Exact Opposites

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Exact Opposites Page 6

by Abby Osuna

quickly sat on it, and three other guys followed. I rolled my eyes when I realized it was Carl and

  his classmates.

  I was about to turn and find someplace else when I carelessly tripped on a rock. Clumsy Drei.

  I heard Carl chuckle from where he was sitting. The last thing I needed now was another smirk

  from him so I continued walking to nowhere in particular when I felt my ankle hurt. Great.

  I was limping when I saw Drew approach me.

  "What happened?"

  "Rock," was all I said. I was so irritated with my clumsiness."Let's get you to the infirmary," he said as he got a hold of my arm.

  "You hurt?" someone called behind us.

  I didn't turn and held Drew's arm instead. "Let's go." I said firmly.

  Reluctantly, Drew obeyed. I was irritated with myself so much and I knew Carl's teasing would

  be of no help.

  We turned in a corner and I winced.

  Drew paused for a second and said, "just hold it until the next corner."

  I looked at him questioningly but I didn't ask since there were still a couple of students passing


  When we reached the next corner, he suddenly stopped and bent in front of me.


  "I'll carry you," he said casually.

  "Someone might see us," I refused.

  "Everyone's in the grounds now, so relax. We'd get there faster."

  I hesitated, and he pulled my hand toward him.

  I settled on his back and he stood up. I had to admit, I missed his piggy back rides.

  We were near the infirmary when someone suddenly rounded the corner we were about to take.

  Drew paused for a moment, but continued walking as I stared at the guy. Anthony.

  I smiled at him faintly, and his expression changed from concerned to suspicious.

  Luckily, we didn't encounter anyone until we reached the infirmary.

  Except for Anthony though. I sighed at the thought.

  Drew left me to the nurse but before he went out of the door, he gestured that I call him after. I

  just nodded.


  I limped my day away.

  Thanks to the earthquake drill. To Carl. To the rock. And most especially, my clumsiness.

  I was closing my locker when my phone rang.


  "Jazz wants to hang out this afternoon. She says she'll come over here now." Jonathan said.

  "I can't. I need to rest my sprained ankle," I said apologetically.

  "Oh. Where are you now? Need company?" He offered.

  "No, no. I'm fine. Wait for Jazz and just tell her what happened."

  He thanked me and hung up.

  "Hey Drei!" Kris was suddenly beside me.

  "Hi Kris," I smiled.

  "What happened?" he asked, noticing my bandaged ankle.

  "Oh I just tripped over something. But I feel better than I look," I assured him.

  Then Kristine suddenly appeared.

  "Drei, are you okay?" she asked, concerned.

  Again, I told her that I was fine.

  "Good. Are you heading home now?"

  "Uhh yea."

  "Kris, why don't you stay with Drei until she gets fetched?" she said, with that teasing look in her eyes again.

  Before I could refuse, Kris said, "Come on Drei. Practice is delayed, so I have time to spare."

  Kristine winked at me and said an unusually happy "Bye!" to us.


  Chapter 13

  "Come on Drei! We're late for the game!" Jazz tugged my arm as Jonathan and I fetched her in the parking the following afternoon.

  "Okay okay," I called after her, limping.

  "Don't you think you should rest that for a while Drei? That might get worse," Jonathan had his arm around my waist as we walked.

  "I think I can handle it. I survived class today, didn't I? We're just watching a game, I'm not playing," I chuckled.

  "Whatever you say. I'm genie for your wish," he winked, quoting my favorite song.

  "I'm genie for you boy," I countered.


  We were about to enter the crowded gym when my phone rang. Jonathan let go of me as I

  answered it.


  "I think I know who wrote the notes, Drei." Drew's voice over the phone was serious.

  I was listening intently."Who?"

  Silence. "I think I should tell you personally. Where are you?"

  "Outside the gym. I'll wait for you here."

  "Okay, I'm coming." He hung up.

  "Drew?" Jonathan asked.

  "Yea. You two better go ahead. Little Jazz here is so giddy," I pinched her nose.

  "Ow! I am not!" She denied.

  Jonathan rolled his eyes and pulled his cousin inside the gym.

  "We'll be on the same spot!" Jonathan called out.

  I nodded.


  Drew arrived in no time. I forgot long his strides were.

  "It's Kris's," Drew said as we settled on a corner.

  "What? I thought it's just either Anthony or Carl? How did Kris get involved in this secret admirer thingy?"

  "That was what I was thinking when I compared the writings."

  "I think you should be careful, Drei. Your mom has risked so much just to get you safe after all that's happened. You should be vigilant at all times," he said.

  I nodded.

  "How did you compare them anyway?"

  "I borrowed some of their examinations from other teachers."

  "Are you allowed to do that?" I asked, confused.

  "Well, I am. As long as they don't know I borrowed them," Drew tried his best not to sound guilty. "And they wouldn't know, right?" he looked at me connivingly.

  I just stared at him.

  "You mean you would actually divulge our secret---?" Drew stopped when someone suddenly

  rounded the corner hurriedly. For the second time this week, Anthony saw Drew and me in an

  awkward situation.

  I think Anthony heard the last three words of Drew's sentence since he walked away in a rush

  without even acknowledging us.

  "I think he heard---"

  "He's late for the game that's why he didn't talk to us," I said, convincing myself more than Drew.

  We were silent for a few moments then I spoke up.

  "Are you sure it's Kris's?"

  He nodded.

  Silence again.

  "Have you spoken to Anthony about yesterday?" Drew asked in concern.

  I shook my head.

  "Then you should."

  I stared at him in disbelief. "I thought you liked playing with him?"

  "I do. But I still want you to end up with him too."

  I was taken aback by what he said.

  "Now go win his heart before anybody else does," he pushed me gently.

  "Ow!" I pretended that his push hurt my ankle.

  "Sorry Drei!"

  "Gotcha!" I flicked his nose.

  Then I turned and limped toward the entrance of the gym.

  "I'll let this pass, young lady!" he called after me. I just waved at him, without looking back.

  When I entered the gym, the people were crowded terribly on the way. I squeezed past them

  and I saw the familiar fans of Anthony, Kris and Carl on the seats. But I had to admit, Anthony

  had the most fans.

  I saw Jonathan and Jazz seated beside Kristine behind the bench of the team. But this time,

  there was no empty seat for me.

  Jonathan got his phone and messaged me: Sorry Drei, the people started gathering around us

  and they wouldn't move.

  It's okay, I'll just stand here.

  The whole game? It's just second quarter.

  I'm fine, Jonathan.

  I saw he was worried but I opted to focus on the game instead.

  The team was ahead with three points. I saw how serious Ant
hony was everytime he entered

  the court. The expression only made him look more attractive, much to the fans' delight.

  Everytime he made a shot, they would scream at the top of their lungs.

  Then the second quarter ended with the team enjoying a twelve-point lead.

  The players went to the dug-out but Anthony talked to Kristine before leaving the court. I saw

  Jonathan point to my direction and Anthony's gaze followed.

  I made a small wave, aware that his fans were looking at him intently. He smiled and returned

  the wave. He took a step toward my direction. With his eyes still on mine, I gestured that he

  should go to the dug-out instead. He hesitated, then jogged toward me quickly.

  The fans around me were giggling loudly as Anthony was approaching.

  When they realized it was me he was looking at, they fell silent.

  "How's your ankle? You should sit down," he panted.

  "I'm fine," I lied. "You should go to the dug-out."

  Just then a girl somewhere behind me shouted "Hi Anthony!" and a chorus of greetings


  He just smiled at them and looked at me again.

  "I will, after you take a seat. Come on, I'll find you one," he said as he held my arm and assisted me toward our usual spot behind their bench.

  The fans were making sounds both of amazement and envy at the sight of us crossing the


  "Sorry if they can get annoying," Anthony apologized.

  I just nodded.

  True to his word, he asked the girl beside Jonathan to give her seat to me. Anthony pleaded

  that my ankle hurt and that I should be seated.

  Obviously, the girl was pleased that Anthony talked to her, and irritated at the same time since I

  robbed her seat.

  When I got settled, he suddenly whispered to my ear, "hold your phone."


  "Just do it," he said as he finally jogged to the dug-out.

  I did what he said and was surprised when I suddenly got a message from him.

  Wait for me after the game.

  The butterflies in my stomach made the pain in my ankle go away.


  Chapter 14

  "Congratulations!" Jazz greeted Kris as they got out of the dug-out. Jonathan and Kristine were so engrossed with

  whatever they were talking about that they didn't notice the players were spilling out of the

  locker room.

  Anthony smiled as soon as our eyes met. Those eyes could definitely melt the sanity out of you.

  "Congratulations!" I repeated what Jazz just said.

  "Thanks," he smiled again."Is your ankle feeling better?"

  "I think so."

  "Good. Because I have something to sho---"

  "ANTHONY!" I didn't have to turn to know who that was. His fans were getting a little pushy lately.

  He smiled at them politely and held a little chitchat with them.

  Jonathan and Kristine got to my side.

  "Some fans, huh?" Kristine rolled her eyes.

  I nudged her side. "They might see you."

  "I really don't care. They're annoying."

  I hushed her.

  Luckily Jonathan got her attention just as the fans said goodbye.

  "Sorry about that," Anthony apologized for the second time today.

  "It's okay, really. I know how they feel. I've been a fan before too. You don't know how great it feels when your idol talks

  to you," I told him.

  "Woah. Where did that come from?" he teased.

  "From memory lane," I chuckled.

  "Hey Couz! We can invite Kris and his twin to dinner tonight, right?" Jazz called out to Jonathan.

  He thought for a moment, then Jazz repeated with more emphasis, "Right?"

  Since he did want to talk to Kristine a little longer, he nodded. He immediatey excused himself

  to call her mom about

  the additional guests.

  "Good." Anthony whispered to me.


  "We can go without getting noticed."

  HELLO, butterflies!

  "Uhh. What exactly will you show me?" I tried my best to act cool.

  "You'll see." He muttered under his breath.

  Kristine was about to interrupt our conversation when Jonathan got back and told her that they

  could come for dinner.

  For the first (and I hope there'd be more after this) time, Carl was out of sight. I felt a little

  uncomfortable. Maybe he was

  planning something evil? I shook the thought off.

  I was snapped out of my silent monologue when Anthony suddenly took my hand in his and

  started toward the exit.

  I didn't notice that the other 'pairs' were moving out. (Jazz and Kris chatting animatedly,

  Jonathan and Kristine laughing


  I stepped with my good foot only, and didn't dare to step the sprained one.

  "Oops. I forgot," Anthony said. He suddenly bent in front of me, just like what Drew did


  Though I knew what that meant, I still wanted to know for sure. "What are you doing?"

  "Uhh. Inviting you to race?" He chuckled. "I'll carry you."

  Since when did he develop that sense of humor? I thought I was the one who usually cracked


  "Are you sure? I'm quite heavy." I tried the first (and most common) excuse that popped in my head.

  "Come on," he pulled my arms over his shoulders and I had no other choice but to settle myself on his back.

  He caught up with the others before they got too far.

  I saw Kristine's eyes look at us in shock. Kris was unaffected and the cousins looked at me


  When we reached the parking lot, Kris said, "Are we waiting for Drei to get fetched or are we


  Jonathan thought for a moment then Jazz suddenly spoke, "I think we should get going.

  Jonathan's mom doesn't really want to wait."

  Kristine didn't say anything though she looked like she was about to oppose the idea.

  "I agree. Let's go," Jonathan started toward the twin's car and Jazz followed him.

  Anthony let me sit on the nearest bench as the four of them got into the car.

  "Stay with Drei until she gets fetched, Anthony," Jonathan called out.

  "Will do!"

  Then they pulled out of the parking lot and were on their way.

  "The escape wasn't that hard after all," Anthony said as he sat beside me.

  "You're acting strange today," I confessed.

  "Tonight," he nodded toward the dark surroundings.

  "I sit corrected."

  He chuckled. "Well. Maybe because I'm blessed today."

  "With?" I asked further.

  "With..." he thought for a moment. "A good game, good fans, good..." he looked at me before continuing, "friend."

  I shrugged.

  "What? You don't agree with me?" He teased.

  "You really are acting weird," I ignored his teasing.

  He laughed softly. "Well. Before I show you what I promised, better call the people at your



  "You'll be running a little late tonight, but I'll be driving you home of course."

  I smiled to myself. I love seeing him drive.

  "Okay." I got my phone and called Nanny.

  I told her just what Anthony said and she was hesitant. I told her that Drew knows where I'm

  going and she finally agreed. Right after I hung up, I called Drew which made Anthony look at

  me suspiciously again.

  I asked Drew to assure Nanny that I'm okay and that she didn't have to worry.

  "You're with Anthony, aren't you?" Drew teased.

  I looked at Anthony beside me, who was looking at
me expectedly.

  "Uhh. Yes. Thanks Drew!" Then I hung up. I would have to endure a terrible tease from my

  uncle the next time we meet.


  To my surprise, he let me take the front seat. I was about to decline but he insisted, so I obeyed.

  Anthony bought food for the two of us on a nearby fastfood chain.

  "Where are we going?" I asked him, unable to stand the suspense.

  "Just wait and see. We're just buying out time. The surprise might get spoiled if we get there ahead of time," he said as

  he settled the food in the back.

  We drove for a couple of minutes more and I noticed we were driving away from the city. I knew

  that he had no intention

  of telling me where we're going so I enjoyed the silence and fidgeted my phone.

  He glanced over to me.

  "You changed your wallpaper?"

  I blinked.


  "It's not my picture anymore," he said casually.

  So he did that on purpose.

  "What made you think I'd use that wallpaper any longer?" I teased.

  "Because I haven't changed mine," he handed me his phone that still had a photo of me

  sleeping as his wallpaper.

  I grabbed the opportunity and quickly deleted my photo from his phone.

  "What are you doing?" he said, eyes on the road.

  "Nothing." I lied as I handed his phone back. He glanced at it and noticed that my photo was gone.

  "I swear I'd get another one," he said.

  "If you can," I dared him.


  Anthony suddenly parked on an empty lot. He turned the engine and lights off.

  "Why are we here?"

  He glanced at his watch. "To... see... this!"

  Then I thought he was just pointing at nothing outside the car. When I followed his gaze I saw

  beautiful fireflies dancing in the dark.

  For a moment I just stared at the sight. I was so engrossed that I didn't notice he got out of the

  car and opened the door to my side.

  He assisted me out and we leaned on his car to get a closer look at the fireflies.

  "They're beautiful."

  "I know."

  We were silent for the next few moments and he suddenly said, "I wonder if they're that

  beautiful when they dance inside my stomach too."


  "You know, butterflies in the stomach. I usually feel them when I'm around you."

  Just then I felt the butterflies in my stomach begin partying.


  Chapter 15

  “Drei? Drei?”


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