "I wasn't worrying about them!" I said a little too defensively.

  "Just making sure," he smiled.


  Chapter 9

  Jonathan and his cousin Jazz went home after the game. I was waiting outside on the parking

  lot when Anthony and the twins emerged from the direction of the gym.

  "Your driver's getting busy lately," Kris said as he neared me first.

  "I think so too," I smiled at him.

  "Why don't we wait for Drei to get fetched before we go?" Anthony suggested as he and Kristine approached.

  "As much as we'd like to, but Mom's such in a fuzz for us to get home for dinner. She called five times already," Kristine said.

  "No, go ahead. I'll be fine," I refused their offer.

  Anthony looked at me. Just then Kris said, "We really should get going Drei. I'll call you later okay?" he

  I nodded, and Kristine shot me a teasing look.

  The twins got in their car and Anthony stayed where he was.

  "Aren't you going home yet?" I asked him.

  "Nope," he said, taking a seat on the nearest bench.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Taking a seat. We'll wait for your driver," he said.

  I just looked at him.

  He tapped the empty seat beside him, and I obliged, having no choice.

  When I was seated, my phone rang.


  "Drei, Mr. Champ and Nanny Helena ran an errand for your Mom tonight. I'll fetch you," Drew answered.

  "Okay. I'm in the parking lot already. Thanks," I replied.

  I hung up and Anthony said,"so we won't be waiting that long after all."

  I smiled faintly.

  Anthony was settling his things on his lap when Drew pulled into the parking lot.

  "New car?" Anthony asked beside me as I stood up.

  "Uhh no. That's Drew's," I replied. I didn't look at him after I answered.

  I approached Drew's car and I waved Anthony goodbye.

  "Thanks Anthony!" I called out. I didn't see his expression. But whatever it was, he just waved back.

  "Was I ruining a moment, Drei?" Drew asked me as I settled on the front seat.

  "No. Of course not," I lied.

  "I was hoping I was," he teased.


  "I am starting to enjoy playing with that Anthony," he smiled.

  "Drew, cut it out," I warned him.

  "Okay. You get very sensitive lately."


  True to his word, Kris called me shortly after I got home.

  I was doing my homework that night when suddenly my phone rang again. An unregistered



  "Drei! Jazz here," she said happily on the other end.

  "Oh. What's up?"

  "Nothing much. I just got a little bored so I got your number from Jonathan," she explained.

  "Am I disturbing you?"I stared at my half-finished essay and answered, "No."

  Then she went on chatting about her life before she dropped out from school. She was really

  Jonathan's cousin. Though she does some things at the wrong time, I still enjoy her company.

  After a good thirty minutes, she hung up. I could tell she was sleepy.

  I went on with my essay and finished it after fifteen minutes.

  I was about to call it a day when my phone rang again. Jazz, please go to sleep.


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