THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 6

by Tristin Clark

  He feels just as hot as I am. I know I’m not actually being burned. It’s more of a euphoric fire. Hot, soothing, yet all-consuming in the most intensely pleasurable way. The saying, “it hurts so good,” never made more sense than it does right now.

  My whole body begins to tingle. Vibrate. Pulse in ecstasy.

  “Ohhh. Fuck! What’s happening? Austin!” My eyes and head roll back. I’m panting, trembling and grinding against him like a mad woman. It’s too much!

  “Austin!” I scream.

  “You feel me. I’m in you, sweet Emilia. A part of me is inside you. You will feel me. You will know my touch. You will crave it.”

  “The heat— it’s everywhere! I feel it tingling everywhere!” I shout in ecstasy. And it is as if he had turned the burning sensation up a few notches. I feel the heat wash throughout my body, especially down below.

  “OHHH!” I scream. “Fuck! Austin! I CAN’T TAKE IT!” I shout.

  “YOU WILL! Let go Emilia! ACCEPT ME! ALL OF ME! LET ME IN! LET ME FEEL YOU ON THE INSIDE!” he roars. His fingers find my clit and massages me vigorously.

  “Ohhh Austin! Yesss! YES!” I scream.

  “Come Emilia! Come!” he demands, sending another harsh wave of heat, vibrating throughout my body. It’s the most intense sensation I’ve ever experienced.

  “AHHHHH!” I scream. I hold onto him for dear life, as I come with an uncontrollable fury. My whole core tenses. My throbbing clit pounds. Austin continues rubbing my clit, milking every last bit of my climax.

  “Oh fuck! Fuck! Ahhh! Holy shit...” I moan, panting profusely after.

  When it’s over, I fall tirelessly against his shoulder, and attempt to catch my breath. He holds me tenderly in his arms, while caressing my back and then kisses my shoulder. His lips linger on my skin, slowly trailing up my neck. The heat from within has diminished, leaving only the warmth I feel from being pressed against his skin.

  “I’m in you now. You will feel me, just as I feel you,” he softly says.

  “What does that mean?” I curiously ask. I can barely lift my head from against his shoulder. Whatever he had done to me, had exhausted me.

  “It means that I have tainted you. I have tainted a part of your soul.” What? What did that even mean?

  “I don’t understand,” I say.

  “You will be mine, sweet Emilia. All of you, and when I finish what I’ve started, your soul will be mine. Only then, will we be one,” he ends.

  I am too exhausted to question his statement. If he wants me, I am already his. He can continue on with his little, weird game, but I am his. There is absolutely no denying that. He can taint my soul all he wants, because I am his.

  Austin and I relax in soothing silence, while holding each other close. I am on the verge of falling asleep against his shoulder. I know I can. From the comforting warmth of his skin, to the relaxing swooshing of ripples over the surface of the lake. I have never known a peace so blissful, than the peace I feel at this very moment. All is so calm. All is so right. I never want this moment to end. I never want him to let me go. I am right where I want to be. I am home. He is my home.

  “We should head back,” he says after a moment. Nooo! I mentally whine. Stay here. With me. Forever, I want to say.

  “Do we have to?” I ask. He nods. I sigh and agree for goodness sake.

  Leaving is probably the wise thing to do, before things get really heated between us. Who knows what else this boy is capable of doing to my body, or maybe the real question is, what I’d allow him to do to my body. Yeah. Getting out of here is wise.

  “Okay,” I say.

  He pulls away from me and gazes into my eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but I feel it. I feel him. If I concentrate hard enough, I can truly feel him. His fire lingers within my body. I can feel it swirl in every crevice, every corner and run throughout every vein.

  “I feel you,” I say in surprise. It’s a warm, comforting feeling. Much like a sweet hug, clinging to my every cell.

  His hand reaches to hold the side of my face. His smile pulls at the corner of his lips and he stares adoringly.

  “I feel you too,” he delicately admits.

  Gone is the mix of emotions I once felt, and in its place are a new mix. A mix of him and a mix of me. What fearful, negative feelings I once held from the beginning, are becoming but a faded memory. His profound emotions are taking over my being. They flood my mind, drowning out anything that once was. It’s overwhelming. Dark. Beautiful. Pure...

  I can’t quite tell where his emotions begin and where mine ends. We are mixed, entangled and united. I feel you, but I also feel me. For once in my life, I feel woken. I feel alive and I feel, you. You are in me and that’s exactly where I want you to be.

  He releases me from his hold and swims backwards, slowly, never parting those big blue eyes from mine.

  “You coming, sweet Emilia?” I smirk before speaking,

  “I think I already did,” I confidently say, and watching that wide grin, forming on those lips of his will one day, be my downfall. I am a sucker for that wicked smile, and he knows it.

  “Oh, I know for a fact, that you did,” he teases. I bite my bottom lip and clench below at the memory. He smirks proudly, turns around, and proceeds to swim towards shore. I follow right after.

  I watch him ahead of me. He slowly surfaces and his body is dripping. My eyes follow down that large, muscular, wet back and stop on his perfectly shaped, dimpled ass. His hands run back through his wet hair and his head turns slightly towards me. He knows I’ve been watching him. He likes me watching him, just as I like him watching me.

  He grins, turns back and walks out of the water.

  I’m nervous to walk out, being naked, but if he can do it, then so can I. Wasn’t like he hadn’t felt my entire naked body just a moment ago. I’m sure he could visualize what I looked like nude. What’s the difference now?

  Fuck it. Here goes. I swim until my feet reach the soft mushy ground. I stand and make my way slowly to shore. He’s standing there, his back facing me, buttoning up his pants.

  Confidence Emilia. Deep breath.

  His head turns, his eyes lock on mine, and then he freezes.

  I rise, slowly out of water, dripping wet, fully exposed. I run my hands back over my wet, slick hair, ringing it out at the end. His lips part and his eyes bulge, while scanning my body. Those blue orbs eventually make their way back up to mine and he is speechless.

  I finally reach him and make as if I am about touch him, but then curve around him, towards my clothes. I can feel his burning gaze on my back and I’m sure my ass too. I grin knowing he likes what he sees.

  I reach down to pick up my panties, giving him a magnificent view of my rear.

  I gasp in sudden surprise. His large hands grace my cheeks. He squeezes firmly, the tips of his fingers sliding deep between the crease of my ass. I stand as those hands slide up my hips, along the curves of my waist and then reach around to my stomach. I am a trembling mess of hormones and emotions.

  He pulls me back against him and leans in. Those pouty lips trail up my neck, until they reach my ear. He pulls on my lobe and then bites it. I moan softly and arch my back, digging my ass crack into his hard erection.

  “You shouldn’t tease me, sweet Emilia. It’s not in my nature, to hold back from what I crave,” he warns.

  “And what is it you crave?” I dare to ask.

  “You. All of you,” he softly growls. I swallow hard.

  His hand from my stomach slowly guides down to my core. He cups me and squeezes. I gasp at the surprising roughness.

  “You wouldn’t want me to lose control now, would you?” Yes.

  “Maybe I do,” I dare to tease. His teeth gently graze the skin on my neck, and I buck back into him in response.

  “You sweetness, are nowhere near ready for what I am capable of doing to you and your body, so don’t push me, or you might regret what you just said,” he warns, and it is enough to make me gush with wetness. My e
yes close and I silently moan. Fuck... please! I want you…

  The logical part of my brain told me to listen to him. I don’t know him. I don’t know what he is capable of. I don’t even know what the Hell he is. “Be smart Emilia. Listen to him,” the little voice in my head says.

  I sigh.

  “Fine,” I submit.

  “Good girl. Now get dressed before I eat you.” Fuck... me. He did not… just… good God if I wasn’t turned on before, I am turned on now.

  He releases me from his hold and I already ache from his absence.

  Once I am dressed, I approach him from behind. I walk around and stand in front of him. He snakes an arm around me and pulls me flush against him.

  “Hold on to me, sweetness,” he says. I wrap my arms tightly around him, as he does the same with me. “Now inhale, deeply.” I take a huge breath and—

  I gasp, as if I had been holding my breath under water for far too long. A micro-second. I barely blinked and we were now standing on the porch of my home. My chest is rising and falling against his. My head falls against his shoulder, as I try to catch my breath.

  “Will I ever get used to that?” I struggle to ask.

  “Yes. In time, it will not phase you. In time you should grow used to it. Maybe,” he adds.

  “Cool,” I breathlessly reply. Neither one of us release our strong hold of each other. His knuckles gently trail up my cheek, stopping to tuck my hair behind my ear. I raise my head to see him.

  “I will see you tonight, sweet Emilia,” he reminds. Right. The movies. I forgot.

  He lets go of me and takes a step back. His bright blue eyes are locked on mine, all while he grabs my hand and brings it to his lips. He lays a deep kiss upon to top of my skin and then slowly lowers it. I am lost in his alluring gaze. My mind has ceased to function. My body has halted in place. The only control I still own is the control to gaze at that beautiful face.

  I swallow hard and pray to God that I am not drooling.

  And then gone is the blue-eyed boy and in his place, resides an eerie, dark, shadowy mist. Just like the mist I’ve seen before that night in my room... the bastard.

  My mind wants to freak out at what I just witnessed, but I shut it down. Closed the door. “Don’t torture your mind with the unknown, Emilia. Just embrace it. Accept it.” His words would become my mantra. They would become my world.

  I take a deep, relaxing breath, before walking inside my home.

  I make my way up to my room in a cloudy haze. I reach my bed and fall. My back hits my soft mattress with a thump. I lay there, immobile, mindless and utterly empty.

  The only thing my overworked mind is capable of comprehending, is that I am breathing. Breathing and still living. I am alive, yet I can’t help but feel as though a part of me is dying, but what part of me? I am losing something... what is it?

  It’s then that I realize… it’s me that I am losing. I am losing my mind. I am losing my soul. I am losing control and I am falling. Falling into the dark, hot void and into the oblivion of which the blue-eyed boy lives, but I suppose there are worst people to fall for.

  I mean, what can be worst than falling for someone as beautiful as him?

  It’s not like he’s some kind of monster.



  I can see Van standing at the ticket booth right outside the theater. Her back faces me. She hasn’t noticed me yet. I glance around, looking for him, the boy with the blue eyes. He is nowhere to be found. I try not to worry. He’ll be here. He said he would. I believe him. He’s still here. I can still feel him swirling around inside me. He’ll be here.

  Van finally turns. Her face lights up when she sees me, and I smile. She looks so hap— fuck no. I forgot he was going to be here.

  Van runs up and gives me a big hug.

  “Oh my God! You’re here!” She glances around. “Where’s Austin? Is he coming?” she asks.

  “Yeah. He said he is. He’ll be here.” He will be. He said he would be. Chill Emilia. You’re acting like an obsessed addict.

  “Sooo. How was playing hooky with hot stuff?” she nudges me, winks and asks. I don’t get the chance to answer. Cole pops out from behind Van, smiling brightly and I instantly freeze. Cole creeps me the fuck out and that’s saying a lot, in comparison to my blue eye beauty.

  Go away, I wanted to tell him, but that would only raise suspicion.

  “The only hot thing here is me, and I don’t recall playing hooky with you babe,” he teases me. Van rolls her eyes and smacks him playfully on the chest.

  “Leave the girl alone so she can spill the beans,” she tells him.

  “She knows I’m playing,” he says, as he reaches towards me and pulls me in for a big hug. His arms wrap around me, holding me tight against him. His face rests in the crook of my neck and I feel his lips press against my skin. I want to scream. I want fight, but I don’t. I can’t. Not in front of Van.

  My arms hang limp beside me. Instant nausea dares to surface and I fight back the urge to vomit.

  “Okayyy,” I whisper. I’m ready for him to let go. I press my palms against his hard chest and try to nonchalantly push him away. He doesn’t budge, instead he pulls me even closer against him and whispers into my ear,

  “I miss you… I’ve been trying to call you,” he says, sounding almost saddened that I have been ignoring him, since last weekend. I don’t answer him, instead, I attempt to push him off me once again, only this time, an arm swoops around my waist and pulls me back, separating me from my old friend.

  My back hits a hard, muscular chest behind me and I smile, when I instantly recognize that familiar warm body.

  I let out a sigh in relief.

  “There he is!” Van shouts excitingly.

  Both of Austin’s arms are wrapped possessively around my waist, holding me tight against him. Thank you, I want to say to the tall giant behind me. I arch my head back and gaze up at him, but he does not look at me, instead, his glaring eyes are focused on Cole. Good. Give him the go to Hell look. Do your worst blue eyes.

  “Relax man. I was just saying Hello to my best friend,” Cole tells him, and then wraps an arm around Vans shoulder. Van stares adoringly back at him and I want to vomit at the scene.

  “We got all our tickets so we can sit together, you can just pay me back whenever. We’ll meet you two in there,” Van says. She hands me mine and Austin’s tickets, before her and Cole turn around, skipping happily away indoors.

  Austin turns to face me. Both his hands reach to cup my cheeks. I can see him searching. I can feel his presence inside me.

  “He should not have touched you,” he says so adamantly. I huff at the truth to that.

  “No. You’re right. He shouldn’t have.” He should never had laid his filthy disgusting hands on me, ever. Not then, and not now.

  “I feel you. I feel your pain. Did he hurt you?” Austin gently asks.

  “He just gave me a hug. It didn’t hurt. I just didn’t want him to touch me,” I say. I was vague, and I wasn’t technically lying. He didn’t hurt me... At least not today.

  “You’re hiding something from me, Emilia. Do not forget, I am in you. I can feel you.” Fuck... he knows... Shit. I have to find a way out of this conversation, before he digs deeper.

  “Let’s not get into this right now, plus, you hide stuff from me too, so what’s the difference?” I fight back. Good one, Emilia.

  His head tilts, and confusion shows by the way his eyebrows crease together.

  “I only hide to protect you.” Oh. Well, fuck me. That’s cute, I guess.

  “And who’s to say that I’m not doing the same? Trust me, you don’t want to know my secrets,” I end with a slight sarcastic laugh.

  You really don’t. I saw how upset you were when Van bumped into me at school. I’m afraid to see what you’ll do to someone, who intentionally causes me harm.

  “But I do. I want to know them all,” he confesses. His statement ignites a feeling of
relief. He wants to know me. A slight smile escapes me, but I try to hide it. Got to remain hard, if I want to stand my ground and make a point.

  “And I want to know all of yours. You give me what I want, and I’ll give you what you want,” I firmly say. Sounds fair enough I’d say. I’m trying to be reasonable here.

  His face drops and it looks as if he wants to laugh. What’s so amusing? I want to ask, but before I do, he catches me off guard when his eyes dart up from his lowered gaze, locking me right where I am.

  That smirk... it’s devilish. It’s full of mischief and it is my ultimate weakness.

  “You play a dangerous game, my sweet,” he warns. I swallow a nervous gulp. He doesn’t scare me. As much as he wants to, he doesn’t scare me. I think... okay, maybe just a little, but I am willing to take my chances.

  “Oh yeah? Then let’s play,” I taunt.

  “Not today,” he says flatly. Ugh! I swear this boy can go from playful, to serious in zero seconds.

  “Fine. Not today then,” I mock. If that’s how he wants to play, then fine. I unwrap my arms from around him. He lets go of me and I take his hand and lead him inside.

  He stands close beside me in silence, while I order a soda and popcorn at the concession stand.

  “You want anything?” I ask him. He shakes his head, lays a twenty on the counter and then pulls me away in a rush.

  “Whoa. Slow down. Don’t you want your change?” I ask. What’s his deal? Moody much? He ignores me and continues leading me towards our theater. He holds the door open and ushers me to enter, before him. At least he’s chivalrous.

  I search for our seats, as he follows behind. I see Van and Cole seated. I head towards them. Van waves and Cole smiles, when they see me.

  I squeeze through the aisle and notice that mine and Austin’s seats are on the other side of Cole. Decision making time. Do I sit Austin next to Cole, or do I sit next to him? No. Hell no to both.

  I squeeze past Van and then past Cole, being careful not to touch his legs and then I feel it. The tips of his fingers skim past my thigh as I pass by. I rush pass him to get away. I take my seat next to him and then Austin sits beside me.


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