THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 9

by Tristin Clark

  I inhale deeply once we arrive and open my eyes. We are standing on my porch. I’m still being held in the strong embrace of the boy before me.

  “We’re here,” I tell him.

  “I know,” he says.

  He doesn’t let up on his tight hold but goes to squeeze me even tighter. My mind says resist him, run away, scream, but it’s my body that says differently. It’s my heart that longs to hold him closer.

  There’s just no fighting this guy. I give up. I give in. I will always give in to this beauty. I sigh, before resting the side of my face against his warm chest. He surprises me when I feel him lay a soft kiss on top of my head. He goes on to hold me dearly, while resting his head on top of mine.

  “I’m still upset with you,” I say, after a moment of silence.

  “I know. I feel it. I didn’t know it would feel like this. I don’t like it,” he confesses.

  “I thought, "you didn’t care if you upset me,” I mock him.

  “I shouldn’t have said that. This is difficult for me. You don’t understand. This is all new for me. I’m trying to adapt, but it’s difficult,” he admits. I pull back to stare up at him.

  “Then enlighten me. Help me understand you. Give me something? I just watched you kill a dog with your own two hands, yet I’m still here. I’m still with you. What does that say about me? I don’t know. Maybe I’m just as twisted, but regardless, I’m here and it’s going to take a lot more to scare me off. So, talk to me, please,” I beg.

  “I told you I’m evil,” he replies. I roll my eyes.

  “Austin… you’re not evil. I believe you did what you had to do to protect us. I believe in your mind, you thought your actions were correct, but that doesn’t make you evil. Evil would be, killing that dog for no reason, but for pleasure itself. Did you get any pleasure out of killing that dog, Austin?”


  “Then you’re not evil. You’re just… overly protective. Maybe a bit extreme with your actions, but that can be due to whatever it is that you are. What are you Austin? You can tell me.”

  “You need more time. I can’t scare you. I can’t lose you,” he says, seeming almost scared himself. Does he really think he’ll lose me?

  “You won’t lose me. I’m here. I’m right here,” I assure.

  “You say that now, but you’ll run once you know the real me.” Oh, I am getting so tired of his mysteries.

  “Oh my God Austin, if you don’t stop playing games, I’m going to blow,” I threaten.

  A smile breaks through that frown and he chuckles. Chuckles! It’s the first time I’ve heard him laugh and I am awed. I suddenly find myself lightly giggling.

  “What is so funny? I was being serious,” I tell him.

  His giant hands move to cup my cheeks. The warmth they emit is intoxicating. I can feel the tiny tingles vibrate between our skin. It’s enough to relax every tense cell in my body. I wonder if he feels them too.

  “A threat from anyone else, I will not tolerate, but from you, and only you, do I submit. The irony that you, a human, can hold such a power over me, entertains me so. I may hold power, but you, my sweet Emilia, hold far more.”

  Whoa. Do I really mean that much to him? What kind of power does he hold? God, I had so many questions, but it’s not like he’d answer my questions right now anyway.

  “Um. Thanks, I guess. You know, you kind of just admitted that you’re not human and hold more power than just teleporting.” I smirk, knowing my great observation skills got him.

  “Observant I see.” My smirk widens.

  “I’m going to know your secrets, one day,” I tell him.

  “And so, shall I of yours,” he says. His smug smirk matching mine.

  “May whoever break first, be the loser,” I taunt.

  I lean back and hold out my hand for him to shake. He glances down at it like he did the first time. He takes it and holds it. My head tilts and I eye our hands curiously, before I gaze up at him in confusion.

  “Austin? Do you not know what a handshake is?” His head tilts and he stares at me as if I had just asked him something so foreign.

  I shake our hands and his eyes drop, watching them bounce.

  “I do now,” he says.

  “How do you— what?” I try to say.

  His eyes meet mine when he speaks,

  “I am not fond of human interactions. I never cared for them. Never cared to learn them.” he enlightens.

  “Wait. What? What are you talking about?” Okay, now I’m even more confused.

  “The human movie was interesting, but I did not understand how the killer returned from the dead as many times as he did. Was he immortal? Why did he wear a mask? And why do you all watch and not try to save your kind? They screamed for your help, yet everyone in the room did nothing. I thought humans were against that kind of violence,” he says, and my mind is seriously spinning. My head shakes in confusion.

  “What are you talking about? You do know that movie was not real, right?”

  “I had my suspicions, but I wasn’t sure. I assumed we were watching the humans through a portal of some sort.”

  “I am so confused right now. I don’t know if you’re messing with me or if you are for real.”

  “I am being real, and I know. I feel your confusion. I’m not human, Emilia. I do not know a great deal of many things, when it comes to your world,” he reminds me.

  “Yeah. No shit, you’re not human. Your giant tongue proved that to me. Okay, so, if you’re not human, then please, spare me the games and just tell me what you are,” I beg.

  “No,” he says flatly. I toss my head back and roll my eyes.

  “Ughhh! Oh my God. You’re ridiculous. Fine!” I shout, and then gaze at him. “Then I’m going to bed,” I tell him. I release my arms from around him and pull away but am instantly pulled back. My

  body slams against his, nearly knocking the breath out of me. I grip his upper arms, squeezing his muscular biceps.

  “Don’t ever walk away from me upset. I don’t like feeling you upset,” he deeply warns.

  “Then don’t make me upset,” I pop back. We’re gazing intensely at one another. Both too stubborn to back down. After a heated moment, he gives in, takes a deep breath and relaxes.

  “I’ll try harder not to. Don’t be upset with me,” he gently begs. Ugh mood swings, I swear. I too take a deep breath and try to relax.

  “Fine. I won’t, but I do think we should call it a night,” I say.

  “If that is what you wish, Emilia.”

  He doesn’t want the night to end. A part of me doesn’t want it to either, but it’s for the best. Too much time with this guy is dangerous. Maybe that’s what attracts me to him. Oh God, was I a danger magnet? Great... like I needed anymore danger in my life.

  “Yeah. That is what I wish,” I tell him. My hands slide across his chest, gently caressing his rather hard pecs, under his soft cotton shirt. “Goodnight Austin,” I say, not having the strength to stare him in the eyes to say goodbye.

  “Goodnight, sweet Emilia,” he softly speaks, just before I feel a light peck on top of my head. I glance up at him and walk back, until I reach the front door.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at school,” I say. At least I hope he’s there. He better be.

  “Do you not wish to see me in your dreams?” he asks. A small smirk forms at the corner of his lips and I find myself blushing.

  “Was that really real?” I wonder, once again.

  “Did it feel real?” he asks, now grinning widely. Smug asshole. That damn smile... he glances down, blushing and then looks up at me with those bright blue eyes. His fingers run through his hair, to comb back the strands that had fallen over his face.

  “Did you, inception my dreams?” I ask him.

  “Did I what?” he confusedly asks. Dumb question. He doesn’t watch movies.

  “Never mind. I just meant, how were you capable of accessing my dream?”

  “I didn’t. I manipulated
it,” he states. My eyes bulge.

  “Say what?” He smirks and says nothing. I know him well enough by now to know that he’s not going to say anything further. That’s okay. I’ll just ask him again another time, until he finally answers. “I’ll see you tomorrow Austin.” I tell him. His head straightens. He gazes at me in silence for a moment and then speaks,

  “See you tomorrow Emilia. Pleasant dreams, sweetness.”

  “Sweet dreams Austin.” He backs away slowly, eyeing me. Within seconds, the dark, shadowy mist takes his place. I watch it until it disappears, leaving no trace of him left behind. I shiver at the eerie scene.

  “Ahhh. Shake it off Emilia. Don’t let it freak you out,” I tell myself.

  I turn around and quietly sneak my way inside my home. I make my way straight up towards my room. As I’m walking along the hall, dad pops out from around the corner, meeting me in the middle.

  “She’s home!” he teases, with a cheery smile.

  “Hey daddy,” I greet, as we go in for a hug. He kisses the top of my head and squeezes me.

  “How’s my princess? Did you have a good day?” he asks. We release one another and I take a step back. Giving us some distance.

  “It was good. Went to the movies with Van and some others. Saw that new horror film. Kind of corny and predictable, but it was alright. How was your day?” I ask him.

  “Oh nice! Glad you had fun baby. Work was work. Hey! I thought we told you not to walk home at night anymore. Not while some psycho killer is out there,” he brings up.

  “I wasn’t alone. This new kid from school walked me home. He went to the movies with us,” I tell him.

  “Oh really? And does this kid have a name?” Gone is the worried father, and now stands the, “I’m gonna pretend to be interested, only to gather more information on who to beat if need be.” I know my father. So predictable, but his over protection is cute. At least I know he cares.

  “Austin,” I say.

  “Austin who?” he questions. Umm. I have no idea actually. Damn Emilia. How do you not know his last name?

  “Um. I don’t know,” I admit. My dad nods judgingly.

  “Hmm. So, you went to the movies with him, yet you don’t know his last name? Nothing weird about that,” he sarcastically replies. Oh, we did a lot more, with me not knowing his last name, but I wasn’t going to tell my dad that.

  “I’ll make sure to get on that tomorrow,” I tell him.

  “You do that kiddo.” We both eye each other in silence for a few awkward seconds, before he speaks again, “Well, go start your homework and wash up baby. It’s late. Mom made chicken alfredo. There’s leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry,” he says.

  “Roger that dad.” I go to move pass him. “Love ya!” I holler back at him.

  “Love ya too princess! I’ll tell mom you’re home!” he hollers back.

  I make my way to my room and shut my door behind me. Leaning back against it, I eye my bedroom window.

  “He doesn’t enter through windows, stupid,” I remind myself.

  I take a deep breath. The thought of how easily it’d be for him to appear in my room, creeped me out a bit. Would he do it again, even when I asked him not to? Would he listen? How would I even know if he did, unless he woke me up. Would he make me dream of him again or would he listen this time, and wait until tomorrow to see me?

  So many questions. So many...

  “Uhhhhh! Stop brain, stop! You’re driving yourself mad, woman.” My hands reach up, to squeeze the sides of my head. I pull at my hair and then release my strands. Sighing, I stand and make my way to the bathroom.

  I run the shower water and began to undress. Steam begins filling the room, fogging up my mirror. I stand fully bare, while resting my palms against the counter. I gaze at the cloudy mirror and swipe my hand across the wet surface.

  “Huhhh!” I gasp in surprise and jump out of my skin, when I see a familiar boy, standing behind me.


  That grinning bastard! His hand quickly covers my mouth, while his other arm snakes around my waist and pulls me back against him. I try to speak under the warm palm of his hand, but my words are muffled.

  “Shhh. You wouldn’t want your parents to hear us,” he whispers into my ear. My eyes close and I moan after feeling those feather light lips on my neck. I try to speak again, but my words fail to surface from under his skin.

  “I tried to stay away. I tried to resist, but you’re too tempting. My sweet, sweet miss,” he eerily rhymes.

  His warm breath against my ear makes me tremble. His teeth pull on my earlobe. I tilt my neck, exposing my flesh to him, waiting for something. I don’t know what, but my body seems to know. My ass is involuntarily grinding into him. My body is taking control, as it acts on its own, demanding for anything it can receive.

  “If I remove my hand, you must be quiet. We can’t have daddy hearing his princess scream, now can we?” Oh fuck... he’s going to pleasure me again. I am panting. My core is convulsing, wet and ready to take whatever he can give me. I nod, to show him I understand.

  “Good girl,” he says.

  He removes his hand from against my mouth, but then sticks two of his fingers inside. Just like his thumb, I’m sucking his fingers, wetting them with my saliva. He removes them, letting them find their next destination.

  His fingers trail down between my slit, until they reach my entrance. He stops just outside.

  “Your body trembles against mine. It craves me,” he says.

  “Yesss,” I moan. My eyes close. My head drops. I bend my body forward, arching my ass and propping myself up with my palms against the counter.

  “Do you enjoy me inside you, sweet Emilia?” he whispers seductively into my ear.

  “Yes!” I moan again, waiting painfully for him to pleasure me.

  “Good,” he says, just as his teeth tug on my ear. His two fingers find their way inside me and my mouth opens wide at the sudden intrusion.

  He begins to thrust them slowly within, while his other hand finds my breast, massaging it tenderly. I press my lips closed, to quiet myself from moaning too loud.

  “I love how warm you are on the inside. How wet. How tight. I enjoy exploring your body. I enjoy watching it whither in pleasure by my doing,” he says. I feel his hot, wet tongue lick up my neck and I quiver.

  My core is convulsing, squeezing his fingers with each stimulating contraction. Those fingers feel so good. So warm, so unbelievable. God, they feel amazing.

  “You enjoy me inside you. I can feel your pleasure. I can feel your lust for more. I can give you more, my Emilia. I can give you, everything,” he promises, just as the tip of his tongue slithers into my ear.

  “Oh God,” I moan.

  His fingers move faster. They thrust deeper. Soon, they begin to burn. Oh no... he’s doing it again.

  “Austin... no,” I try to say, but I am weak.

  My mouth opens wide. My eyes clench tight. I am panting. My core is throbbing, trapping his hot fingers inside. I am on the edge, so close to letting go and releasing the ultimate buildup of orgasms.

  “Austin...” I whimper in pleasurable agony. His thrusting picks up speed. I am melting, losing myself to his seductions.

  “Shhh. Let me in, my sweet. Take it all. Take all of me,” he coos into my ear, as he caresses my cheek.

  I’m going to blow. I’m going to blow! Oh fuck! It’s too strong! Jesus! Fuck! I can’t take it! It burns!

  “Austin... I can’t... it’s too much,” I cry.

  “You can. Little by little, Emilia, I will taint you. You will feel my fire. You will feel it as it courses through your veins. You will feel it as it burns your soul.”

  “Oh God! Oh fu—" Austin’s hand covers my mouth, shutting me up, before I’m too loud.

  His burning fingers are pounding into me and I can’t take it. The pleasure is too much. The fire is too much. Tears trickle down my face. It’s too much. I can’t— Oh God!

  “Mmmmh!” I scream under his hard-pressed palm, just as I feel the final hot wave of ecstasy, he sends rushing through my body.

  My throbbing core releases a brutal orgasm, flooding his hand.

  “There you go, sweetness. It’s over now. You did so well. I’m proud of you. I knew you could take me,” he gently whispers, while leaving encouraging kisses on my temple.

  I am beat. Exhausted. Drained. My body goes limp in his arms and begins to fall forward, before he catches me.

  “I got you,” he delicately assures as he holds me tight against him. He removes his fingers from within me and pulls my head back, resting it on his shoulder. He kisses my cheek, while holding me dearly.

  I can’t speak. Can’t move. I am immobile, paralyzed. So tired.

  “Hey Em!” I hear my mom call, from outside my bathroom door. I attempt to open my mouth to speak but can’t. I’m too weak. “Momma,” I want to say.

  “About to take a shower mom!” Be out in a minute!” says my voice, only it wasn’t I who spoke.

  “Okay honey! I was just going to tell you to turn on the news! There’s been another beheading!” she hollers.

  I should feel panicked. I want to ask what happened, but I can’t.

  “I’ll watch it later!” my voice speaks again, although it’s not mine.

  A moment of silence passes, when I realize my mom is gone. A voice inside me, screams for her to come back. To save me... but it’s faint, almost non-existent. Austin continues holding me, caressing me adoringly.

  “Can’t— mov— tal—" I struggle to say.

  “I know. Side effect of my tainting. I can only offer you a little of me at a time. Your human mind, body and soul can only take so much of my fire, but each time will take more out of you than the last. It will pass, my sweet. You just need to rest. I’ll make sure you rest. I’ve got you,” he assures.

  My eyelids struggle to remain open, and they flutter to see, against the heavy weight that holds them closed.

  “Aus—" I barely whisper. I can’t finish his name. I can’t speak. My heavy eyes close, and I can no longer keep them open.


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