Exact Opposites

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Exact Opposites Page 12

by Abby Osuna

“Let’s?” Before I knew it, I stuck out my hand.

  Without hesitation, he took it, but his face still afraid.

  I patted his shoulder as soon as he was in his full height. “That’s okay,” I consoled him. ”I get

  scared at times too.”

  “Just at certain times? Not always?” He spoke, his voice a little shaky.

  I shook my head, just as another rumble sounded overhead. His grasp on my hand tightened,

  and unconsciously, I did the same.

  “Maybe that’s a little lie,” I admitted. “I always get scared of them.”

  He smiled. I could melt right now. “At least I’m not alone.”

  I nodded.

  “Let’s get under the covers to protect ourselves,” he chuckled, tugging me towards the direction

  of our room.

  Why did that sounded a little unlike him? I mentally slapped myself.


  Unlike the soft drizzle a while ago, the rain started pounding hard. I got a little shut-eye but

  obviously, it was just for a few minutes. I opened my eyes, focusing on somewhere in the

  ceiling. When my eyes got accustomed to the darkness, I scanned the guest room. Anthony

  insisted that he’d sleep in the little couch and I couldn’t get him out of it. I didn’t have any

  intention of getting caught in an awkward position above him again so I let him have his way. I turned in the bed, trying not to listen to the pounding rain, but to no avail. I turned to the other side, but I still, to no avail.

  Finally, I sat up, deciding it would be best to find something else to do.

  Before I could get up from the bed, I saw Anthony sitting up on the couch too, but unlike me, he

  had his hands on his ears again.

  With the least sound possible, I got up from the bed. But I realized my effort was useless since

  the rain was deafening that all sounds seemed muffled by it.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder, giving him a start. This was all so new. He rarely showed any

  signs of weakness. Actually, he never showed any at all.

  “Drei, why aren’t you asleep?” he almost shouted so I could hear him.

  “Rain,” I shouted back.

  I sat beside him. “Can’t sleep too?”

  He shook his head.

  I suddenly wanted to tease him. I got up from the couch, and started toward the bedside table.

  Remembering I saw a book inside, I tried to rummage through it. To my luck, I found a pen and


  I slumped back down at the spot beside him, and started writing.

  Awww, the Anthony Tierro afraid of thunderstorms?

  I handed him the paper, smiling smugly.

  He read it, and snatched the pen from my hand.

  I am not. That is, if you won’t tell anyone. And I know you won’t.

  I smiled. Both because of his neat penmanship and the superb feeling having the upperhand.

  What makes you so sure I won’t?

  All of a sudden, we totally forgot about the pouring rain and thunder outside.


  Suspense, huh?

  Because? I urged him.

  I’ll tell them something equally disturbing about you.

  My eyes widened. What would that be?


  He smiled smugly, his chin up, before scribbling.

  I snatched the paper from him as soon as he finished. For the second time tonight, my jaw

  dropped, because of six words.

  You snore louder than the rain.


  Chapter 24

  “Let’s go Drei, or we’l be late,” Carley tugged at my arm, as we approached a car I assumed as

  hers. I wasn’t real y familiar with car models, but I saw the logo of this one and it said it was a chevy. A red chevy.

  She let me stand by the door of the front seat while she rounded the car to open the driver’s

  side. I reflected how I got here, and I was about to ask her where exactly we were headed to

  when suddenly Anthony was by my side.

  “Drei! Why are you here?”

  I blinked stupidly at him. “I think I’m the one who’s supposed to ask that. Why are you here?”

  “Drei let’s---Anthony,” Carley’s command was cut short when she saw him. “Haven’t I told you

  you’re supposed to be inside? Zed needs you---“

  “Cut it out, Carley. I already know everything,” Anthony snapped at her.

  My brows furrowed in confusion. What everything? What was he talking about?

  “Now you’re acting weird, Anthony,” Carley tried to calm Anthony down.

  Anthony grabbed my wrist and we started running towards the gate of the mansion. “What is

  going on?” I panted, just like the other day, before we wound up at Carley’s mansion.

  “Later,” he answered.

  I was about to break free from his grasp when suddenly someone was in front of us, causing

  Anthony to run face-to-chest with the man. I gasped, and glanced up. Zed.

  “Going somewhere?” he grabbed both Anthony’s and my wrist, causing us to grimace. His hold

  was harsh.

  Anthony tried resisting Zed’s hold but he was obviously stronger than him.

  Just then someone I didn’t know was suddenly beside me. “Take her, Carl,” I heard Zed order

  from beside me, handing over my aching wrist to the new man.

  “No!” I shrieked.

  “Relax, I won’t hurt you,” he feigned concern. I glared at him.

  I turned my head toward Anthony, who was now held helplessly by Zed. He had both Anthony’s

  hands behind him, like a cop holding his criminal.


  I tried calling him but Zed was holding him firmly, with Anthony’s back against me. Carl started

  leading me away from them. I struggled, but his hold was just solid.

  I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I know my life was in danger, but it’s the first time I

  actually was in danger, and I couldn’t help but feel afraid. Terribly afraid.

  “Anthony! Anthony!”

  I didn’t know whether he heard me for Zed was leading him away too, facing the opposite



  Stil , all I saw was Zed’s back, leading Anthony away.

  If only I could break free… If only I could escape from his hold. If only…


  “Drei!” I heard someone shout back, shaking my shoulders violently.

  I opened my eyes, surprised to see Anthony peering at me concernedly. “You were having a


  Blinking while taking in his words, I realized that it was already morning and I was still in

  Carley’s guest room. The sun’s rays were greeting me good morning through the windows.

  I sat up, trying to steady myself.

  “You were crying,” Anthony assisted me as I straightened myself in the bed.

  Out of reflex, my hand fled to my cheek, proving Anthony’s word true. I had been crying. I wiped

  my eyes.

  “Can you share it to me?” His voice was thick with concern.

  I sniffed, trying to calm myself. What a horrible dream. Carley and Zed taking us captive? That

  was insane. But with what’s happening to me lately, is there even one sane event left?


  “It’s okay now. You were shouting at the top of your lungs. You kept calling me,” he gazed at


  Why did he have to be so attractive? Sometimes it’s distracting.

  “I dreamt about Carley and Zed,” I was not surprised at how shaky my voice sounded.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “What happened?”


  “Good morning lovebirds!” Carley burst through t
he door, Zed trailing behind her.

  Her voice gave me a start. I wiped my eyes nervously. I didn’t want them to know I’d been


  “Carley,” Anthony mumbled standing up from the bed.

  “Did we interrupt something?”

  “Not real y,” Anthony replied, sounding unsure. Maybe he was having the same thought as I

  was. I didn’t want to share my nightmare to Carley. It’d be so awkward. After all the good she

  did for us, I didn’t have the heart to ruin her jolly disposition.

  Zed leaned on the wall like he did last night. It has sort of become a habit for him. He looked like he was posing for a magazine cover. “Breakfast’s ready. You can have yours now, the guests

  are slowly vacating,” he smiled.

  “Be ready in a few minutes okay?” Carley chirped.

  I nodded, Anthony mumbled yes.

  With that, the beautiful couple went out of the room.

  “Are you okay now?” Anthony turned to me again.

  Again, I nodded.

  “Why don’t you go take a shower now? You’l feel a lot better.”

  “Okay. Wait, are you done with yours?”

  He smiled sheepishly and nodded.

  It was my turn to return the smile. “So I guess I overslept.”

  “No problem,” he smiled and turned to leave the room just like last night. He real y did not want

  to be in the room while I shower. Just as he was about to reach for the knob, he turned. “By the

  way, what was your dream?”

  I hesitated, thinking if it would be okay to share it to him. Deciding that it was just a trivial dream, I shrugged. “Nothing important.”

  He studied my face for a moment, before finally turning to open the door. Before I could blink,

  he disappeared behind it.

  Normally, it would take me half an hour to take a shower but since I didn’t want to make

  Anthony wait, I made it in ten minutes. I made a mental note to practice quick showering when

  we got back to our normal lives. I winced. Normal lives.

  I went out of the room and saw Anthony reading a book at a nearby bench. I didn’t remember

  that bench from my little tour last night. Maybe they put it there while I was still sleeping.

  “Let’s?” I disturbed Anthony’s reading.

  He looked up, and smiled before closing his book. I turned to head for the dining room when

  realization dawned on me. I was able to take three steps when I turned again to face Anthony

  who was smiling at me meaningfully.


  “Don’t know where the kitchen is,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “This way,” he cocked his

  head to the opposite direction I was taking.


  The dining room was like the rest of the house, glamorous. The table was made of dark wood,

  and looked like it could accommodate twelve people. It was filled with delectable dishes that I

  almost forgot it was just breakfast. I thought this was a party of some sort.

  Anthony gestured toward a seat and I obliged. He took the seat beside me. We were halfway in

  our meal when the beautiful couple arrived again.

  “Eat to your heart’s delight,” Zed urged, smiling.

  I just nodded sheepishly.

  “And oh, I wanted to ask a little favor from you, Drei.”

  I stared at her. Wait why does that seem familiar? Déjà vu?

  Before I could ask, Anthony spoke up. “What would that be? Maybe I could do it.”

  An alarm somewhere inside me suddenly went off. Something isn’t feeling right here.

  “No, it’s okay,” I lied. “What is it Carley?”

  She stuck her tongue out playfully at Anthony like a little girl. “Could you come with me to the


  This is really déjà vu.

  “Sure,” I heard myself say. I didn’t know what got into me but I agreed.

  “I’m coming too!” Anthony insisted.

  Carley didn’t respond immediately, and I could tell she hesitated. Then she final y nodded okay.

  With that, the pair left us again.


  As we approached Carley’s car, I was relieved to see that it wasn’t the one in my dream. It was

  a white ford. And I found it ironic since she was a girl. But I froze when I saw another car parked inside the garage. A red chevy.

  I didn’t notice I stopped walking until Anthony stepped on my heel.

  “Oops, sorry.”

  I stared at the car.


  I snapped from my thoughts, realizing the second voice was Carley’s. Something doesn’t feel

  right. And I have to be alert.

  “Sorry, just got lost in my own world again,” I lied again, forcing a chuckle. How many times wil I lie today?

  We got in the car and I was very relieved when Carley started pulling away from the garage, out

  from the gate, to the main road. At least my nightmare didn’t exactly come true. But I still have

  to be alert.

  The trip to the mall was quiet. My habit of ‘getting lost in my own world’ must have hit them too.

  Jammed with shoppers, the mall seemed to be in the peek of business when we arrived. Carley

  entered almost every stall we passed. At the second stall, I opted not to enter and Anthony

  stayed outside too.

  “What were you thinking about a while ago? I know it’s not nothing.”

  I gazed at him, noting the serious expression he had on. I had to choose my words carefully.

  “My nightmare, it had something to do with Carley and Ze---“


  The voice gave me a start, making me turn about face abruptly. “Mom?”

  She pul ed me into a bear hug. “What are you doing here?”

  “Just tagging along with Carley and Anthony,” I gestured toward his direction behind me. Then

  my words suddenly felt weird. Tagging along? When someone was out to hunt me down, I still

  have time to go malling?

  My mom nodded understandingly, smiling at Anthony in acknowledgement. “May I have a word

  with you in private?”

  I stiffened. This whole situation really makes me anxious.

  Glancing at Anthony, I started toward the direction my mom was pulling me. Anthony gave me a


  “There’s stil something I have to tell you,” her face was expressionless it scared me.


  “Anthony’s uncle… He’s not. He’s not part of the syndicate I’ve been telling you.”

  I stared at her wide-eyed. “Why are you telling me this now? It’s so unlike you to tell me

  something this important at such an inappropriate time.”

  “It’s because… I may not have time---just listen first so you‘d understand.”

  I swallowed my nervousness away.

  “His uncle, he was the witness to your Dad’s murder.”


  “I don’t understand.”

  “Your Dad was the one who tried to withdraw from the syndicate.”

  “So what you told me, that was the---“

  “Exact opposite.”

  I blinked. How could this be happening? So Dad was part of the syndicate? Fury suddenly filled

  my head, making me want to kill those bastards myself.

  “But that’s not the important thing now.”

  Trying my best to concentrate to her words again, I sighed. “What?”

  “The syndicate found me. After your Dad died, I talked to them, convincing them that they

  should take me as replacement for your Dad. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past


  I reached out to hold her hand.

  She smiled faintly befor
e continuing. “I’ve been doing good for the past months, until the

  syndicate found Anthony.”

  “Why is Anthony involved here?”

  “The syndicate found out that Anthony’s grandfather was also member of the syndicate. And as

  tradition, his son should also be a member. But it seemed that Anthony’s uncle got away with it

  until he died. So that makes Anthony an automatic member too. And, I have to hand him in or

  else they’l kil me.”

  My head swirled with all these new information I’ve been receiving.

  “So whatever happens to me, just stay strong Drei.”

  “Can’t we say no?”

  She gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “No. Once you’re in, no way out.”

  I felt my eyes beginning to water. “No, mom. No.”

  “Just stay strong Drei.”

  I stayed silent, fighting off the tears. I didn’t want Anthony and Carley to notice.

  “Does he know?” I gestured toward Anthony.

  She shook her head.

  I reviewed what she told me in my head. Then something popped up. “You told me they found

  Anthony. How?”

  “They have members in your school.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. “Who?”

  “The Wong twins and a certain Brown.”

  “The twins too?” I didn’t know why Carl’s membership didn’t surprise me.

  She nodded.

  “So… Where does this leave me now, Mom?” I suddenly felt helpless.

  She didn’t answer my question. “Another reason they want me dead is that I’m ruining the

  tradition, and I wasn’t doing well because of that. I wasn’t doing good since I couldn’t hand

  Anthony in. But after I saw you too together, how could I hand him in?” she sighed.

  I waited for her to continue but when she didn’t I asked, “And?”

  “They would only let me live if you take my place, since you’re next in line to your Dad.”

  My mouth went dry. “Why can’t Drew take my place?” It’s not that I real y wanted him to be

  there, but I also remembered Anthony’s Dad. Why can’t he be the replacement?

  “Siblings can’t be replacements.”

  What kind of rules did they have? They were useless!

  “What about the twins? They’re siblings!”

  “According to tradition, those born on the same day of the next generation must be members.”

  I struggled with all these new developments.


  Carley and Anthony were suddenly walking toward us. I stil had my mom’s hand and I felt her


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